blob: 6e8344cc47abca9a31a005c766d082b3cabd4ce6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:async' show Future, StreamSubscription;
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder, jsonDecode, utf8;
import 'dart:io' show BytesBuilder, File, stdin, stdout;
import 'dart:math' show max;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/relativize.dart'
show relativizeUri, isWindows;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/parser.dart'
show Listener, Parser;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/scanner.dart'
show ErrorToken, ScannerConfiguration, Token;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/target.dart' show DevCompilerTarget;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart'
show CompilerOptions, DiagnosticMessage;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/experimental_flags.dart'
show ExperimentalFlag;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/file_system.dart'
show FileSystem, FileSystemEntity, FileSystemException;
import 'package:front_end/src/base/processed_options.dart'
show ProcessedOptions;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/builder/library_builder.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/incremental_compiler.dart'
show IncrementalCompiler;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart' show ByteSink;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/messages.dart' show Message;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/direct_parser_ast.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/direct_parser_ast_helper.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/textual_outline.dart'
show textualOutline;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Component;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart' show BinaryPrinter;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target, TargetFlags;
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import "package:vm/target/flutter.dart" show FlutterTarget;
import "package:vm/target/vm.dart" show VmTarget;
import 'incremental_load_from_dill_suite.dart' show getOptions;
import 'parser_test_listener.dart' show ParserTestListener;
import 'parser_suite.dart' as parser_suite;
class TestMinimizerSettings {
final _FakeFileSystem _fsInitial = new _FakeFileSystem();
final _FakeFileSystem _fsNotInitial = new _FakeFileSystem();
_FakeFileSystem get _fs {
if (_useInitialFs) return _fsInitial;
return _fsNotInitial;
bool _useInitialFs = true;
Uri mainUri;
Uri platformUri;
bool noPlatform = false;
bool experimentalInvalidation = false;
bool serialize = false;
bool widgetTransformation = false;
final List<Uri> invalidate = [];
String targetString = "VM";
bool oldBlockDelete = false;
bool lineDelete = false;
bool byteDelete = false;
bool askAboutRedirectCrashTarget = false;
bool autoUncoverAllCrashes = false;
int stackTraceMatches = 1;
final Set<String> askedAboutRedirect = {};
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> fileSystems = [];
final Set<String> allAutoRedirects = {};
void goToFileSystem(int i) {
Map<String, dynamic> fileSystem = fileSystems[i];
fileSystems[i] = _fsNotInitial.toJson();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
List<Map<String, dynamic>> fileSystems =
new List<Map<String, dynamic>>.from(this.fileSystems);
return {
'mainUri': mainUri.toString(),
'platformUri': platformUri.toString(),
'noPlatform': noPlatform,
'experimentalInvalidation': experimentalInvalidation,
'serialize': serialize,
'widgetTransformation': widgetTransformation,
'invalidate': => uri.toString()).toList(),
'targetString': targetString,
'oldBlockDelete': oldBlockDelete,
'lineDelete': lineDelete,
'byteDelete': byteDelete,
'askAboutRedirectCrashTarget': askAboutRedirectCrashTarget,
'autoUncoverAllCrashes': autoUncoverAllCrashes,
'stackTraceMatches': stackTraceMatches,
'askedAboutRedirect': askedAboutRedirect.toList(),
'fileSystems': fileSystems,
'allAutoRedirects': allAutoRedirects.toList(),
initializeFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
mainUri = Uri.parse(json["mainUri"]);
platformUri = Uri.parse(json["platformUri"]);
noPlatform = json["noPlatform"];
experimentalInvalidation = json["experimentalInvalidation"];
serialize = json["serialize"];
widgetTransformation = json["widgetTransformation"];
(json["invalidate"] as List).map((uriString) => Uri.parse(uriString)));
targetString = json["targetString"];
oldBlockDelete = json["oldBlockDelete"];
lineDelete = json["lineDelete"];
byteDelete = json["byteDelete"];
askAboutRedirectCrashTarget = json["askAboutRedirectCrashTarget"];
autoUncoverAllCrashes = json["autoUncoverAllCrashes"];
stackTraceMatches = json["stackTraceMatches"];
askedAboutRedirect.addAll((json["askedAboutRedirect"] as List).cast());
fileSystems.addAll((json["fileSystems"] as List).cast());
allAutoRedirects.addAll((json["allAutoRedirects"] as List).cast());
// TODO(jensj): The different cuts and inlines in this file aren't tested.
// The probably should be. So they should probably be factored out so they can
// be tested and then tested.
