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// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.async;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Core Stream types
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef void _TimerCallback();
/// A source of asynchronous data events.
/// A Stream provides a way to receive a sequence of events.
/// Each event is either a data event, also called an *element* of the stream,
/// or an error event, which is a notification that something has failed.
/// When a stream has emitted all its event,
/// a single "done" event will notify the listener that the end has been reached.
/// You [listen] on a stream to make it start generating events,
/// and to set up listeners that receive the events.
/// When you listen, you receive a [StreamSubscription] object
/// which is the active object providing the events,
/// and which can be used to stop listening again,
/// or to temporarily pause events from the subscription.
/// There are two kinds of streams: "Single-subscription" streams and
/// "broadcast" streams.
/// *A single-subscription stream* allows only a single listener during the whole
/// lifetime of the stream.
/// It doesn't start generating events until it has a listener,
/// and it stops sending events when the listener is unsubscribed,
/// even if the source of events could still provide more.
/// Listening twice on a single-subscription stream is not allowed, even after
/// the first subscription has been canceled.
/// Single-subscription streams are generally used for streaming chunks of
/// larger contiguous data like file I/O.
/// *A broadcast stream* allows any number of listeners, and it fires
/// its events when they are ready, whether there are listeners or not.
/// Broadcast streams are used for independent events/observers.
/// If several listeners want to listen to a single subscription stream,
/// use [asBroadcastStream] to create a broadcast stream on top of the
/// non-broadcast stream.
/// On either kind of stream, stream transformations, such as [where] and
/// [skip], return the same type of stream as the one the method was called on,
/// unless otherwise noted.
/// When an event is fired, the listener(s) at that time will receive the event.
/// If a listener is added to a broadcast stream while an event is being fired,
/// that listener will not receive the event currently being fired.
/// If a listener is canceled, it immediately stops receiving events.
/// Listening on a broadcast stream can be treated as listening on a new stream
/// containing only the events that have not yet been emitted when the [listen]
/// call occurs.
/// For example, the [first] getter listens to the stream, then returns the first
/// event that listener receives.
/// This is not necessarily the first even emitted by the stream, but the first
/// of the *remaining* events of the broadcast stream.
/// When the "done" event is fired, subscribers are unsubscribed before
/// receiving the event. After the event has been sent, the stream has no
/// subscribers. Adding new subscribers to a broadcast stream after this point
/// is allowed, but they will just receive a new "done" event as soon
/// as possible.
/// Stream subscriptions always respect "pause" requests. If necessary they need
/// to buffer their input, but often, and preferably, they can simply request
/// their input to pause too.
/// The default implementation of [isBroadcast] returns false.
/// A broadcast stream inheriting from [Stream] must override [isBroadcast]
/// to return `true`.
abstract class Stream<T> {
/// Internal use only. We do not want to promise that Stream stays const.
/// If mixins become compatible with const constructors, we may use a
/// stream mixin instead of extending Stream from a const class.
const Stream._internal();
/// Creates an empty broadcast stream.
/// This is a stream which does nothing except sending a done event
/// when it's listened to.
const factory Stream.empty() = _EmptyStream<T>;
/// Creates a stream which emits a single data event before completing.
/// This stream emits a single data event of [value]
/// and then completes with a done event.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// Future<void> printThings(Stream<String> data) async {
/// await for (var x in data) {
/// print(x);
/// }
/// }
/// printThings(Stream<String>.value("ok")); // prints "ok".
/// ```
/// The returned stream is effectively equivalent to one created by
/// `(() async* { yield value; } ())` or `Future<T>.value(value).asStream()`.
factory Stream.value(T value) =>
(_AsyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null)
/// Creates a stream which emits a single error event before completing.
/// This stream emits a single error event of [error] and [stackTrace]
/// and then completes with a done event.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// Future<void> tryThings(Stream<int> data) async {
/// try {
/// await for (var x in data) {
/// print("Data: $x");
/// }
/// } catch (e) {
/// print(e);
/// }
/// }
/// tryThings(Stream<int>.error("Error")); // prints "Error".
/// ```
/// The returned stream is effectively equivalent to one created by
/// `Future<T>.error(error, stackTrace).asStream()`, by or
/// `(() async* { throw error; } ())`, except that you can control the
/// stack trace as well.
factory Stream.error(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
checkNotNullable(error, "error");
return (_AsyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null)
.._addError(error, stackTrace ?? AsyncError.defaultStackTrace(error))
/// Creates a new single-subscription stream from the future.
/// When the future completes, the stream will fire one event, either
/// data or error, and then close with a done-event.
factory Stream.fromFuture(Future<T> future) {
// Use the controller's buffering to fill in the value even before
// the stream has a listener. For a single value, it's not worth it
// to wait for a listener before doing the `then` on the future.
_StreamController<T> controller =
new _SyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
future.then((value) {
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
controller._addError(error, stackTrace);
/// Create a single-subscription stream from a group of futures.
/// The stream reports the results of the futures on the stream in the order
/// in which the futures complete.
/// Each future provides either a data event or an error event,
/// depending on how the future completes.
/// If some futures have already completed when `Stream.fromFutures` is called,
/// their results will be emitted in some unspecified order.
/// When all futures have completed, the stream is closed.
/// If [futures] is empty, the stream closes as soon as possible.
factory Stream.fromFutures(Iterable<Future<T>> futures) {
_StreamController<T> controller =
new _SyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
int count = 0;
// Declare these as variables holding closures instead of as
// function declarations.
// This avoids creating a new closure from the functions for each future.
void onValue(T value) {
if (!controller.isClosed) {
if (--count == 0) controller._closeUnchecked();
void onError(Object error, StackTrace stack) {
if (!controller.isClosed) {
controller._addError(error, stack);
if (--count == 0) controller._closeUnchecked();
// The futures are already running, so start listening to them immediately
// (instead of waiting for the stream to be listened on).
// If we wait, we might not catch errors in the futures in time.
for (var future in futures) {
future.then(onValue, onError: onError);
// Use schedule microtask since controller is sync.
if (count == 0) scheduleMicrotask(controller.close);
/// Creates a single-subscription stream that gets its data from [elements].
/// The iterable is iterated when the stream receives a listener, and stops
/// iterating if the listener cancels the subscription, or if the
/// [Iterator.moveNext] method returns `false` or throws.
/// Iteration is suspended while the stream subscription is paused.
/// If calling [Iterator.moveNext] on `elements.iterator` throws,
/// the stream emits that error and then it closes.
/// If reading [Iterator.current] on `elements.iterator` throws,
/// the stream emits that error, but keeps iterating.
factory Stream.fromIterable(Iterable<T> elements) {
return new _GeneratedStreamImpl<T>(
() => new _IterablePendingEvents<T>(elements));
/// Creates a multi-subscription stream.
/// Each time the created stream is listened to,
/// the [onListen] callback is invoked with a new [MultiStreamController]
/// which forwards events to the [StreamSubscription]
/// returned by that [listen] call.
/// This allows each listener to be treated as an individual stream.
/// The [MultiStreamController] does not support reading its
/// []. Setting its [StreamController.onListen]
/// has no effect since the [onListen] callback is called instead,
/// and the [StreamController.onListen] won't be called later.
/// The controller acts like an asynchronous controller,
/// but provides extra methods for delivering events synchronously.
/// If [isBroadcast] is set to `true`, the returned stream's
/// [Stream.isBroadcast] will be `true`.
/// This has no effect on the stream behavior,
/// it is up to the [onListen] function
/// to act like a broadcast stream if it claims to be one.
