blob: a97651ad3c4b7f850e12a8f4a1d3b99fa4e7fbd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
void processNativeClasses(Enqueuer world,
CodeEmitterTask emitter,
Collection<LibraryElement> libraries) {
for (LibraryElement library in libraries) {
processNativeClassesInLibrary(world, emitter, library);
void addSubtypes(ClassElement cls,
NativeEmitter emitter) {
for (DartType type in cls.allSupertypes) {
List<Element> subtypes = emitter.subtypes.putIfAbsent(
() => <ClassElement>[]);
List<Element> directSubtypes = emitter.directSubtypes.putIfAbsent(
() => <ClassElement>[]);
void processNativeClassesInLibrary(Enqueuer world,
CodeEmitterTask emitter,
LibraryElement library) {
bool hasNativeClass = false;
final compiler = emitter.compiler;
// Use implementation to ensure the inclusion of injected members.
library.implementation.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
if (element.kind == ElementKind.CLASS) {
ClassElement classElement = element;
if (classElement.isNative()) {
hasNativeClass = true;
// Also parse the node to know all its methods because
// otherwise it will only be parsed if there is a call to
// one of its constructor.
// Resolve to setup the inheritance.
// Add the information that this class is a subtype of
// its supertypes. The code emitter and the ssa builder use that
// information.
addSubtypes(classElement, emitter.nativeEmitter);
if (hasNativeClass) {
const SourceString('dynamicFunction')));
const SourceString('dynamicSetMetadata')));
const SourceString('defineProperty')));
const SourceString('toStringForNativeObject')));
const SourceString('hashCodeForNativeObject')));
void maybeEnableNative(Compiler compiler,
LibraryElement library,
Uri uri) {
String libraryName = uri.toString();
if (
|| libraryName == 'dart:isolate'
|| libraryName == 'dart:html') {
library.canUseNative = true;
void checkAllowedLibrary(ElementListener listener, Token token) {
LibraryElement currentLibrary = listener.compilationUnitElement.getLibrary();
if (!currentLibrary.canUseNative) {
listener.recoverableError("Unexpected token", token: token);
Token handleNativeBlockToSkip(Listener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
token =;
if (token.kind === STRING_TOKEN) {
token =;
if (token.stringValue === '{') {
BeginGroupToken beginGroupToken = token;
token = beginGroupToken.endGroup;
return token;
Token handleNativeClassBodyToSkip(Listener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
token =;
if (token.kind !== STRING_TOKEN) {
return listener.unexpected(token);
token =;
if (token.stringValue !== '{') {
return listener.unexpected(token);
BeginGroupToken beginGroupToken = token;
token = beginGroupToken.endGroup;
return token;
Token handleNativeClassBody(Listener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
token =;
if (token.kind !== STRING_TOKEN) {
} else {
token =;
return token;
Token handleNativeFunctionBody(ElementListener listener, Token token) {
checkAllowedLibrary(listener, token);
Token begin = token;
token =;
bool hasExpression = false;
if (token.kind === STRING_TOKEN) {
hasExpression = true;
token =;
listener.endReturnStatement(hasExpression, begin, token);
// TODO(ngeoffray): expect a ';'.
// Currently there are method with both native marker and Dart body.
SourceString checkForNativeClass(ElementListener listener) {
SourceString nativeName;
Node node = listener.nodes.head;
if (node != null
&& node.asIdentifier() != null
&& node.asIdentifier().source.stringValue == 'native') {
nativeName = node.asIdentifier();
return nativeName;
bool isOverriddenMethod(FunctionElement element,
ClassElement cls,
NativeEmitter nativeEmitter) {
List<ClassElement> subtypes = nativeEmitter.subtypes[cls];
if (subtypes == null) return false;
for (ClassElement subtype in subtypes) {
if (subtype.lookupLocalMember( != null) return true;
return false;
void handleSsaNative(SsaBuilder builder, Expression nativeBody) {
Compiler compiler = builder.compiler;
FunctionElement element =;
NativeEmitter nativeEmitter = builder.emitter.nativeEmitter;
// If what we're compiling is a getter named 'typeName' and the native
// class is named 'DOMType', we generate a call to the typeNameOf
// function attached on the isolate.
