blob: 5f9117b3baa31f51680099cb6d5bdb960352e250 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.async;
/// The onValue and onError handlers return either a value or a future
typedef FutureOr<T> _FutureOnValue<S, T>(S value);
/// Test used by [Future.catchError] to handle skip some errors.
typedef bool _FutureErrorTest(Object error);
/// Used by [WhenFuture].
typedef dynamic _FutureAction();
abstract class _Completer<T> implements Completer<T> {
final _Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
void complete([FutureOr<T>? value]);
void completeError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
checkNotNullable(error, "error");
if (!future._mayComplete) throw new StateError("Future already completed");
AsyncError? replacement = Zone.current.errorCallback(error, stackTrace);
if (replacement != null) {
error = replacement.error;
stackTrace = replacement.stackTrace;
} else {
stackTrace ??= AsyncError.defaultStackTrace(error);
if (stackTrace == null) throw "unreachable"; // TODO(40088)
_completeError(error, stackTrace);
void _completeError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace);
// The future's _isComplete doesn't take into account pending completions.
// We therefore use _mayComplete.
bool get isCompleted => !future._mayComplete;
class _AsyncCompleter<T> extends _Completer<T> {
void complete([FutureOr<T>? value]) {
if (!future._mayComplete) throw new StateError("Future already completed");
future._asyncComplete(value == null ? value as dynamic : value);
void _completeError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
future._asyncCompleteError(error, stackTrace);
class _SyncCompleter<T> extends _Completer<T> {
void complete([FutureOr<T>? value]) {
if (!future._mayComplete) throw new StateError("Future already completed");
future._complete(value == null ? value as dynamic : value);
void _completeError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
future._completeError(error, stackTrace);
class _FutureListener<S, T> {
// Keep in sync with sdk/runtime/vm/
static const int maskValue = 1;
static const int maskError = 2;
static const int maskTestError = 4;
static const int maskWhenComplete = 8;
static const int stateChain = 0;
static const int stateThen = maskValue;
static const int stateThenOnerror = maskValue | maskError;
static const int stateCatchError = maskError;
static const int stateCatchErrorTest = maskError | maskTestError;
static const int stateWhenComplete = maskWhenComplete;
static const int maskType =
maskValue | maskError | maskTestError | maskWhenComplete;
static const int stateIsAwait = 16;
// Listeners on the same future are linked through this link.
_FutureListener? _nextListener;
// The future to complete when this listener is activated.
final _Future<T> result;
// Which fields means what.
final int state;
// Used for then/whenDone callback and error test
final Function? callback;
// Used for error callbacks.
final Function? errorCallback;
this.result, FutureOr<T> Function(S) onValue, Function? errorCallback)
: callback = onValue,
errorCallback = errorCallback,
state = (errorCallback == null) ? stateThen : stateThenOnerror;
this.result, _FutureOnValue<S, T> onValue, Function errorCallback)
: callback = onValue,
errorCallback = errorCallback,
state = ((errorCallback == null) ? stateThen : stateThenOnerror) |
_FutureListener.catchError(this.result, this.errorCallback, this.callback)
: state = (callback == null) ? stateCatchError : stateCatchErrorTest;
_FutureListener.whenComplete(this.result, this.callback)
: errorCallback = null,
state = stateWhenComplete;
_Zone get _zone => result._zone;
bool get handlesValue => (state & maskValue != 0);
bool get handlesError => (state & maskError != 0);
bool get hasErrorTest => (state & maskType == stateCatchErrorTest);
bool get handlesComplete => (state & maskType == stateWhenComplete);
bool get isAwait => (state & stateIsAwait != 0);
FutureOr<T> Function(S) get _onValue {
return callback as dynamic;
Function? get _onError => errorCallback;
_FutureErrorTest get _errorTest {
return callback as dynamic;
_FutureAction get _whenCompleteAction {
return callback as dynamic;
/// Whether this listener has an error callback.
/// This function must only be called if the listener [handlesError].
bool get hasErrorCallback {
return _onError != null;
@pragma("vm:recognized", "other")
FutureOr<T> handleValue(S sourceResult) {
return _zone.runUnary<FutureOr<T>, S>(_onValue, sourceResult);
bool matchesErrorTest(AsyncError asyncError) {
if (!hasErrorTest) return true;
return _zone.runUnary<bool, Object>(_errorTest, asyncError.error);
FutureOr<T> handleError(AsyncError asyncError) {
assert(handlesError && hasErrorCallback);
var errorCallback = this.errorCallback; // To enable promotion.