/// A multi-subscription stream can behave like any other stream.
/// If the [onListen] callback throws on every call after the first,
/// the stream behaves like a single-subscription stream.
/// If the stream emits the same events to all current listeners,
/// it behaves like a broadcast stream.
/// It can also choose to emit different events to different listeners.
/// For example, a stream which repeats the most recent
/// non-`null` event to new listeners, could be implemented as this example:
/// ```dart
/// extension StreamRepeatLatestExtension<T extends Object> on Stream<T> {
/// Stream<T> repeatLatest() {
/// var done = false;
/// T? latest = null;
/// var currentListeners = <MultiStreamController<T>>{};
/// this.listen((event) {
/// latest = event;
/// for (var listener in [...currentListeners]) listener.addSync(event);
/// }, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stack) {
/// for (var listener in [...currentListeners]) listener.addErrorSync(error, stack);
/// }, onDone: () {
/// done = true;
/// latest = null;
/// for (var listener in currentListeners) listener.closeSync();
/// currentListeners.clear();
/// });
/// return Stream.multi((controller) {
/// if (done) {
/// controller.close();
/// return;
/// }
/// currentListeners.add(controller);
/// var latestValue = latest;
/// if (latestValue != null) controller.add(latestValue);
/// controller.onCancel = () {
/// currentListeners.remove(controller);
/// };
/// });
/// }
/// }
/// ```
factory Stream.multi(void Function(MultiStreamController<T>) onListen,
{bool isBroadcast = false}) {
return _MultiStream<T>(onListen, isBroadcast);
/// Creates a stream that repeatedly emits events at [period] intervals.
/// The event values are computed by invoking [computation]. The argument to
/// this callback is an integer that starts with 0 and is incremented for
/// every event.
/// The [period] must a non-negative [Duration].
/// If [computation] is omitted the event values will all be `null`.
/// The [computation] must not be omitted if the event type [T] does not
/// allow `null` as a value.
factory Stream.periodic(Duration period,
[T computation(int computationCount)?]) {
if (computation == null && !typeAcceptsNull<T>()) {
throw ArgumentError.value(null, "computation",
"Must not be omitted when the event type is non-nullable");
var controller = _SyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
// Counts the time that the Stream was running (and not paused).
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
controller.onListen = () {
int computationCount = 0;
void sendEvent(_) {
if (computation != null) {
T event;
try {
event = computation(computationCount++);
} catch (e, s) {
controller.addError(e, s);
} else {
controller.add(null as T); // We have checked that null is T.
Timer timer = Timer.periodic(period, sendEvent);
..onCancel = () {
return Future._nullFuture;
..onPause = () {
..onResume = () {
Duration elapsed = watch.elapsed;
timer = new Timer(period - elapsed, () {
timer = Timer.periodic(period, sendEvent);
/// Creates a stream where all events of an existing stream are piped through
/// a sink-transformation.
/// The given [mapSink] closure is invoked when the returned stream is
/// listened to. All events from the [source] are added into the event sink
/// that is returned from the invocation. The transformation puts all
/// transformed events into the sink the [mapSink] closure received during
/// its invocation. Conceptually the [mapSink] creates a transformation pipe
/// with the input sink being the returned [EventSink] and the output sink
/// being the sink it received.
/// This constructor is frequently used to build transformers.
/// Example use for a duplicating transformer:
/// ```dart
/// class DuplicationSink implements EventSink<String> {
/// final EventSink<String> _outputSink;
/// DuplicationSink(this._outputSink);
/// void add(String data) {
/// _outputSink.add(data);
/// _outputSink.add(data);
/// }
/// void addError(e, [st]) { _outputSink.addError(e, st); }
/// void close() { _outputSink.close(); }
/// }
/// class DuplicationTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase<String, String> {
/// // Some generic types omitted for brevity.
/// Stream bind(Stream stream) => Stream<String>.eventTransformed(
/// stream,
/// (EventSink sink) => DuplicationSink(sink));
/// }
/// stringStream.transform(DuplicationTransformer());
/// ```
/// The resulting stream is a broadcast stream if [source] is.
factory Stream.eventTransformed(
Stream<dynamic> source, EventSink<dynamic> mapSink(EventSink<T> sink)) {
return new _BoundSinkStream(source, mapSink);
/// Adapts [source] to be a `Stream<T>`.
/// This allows [source] to be used at the new type, but at run-time it
/// must satisfy the requirements of both the new type and its original type.
/// Data events created by the source stream must also be instances of [T].
static Stream<T> castFrom<S, T>(Stream<S> source) =>
new CastStream<S, T>(source);
/// Whether this stream is a broadcast stream.
bool get isBroadcast => false;
/// Returns a multi-subscription stream that produces the same events as this.
/// The returned stream will subscribe to this stream when its first
/// subscriber is added, and will stay subscribed until this stream ends,
/// or a callback cancels the subscription.
/// If [onListen] is provided, it is called with a subscription-like object
/// that represents the underlying subscription to this stream. It is
/// possible to pause, resume or cancel the subscription during the call
/// to [onListen]. It is not possible to change the event handlers, including
/// using [StreamSubscription.asFuture].
/// If [onCancel] is provided, it is called in a similar way to [onListen]
/// when the returned stream stops having listener. If it later gets
/// a new listener, the [onListen] function is called again.
/// Use the callbacks, for example, for pausing the underlying subscription
/// while having no subscribers to prevent losing events, or canceling the
/// subscription when there are no listeners.
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream(
{void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)?,
void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)?}) {
return new _AsBroadcastStream<T>(this, onListen, onCancel);
/// Adds a subscription to this stream.
/// Returns a [StreamSubscription] which handles events from this stream using
/// the provided [onData], [onError] and [onDone] handlers.
/// The handlers can be changed on the subscription, but they start out
/// as the provided functions.
/// On each data event from this stream, the subscriber's [onData] handler
/// is called. If [onData] is `null`, nothing happens.
/// On errors from this stream, the [onError] handler is called with the
/// error object and possibly a stack trace.
/// The [onError] callback must be of type `void Function(Object error)` or
/// `void Function(Object error, StackTrace)`.
/// The function type determines whether [onError] is invoked with a stack
/// trace argument.
/// The stack trace argument may be [StackTrace.empty] if this stream received
/// an error without a stack trace.
/// Otherwise it is called with just the error object.
/// If [onError] is omitted, any errors on this stream are considered unhandled,
/// and will be passed to the current [Zone]'s error handler.
/// By default unhandled async errors are treated
/// as if they were uncaught top-level errors.
/// If this stream closes and sends a done event, the [onDone] handler is
/// called. If [onDone] is `null`, nothing happens.
/// If [cancelOnError] is `true`, the subscription is automatically canceled
/// when the first error event is delivered. The default is `false`.
/// While a subscription is paused, or when it has been canceled,
/// the subscription doesn't receive events and none of the
/// event handler functions are called.
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError});
/// Creates a new stream from this stream that discards some elements.
/// The new stream sends the same error and done events as this stream,
/// but it only sends the data events that satisfy the [test].
/// If the [test] function throws, the data event is dropped and the
/// error is emitted on the returned stream instead.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription
/// will individually perform the `test`.
Stream<T> where(bool test(T event)) {
return new _WhereStream<T>(this, test);
/// Transforms each element of this stream into a new stream event.
/// Creates a new stream that converts each element of this stream
/// to a new value using the [convert] function, and emits the result.
/// For each data event, `o`, in this stream, the returned stream
/// provides a data event with the value `convert(o)`.
/// If [convert] throws, the returned stream reports it as an error
/// event instead.
