blob: 315d9a3bdaecb067f4ee4d649c971d17c2e62703 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Regression test for dart2js that used to crash during the
// [SsaCodeMotion] phase on this code.
class A {
final finalField;
var field = 2;
foo() {
new A().field = 42;
A._() : finalField = 42;
A() : finalField = [new A._(), new B(), new Object()][1];
class B {
foo() {}
bar() {}
main() {
var a = new A();
// Create a new block for SsaCodeMotion: the phase will want to move
// field access on [a] to this block.
if (true) {
var b = a.finalField;
var d = a.field;;
// [c] gets GVN'ed with [b]. As a consequence, the type propagator
// that runs after GVN sees that [c] can only be a [B] because of
// the call to [bar].
var c = a.finalField;;
// [e] does not get GVN'ed because the GVN phase sees [] as
// having side effects.
var e = a.field;
if (d + e != 4) throw 'Test failed';