// If the errorCallback returns something which is not a FutureOr<T>,
// this return statement throws, and the caller handles the error.
if (errorCallback is dynamic Function(Object, StackTrace)) {
return _zone.runBinary<dynamic, Object, StackTrace>(
errorCallback, asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace);
} else {
return _zone.runUnary<dynamic, Object>(
errorCallback as dynamic, asyncError.error);
dynamic handleWhenComplete() {
// Whether the [value] future should be awaited and the [future] completed
// with its result, rather than just completing the [future] directly
// with the [value].
bool shouldChain(Future<dynamic> value) => value is Future<T> || value is! T;
class _Future<T> implements Future<T> {
/// Initial state, waiting for a result. In this state, the
/// [_resultOrListeners] field holds a single-linked list of
/// [_FutureListener] listeners.
static const int _stateIncomplete = 0;
/// Pending completion. Set when completed using [_asyncComplete] or
/// [_asyncCompleteError]. It is an error to try to complete it again.
/// [_resultOrListeners] holds listeners.
static const int _statePendingComplete = 1;
/// The future has been chained to another future. The result of that
/// other future becomes the result of this future as well.
/// [_resultOrListeners] contains the source future.
static const int _stateChained = 2;
/// The future has been completed with a value result.
static const int _stateValue = 4;
/// The future has been completed with an error result.
static const int _stateError = 8;
/// Whether the future is complete, and as what.
int _state = _stateIncomplete;
/// Zone that the future was completed from.
/// This is the zone that an error result belongs to.
/// Until the future is completed, the field may hold the zone that
/// listener callbacks used to create this future should be run in.
final _Zone _zone;
/// Either the result, a list of listeners or another future.
/// The result of the future is either a value or an error.
/// A result is only stored when the future has completed.
/// The listeners is an internally linked list of [_FutureListener]s.
/// Listeners are only remembered while the future is not yet complete,
/// and it is not chained to another future.
/// The future is another future that this future is chained to. This future
/// is waiting for the other future to complete, and when it does, this future
/// will complete with the same result.
/// All listeners are forwarded to the other future.
var _resultOrListeners;
// This constructor is used by async/await.
_Future() : _zone = Zone._current;
_Future.immediate(FutureOr<T> result) : _zone = Zone._current {
/// Creates a future with the value and the specified zone.
_Future.zoneValue(T value, this._zone) {
_Future.immediateError(var error, StackTrace stackTrace)
: _zone = Zone._current {
_asyncCompleteError(error, stackTrace);
/// Creates a future that is already completed with the value.
_Future.value(T value) : this.zoneValue(value, Zone._current);
bool get _mayComplete => _state == _stateIncomplete;
bool get _isPendingComplete => _state == _statePendingComplete;
bool get _mayAddListener => _state <= _statePendingComplete;
bool get _isChained => _state == _stateChained;
bool get _isComplete => _state >= _stateValue;
bool get _hasError => _state == _stateError;
static List<Function>? _continuationFunctions(_Future<Object> future) {
List<Function>? result = null;
while (true) {
if (future._mayAddListener) return result;
// So _resultOrListeners contains listeners.
_FutureListener<Object, Object>? listener = future._resultOrListeners;
if (listener != null &&
listener._nextListener == null &&
listener.isAwait) {
(result ??= <Function>[]).add(listener.handleValue);
future = listener.result;
} else {
return result;
void _setChained(_Future source) {
_state = _stateChained;
_resultOrListeners = source;
Future<R> then<R>(FutureOr<R> f(T value), {Function? onError}) {
Zone currentZone = Zone.current;
if (!identical(currentZone, _rootZone)) {
f = currentZone.registerUnaryCallback<FutureOr<R>, T>(f);
if (onError != null) {
// In checked mode, this checks that onError is assignable to one of:
// dynamic Function(Object)
// dynamic Function(Object, StackTrace)
onError = _registerErrorHandler(onError, currentZone);
_Future<R> result = new _Future<R>();
_addListener(new _FutureListener<T, R>.then(result, f, onError));
return result;
/// Registers a system created result and error continuation.