/// Error and done events are passed through unchanged to the returned stream.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// The [convert] function is called once per data event per listener.
/// If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription
/// will individually call [convert] on each data event.
/// Unlike [transform], this method does not treat the stream as
/// chunks of a single value. Instead each event is converted independently
/// of the previous and following events, which may not always be correct.
/// For example, UTF-8 encoding, or decoding, will give wrong results
/// if a surrogate pair, or a multibyte UTF-8 encoding, is split into
/// separate events, and those events are attempted encoded or decoded
/// independently.
Stream<S> map<S>(S convert(T event)) {
return new _MapStream<T, S>(this, convert);
/// Creates a new stream with each data event of this stream asynchronously
/// mapped to a new event.
/// This acts like [map], except that [convert] may return a [Future],
/// and in that case, this stream waits for that future to complete before
/// continuing with its result.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
Stream<E> asyncMap<E>(FutureOr<E> convert(T event)) {
_StreamControllerBase<E> controller;
if (isBroadcast) {
controller = _SyncBroadcastStreamController<E>(null, null);
} else {
controller = _SyncStreamController<E>(null, null, null, null);
controller.onListen = () {
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = this.listen(null,
onError: controller._addError, // Avoid Zone error replacement.
onDone: controller.close);
FutureOr<Null> add(E value) {
final addError = controller._addError;
final resume = subscription.resume;
subscription.onData((T event) {
FutureOr<E> newValue;
try {
newValue = convert(event);
} catch (e, s) {
controller.addError(e, s);
if (newValue is Future<E>) {
newValue.then(add, onError: addError).whenComplete(resume);
} else {
// TODO(40014): Remove cast when type promotion works.
controller.add(newValue as dynamic);
controller.onCancel = subscription.cancel;
if (!isBroadcast) {
..onPause = subscription.pause
..onResume = resume;
/// Transforms each element into a sequence of asynchronous events.
/// Returns a new stream and for each event of this stream, do the following:
/// * If the event is an error event or a done event, it is emitted directly
/// by the returned stream.
/// * Otherwise it is an element. Then the [convert] function is called
/// with the element as argument to produce a convert-stream for the element.
/// * If that call throws, the error is emitted on the returned stream.
/// * If the call returns `null`, no further action is taken for the elements.
/// * Otherwise, this stream is paused and convert-stream is listened to.
/// Every data and error event of the convert-stream is emitted on the returned
/// stream in the order it is produced.
/// When the convert-stream ends, this stream is resumed.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
Stream<E> asyncExpand<E>(Stream<E>? convert(T event)) {
_StreamControllerBase<E> controller;
if (isBroadcast) {
controller = _SyncBroadcastStreamController<E>(null, null);
} else {
controller = _SyncStreamController<E>(null, null, null, null);
controller.onListen = () {
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = this.listen(null,
onError: controller._addError, // Avoid Zone error replacement.
onDone: controller.close);
subscription.onData((T event) {
Stream<E>? newStream;
try {
newStream = convert(event);
} catch (e, s) {
controller.addError(e, s);
if (newStream != null) {
controller.onCancel = subscription.cancel;
if (!isBroadcast) {
..onPause = subscription.pause
..onResume = subscription.resume;
/// Creates a wrapper Stream that intercepts some errors from this stream.
/// If this stream sends an error that matches [test], then it is intercepted
/// by the [onError] function.
/// The [onError] callback must be of type `void Function(Object error)` or
/// `void Function(Object error, StackTrace)`.
/// The function type determines whether [onError] is invoked with a stack
/// trace argument.
/// The stack trace argument may be [StackTrace.empty] if this stream received
/// an error without a stack trace.
/// An asynchronous error `error` is matched by a test function if
///`test(error)` returns true. If [test] is omitted, every error is considered
/// matching.
/// If the error is intercepted, the [onError] function can decide what to do
/// with it. It can throw if it wants to raise a new (or the same) error,
/// or simply return to make this stream forget the error.
/// If the received `error` value is thrown again by the [onError] function,
/// it acts like a `rethrow` and it is emitted along with its original
/// stack trace, not the stack trace of the `throw` inside [onError].
/// If you need to transform an error into a data event, use the more generic
/// [Stream.transform] to handle the event by writing a data event to
/// the output sink.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription
/// will individually perform the `test` and handle the error.
Stream<T> handleError(Function onError, {bool test(error)?}) {
return new _HandleErrorStream<T>(this, onError, test);
/// Transforms each element of this stream into a sequence of elements.
/// Returns a new stream where each element of this stream is replaced
/// by zero or more data events.
/// The event values are provided as an [Iterable] by a call to [convert]
/// with the element as argument, and the elements of that iterable is
/// emitted in iteration order.
/// If calling [convert] throws, or if the iteration of the returned values
/// throws, the error is emitted on the returned stream and iteration ends
/// for that element of this stream.
/// Error events and the done event of this stream are forwarded directly
/// to the returned stream.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription
/// will individually call `convert` and expand the events.
Stream<S> expand<S>(Iterable<S> convert(T element)) {
return new _ExpandStream<T, S>(this, convert);
/// Pipes the events of this stream into [streamConsumer].
/// All events of this stream are added to `streamConsumer` using
/// [StreamConsumer.addStream].
/// The `streamConsumer` is closed when this stream has been successfully added
/// to it - when the future returned by `addStream` completes without an error.
/// Returns a future which completes when this stream has been consumed
/// and the consumer has been closed.
/// The returned future completes with the same result as the future returned
/// by [StreamConsumer.close].
/// If the call to [StreamConsumer.addStream] fails in some way, this
/// method fails in the same way.
Future pipe(StreamConsumer<T> streamConsumer) {
return streamConsumer.addStream(this).then((_) => streamConsumer.close());
/// Applies [streamTransformer] to this stream.
/// Returns the transformed stream,
/// that is, the result of `streamTransformer.bind(this)`.
/// This method simply allows writing the call to `streamTransformer.bind`
/// in a chained fashion, like
/// ```
/// ```
/// which can be more convenient than calling `bind` directly.
/// The [streamTransformer] can return any stream.
/// Whether the returned stream is a broadcast stream or not,
/// and which elements it will contain,
/// is entirely up to the transformation.
/// This method should always be used for transformations which treat
/// the entire stream as representing a single value
/// which has perhaps been split into several parts for transport,
/// like a file being read from disk or being fetched over a network.
/// The transformation will then produce a new stream which
/// transforms the stream's value incrementally (perhaps using
/// [Converter.startChunkedConversion]). The resulting stream
/// may again be chunks of the result, but does not have to
/// correspond to specific events from the source string.
Stream<S> transform<S>(StreamTransformer<T, S> streamTransformer) {
return streamTransformer.bind(this);
/// Combines a sequence of values by repeatedly applying [combine].
/// Similar to [Iterable.reduce], this function maintains a value,
/// starting with the first element of this stream
/// and updated for each further element of this stream.
/// For each element after the first,
/// the value is updated to the result of calling [combine]
/// with the previous value and the element.
/// When this stream is done, the returned future is completed with
/// the value at that time.
/// If this stream is empty, the returned future is completed with
/// an error.
/// If this stream emits an error, or the call to [combine] throws,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing is stopped.
Future<T> reduce(T combine(T previous, T element)) {
_Future<T> result = new _Future<T>();
bool seenFirst = false;
late T value;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: result._completeError, onDone: () {
if (!seenFirst) {
try {
// Throw and recatch, instead of just doing
// _completeWithErrorCallback, e, theError, StackTrace.current),
// to ensure that the stackTrace is set on the error.
