blob: 4af502a07abc82e8cbea8ac76ef5dbac143753e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Helpers for working with JS.
library dart._js_helper;
import 'dart:_internal';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:wasm';
part 'regexp_helper.dart';
/// [JSValue] is the root of the JS interop object hierarchy.
class JSValue {
final WasmAnyRef _ref;
// Currently we always explictly box JS ref's in [JSValue] objects. In the
// future, we will want to leave these values unboxed when possible, even when
// they are nullable.
static JSValue? box(WasmAnyRef? ref) =>
isDartNull(ref) ? null : JSValue(ref!);
WasmAnyRef toAnyRef() => _ref;
String toString() => jsStringToDartString(_ref);
List<Object?> toObjectList() => toDartList(_ref);
Object toObject() => jsObjectToDartObject(_ref);
extension DoubleToJS on double {
WasmAnyRef toAnyRef() => toJSNumber(this);
JSValue toJS() => JSValue(toAnyRef());
extension StringToJS on String {
WasmAnyRef toAnyRef() => jsStringFromDartString(this);
JSValue toJS() => JSValue(toAnyRef());
extension ListOfObjectToJS on List<Object?> {
WasmAnyRef toAnyRef() => jsArrayFromDartList(this);
JSValue toJS() => JSValue(toAnyRef());
extension ObjectToJS on Object {
WasmAnyRef toAnyRef() => jsObjectFromDartObject(this);
JSValue toJS() => JSValue(toAnyRef());
// For now both `null` and `undefined` in JS map to `null` in Dart.
bool isDartNull(WasmAnyRef? ref) => ref == null || isJSUndefined(ref);
/// A [JSArray] is a wrapper for a native JSArray.
class JSArray extends JSValue {
JSArray(WasmAnyRef ref) : super(ref);
static JSArray? box(WasmAnyRef? ref) =>
isDartNull(ref) ? null : JSArray(ref!);
JSValue? pop() =>, 'pop'.toAnyRef(), [].toAnyRef()));
JSValue? operator [](int index) =>, intToJSNumber(index)));
void operator []=(int index, JSValue? value) =>
setPropertyRaw(_ref, intToJSNumber(index), value?.toAnyRef());
int get length =>
toDartNumber(getPropertyRaw(_ref, 'length'.toAnyRef())!).floor();
/// A [JSObject] is a wrapper for any JS object literal.
class JSObject extends JSValue {
JSObject(WasmAnyRef ref) : super(ref);
static JSObject? box(WasmAnyRef? ref) =>
isDartNull(ref) ? null : JSObject(ref!);
JSValue? operator [](String key) =>, key.toAnyRef()));
void operator []=(String key, JSValue? value) =>
setPropertyRaw(_ref, key.toAnyRef(), value?.toAnyRef());
class JSArrayIteratorAdapter<T> extends Iterator<T> {
final JSArray array;
int index = -1;
bool moveNext() {
if (index > array.length) {
throw 'Iterator out of bounds';
return index < array.length;
T get current => dartifyRaw(array[index]?.toAnyRef()) as T;
/// [JSArrayIterableAdapter] lazily adapts a [JSArray] to Dart's [Iterable]
/// interface.
class JSArrayIterableAdapter<T> extends EfficientLengthIterable<T> {
final JSArray array;
Iterator<T> get iterator => JSArrayIteratorAdapter<T>(array);
int get length => array.length;
// Convert to double to avoid converting to [BigInt] in the case of int64.