/// Used by the implementation of `await` to listen to a future.
/// The system created liseners are not registered in the zone,
/// and the listener is marked as being from an `await`.
/// This marker is used in [_continuationFunctions].
Future<E> _thenAwait<E>(FutureOr<E> f(T value), Function onError) {
_Future<E> result = new _Future<E>();
_addListener(new _FutureListener<T, E>.thenAwait(result, f, onError));
return result;
Future<T> catchError(Function onError, {bool test(Object error)?}) {
_Future<T> result = new _Future<T>();
if (!identical(result._zone, _rootZone)) {
onError = _registerErrorHandler(onError, result._zone);
if (test != null) test = result._zone.registerUnaryCallback(test);
_addListener(new _FutureListener<T, T>.catchError(result, onError, test));
return result;
Future<T> whenComplete(dynamic action()) {
_Future<T> result = new _Future<T>();
if (!identical(result._zone, _rootZone)) {
action = result._zone.registerCallback<dynamic>(action);
_addListener(new _FutureListener<T, T>.whenComplete(result, action));
return result;
Stream<T> asStream() => new Stream<T>.fromFuture(this);
void _setPendingComplete() {
_state = _statePendingComplete;
void _clearPendingComplete() {
_state = _stateIncomplete;
AsyncError get _error {
return _resultOrListeners;
_Future get _chainSource {
return _resultOrListeners;
// This method is used by async/await.
void _setValue(T value) {
assert(!_isComplete); // But may have a completion pending.
_state = _stateValue;
_resultOrListeners = value;
void _setErrorObject(AsyncError error) {
assert(!_isComplete); // But may have a completion pending.
_state = _stateError;
_resultOrListeners = error;
void _setError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_setErrorObject(new AsyncError(error, stackTrace));
/// Copy the completion result of [source] into this future.
/// Used when a chained future notices that its source is completed.
void _cloneResult(_Future source) {
_state = source._state;
_resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners;
void _addListener(_FutureListener listener) {
assert(listener._nextListener == null);
if (_mayAddListener) {
listener._nextListener = _resultOrListeners;
_resultOrListeners = listener;
} else {
if (_isChained) {
// Delegate listeners to chained source future.
// If the source is complete, instead copy its values and
// drop the chaining.
_Future source = _chainSource;
if (!source._isComplete) {
// Handle late listeners asynchronously.
_zone.scheduleMicrotask(() {
_propagateToListeners(this, listener);
void _prependListeners(_FutureListener? listeners) {
if (listeners == null) return;
if (_mayAddListener) {
_FutureListener? existingListeners = _resultOrListeners;
_resultOrListeners = listeners;
if (existingListeners != null) {
_FutureListener cursor = listeners;
_FutureListener? next = cursor._nextListener;
while (next != null) {
cursor = next;
next = cursor._nextListener;
cursor._nextListener = existingListeners;
} else {
if (_isChained) {
// Delegate listeners to chained source future.
// If the source is complete, instead copy its values and
// drop the chaining.
_Future source = _chainSource;
if (!source._isComplete) {
listeners = _reverseListeners(listeners);
_zone.scheduleMicrotask(() {
_propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
_FutureListener? _removeListeners() {
// Reverse listeners before returning them, so the resulting list is in
// subscription order.
_FutureListener? current = _resultOrListeners;
_resultOrListeners = null;
return _reverseListeners(current);
_FutureListener? _reverseListeners(_FutureListener? listeners) {
_FutureListener? prev = null;
_FutureListener? current = listeners;
while (current != null) {
_FutureListener? next = current._nextListener;
current._nextListener = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
return prev;
// Take the value (when completed) of source and complete this future with that
// value (or error). This function could chain all Futures, but is slower
// for _Future than _chainCoreFuture, so you must use _chainCoreFuture
// in that case.
void _chainForeignFuture(Future source) {
assert(source is! _Future);
// Mark the target as chained (and as such half-completed).
try {
source.then((value) {
_clearPendingComplete(); // Clear this first, it's set again.
try {
_completeWithValue(value as T);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
_completeError(error, stackTrace);
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_completeError(error, stackTrace);
} catch (e, s) {
// This only happens if the `then` call threw synchronously when given
// valid arguments.