// The DOM classes assume that their 'typeName' property, which is
// not a JS property on the DOM types, returns the type name.
if ( == const SourceString('typeName')
&& element.isGetter()
&& nativeEmitter.toNativeName(element.getEnclosingClass()) == 'DOMType') {
Element helper =
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('getTypeNameOf'));
builder.pushInvokeHelper1(helper, builder.localsHandler.readThis());
builder.close(new HReturn(builder.pop())).addSuccessor(builder.graph.exit);
HInstruction convertDartClosure(Element parameter, FunctionType type) {
HInstruction local = builder.localsHandler.readLocal(parameter);
Constant arityConstant =
HInstruction arity = builder.graph.addConstant(arityConstant);
// TODO(ngeoffray): For static methods, we could pass a method with a
// defined arity.
Element helper = builder.interceptors.getClosureConverter();
builder.pushInvokeHelper2(helper, local, arity);
HInstruction closure = builder.pop();
return closure;
// Check which pattern this native method follows:
// 1) foo() native; hasBody = false, isRedirecting = false
// 2) foo() native "bar"; hasBody = false, isRedirecting = true
// 3) foo() native "return 42"; hasBody = true, isRedirecting = false
RegExp nativeRedirectionRegExp = const RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*$');
bool hasBody = false;
bool isRedirecting = false;
String nativeMethodName =;
if (nativeBody !== null) {
LiteralString jsCode = nativeBody.asLiteralString();
String str = jsCode.dartString.slowToString();
if (nativeRedirectionRegExp.hasMatch(str)) {
nativeMethodName = str;
isRedirecting = true;
nativeEmitter.addRedirectingMethod(element, nativeMethodName);
} else {
hasBody = true;
if (!hasBody) {
FunctionSignature parameters = element.computeSignature(builder.compiler);
if (!hasBody) {
List<String> arguments = <String>[];
List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[];
String receiver = '';
if (element.isInstanceMember()) {
receiver = '#.';
parameters.forEachParameter((Element parameter) {
DartType type = parameter.computeType(compiler).unalias(compiler);
HInstruction input = builder.localsHandler.readLocal(parameter);
if (type is FunctionType) {
// The parameter type is a function type either directly or through
// typedef(s).
input = convertDartClosure(parameter, type);
String foreignParameters = Strings.join(arguments, ',');
String nativeMethodCall;
if (element.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION) {
nativeMethodCall = '$receiver$nativeMethodName($foreignParameters)';
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
nativeMethodCall = '$receiver$nativeMethodName';
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
nativeMethodCall = '$receiver$nativeMethodName = $foreignParameters';
} else {
builder.compiler.internalError('unexpected kind: "${element.kind}"',
element: element);
DartString jsCode = new DartString.literal(nativeMethodCall);
new HForeign(jsCode, const LiteralDartString('Object'), inputs));
builder.close(new HReturn(builder.pop())).addSuccessor(builder.graph.exit);
} else {
// This is JS code written in a Dart file with the construct
// native """ ... """;. It does not work well with mangling,
// but there should currently be no clash between leg mangling
// and the library where this construct is being used. This
// mangling problem will go away once we switch these libraries
// to use Leg's 'JS' function.
parameters.forEachParameter((Element parameter) {
DartType type = parameter.computeType(compiler).unalias(compiler);
if (type is FunctionType) {
// The parameter type is a function type either directly or through
// typedef(s).
HInstruction jsClosure = convertDartClosure(parameter, type);
// Because the JS code references the argument name directly,
// we must keep the name and assign the JS closure to it.
builder.add(new HForeign(
new DartString.literal('${} = #'),
const LiteralDartString('void'),
LiteralString jsCode = nativeBody.asLiteralString();
builder.push(new HForeign.statement(jsCode.dartString, <HInstruction>[]));
void generateMethodWithPrototypeCheckForElement(Compiler compiler,
StringBuffer buffer,
FunctionElement element,
String code,
String parameters) {
String methodName;
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
Namer namer = backend.namer;
if (element.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION) {
methodName = namer.instanceMethodName(element);
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
methodName = namer.getterName(element.getLibrary(),;
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
methodName = namer.setterName(element.getLibrary(),;
} else {
compiler.internalError('unexpected kind: "${element.kind}"',
element: element);
compiler, buffer, methodName, code, parameters);
// If a method is overridden, we must check if the prototype of
// 'this' has the method available. Otherwise, we may end up
// calling the method from the super class. If the method is not
// available, we make a direct call to Object.prototype.$methodName.
// This method will patch the prototype of 'this' to the real method.
void generateMethodWithPrototypeCheck(Compiler compiler,
StringBuffer buffer,
String methodName,
String code,
String parameters) {
buffer.add(" if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty");
buffer.add("('$methodName')) {\n");
buffer.add(" $code");
buffer.add(" } else {\n");
buffer.add(" return Object.prototype.$");
buffer.add(parameters == '' ? '' : ', $parameters');
buffer.add(" }\n");