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
} catch (e, s) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(result, e, s);
} else {
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T element) {
if (seenFirst) {
_runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (T newValue) {
value = newValue;
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result));
} else {
value = element;
seenFirst = true;
return result;
/// Combines a sequence of values by repeatedly applying [combine].
/// Similar to [Iterable.fold], this function maintains a value,
/// starting with [initialValue] and updated for each element of
/// this stream.
/// For each element, the value is updated to the result of calling
/// [combine] with the previous value and the element.
/// When this stream is done, the returned future is completed with
/// the value at that time.
/// For an empty stream, the future is completed with [initialValue].
/// If this stream emits an error, or the call to [combine] throws,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing is stopped.
Future<S> fold<S>(S initialValue, S combine(S previous, T element)) {
_Future<S> result = new _Future<S>();
S value = initialValue;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: result._completeError, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T element) {
_runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (S newValue) {
value = newValue;
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result));
return result;
/// Combines the string representation of elements into a single string.
/// Each element is converted to a string using its [Object.toString] method.
/// If [separator] is provided, it is inserted between element string
/// representations.
/// The returned future is completed with the combined string when this stream
/// is done.
/// If this stream emits an error, or the call to [Object.toString] throws,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing stops.
Future<String> join([String separator = ""]) {
_Future<String> result = new _Future<String>();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
bool first = true;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: result._completeError, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
? (T element) {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
_cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, result, e, s);
: (T element) {
if (!first) {
first = false;
try {
} catch (e, s) {
_cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, result, e, s);
return result;
/// Returns whether [needle] occurs in the elements provided by this stream.
/// Compares each element of this stream to [needle] using [Object.==].
/// If an equal element is found, the returned future is completed with `true`.
/// If this stream ends without finding a match, the future is completed with
/// `false`.
/// If this stream emits an error, or the call to [Object.==] throws,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing stops.
Future<bool> contains(Object? needle) {
_Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T element) {
_runUserCode(() => (element == needle), (bool isMatch) {
if (isMatch) {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true);
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future));
return future;
/// Executes [action] on each element of this stream.
/// Completes the returned [Future] when all elements of this stream
/// have been processed.
/// If this stream emits an error, or if the call to [action] throws,
/// the returned future completes with that error,
/// and processing stops.
Future forEach(void action(T element)) {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T element) {
_runUserCode<void>(() => action(element), (_) {},
_cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future));
return future;
/// Checks whether [test] accepts all elements provided by this stream.
/// Calls [test] on each element of this stream.
/// If the call returns `false`, the returned future is completed with `false`
/// and processing stops.
/// If this stream ends without finding an element that [test] rejects,
/// the returned future is completed with `true`.
/// If this stream emits an error, or if the call to [test] throws,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing stops.
Future<bool> every(bool test(T element)) {
_Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T element) {
_runUserCode(() => test(element), (bool isMatch) {
if (!isMatch) {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false);
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future));
return future;
/// Checks whether [test] accepts any element provided by this stream.
/// Calls [test] on each element of this stream.
/// If the call returns `true`, the returned future is completed with `true`
/// and processing stops.
/// If this stream ends without finding an element that [test] accepts,
/// the returned future is completed with `false`.
/// If this stream emits an error, or if the call to [test] throws,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing stops.
Future<bool> any(bool test(T element)) {
_Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T element) {
_runUserCode(() => test(element), (bool isMatch) {
if (isMatch) {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true);
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future));
return future;
/// The number of elements in this stream.
/// Waits for all elements of this stream. When this stream ends,
/// the returned future is completed with the number of elements.
/// If this stream emits an error,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing stops.
/// This operation listens to this stream, and a non-broadcast stream cannot
/// be reused after finding its length.
Future<int> get length {
_Future<int> future = new _Future<int>();
int count = 0;
(_) {
onError: future._completeError,
onDone: () {
cancelOnError: true);
return future;
/// Whether this stream contains any elements.
/// Waits for the first element of this stream, then completes the returned
/// future with `false`.
/// If this stream ends without emitting any elements, the returned future is
/// completed with `true`.
/// If the first event is an error, the returned future is completed with that
/// error.
/// This operation listens to this stream, and a non-broadcast stream cannot
/// be reused after checking whether it is empty.
Future<bool> get isEmpty {
_Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((_) {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false);
return future;
/// Adapt this stream to be a `Stream<R>`.
/// This stream is wrapped as a `Stream<R>` which checks at run-time that
/// each data event emitted by this stream is also an instance of [R].
Stream<R> cast<R>() => Stream.castFrom<T, R>(this);
/// Collects all elements of this stream in a [List].
/// Creates a `List<T>` and adds all elements of this stream to the list
/// in the order they arrive.
/// When this stream ends, the returned future is completed with that list.
/// If this stream emits an error,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing stops.
Future<List<T>> toList() {
List<T> result = <T>[];
_Future<List<T>> future = new _Future<List<T>>();
(T data) {
onError: future._completeError,
onDone: () {
cancelOnError: true);
return future;
/// Collects the data of this stream in a [Set].
/// Creates a `Set<T>` and adds all elements of this stream to the set.
/// in the order they arrive.
/// When this stream ends, the returned future is completed with that set.
/// The returned set is the same type as created by `<T>{}`.
/// If another type of set is needed, either use [forEach] to add each
/// element to the set, or use
/// `toList().then((list) => new SomeOtherSet.from(list))`
/// to create the set.
/// If this stream emits an error,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// and processing stops.
Future<Set<T>> toSet() {
Set<T> result = new Set<T>();
_Future<Set<T>> future = new _Future<Set<T>>();
(T data) {
onError: future._completeError,
onDone: () {
cancelOnError: true);
return future;
/// Discards all data on this stream, but signals when it is done or an error
/// occurred.
/// When subscribing using [drain], cancelOnError will be true. This means
/// that the future will complete with the first error on this stream and then
/// cancel the subscription.
/// If this stream emits an error, the returned future is completed with
/// that error, and processing is stopped.
/// In case of a `done` event the future completes with the given
/// [futureValue].
/// The [futureValue] must not be omitted if `null` is not assignable to [E].
Future<E> drain<E>([E? futureValue]) {
if (futureValue == null) {
futureValue = futureValue as E;
return listen(null, cancelOnError: true).asFuture<E>(futureValue);
/// Provides at most the first [count] data events of this stream.
/// Returns a stream that emits the same events that this stream would
/// if listened to at the same time,
/// until either this stream ends or it has emitted [count] data events,
/// at which point the returned stream is done.
/// If this stream produces fewer than [count] data events before it's done,
/// so will the returned stream.
/// Starts listening to this stream when the returned stream is listened to
/// and stops listening when the first [count] data events have been received.
/// This means that if this is a single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams
/// it cannot be reused after the returned stream has been listened to.
/// If this is a broadcast stream, the returned stream is a broadcast stream.
/// In that case, the events are only counted from the time
/// the returned stream is listened to.
Stream<T> take(int count) {
return new _TakeStream<T>(this, count);
/// Forwards data events while [test] is successful.
/// Returns a stream that provides the same events as this stream
/// until [test] fails for a data event.
/// The returned stream is done when either this stream is done,
/// or when this stream first emits a data event that fails [test].
/// The `test` call is considered failing if it returns a non-`true` value
/// or if it throws. If the `test` call throws, the error is emitted as the
/// last event on the returned streams.
/// Stops listening to this stream after the accepted elements.
