blob: 35aff319d0e8e8a96a5d0f8fb562ad90d665366f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.common.tasks;
import 'dart:async'
show Future, Zone, ZoneDelegate, ZoneSpecification, runZoned;
import 'metrics.dart';
/// Used to measure where time is spent in the compiler.
/// This exposes [measure] and [measureIo], which wrap an action and associate
/// the time spent during that action with this task. Nested measurementsccan be
/// introduced by using [measureSubtask].
// TODO(sigmund): rename to MeasurableTask
abstract class CompilerTask {
final Measurer _measurer;
final Stopwatch _watch;
final Map<String, GenericTask> _subtasks = {};
int _asyncCount = 0;
// Each task has a fixed, lazily computed, ZoneSpecification and zoneValues
// for [_measureZoned].
ZoneSpecification _zoneSpecification;
Map _zoneValues;
: _watch = _measurer.enableTaskMeasurements ? Stopwatch() : null;
/// Whether measurement is disabled. The functions [measure] and [measureIo]
/// only measure time if measurements are enabled.
bool get _isDisabled => _watch == null;
/// Name to use for reporting timing information.
/// Subclasses should override this with a proper name, otherwise we use the
/// runtime type of the task.
String get name => "Unknown task '${this.runtimeType}'";
bool get isRunning => _watch?.isRunning == true;
int get timing {
if (_isDisabled) return 0;
int total = _watch.elapsedMilliseconds;
for (GenericTask subtask in _subtasks.values) {
total += subtask.timing;
return total;
Duration get duration {
if (_isDisabled) return;
Duration total = _watch.elapsed;
for (GenericTask subtask in _subtasks.values) {
total += subtask.duration;
return total;
/// Perform [action] and measure its runtime (including any asynchronous
/// callbacks, such as, [Future.then], but excluding code measured by other
/// tasks).
T measure<T>(T action()) => _isDisabled ? action() : _measureZoned(action);
/// Helper method that starts measuring with this [CompilerTask], that is,
/// make this task the currently measured task.
CompilerTask _start() {
if (_isDisabled) return null;
CompilerTask previous = _measurer._currentTask;
_measurer._currentTask = this;
if (previous != null) previous._watch.stop();
// Regardless of whether [previous] is `null` we've returned from the
// eventloop.
return previous;
/// Helper method that stops measuring with this [CompilerTask], that is,
/// make [previous] the currently measured task.
void _stop(CompilerTask previous) {
if (_isDisabled) return;
if (previous != null) {
} else {
// If there's no previous task, we're about to return control to the
// event loop. Start counting that as waiting asynchronous I/O.
_measurer._currentTask = previous;
T _measureZoned<T>(T action()) {
// Using zones, we're able to track asynchronous operations correctly, as
// our zone will be asked to invoke `then` blocks. Then blocks (the closure
// passed to runZoned, and other closures) are run via the `run` functions
// below.
assert(_watch != null);
// The current zone is already measuring `this` task.
if (Zone.current[_measurer] == this) return action();
return runZoned(action,
zoneValues: _zoneValues ??= {_measurer: this},
zoneSpecification: _zoneSpecification ??= ZoneSpecification(
run: _run, runUnary: _runUnary, runBinary: _runBinary));
/// Run [f] in [zone]. Running must be delegated to [parent] to ensure that
/// various state is set up correctly (in particular that `Zone.current`
/// has the right value). Since [_measureZoned] can be called recursively
/// (synchronously), some of the measuring zones we create will be parents
/// of other measuring zones, but we still need to call through the parent
/// chain. Consequently, we use a zone value keyed by [_measurer] to see if
/// we should measure or not when delegating.
R _run<R>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f()) {
if (zone[_measurer] != this) return, f);
CompilerTask previous = _start();
try {
return, f);
} finally {
/// Same as [run] except that [f] takes one argument, [arg].
R _runUnary<R, T>(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T arg), T arg) {
if (zone[_measurer] != this) return parent.runUnary(zone, f, arg);
CompilerTask previous = _start();
try {
return parent.runUnary(zone, f, arg);
} finally {
/// Same as [run] except that [f] takes two arguments ([a1] and [a2]).