// That requires a non-conforming implementation of the Future interface,
// which should, hopefully, never happen.
scheduleMicrotask(() {
_completeError(e, s);
// Take the value (when completed) of source and complete target with that
// value (or error). This function expects that source is a _Future.
static void _chainCoreFuture(_Future source, _Future target) {
assert(target._mayAddListener); // Not completed, not already chained.
while (source._isChained) {
source = source._chainSource;
if (source._isComplete) {
_FutureListener? listeners = target._removeListeners();
_propagateToListeners(target, listeners);
} else {
_FutureListener? listeners = target._resultOrListeners;
void _complete(FutureOr<T> value) {
if (value is Future<T>) {
if (value is _Future<T>) {
_chainCoreFuture(value, this);
} else {
} else {
_FutureListener? listeners = _removeListeners();
// TODO(40014): Remove cast when type promotion works.
// This would normally be `as T` but we use `as dynamic` to make the
// unneeded check be implict to match dart2js unsound optimizations in the
// user code.
_setValue(value as dynamic); // Value promoted to T.
_propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
void _completeWithValue(T value) {
_FutureListener? listeners = _removeListeners();
_propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
void _completeError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_FutureListener? listeners = _removeListeners();
_setError(error, stackTrace);
_propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
void _asyncComplete(FutureOr<T> value) {
// Two corner cases if the value is a future:
// 1. the future is already completed and an error.
// 2. the future is not yet completed but might become an error.
// The first case means that we must not immediately complete the Future,
// as our code would immediately start propagating the error without
// giving the time to install error-handlers.
// However the second case requires us to deal with the value immediately.
// Otherwise the value could complete with an error and report an
// unhandled error, even though we know we are already going to listen to
// it.
if (value is Future<T>) {
// TODO(40014): Remove cast when type promotion works.
// This would normally be `as T` but we use `as dynamic` to make the
// unneeded check be implict to match dart2js unsound optimizations in the
// user code.
_asyncCompleteWithValue(value as dynamic); // Value promoted to T.
void _asyncCompleteWithValue(T value) {
_zone.scheduleMicrotask(() {
void _chainFuture(Future<T> value) {
if (value is _Future<T>) {
if (value._hasError) {
// Delay completion to allow the user to register callbacks.
_zone.scheduleMicrotask(() {
_chainCoreFuture(value, this);
} else {
_chainCoreFuture(value, this);
// Just listen on the foreign future. This guarantees an async delay.
void _asyncCompleteError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_zone.scheduleMicrotask(() {
_completeError(error, stackTrace);
/// Propagates the value/error of [source] to its [listeners], executing the
/// listeners' callbacks.
static void _propagateToListeners(
_Future source, _FutureListener? listeners) {
while (true) {
bool hasError = source._hasError;
if (listeners == null) {
if (hasError) {
AsyncError asyncError = source._error;
.handleUncaughtError(asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace);
// Usually futures only have one listener. If they have several, we
// call handle them separately in recursive calls, continuing
// here only when there is only one listener left.
_FutureListener listener = listeners;
_FutureListener? nextListener = listener._nextListener;
while (nextListener != null) {
listener._nextListener = null;
_propagateToListeners(source, listener);
listener = nextListener;
nextListener = listener._nextListener;
final dynamic sourceResult = source._resultOrListeners;
// Do the actual propagation.
// Set initial state of listenerHasError and listenerValueOrError. These
// variables are updated with the outcome of potential callbacks.
// Non-error results, including futures, are stored in
// listenerValueOrError and listenerHasError is set to false. Errors
// are stored in listenerValueOrError as an [AsyncError] and
// listenerHasError is set to true.
bool listenerHasError = hasError;
var listenerValueOrError = sourceResult;
// Only if we either have an error or callbacks, go into this, somewhat
// expensive, branch. Here we'll enter/leave the zone. Many futures
// don't have callbacks, so this is a significant optimization.
if (hasError || listener.handlesValue || listener.handlesComplete) {
_Zone zone = listener._zone;
if (hasError && !source._zone.inSameErrorZone(zone)) {
// Don't cross zone boundaries with errors.