/// Internally the method cancels its subscription after these elements. This
/// means that single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams are closed and
/// cannot be reused after a call to this method.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// For a broadcast stream, the events are only tested from the time
/// the returned stream is listened to.
Stream<T> takeWhile(bool test(T element)) {
return new _TakeWhileStream<T>(this, test);
/// Skips the first [count] data events from this stream.
/// Returns a stream that emits the same events as this stream would
/// if listened to at the same time, except that the first [count]
/// data events are not emitted.
/// The returned stream is done when this stream is.
/// If this stream emits fewer than [count] data events
/// before being done, the returned stream emits no data events.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// For a broadcast stream, the events are only counted from the time
/// the returned stream is listened to.
Stream<T> skip(int count) {
return new _SkipStream<T>(this, count);
/// Skip data events from this stream while they are matched by [test].
/// Returns a stream that emits the same events as this stream,
/// except that data events are not emitted until a data event fails `test`.
/// The test fails when called with a data event
/// if it returns a non-`true` value or if the call to `test` throws.
/// If the call throws, the error is emitted as an error event
/// on the returned stream instead of the data event,
/// otherwise the event that made `test` return non-true is emitted as the
/// first data event.
/// Error and done events are provided by the returned stream unmodified.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// For a broadcast stream, the events are only tested from the time
/// the returned stream is listened to.
Stream<T> skipWhile(bool test(T element)) {
return new _SkipWhileStream<T>(this, test);
/// Skips data events if they are equal to the previous data event.
/// The returned stream provides the same events as this stream, except
/// that it never provides two consecutive data events that are equal.
/// That is, errors are passed through to the returned stream, and
/// data events are passed through if they are distinct from the most
/// recently emitted data event.
/// Equality is determined by the provided [equals] method. If that is
/// omitted, the '==' operator on the last provided data element is used.
/// If [equals] throws, the data event is replaced by an error event
/// containing the thrown error. The behavior is equivalent to the
/// original stream emitting the error event, and it doesn't change
/// the what the most recently emitted data event is.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription
/// will individually perform the `equals` test.
Stream<T> distinct([bool equals(T previous, T next)?]) {
return new _DistinctStream<T>(this, equals);
/// The first element of this stream.
/// Stops listening to this stream after the first element has been received.
/// Internally the method cancels its subscription after the first element.
/// This means that single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams are closed
/// and cannot be reused after a call to this getter.
/// If an error event occurs before the first data event, the returned future
/// is completed with that error.
/// If this stream is empty (a done event occurs before the first data event),
/// the returned future completes with an error.
/// Except for the type of the error, this method is equivalent to
/// `this.elementAt(0)`.
Future<T> get first {
_Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
try {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
} catch (e, s) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s);
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T value) {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value);
return future;
/// The last element of this stream.
/// If this stream emits an error event,
/// the returned future is completed with that error
/// and processing stops.
/// If this stream is empty (the done event is the first event),
/// the returned future completes with an error.
Future<T> get last {
_Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
late T result;
bool foundResult = false;
(T value) {
foundResult = true;
result = value;
onError: future._completeError,
onDone: () {
if (foundResult) {
try {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
} catch (e, s) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s);
cancelOnError: true);
return future;
/// The single element of this stream.
/// If this stream emits an error event,
/// the returned future is completed with that error
/// and processing stops.
/// If [this] is empty or has more than one element,
/// the returned future completes with an error.
Future<T> get single {
_Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
late T result;
bool foundResult = false;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
if (foundResult) {
try {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
} catch (e, s) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s);
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T value) {
if (foundResult) {
// This is the second element we get.
try {
throw IterableElementError.tooMany();
} catch (e, s) {
_cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, future, e, s);
foundResult = true;
result = value;
return future;
/// Finds the first element of this stream matching [test].
/// Returns a future that is completed with the first element of this stream
/// that [test] returns `true` for.
/// If no such element is found before this stream is done, and a
/// [orElse] function is provided, the result of calling [orElse]
/// becomes the value of the future. If [orElse] throws, the returned
/// future is completed with that error.
/// If this stream emits an error before the first matching element,
/// the returned future is completed with that error, and processing stops.
/// Stops listening to this stream after the first matching element or error
/// has been received.
/// Internally the method cancels its subscription after the first element that
/// matches the predicate. This means that single-subscription (non-broadcast)
/// streams are closed and cannot be reused after a call to this method.
/// If an error occurs, or if this stream ends without finding a match and
/// with no [orElse] function provided,
/// the returned future is completed with an error.
Future<T> firstWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()?}) {
_Future<T> future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
if (orElse != null) {
_runUserCode(orElse, future._complete, future._completeError);
try {
// Sets stackTrace on error.
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
} catch (e, s) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s);
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T value) {
_runUserCode(() => test(value), (bool isMatch) {
if (isMatch) {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value);
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future));
return future;
/// Finds the last element in this stream matching [test].
/// If this stream emits an error, the returned future is completed with that
/// error, and processing stops.
/// Otherwise as [firstWhere], except that the last matching element is found
/// instead of the first.
/// That means that a non-error result cannot be provided before this stream
/// is done.
Future<T> lastWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()?}) {
_Future<T> future = new _Future();
late T result;
bool foundResult = false;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
if (foundResult) {
if (orElse != null) {
_runUserCode(orElse, future._complete, future._completeError);
try {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
} catch (e, s) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s);
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T value) {
_runUserCode(() => test(value), (bool isMatch) {
if (isMatch) {
foundResult = true;
result = value;
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future));
return future;
/// Finds the single element in this stream matching [test].
/// Like [lastWhere], except that it is an error if more than one
/// matching element occurs in this stream.
Future<T> singleWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()?}) {
_Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
late T result;
bool foundResult = false;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: future._completeError, onDone: () {
if (foundResult) {
if (orElse != null) {
_runUserCode(orElse, future._complete, future._completeError);
try {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
} catch (e, s) {
_completeWithErrorCallback(future, e, s);
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T value) {
_runUserCode(() => test(value), (bool isMatch) {
if (isMatch) {
if (foundResult) {
try {
throw IterableElementError.tooMany();
} catch (e, s) {
_cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, future, e, s);
foundResult = true;
result = value;
}, _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future));
return future;
/// Returns the value of the [index]th data event of this stream.
/// Stops listening to this stream after the [index]th data event has been
/// received.
/// Internally the method cancels its subscription after these elements. This
/// means that single-subscription (non-broadcast) streams are closed and
/// cannot be reused after a call to this method.
/// If an error event occurs before the value is found, the future completes
/// with this error.
/// If a done event occurs before the value is found, the future completes
/// with a [RangeError].
Future<T> elementAt(int index) {
RangeError.checkNotNegative(index, "index");
_Future<T> result = new _Future<T>();
int elementIndex = 0;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription;
subscription =
this.listen(null, onError: result._completeError, onDone: () {
new RangeError.index(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex),
}, cancelOnError: true);
subscription.onData((T value) {
if (index == elementIndex) {
_cancelAndValue(subscription, result, value);
elementIndex += 1;
return result;
/// Creates a new stream with the same events as this stream.
/// Whenever more than [timeLimit] passes between two events from this stream,
/// the [onTimeout] function is called, which can emit further events on
/// the returned stream.
/// The countdown doesn't start until the returned stream is listened to.
/// The countdown is reset every time an event is forwarded from this stream,
/// or when this stream is paused and resumed.
/// The [onTimeout] function is called with one argument: an
/// [EventSink] that allows putting events into the returned stream.
/// This `EventSink` is only valid during the call to [onTimeout].
