blob: 2601e0109ba9b945e55dee3ce38c31d57ed401bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class TreeValidatorTask extends CompilerTask {
TreeValidatorTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
void validate(Node tree) {
bool check(Node tree) {
List<InvalidNodeError> errors = [];
void report(node, message) {
final error = new InvalidNodeError(node, message);
compiler.reportWarning(node, message);
final validator = new ValidatorVisitor(report);
tree.accept(new TraversingVisitor(validator));
return errors.isEmpty();
class ValidatorVisitor extends Visitor {
final Function reportInvalidNode;
ValidatorVisitor(Function this.reportInvalidNode);
expect(Node node, bool test, [message]) {
if (!test) reportInvalidNode(node, message);
visitNode(Node node) {}
visitSendSet(SendSet node) {
final selector = node.selector;
final name = node.assignmentOperator.source.stringValue;
final arguments = node.arguments;
expect(node, arguments !== null);
expect(node, selector is Identifier, 'selector is not assignable');
if (name === '++' || name === '--') {
expect(node, node.assignmentOperator is Operator);
if (node.isIndex) {
expect(node.arguments.tail.head, node.arguments.tail.isEmpty());
} else {
expect(node.arguments.head, node.arguments.isEmpty());
} else {
expect(node, !node.arguments.isEmpty());
visitReturn(Return node) {
if (!node.isRedirectingConstructorBody && node.hasExpression) {
// We allow non-expression expressions in Return nodes, but only when
// using them to hold redirecting factory constructors.
expect(node, node.expression.asExpression() != null);
class InvalidNodeError {
final Node node;
final String message;
InvalidNodeError(this.node, [this.message]);
toString() {
String nodeString = node.toDebugString();
String result = 'invalid node: $nodeString';
if (message !== null) result = '$result ($message)';
return result;