R _runBinary<R, T1, T2>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
R f(T1 a1, T2 a2), T1 a1, T2 a2) {
if (zone[_measurer] != this) return parent.runBinary(zone, f, a1, a2);
CompilerTask previous = _start();
try {
return parent.runBinary(zone, f, a1, a2);
} finally {
/// Asynchronous version of [measure]. Use this when action returns a future
/// that's truly asynchronous, such I/O. Only one task can use this method
/// concurrently.
/// Note: we assume that this method is used only by the compiler input
/// provider, but it could be used by other tasks as long as the input
/// provider will not be called by those tasks.
Future<T> measureIo<T>(Future<T> action()) {
if (_isDisabled) return action();
if (_measurer._currentAsyncTask == null) {
_measurer._currentAsyncTask = this;
} else if (_measurer._currentAsyncTask != this) {
throw "Cannot track async task '$name' because"
" '${}' is already being tracked.";
return measure(action).whenComplete(() {
if (_asyncCount == 0) _measurer._currentAsyncTask = null;
/// Measure the time spent in [action] (if in verbose mode) and accumulate it
/// under a subtask with the given name.
T measureSubtask<T>(String name, T action()) {
if (_isDisabled) return action();
// Use a nested CompilerTask for the measurement to ensure nested [measure]
// calls work correctly. The subtasks will never themselves have nested
// subtasks because they are not accessible outside.
GenericTask subtask = _subtasks[name] ??= GenericTask(name, _measurer);
return subtask.measure(action);
/// Asynchronous version of [measureSubtask]. Use this when action returns a
/// future that's truly asynchronous, such I/O. Only one task can use this
/// concurrently.
/// Note: we assume that this method is used only by the compiler input
/// provider, but it could be used by other tasks as long as the input
/// provider will not be called by those tasks.
Future<T> measureIoSubtask<T>(String name, Future<T> action()) {
if (_isDisabled) return action();
// Use a nested CompilerTask for the measurement to ensure nested [measure]
// calls work correctly. The subtasks will never themselves have nested
// subtasks because they are not accessible outside.
GenericTask subtask = _subtasks[name] ??= GenericTask(name, _measurer);
return subtask.measureIo(action);
Iterable<String> get subtasks => _subtasks.keys;
int getSubtaskTime(String subtask) => _subtasks[subtask].timing;
bool getSubtaskIsRunning(String subtask) => _subtasks[subtask].isRunning;
/// Returns the metrics for this task.
Metrics get metrics => Metrics.none();
class GenericTask extends CompilerTask {
final String name;
GenericTask(, Measurer measurer) : super(measurer);
class Measurer {
/// Measures the total runtime from this object was constructed.
/// Note: MUST be the first field of this class to ensure [wallclock] is
/// started before other computations.
final Stopwatch _wallClock = Stopwatch()..start();
Duration get elapsedWallClock => _wallClock.elapsed;
/// Measures gaps between zoned closures due to asynchronicity.
final Stopwatch _asyncWallClock = Stopwatch();
Duration get elapsedAsyncWallClock => _asyncWallClock.elapsed;
/// Whether measurement of tasks is enabled.
final bool enableTaskMeasurements;
static int _hashCodeGenerator = 197;
final int hashCode = _hashCodeGenerator++;
Measurer({this.enableTaskMeasurements = false});
/// The currently running task, that is, the task whose [Stopwatch] is
/// currently running.
CompilerTask _currentTask;
/// The current task which should be charged for asynchronous gaps.
CompilerTask _currentAsyncTask;
/// Start counting the total elapsed time since the compiler started.
void startWallClock() {
/// Start counting the total elapsed time since the compiler started.
void stopWallClock() {
/// Call this before returning to the eventloop.
void startAsyncWallClock() {
if (_currentAsyncTask != null) {
} else {
/// Call this when the eventloop returns control to us.
void stopAsyncWallClock() {
if (_currentAsyncTask != null) {