/// Calling [EventSink.close] on the sink passed to [onTimeout] closes the
/// returned stream, and no further events are processed.
/// If [onTimeout] is omitted, a timeout will just put a [TimeoutException]
/// into the error channel of the returned stream.
/// If the call to [onTimeout] throws, the error is emitted on the returned
/// stream.
/// The returned stream is a broadcast stream if this stream is.
/// If a broadcast stream is listened to more than once, each subscription
/// will have its individually timer that starts counting on listen,
/// and the subscriptions' timers can be paused individually.
Stream<T> timeout(Duration timeLimit, {void onTimeout(EventSink<T> sink)?}) {
_StreamControllerBase<T> controller;
if (isBroadcast) {
controller = new _SyncBroadcastStreamController<T>(null, null);
} else {
controller = new _SyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
Zone zone = Zone.current;
// Register callback immediately.
_TimerCallback timeoutCallback;
if (onTimeout == null) {
timeoutCallback = () {
new TimeoutException("No stream event", timeLimit), null);
} else {
// TODO(floitsch): the return type should be 'void', and the type
// should be inferred.
var registeredOnTimeout =
zone.registerUnaryCallback<void, EventSink<T>>(onTimeout);
var wrapper = new _ControllerEventSinkWrapper<T>(null);
timeoutCallback = () {
wrapper._sink = controller; // Only valid during call.
zone.runUnaryGuarded(registeredOnTimeout, wrapper);
wrapper._sink = null;
// All further setup happens inside `onListen`.
controller.onListen = () {
Timer timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeoutCallback);
var subscription = this.listen(null);
// Set up event forwarding. Each data or error event resets the timer
..onData((T event) {
timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeoutCallback);
// Controller is synchronous, and the call might close the stream
// and cancel the timer,
// so create the Timer before calling into add();
// issue:
..onError((Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeoutCallback);
error, stackTrace); // Avoid Zone error replacement.
..onDone(() {
// Set up further controller callbacks.
controller.onCancel = () {
return subscription.cancel();
if (!isBroadcast) {
..onPause = () {
..onResume = () {
timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, timeoutCallback);
/// A subscription on events from a [Stream].
/// When you listen on a [Stream] using [Stream.listen],
/// a [StreamSubscription] object is returned.
/// The subscription provides events to the listener,
/// and holds the callbacks used to handle the events.
/// The subscription can also be used to unsubscribe from the events,
/// or to temporarily pause the events from the stream.
abstract class StreamSubscription<T> {
/// Cancels this subscription.
/// After this call, the subscription no longer receives events.
/// The stream may need to shut down the source of events and clean up after
/// the subscription is canceled.
/// Returns a future that is completed once the stream has finished
/// its cleanup.
/// Typically, cleanup happens when the stream needs to release resources.
/// For example, a stream might need to close an open file (as an asynchronous
/// operation). If the listener wants to delete the file after having
/// canceled the subscription, it must wait for the cleanup future to complete.
/// If the cleanup throws, which it really shouldn't, the returned future
/// completes with that error.
Future<void> cancel();
/// Replaces the data event handler of this subscription.
/// The [handleData] function is called for each data event of the stream
/// after this function is called.
/// If [handleData] is `null`, data events are ignored.
/// This method replaces the current handler set by the invocation of
/// [Stream.listen] or by a previous call to [onData].
void onData(void handleData(T data)?);
/// Replaces the error event handler of this subscription.
/// The [handleError] function must be able to be called with either
/// one positional argument, or with two positional arguments
/// where the seconds is always a [StackTrace].
/// The [handleError] argument may be `null`, in which case further
/// error events are considered *unhandled*, and will be reported to
/// [Zone.handleUncaughtError].
/// The provided function is called for all error events from the
/// stream subscription.
/// This method replaces the current handler set by the invocation of
/// [Stream.listen], by calling [asFuture], or by a previous call to [onError].
void onError(Function? handleError);
/// Replaces the done event handler of this subscription.
/// The [handleDone] function is called when the stream closes.
/// The value may be `null`, in which case no function is called.
/// This method replaces the current handler set by the invocation of
/// [Stream.listen], by calling [asFuture], or by a previous call to [onDone].
void onDone(void handleDone()?);
/// Requests that the stream pauses events until further notice.
/// While paused, the subscription will not fire any events.
/// If it receives events from its source, they will be buffered until
/// the subscription is resumed.
/// For non-broadcast streams, the underlying source is usually informed
/// about the pause,
/// so it can stop generating events until the subscription is resumed.
/// To avoid buffering events on a broadcast stream, it is better to
/// cancel this subscription, and start to listen again when events
/// are needed, if the intermediate events are not important.
/// If [resumeSignal] is provided, the stream subscription will undo the pause
/// when the future completes, as if by a call to [resume].
/// If the future completes with an error,
/// the stream will still resume, but the error will be considered unhandled
/// and is passed to [Zone.handleUncaughtError].
/// A call to [resume] will also undo a pause.
/// If the subscription is paused more than once, an equal number
/// of resumes must be performed to resume the stream.
/// Calls to [resume] and the completion of a [resumeSignal] are
/// interchangeable - the [pause] which was passed a [resumeSignal] may be
/// ended by a call to [resume], and completing the [resumeSignal] may end a
/// different [pause].
/// It is safe to [resume] or complete a [resumeSignal] even when the
/// subscription is not paused, and the resume will have no effect.
void pause([Future<void>? resumeSignal]);
/// Resumes after a pause.
/// This undoes one previous call to [pause].
/// When all previously calls to [pause] have been matched by a calls to
/// [resume], possibly through a `resumeSignal` passed to [pause],
/// the stream subscription may emit events again.
/// It is safe to [resume] even when the subscription is not paused, and the
/// resume will have no effect.
void resume();
/// Whether the [StreamSubscription] is currently paused.
/// If there have been more calls to [pause] than to [resume] on this
/// stream subscription, the subscription is paused, and this getter
/// returns `true`.
/// Returns `false` if the stream can currently emit events, or if
/// the subscription has completed or been cancelled.
bool get isPaused;
/// Returns a future that handles the [onDone] and [onError] callbacks.
/// This method *overwrites* the existing [onDone] and [onError] callbacks
/// with new ones that complete the returned future.
/// In case of an error the subscription will automatically cancel (even
/// when it was listening with `cancelOnError` set to `false`).
/// In case of a `done` event the future completes with the given
/// [futureValue].
/// If [futureValue] is omitted, the value `null as E` is used as a default.
/// If `E` is not nullable, this will throw immediately when [asFuture]
/// is called.
Future<E> asFuture<E>([E? futureValue]);
/// A [Sink] that supports adding errors.
/// This makes it suitable for capturing the results of asynchronous
/// computations, which can complete with a value or an error.
/// The [EventSink] has been designed to handle asynchronous events from
/// [Stream]s. See, for example, [Stream.eventTransformed] which uses
/// `EventSink`s to transform events.
abstract class EventSink<T> implements Sink<T> {
/// Adds a data [event] to the sink.
/// Must not be called on a closed sink.
void add(T event);
/// Adds an [error] to the sink.
/// Must not be called on a closed sink.
void addError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]);
/// Closes the sink.
/// Calling this method more than once is allowed, but does nothing.
/// Neither [add] nor [addError] must be called after this method.
void close();
/// [Stream] wrapper that only exposes the [Stream] interface.
class StreamView<T> extends Stream<T> {
final Stream<T> _stream;
const StreamView(Stream<T> stream)
: _stream = stream,
bool get isBroadcast => _stream.isBroadcast;
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream(
{void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)?,
void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)?}) =>
_stream.asBroadcastStream(onListen: onListen, onCancel: onCancel);
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T value)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
return _stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
/// Abstract interface for a "sink" accepting multiple entire streams.
