blob: 444f0a7752e1c7ab791bd57b4bc86076145d8274 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'dart:async';
topLevelFunction() async { }
Future<int> topLevelWithParameter(int a) async {
return 7 + a;
topLevelWithParameterWrongType(int a) async {
return 7 + a;
var what = 'async getter';
Future<String> get topLevelGetter async {
return 'I want to be an ${what}';
class A {
static int staticVar = 1;
static staticMethod(int param) async => staticVar + param;
static get staticGetter async => staticVar + 3;
int _x;
operator+(A other) async {
return new A(_x + other._x);
get value => _x;
class B {
final _y;
const B._internal(this._y);
B() : _y = null;
main() {
var asyncReturn;
asyncReturn = topLevelFunction();
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn = topLevelWithParameter(4);
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn.then((int result) => Expect.equals(result, 11));
asyncReturn = topLevelGetter;
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn.then((String result) =>
Expect.stringEquals(result, 'I want to be an async getter'));
asyncReturn = A.staticMethod(2);
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn.then((int result) => Expect.equals(result, 3));
asyncReturn = A.staticGetter;
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn.then((int result) => Expect.equals(result, 4));
A a = new A(13);
var b = new A(9);
asyncReturn = a + b;
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn.then((A result) => Expect.equals(result.value, 22));
var foo = 17;
bar(int p1, p2) async {
var z = 8;
return p2 + z + foo;
asyncReturn = bar(1,2);
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn.then((int result) => Expect.equals(result, 27));
var moreNesting = (int shadowP1, String p2, num p3) {
var z = 3;
aa(int shadowP1) async {
return foo + z + p3 + shadowP1;
return aa(6);
asyncReturn = moreNesting(1, "ignore", 2);
Expect.isTrue(asyncReturn is Future);
asyncReturn.then((int result) => Expect.equals(result, 28));
var checkAsync = (var someFunc) {
var toTest = someFunc();
Expect.isTrue(toTest is Future);
toTest.then((int result) => Expect.equals(result, 4));
checkAsync(() async => 4);