WasmAnyRef intToJSNumber(int i) => toJSNumber(i.toDouble());
WasmAnyRef? getConstructorString(String constructor) =>
getPropertyRaw(globalThisRaw(), constructor.toAnyRef());
Object jsObjectToDartObject(WasmAnyRef ref) => unsafeCastOpaque<Object>(ref);
WasmAnyRef jsObjectFromDartObject(Object object) =>
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSUndefined")
external bool isJSUndefined(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSBoolean")
external bool isJSBoolean(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSNumber")
external bool isJSNumber(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSBigInt")
external bool isJSBigInt(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSString")
external bool isJSString(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSSymbol")
external bool isJSSymbol(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSFunction")
external bool isJSFunction(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSInt8Array")
external bool isJSInt8Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSUint8Array")
external bool isJSUint8Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSUint8ClampedArray")
external bool isJSUint8ClampedArray(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSInt16Array")
external bool isJSInt16Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSUint16Array")
external bool isJSUint16Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSInt32Array")
external bool isJSInt32Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSUint32Array")
external bool isJSUint32Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSFloat32Array")
external bool isJSFloat32Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSFloat64Array")
external bool isJSFloat64Array(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSArrayBuffer")
external bool isJSArrayBuffer(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSDataView")
external bool isJSDataView(WasmAnyRef object);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSArray")
external bool isJSArray(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSWrappedDartFunction")
external bool isJSWrappedDartFunction(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSObject")
external bool isJSObject(WasmAnyRef? o);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.isJSRegExp")
external bool isJSRegExp(WasmAnyRef object);
// The JS runtime will run helpful conversion routines between refs and bool /
// double. In the longer term hopefully we can find a way to avoid the round
// trip.
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.roundtrip")
external double toDartNumber(WasmAnyRef ref);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.roundtrip")
external WasmAnyRef toJSNumber(double d);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.roundtrip")
external bool toDartBool(WasmAnyRef ref);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.objectLength")
external double objectLength(WasmAnyRef ref);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.objectReadIndex")
external WasmAnyRef? objectReadIndex(WasmAnyRef ref, int index);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.unwrapJSWrappedDartFunction")
external Object? unwrapJSWrappedDartFunction(WasmAnyRef f);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.int8ArrayFromDartInt8List")
external WasmAnyRef jsInt8ArrayFromDartInt8List(Int8List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.uint8ArrayFromDartUint8List")
external WasmAnyRef jsUint8ArrayFromDartUint8List(Uint8List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.uint8ClampedArrayFromDartUint8ClampedList")
external WasmAnyRef jsUint8ClampedArrayFromDartUint8ClampedList(
Uint8ClampedList list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.int16ArrayFromDartInt16List")
external WasmAnyRef jsInt16ArrayFromDartInt16List(Int16List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.uint16ArrayFromDartUint16List")
external WasmAnyRef jsUint16ArrayFromDartUint16List(Uint16List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.int32ArrayFromDartInt32List")
external WasmAnyRef jsInt32ArrayFromDartInt32List(Int32List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.uint32ArrayFromDartUint32List")
external WasmAnyRef jsUint32ArrayFromDartUint32List(Uint32List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.float32ArrayFromDartFloat32List")
external WasmAnyRef jsFloat32ArrayFromDartFloat32List(Float32List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.float64ArrayFromDartFloat64List")
external WasmAnyRef jsFloat64ArrayFromDartFloat64List(Float64List list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.dataViewFromDartByteData")
external WasmAnyRef jsDataViewFromDartByteData(
ByteData data, double byteLength);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.arrayFromDartList")
external WasmAnyRef jsArrayFromDartList(List<Object?> list);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.stringFromDartString")
external WasmAnyRef jsStringFromDartString(String string);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.stringToDartString")
external String jsStringToDartString(WasmAnyRef string);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.eval")
external void evalRaw(WasmAnyRef code);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.newObject")
external WasmAnyRef newObjectRaw();
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.globalThis")
external WasmAnyRef globalThisRaw();
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.callConstructorVarArgs")
external WasmAnyRef callConstructorVarArgsRaw(WasmAnyRef o, WasmAnyRef args);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.safeCallConstructorVarArgs")
external WasmAnyRef safeCallConstructorVarArgsRaw(
WasmAnyRef o, WasmAnyRef args);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.hasProperty")
external bool hasPropertyRaw(WasmAnyRef o, WasmAnyRef name);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.getProperty")
external WasmAnyRef? getPropertyRaw(WasmAnyRef o, WasmAnyRef name);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.setProperty")
external WasmAnyRef? setPropertyRaw(
WasmAnyRef o, WasmAnyRef name, WasmAnyRef? value);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.callMethodVarArgs")
external WasmAnyRef? callMethodVarArgsRaw(
WasmAnyRef o, WasmAnyRef method, WasmAnyRef? args);
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.stringify")
external String stringify(WasmAnyRef? object);
// Currently, `allowInterop` returns a Function type. This is unfortunate for
// Dart2wasm because it means arbitrary Dart functions can flow to JS util
// calls. Our only solutions is to cache every function called with
// `allowInterop` and to replace them with the wrapped variant when they flow
// to JS.