/// A consumer can accept a number of consecutive streams using [addStream],
/// and when no further data need to be added, the [close] method tells the
/// consumer to complete its work and shut down.
/// The [Stream.pipe] accepts a `StreamConsumer` and will pass the stream
/// to the consumer's [addStream] method. When that completes, it will
/// call [close] and then complete its own returned future.
abstract class StreamConsumer<S> {
/// Consumes the elements of [stream].
/// Listens on [stream] and does something for each event.
/// Returns a future which is completed when the stream is done being added,
/// and the consumer is ready to accept a new stream.
/// No further calls to [addStream] or [close] should happen before the
/// returned future has completed.
/// The consumer may stop listening to the stream after an error,
/// it may consume all the errors and only stop at a done event,
/// or it may be canceled early if the receiver don't want any further events.
/// If the consumer stops listening because of some error preventing it
/// from continuing, it may report this error in the returned future,
/// otherwise it will just complete the future with `null`.
Future addStream(Stream<S> stream);
/// Tells the consumer that no further streams will be added.
/// This allows the consumer to complete any remaining work and release
/// resources that are no longer needed
/// Returns a future which is completed when the consumer has shut down.
/// If cleaning up can fail, the error may be reported in the returned future,
/// otherwise it completes with `null`.
Future close();
/// A object that accepts stream events both synchronously and asynchronously.
/// A [StreamSink] combines the methods from [StreamConsumer] and [EventSink].
/// The [EventSink] methods can't be used while the [addStream] is called.
/// As soon as the [addStream]'s [Future] completes with a value, the
/// [EventSink] methods can be used again.
/// If [addStream] is called after any of the [EventSink] methods, it'll
/// be delayed until the underlying system has consumed the data added by the
/// [EventSink] methods.
/// When [EventSink] methods are used, the [done] [Future] can be used to
/// catch any errors.
/// When [close] is called, it will return the [done] [Future].
abstract class StreamSink<S> implements EventSink<S>, StreamConsumer<S> {
/// Tells the stream sink that no further streams will be added.
/// This allows the stream sink to complete any remaining work and release
/// resources that are no longer needed
/// Returns a future which is completed when the stream sink has shut down.
/// If cleaning up can fail, the error may be reported in the returned future,
/// otherwise it completes with `null`.
/// Returns the same future as [done].
/// The stream sink may close before the [close] method is called, either due
/// to an error or because it is itself providing events to someone who has
/// stopped listening. In that case, the [done] future is completed first,
/// and the `close` method will return the `done` future when called.
/// Unifies [StreamConsumer.close] and [EventSink.close] which both mark their
/// object as not expecting any further events.
Future close();
/// Return a future which is completed when the [StreamSink] is finished.
/// If the `StreamSink` fails with an error,
/// perhaps in response to adding events using [add], [addError] or [close],
/// the [done] future will complete with that error.
/// Otherwise, the returned future will complete when either:
/// * all events have been processed and the sink has been closed, or
/// * the sink has otherwise been stopped from handling more events
/// (for example by canceling a stream subscription).
Future get done;
/// Transforms a Stream.
/// When a stream's [Stream.transform] method is invoked with a
/// [StreamTransformer], the stream calls the [bind] method on the provided
/// transformer. The resulting stream is then returned from the
/// [Stream.transform] method.
/// Conceptually, a transformer is simply a function from [Stream] to [Stream]
/// that is encapsulated into a class.
/// It is good practice to write transformers that can be used multiple times.
/// All other transforming methods on [Stream], such as [],
/// [Stream.where] or [Stream.expand] can be implemented using
/// [Stream.transform]. A [StreamTransformer] is thus very powerful but often
/// also a bit more complicated to use.
abstract class StreamTransformer<S, T> {
/// Creates a [StreamTransformer] based on the given [onListen] callback.
/// The returned stream transformer uses the provided [onListen] callback
/// when a transformed stream is listened to. At that time, the callback
/// receives the input stream (the one passed to [bind]) and a
/// boolean flag `cancelOnError` to create a [StreamSubscription].
/// If the transformed stream is a broadcast stream, so is the stream
/// returned by the [StreamTransformer.bind] method by this transformer.
/// If the transformed stream is listened to multiple times, the [onListen]
/// callback is called again for each new [Stream.listen] call.
/// This happens whether the stream is a broadcast stream or not,
/// but the call will usually fail for non-broadcast streams.
/// The [onListen] callback does *not* receive the handlers that were passed
/// to [Stream.listen]. These are automatically set after the call to the
/// [onListen] callback (using [StreamSubscription.onData],
/// [StreamSubscription.onError] and [StreamSubscription.onDone]).
/// Most commonly, an [onListen] callback will first call [Stream.listen] on
/// the provided stream (with the corresponding `cancelOnError` flag), and then
/// return a new [StreamSubscription].
/// There are two common ways to create a StreamSubscription:
/// 1. by allocating a [StreamController] and to return the result of
/// listening to its stream. It's important to forward pause, resume and
/// cancel events (unless the transformer intentionally wants to change
/// this behavior).
/// 2. by creating a new class that implements [StreamSubscription].
/// Note that the subscription should run callbacks in the [Zone] the
/// stream was listened to (see [Zone] and [Zone.bindCallback]).
/// Example:
/// ```
/// /// Starts listening to [input] and duplicates all non-error events.
/// StreamSubscription<int> _onListen(Stream<int> input, bool cancelOnError) {
/// late StreamSubscription<String> subscription;
/// // Create controller that forwards pause, resume and cancel events.
/// var controller = new StreamController<String>(
/// onPause: () {
/// subscription.pause();
/// },
/// onResume: () {
/// subscription.resume();
/// },
/// onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(),
/// sync: true); // "sync" is correct here, since events are forwarded.
/// // Listen to the provided stream.
/// subscription = input.listen((data) {
/// // Duplicate the data.
/// controller.add(data);
/// controller.add(data);
/// },
/// onError: controller.addError,
/// onDone: controller.close,
/// cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
/// // Return a new [StreamSubscription] by listening to the controller's
/// // stream.
/// return;
/// }
/// // Instantiate a transformer:
/// var duplicator = const StreamTransformer<int, int>(_onListen);
/// // Use as follows:
/// intStream.transform(duplicator);
/// ```
const factory StreamTransformer(
StreamSubscription<T> onListen(
Stream<S> stream, bool cancelOnError)) =
_StreamSubscriptionTransformer<S, T>;
/// Creates a [StreamTransformer] that delegates events to the given functions.
/// Example use of a duplicating transformer:
/// ```
/// stringStream.transform(StreamTransformer<String, String>.fromHandlers(
/// handleData: (String value, EventSink<String> sink) {
/// sink.add(value);
/// sink.add(value); // Duplicate the incoming events.
/// }));
/// ```
/// Transformers that are constructed this way cannot use captured state if
/// they are used in streams that can be listened to multiple times.
/// ```
/// StreamController<String> controller = StreamController.broadcast()
/// controller.onListen = () {
/// scheduleMicrotask(() {
/// controller.addError("Bad");
/// controller.addError("Worse");
/// controller.addError("Worst");
/// });
/// };
/// var sharedState = 0;
/// var transformedStream =
/// StreamTransformer<String>.fromHandlers(
/// handleError: (error, stackTrace, sink) {
/// sharedState++; // Increment shared error-counter.
