blob: 3a11f76789cbdfbf8cf686421f36520dd5f260b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test program for map literals.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class MapLiteralTest {
static testMain() {
var map = { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 };
Expect.equals(map.length, 3);
Expect.equals(map["a"], 1);
Expect.equals(map["z"], null);
Expect.equals(map["c"], 3);
map["foo"] = 42;
Expect.equals(map.length, 4);
Expect.equals(map["foo"], 42);
map["foo"] = 55;
Expect.equals(map.length, 4);
Expect.equals(map["foo"], 55);
Expect.equals(map.length, 3);
Expect.equals(map["foo"], null);
map["foo"] = "bar";
Expect.equals(map.length, 4);
Expect.equals(map["foo"], "bar");
Expect.equals(map.length, 0);
var b = 22;
Expect.equals(22, {"a": 11, "b": b, }["b"]);
// Make map grow. We currently don't have a way to construct
// strings from an integer value, so we can't use a loop here.
var m = new Map();
Expect.equals(m.length, 0);
m["1"] = 1;
m["2"] = 2;
m["3"] = 3;
m["4"] = 4;
m["5"] = 5;
m["6"] = 6;
m["7"] = 7;
m["8"] = 8;
m["9"] = 9;
m["10"] = 10;
m["11"] = 11;
m["12"] = 12;
m["13"] = 13;
m["14"] = 14;
m["15"] = 15;
m["16"] = 16;
Expect.equals(16, m.length);
m.remove("1"); // Remove element twice.
Expect.equals(14, m.length);
// Check that last value of duplicate key wins for const maps.
final cmap = const <String, num>{"a": 10, "b": 100, "a": 1000}; /// static type warning
Expect.equals(2, cmap.length);
Expect.equals(1000, cmap["a"]);
Expect.equals(100, cmap["b"]);
final cmap2 = const <String, num>{"a": 10, "a": 100, "a": 1000}; /// static type warning
Expect.equals(1, cmap2.length);
Expect.equals(1000, cmap["a"]);
// Check that last value of duplicate key wins for mutable maps.
var mmap = <String, num>{"a": 10, "b": 100, "a": 1000}; /// static type warning
Expect.equals(2, mmap.length);
Expect.equals(1000, mmap["a"]);
Expect.equals(100, mmap["b"]);
// Check that even if a key gets eliminated (the first "a"), all values
// are still evaluated, including side effects.
int counter = 0;
int ctr() { counter += 10; return counter; }
mmap = <String, num>{"a": ctr(), "b": ctr(), "a": ctr()}; /// static type warning
Expect.equals(2, mmap.length);
Expect.equals(40, ctr());
Expect.equals(30, mmap["a"]);
Expect.equals(20, mmap["b"]);
Expect.equals(10, { "beta": 100, "alpha": 9 + 1 }["alpha"]);
Expect.equals(10, <String, Map>{
"beta": {"delta": 10},
"alpha": {"gamma": 10} }["alpha"]["gamma"]);
// Map literals at beginning of statement.
<String, num>{"pink": 100};
const <String, num>{"floyd": 100};
main() {