blob: 3530de629f917f9091a41409cca2e9ebdb53e336 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library git_source;
import 'git.dart' as git;
import 'io.dart';
import 'package.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
* A package source that installs packages from Git repos.
class GitSource extends Source {
final String name = "git";
final bool shouldCache = true;
* Clones a Git repo to the local filesystem.
* The Git cache directory is a little idiosyncratic. At the top level, it
* contains a directory for each commit of each repository, named `<package
* name>-<commit hash>`. These are the canonical package directories that are
* linked to from the `packages/` directory.
* In addition, the Git system cache contains a subdirectory named `cache/`
* which contains a directory for each separate repository URL, named
* `<package name>-<url hash>`. These are used to check out the repository
* itself; each of the commit-specific directories are clones of a directory
* in `cache/`.
Future<Package> installToSystemCache(PackageId id) {
var revisionCachePath;
return git.isInstalled.chain((installed) {
if (!installed) {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot install '${}' from Git (${_getUrl(id)}).\n"
"Please ensure Git is correctly installed.");
return ensureDir(join(systemCacheRoot, 'cache'));
}).chain((_) => _ensureRepoCache(id))
.chain((_) => _revisionCachePath(id))
.chain((path) {
revisionCachePath = path;
return exists(revisionCachePath);
}).chain((exists) {
if (exists) return new Future.immediate(null);
return _clone(_repoCachePath(id), revisionCachePath, mirror: false);
}).chain((_) {
var ref = _getEffectiveRef(id);
if (ref == 'HEAD') return new Future.immediate(null);
return _checkOut(revisionCachePath, ref);
}).chain((_) {
return Package.load(, revisionCachePath, systemCache.sources);
* Ensures [description] is a Git URL.
void validateDescription(description, [bool fromLockFile = false]) {
// A single string is assumed to be a Git URL.
if (description is String) return;
if (description is! Map || !description.containsKey('url')) {
throw new FormatException("The description must be a Git URL or a map "
"with a 'url' key.");
description = new Map.from(description);
if (fromLockFile) description.remove('resolved-ref');
if (!description.isEmpty()) {
var plural = description.length > 1;
var keys = Strings.join(description.getKeys(), ', ');
throw new FormatException("Invalid key${plural ? 's' : ''}: $keys.");
* Two Git descriptions are equal if both their URLs and their refs are equal.
bool descriptionsEqual(description1, description2) {
// TODO(nweiz): Do we really want to throw an error if you have two
// dependencies on some repo, one of which specifies a ref and one of which
// doesn't? If not, how do we handle that case in the version solver?
return _getUrl(description1) == _getUrl(description2) &&
_getRef(description1) == _getRef(description2);
* Attaches a specific commit to [id] to disambiguate it.
Future<PackageId> resolveId(PackageId id) {
return _revisionAt(id).transform((revision) {
var description = {'url': _getUrl(id), 'ref': _getRef(id)};
description['resolved-ref'] = revision;
return new PackageId(, this, id.version, description);
* Ensure that the canonical clone of the repository referred to by [id] (the
* one in `<system cache>/git/cache`) exists and is up-to-date. Returns a
* future that completes once this is finished and throws an exception if it
* fails.
Future _ensureRepoCache(PackageId id) {
var path = _repoCachePath(id);
return exists(path).chain((exists) {
if (!exists) return _clone(_getUrl(id), path, mirror: true);
return["fetch"], workingDir: path).transform((result) => null);
* Returns a future that completes to the revision hash of [id].
Future<String> _revisionAt(PackageId id) {
return["rev-parse", _getEffectiveRef(id)],
workingDir: _repoCachePath(id)).transform((result) => result[0]);
* Returns the path to the revision-specific cache of [id].
Future<String> _revisionCachePath(PackageId id) {
return _revisionAt(id).transform((rev) {
var revisionCacheName = '${}-$rev';
return join(systemCacheRoot, revisionCacheName);
* Clones the repo at the URI [from] to the path [to] on the local filesystem.
* If [mirror] is true, create a bare, mirrored clone. This doesn't check out
* the working tree, but instead makes the repository a local mirror of the
* remote repository. See the manpage for `git clone` for more information.
Future _clone(String from, String to, [bool mirror=false]) {
// Git on Windows does not seem to automatically create the destination
// directory.
return ensureDir(to).chain((_) {
var args = ["clone", from, to];
if (mirror) args.insertRange(1, 1, "--mirror");
}).transform((result) => null);
* Checks out the reference [ref] in [repoPath].
Future _checkOut(String repoPath, String ref) {
return["checkout", ref], workingDir: repoPath).transform(
(result) => null);
* Returns the path to the canonical clone of the repository referred to by
* [id] (the one in `<system cache>/git/cache`).
String _repoCachePath(PackageId id) {
var repoCacheName = '${}-${sha1(_getUrl(id))}';
return join(systemCacheRoot, 'cache', repoCacheName);
* Returns the repository URL for [id].
* [description] may be a description or a [PackageId].
String _getUrl(description) {
description = _getDescription(description);
if (description is String) return description;
return description['url'];
* Returns the commit ref that should be checked out for [description].
* This differs from [_getRef] in that it doesn't just return the ref in
* [description]. It will return a sensible default if that ref doesn't exist,
* and it will respect the "resolved-ref" parameter set by [resolveId].
* [description] may be a description or a [PackageId].
String _getEffectiveRef(description) {
description = _getDescription(description);
if (description is Map && description.containsKey('resolved-ref')) {
return description['resolved-ref'];
var ref = _getRef(description);
return ref == null ? 'HEAD' : ref;
* Returns the commit ref for [description], or null if none is given.
* [description] may be a description or a [PackageId].
String _getRef(description) {
description = _getDescription(description);
if (description is String) return null;
return description['ref'];
* Returns [description] if it's a description, or [PackageId.description] if
* it's a [PackageId].
_getDescription(description) {
if (description is PackageId) return description.description;
return description;