/// sink.add("Error $sharedState: $error");
/// }));
/// transformedStream.listen(print);
/// transformedStream.listen(print); // Listen twice.
/// // Listening twice to the same stream makes the transformer share the same
/// // state. Instead of having "Error 1: Bad", "Error 2: Worse",
/// // "Error 3: Worst" as output (each twice for the separate subscriptions),
/// // this program emits:
/// // Error 1: Bad
/// // Error 2: Bad
/// // Error 3: Worse
/// // Error 4: Worse
/// // Error 5: Worst
/// // Error 6: Worst
/// ```
factory StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(
{void handleData(S data, EventSink<T> sink)?,
void handleError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, EventSink<T> sink)?,
void handleDone(EventSink<T> sink)?}) = _StreamHandlerTransformer<S, T>;
/// Creates a [StreamTransformer] based on a [bind] callback.
/// The returned stream transformer uses the [bind] argument to implement the
/// [StreamTransformer.bind] API and can be used when the transformation is
/// available as a stream-to-stream function.
/// ```dart
/// final splitDecoded = StreamTransformer<List<int>, String>.fromBind(
/// (stream) => stream.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(LineSplitter()));
/// ```
factory StreamTransformer.fromBind(Stream<T> Function(Stream<S>) bind) =
_StreamBindTransformer<S, T>;
/// Adapts [source] to be a `StreamTransformer<TS, TT>`.
/// This allows [source] to be used at the new type, but at run-time it
/// must satisfy the requirements of both the new type and its original type.
/// Data events passed into the returned transformer must also be instances
/// of [SS], and data events produced by [source] for those events must
/// also be instances of [TT].
static StreamTransformer<TS, TT> castFrom<SS, ST, TS, TT>(
StreamTransformer<SS, ST> source) {
return new CastStreamTransformer<SS, ST, TS, TT>(source);
/// Transforms the provided [stream].
/// Returns a new stream with events that are computed from events of the
/// provided [stream].
/// The [StreamTransformer] interface is completely generic,
/// so it cannot say what subclasses do.
/// Each [StreamTransformer] should document clearly how it transforms the
/// stream (on the class or variable used to access the transformer),
/// as well as any differences from the following typical behavior:
/// * When the returned stream is listened to, it starts listening to the
/// input [stream].
/// * Subscriptions of the returned stream forward (in a reasonable time)
/// a [StreamSubscription.pause] call to the subscription of the input
/// [stream].
/// * Similarly, canceling a subscription of the returned stream eventually
/// (in reasonable time) cancels the subscription of the input [stream].
/// "Reasonable time" depends on the transformer and stream. Some transformers,
/// like a "timeout" transformer, might make these operations depend on a
/// duration. Others might not delay them at all, or just by a microtask.
/// Transformers are free to handle errors in any way.
/// A transformer implementation may choose to propagate errors,
/// or convert them to other events, or ignore them completely,
/// but if errors are ignored, it should be documented explicitly.
Stream<T> bind(Stream<S> stream);
/// Provides a `StreamTransformer<RS, RT>` view of this stream transformer.
/// The resulting transformer will check at run-time that all data events
/// of the stream it transforms are actually instances of [S],
/// and it will check that all data events produced by this transformer
/// are actually instances of [RT].
StreamTransformer<RS, RT> cast<RS, RT>();
/// Base class for implementing [StreamTransformer].
/// Contains default implementations of every method except [bind].
abstract class StreamTransformerBase<S, T> implements StreamTransformer<S, T> {
const StreamTransformerBase();
StreamTransformer<RS, RT> cast<RS, RT>() =>
StreamTransformer.castFrom<S, T, RS, RT>(this);
/// An [Iterator]-like interface for the values of a [Stream].
/// This wraps a [Stream] and a subscription on the stream. It listens
/// on the stream, and completes the future returned by [moveNext] when the
/// next value becomes available.
/// The stream may be paused between calls to [moveNext].
/// The [current] value must only be used after a future returned by [moveNext]
/// has completed with `true`, and only until [moveNext] is called again.
abstract class StreamIterator<T> {
/// Create a [StreamIterator] on [stream].
factory StreamIterator(Stream<T> stream) =>
// TODO(lrn): use redirecting factory constructor when type
// arguments are supported.
new _StreamIterator<T>(stream);
/// Wait for the next stream value to be available.
/// Returns a future which will complete with either `true` or `false`.
/// Completing with `true` means that another event has been received and
/// can be read as [current].
/// Completing with `false` means that the stream iteration is done and
/// no further events will ever be available.
/// The future may complete with an error, if the stream produces an error,
/// which also ends iteration.
/// The function must not be called again until the future returned by a
/// previous call is completed.
Future<bool> moveNext();
/// The current value of the stream.
/// When a [moveNext] call completes with `true`, the [current] field holds
/// the most recent event of the stream, and it stays like that until the next
/// call to [moveNext]. This value must only be read after a call to [moveNext]
/// has completed with `true`, and only until the [moveNext] is called again.
/// If the StreamIterator has not yet been moved to the first element
/// ([moveNext] has not been called and completed yet), or if the
/// StreamIterator has been moved past the last element ([moveNext] has
/// returned `false`), then [current] is unspecified. A [StreamIterator] may
/// either throw or return an iterator-specific default value in that case.
T get current;
/// Cancels the stream iterator (and the underlying stream subscription) early.
/// The stream iterator is automatically canceled if the [moveNext] future
/// completes with either `false` or an error.
/// If you need to stop listening for values before the stream iterator is
/// automatically closed, you must call [cancel] to ensure that the stream
/// is properly closed.
/// If [moveNext] has been called when the iterator is canceled,
/// its returned future will complete with `false` as value,
/// as will all further calls to [moveNext].
/// Returns a future which completes when the cancellation is complete.
/// This can be an already completed future if the cancellation happens
/// synchronously.
Future cancel();
/// Wraps an [_EventSink] so it exposes only the [EventSink] interface.
class _ControllerEventSinkWrapper<T> implements EventSink<T> {
EventSink? _sink;
EventSink _ensureSink() {
var sink = _sink;
if (sink == null) throw StateError("Sink not available");
return sink;
void add(T data) {
void addError(error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
_ensureSink().addError(error, stackTrace);
void close() {
/// An enhanced stream controller provided by [Stream.multi].
/// Acts like a normal asynchronous controller, but also allows
/// adding events synchronously.
/// As with any synchronous event delivery, the sender should be very careful
/// to not deliver events at times when a new listener might not
/// be ready to receive them.
/// That generally means only delivering events synchronously in response to other
/// asynchronous events, because that is a time when an asynchronous event could
/// happen.
abstract class MultiStreamController<T> implements StreamController<T> {
/// Adds and delivers an event.
/// Adds an event like [add] and attempts to deliver it immediately.
/// Delivery can be delayed if other previously added events are
/// still pending delivery, if the subscription is paused,
/// or if the subscription isn't listening yet.
void addSync(T value);
/// Adds and delivers an error event.
/// Adds an error like [addError] and attempts to deliver it immediately.
/// Delivery can be delayed if other previously added events are
/// still pending delivery, if the subscription is paused,
/// or if the subscription isn't listening yet.
void addErrorSync(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]);
/// Closes the controller and delivers a done event.
/// Closes the controller like [close] and attempts to deliver a "done"
/// event immediately.
/// Delivery can be delayed if other previously added events are
/// still pending delivery, if the subscription is paused,
/// or if the subscription isn't listening yet.
/// If it's necessary to know whether the "done" event has been delievered,
/// [done] future will complete when that has happened.
void closeSync();