// NOTE: We are not currently replacing functions returned from JS.
Map<Function, JSValue> functionToJSWrapper = {};
WasmAnyRef jsArrayBufferFromDartByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer) {
ByteData byteData = ByteData.view(buffer);
WasmAnyRef dataView =
jsDataViewFromDartByteData(byteData, byteData.lengthInBytes.toDouble());
return getPropertyRaw(dataView, 'buffer'.toAnyRef())!;
WasmAnyRef? jsifyRaw(Object? object) {
if (object == null) {
return null;
} else if (object is Function) {
'Must call `allowInterop` on functions before they flow to JS');
return functionToJSWrapper[object]?.toAnyRef();
} else if (object is JSValue) {
return object.toAnyRef();
} else if (object is String) {
return jsStringFromDartString(object);
} else if (object is Int8List) {
return jsInt8ArrayFromDartInt8List(object);
} else if (object is Uint8List) {
return jsUint8ArrayFromDartUint8List(object);
} else if (object is Uint8ClampedList) {
return jsUint8ClampedArrayFromDartUint8ClampedList(object);
} else if (object is Int16List) {
return jsInt16ArrayFromDartInt16List(object);
} else if (object is Uint16List) {
return jsUint16ArrayFromDartUint16List(object);
} else if (object is Int32List) {
return jsInt32ArrayFromDartInt32List(object);
} else if (object is Uint32List) {
return jsUint32ArrayFromDartUint32List(object);
} else if (object is Float32List) {
return jsFloat32ArrayFromDartFloat32List(object);
} else if (object is Float64List) {
return jsFloat64ArrayFromDartFloat64List(object);
} else if (object is ByteBuffer) {
return jsArrayBufferFromDartByteBuffer(object);
} else if (object is ByteData) {
return jsDataViewFromDartByteData(object, object.lengthInBytes.toDouble());
} else if (object is List<Object?>) {
return jsArrayFromDartList(object);
} else if (object is num) {
return toJSNumber(object.toDouble());
} else {
return jsObjectFromDartObject(object);
/// TODO(joshualitt): We shouldn't need this, but otherwise we seem to get a
/// cast error for certain oddball types(I think undefined, but need to dig
/// deeper).
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$dartifyRaw")
Object? dartifyExported(WasmAnyRef? ref) => dartifyRaw(ref);
Object? dartifyRaw(WasmAnyRef? ref) {
if (ref == null) {
return null;
} else if (isJSUndefined(ref)) {
// TODO(joshualitt): Introduce a `JSUndefined` type.
return null;
} else if (isJSBoolean(ref)) {
return toDartBool(ref);
} else if (isJSNumber(ref)) {
return toDartNumber(ref);
} else if (isJSString(ref)) {
return jsStringToDartString(ref);
} else if (isJSInt8Array(ref)) {
return toDartInt8List(ref);
} else if (isJSUint8Array(ref)) {
return toDartUint8List(ref);
} else if (isJSUint8ClampedArray(ref)) {
return toDartUint8ClampedList(ref);
} else if (isJSInt16Array(ref)) {
return toDartInt16List(ref);
} else if (isJSUint16Array(ref)) {
return toDartUint16List(ref);
} else if (isJSInt32Array(ref)) {
return toDartInt32List(ref);
} else if (isJSUint32Array(ref)) {
return toDartUint32List(ref);
} else if (isJSFloat32Array(ref)) {
return toDartFloat32List(ref);
} else if (isJSFloat64Array(ref)) {
return toDartFloat64List(ref);
} else if (isJSArrayBuffer(ref)) {
return toDartByteBuffer(ref);
} else if (isJSDataView(ref)) {
return toDartByteData(ref);
} else if (isJSArray(ref)) {
return toDartList(ref);
} else if (isJSWrappedDartFunction(ref)) {
return unwrapJSWrappedDartFunction(ref);
} else if (isJSObject(ref) ||
// TODO(joshualitt): We may want to create proxy types for some of these
// cases.