AsyncError asyncError = source._error;
.handleUncaughtError(asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace);
_Zone? oldZone;
if (!identical(Zone._current, zone)) {
// Change zone if it's not current.
oldZone = Zone._enter(zone);
// These callbacks are abstracted to isolate the try/catch blocks
// from the rest of the code to work around a V8 glass jaw.
void handleWhenCompleteCallback() {
// The whenComplete-handler is not combined with normal value/error
// handling. This means at most one handleX method is called per
// listener.
var completeResult;
try {
completeResult = listener.handleWhenComplete();
} catch (e, s) {
if (hasError && identical(source._error.error, e)) {
listenerValueOrError = source._error;
} else {
listenerValueOrError = new AsyncError(e, s);
listenerHasError = true;
if (completeResult is _Future && completeResult._isComplete) {
if (completeResult._hasError) {
listenerValueOrError = completeResult._error;
listenerHasError = true;
// Otherwise use the existing result of source.
if (completeResult is Future) {
// We have to wait for the completeResult future to complete
// before knowing if it's an error or we should use the result
// of source.
var originalSource = source;
listenerValueOrError = completeResult.then((_) => originalSource);
listenerHasError = false;
void handleValueCallback() {
try {
listenerValueOrError = listener.handleValue(sourceResult);
} catch (e, s) {
listenerValueOrError = new AsyncError(e, s);
listenerHasError = true;
void handleError() {
try {
AsyncError asyncError = source._error;
if (listener.matchesErrorTest(asyncError) &&
listener.hasErrorCallback) {
listenerValueOrError = listener.handleError(asyncError);
listenerHasError = false;
} catch (e, s) {
if (identical(source._error.error, e)) {
listenerValueOrError = source._error;
} else {
listenerValueOrError = new AsyncError(e, s);
listenerHasError = true;
if (listener.handlesComplete) {
} else if (!hasError) {
if (listener.handlesValue) {
} else {
if (listener.handlesError) {
// If we changed zone, oldZone will not be null.
if (oldZone != null) Zone._leave(oldZone);
// If the listener's value is a future we *might* need to chain it. Note that
// this can only happen if there is a callback.
if (listenerValueOrError is Future &&
listener.shouldChain(listenerValueOrError)) {
Future chainSource = listenerValueOrError;
// Shortcut if the chain-source is already completed. Just continue
// the loop.
_Future result = listener.result;
if (chainSource is _Future) {
if (chainSource._isComplete) {
listeners = result._removeListeners();
source = chainSource;
} else {
_chainCoreFuture(chainSource, result);
} else {
_Future result = listener.result;
listeners = result._removeListeners();
if (!listenerHasError) {
} else {
AsyncError asyncError = listenerValueOrError;
// Prepare for next round.
source = result;
@pragma("vm:recognized", "other")
Future<T> timeout(Duration timeLimit, {FutureOr<T> onTimeout()?}) {
if (_isComplete) return new _Future.immediate(this);
// This is a VM recognised method, and the _future variable is deliberately
// allocated in a specific slot in the closure context for stack unwinding.
_Future<T> _future = new _Future<T>();
Timer timer;
if (onTimeout == null) {
timer = new Timer(timeLimit, () {
new TimeoutException("Future not completed", timeLimit),
} else {
Zone zone = Zone.current;
FutureOr<T> Function() onTimeoutHandler =
timer = new Timer(timeLimit, () {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
_future._completeError(e, s);
this.then((T v) {
if (timer.isActive) {
}, onError: (Object e, StackTrace s) {
if (timer.isActive) {
_future._completeError(e, s);
return _future;
/// Registers errorHandler in zone if it has the correct type.
/// Checks that the function accepts either an [Object] and a [StackTrace]
/// or just one [Object]. Does not check the return type.
/// The actually returned value must be `FutureOr<R>` where `R` is the
/// value type of the future that the call will complete (either returned
/// by [Future.then] or [Future.catchError]). We check the returned value
/// dynamically because the functions are passed as arguments in positions
/// without inference, so a function expression won't infer the return type.
/// Throws if the type is not valid.
Function _registerErrorHandler(Function errorHandler, Zone zone) {
if (errorHandler is dynamic Function(Object, StackTrace)) {
return zone
.registerBinaryCallback<dynamic, Object, StackTrace>(errorHandler);
if (errorHandler is dynamic Function(Object)) {
return zone.registerUnaryCallback<dynamic, Object>(errorHandler);
throw new ArgumentError.value(
"Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace"
" as arguments, and return a valid result");