isJSBigInt(ref) ||
isJSSymbol(ref) ||
isJSFunction(ref)) {
return JSValue(ref);
} else {
return jsObjectToDartObject(ref);
Int8List toDartInt8List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(ref, (size) => Int8List(size))
as Int8List;
Uint8List toDartUint8List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(ref, (size) => Uint8List(size))
as Uint8List;
Uint8ClampedList toDartUint8ClampedList(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(ref, (size) => Uint8ClampedList(size))
as Uint8ClampedList;
Int16List toDartInt16List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(ref, (size) => Int16List(size))
as Int16List;
Uint16List toDartUint16List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(ref, (size) => Uint16List(size))
as Uint16List;
Int32List toDartInt32List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(ref, (size) => Int32List(size))
as Int32List;
Uint32List toDartUint32List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(ref, (size) => Uint32List(size))
as Uint32List;
Float32List toDartFloat32List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsFloatTypedArrayToDartFloatTypedData(ref, (size) => Float32List(size))
as Float32List;
Float64List toDartFloat64List(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
jsFloatTypedArrayToDartFloatTypedData(ref, (size) => Float64List(size))
as Float64List;
ByteBuffer toDartByteBuffer(WasmAnyRef ref) =>
getConstructorString('DataView')!, [JSValue(ref)].toAnyRef()))
ByteData toDartByteData(WasmAnyRef ref) {
int length =
toDartNumber(getPropertyRaw(ref, 'byteLength'.toAnyRef())!).toInt();
ByteData data = ByteData(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ref, 'getUint8'.toAnyRef(), [i].toAnyRef())!)
return data;
List<double> jsFloatTypedArrayToDartFloatTypedData(
WasmAnyRef ref, List<double> makeTypedData(int size)) {
int length = objectLength(ref).toInt();
List<double> list = makeTypedData(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
list[i] = toDartNumber(objectReadIndex(ref, i)!);
return list;
List<int> jsIntTypedArrayToDartIntTypedData(
WasmAnyRef ref, List<int> makeTypedData(int size)) {
int length = objectLength(ref).toInt();
List<int> list = makeTypedData(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
list[i] = toDartNumber(objectReadIndex(ref, i)!).toInt();
return list;
List<Object?> toDartList(WasmAnyRef ref) => List<Object?>.generate(
objectLength(ref).round(), (int n) => dartifyRaw(objectReadIndex(ref, n)));
@pragma("wasm:import", "dart2wasm.wrapDartFunction")
external WasmAnyRef _wrapDartFunctionRaw(
WasmAnyRef dartFunction, WasmAnyRef trampolineName);
F _wrapDartFunction<F extends Function>(F f, String trampolineName) {
if (functionToJSWrapper.containsKey(f)) {
return f;
JSValue wrappedFunction = JSValue(_wrapDartFunctionRaw(
f.toJS().toAnyRef(), trampolineName.toJS().toAnyRef()));
functionToJSWrapper[f] = wrappedFunction;
return f;
/// Returns the JS constructor object for a given [String].
WasmAnyRef getConstructorRaw(String name) =>
getPropertyRaw(globalThisRaw(), name.toAnyRef())!;
/// Equivalent to `Object.keys(object)`.
JSArray objectKeys(JSValue object) => JSArray(callMethodVarArgsRaw(
getConstructorRaw('Object'), 'keys'.toAnyRef(), [object].toAnyRef())!);
/// Methods used by the wasm runtime.
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$listLength")
double _listLength(List list) => list.length.toDouble();
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$listRead")
WasmAnyRef? _listRead(List<Object?> list, double index) =>
@pragma("wasm:export", "\$byteDataGetUint8")
double _byteDataGetUint8(ByteData byteData, double index) =>