// Similarly the whole +/- 1 thing to cut out what we want is weird and should
// be factored out into helpers too, or we should have some sort of visitor
// that can include the "real" numbers (which should then also be tested).
class TestMinimizer {
final TestMinimizerSettings _settings;
_FakeFileSystem get _fs => _settings._fs;
Uri get _mainUri => _settings.mainUri;
String _expectedCrashLine;
bool _quit = false;
bool _skip = false;
bool _check = false;
int _currentFsNum = -1;
Component _latestComponent;
IncrementalCompiler _latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler;
StreamSubscription<List<int>> _stdinSubscription;
static const int _$LF = 10;
void _setupStdin() {
try {
stdin.echoMode = false;
stdin.lineMode = false;
} catch (e) {
print("Trying to setup 'stdin' failed. Continuing anyway, "
"but 'q', 'i' etc might not work.");
_stdinSubscription = stdin.listen((List<int> event) {
if (event.length == 1 && event.single == "q".codeUnits.single) {
print("\n\nGot told to quit!\n\n");
_quit = true;
} else if (event.length == 1 && event.single == "s".codeUnits.single) {
print("\n\nGot told to skip!\n\n");
_skip = true;
} else if (event.length == 1 && event.single == "c".codeUnits.single) {
print("\n\nGot told to check!\n\n");
_check = true;
} else if (event.length == 1 && event.single == "i".codeUnits.single) {
print("\n\n--- STATUS INFORMATION START ---\n\n");
print("Currently looking for this crash: $_expectedCrashLine\n\n");
print("Currently on filesystem #$_currentFsNum out of "
int totalFiles = 0;
int emptyFiles = 0;
int combinedSize = 0;
for (Uri uri in {
final Uint8List originalBytes =[uri];
if (originalBytes == null) continue;
if (originalBytes.isEmpty) emptyFiles++;
combinedSize += originalBytes.length;
print("Total files left: $totalFiles.");
print("Of which empty: $emptyFiles.");
print("Combined size left: $combinedSize bytes.");
print("\n\n--- STATUS INFORMATION END ---\n\n");
} else {
print("\n\nGot stdin input: $event\n\n");
Future tryToMinimize() async {
while (_currentFsNum < _settings.fileSystems.length) {
try {
if (_currentFsNum >= 0) {
print("Replacing filesystem!");
_expectedCrashLine = null;
_latestComponent = null;
_latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler = null;
await _tryToMinimizeImpl();
if (_currentFsNum + 1 < _settings.fileSystems.length) {
// We have more to do --- but we just printed something the user might
// want to read. So wait a little before continuing.
print("Waiting for 5 seconds before continuing.");
await Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 5));
} catch (e) {
if (e is _DoesntCrashOnInput) {
print("Currently doesn't crash (or no longer crashes) the compiler.");
} else {
print("About to crash. Dumping settings including the filesystem so "
"we can (hopefully) continue later.");
await _stdinSubscription.cancel();
Future _tryToMinimizeImpl() async {
// Set main to be basically empty up front.
_settings._useInitialFs = true;[_mainUri] = utf8.encode("main() {}");
Component initialComponent = await _getInitialComponent();
print("Compiled initially (without data)");
// Remove fake cache.;
_settings._useInitialFs = false;
// First assure it actually crash on the input.
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
throw new _DoesntCrashOnInput();
print("Step #1: We did crash on the input!");
// All file should now be cached.
_fs._redirectAndRecord = false;
// For all dart files: Parse them as set their source as the parsed source
// to "get around" any encoding issues when printing later.
Map<Uri, Uint8List> copy = new Map.from(;
for (Uri uri in {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
String uriString = uri.toString();
if (uriString.endsWith(".json") ||
uriString.endsWith(".packages") ||
uriString.endsWith(".dill") ||[uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) {
// skip
} else {
try {
if (_knownByCompiler(uri)) {
String parsedString =
_getFileAsStringContent([uri], _isUriNnbd(uri));[uri] = utf8.encode(parsedString);
} catch (e) {
// crash in scanner/parser --- keep original file. This crash might
// be what we're looking for!
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// Now - for whatever reason - we didn't crash. Restore.;;
// Operate on one file at a time: Try to delete all content in file.
List<Uri> uris = new List<Uri>.from(;
// TODO(jensj): Can we "thread" this?
bool changedSome = true;
while (changedSome) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
while (changedSome) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
changedSome = false;
for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
Uri uri = uris[i];
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
print("About to work on file $i of ${uris.length}");
await _deleteContent(uris, i, false, initialComponent);
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) {
changedSome = true;
// Try to delete empty files.
bool changedSome2 = true;
while (changedSome2) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
changedSome2 = false;
for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
Uri uri = uris[i];
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isNotEmpty) continue;
print("About to work on file $i of ${uris.length}");
await _deleteContent(uris, i, false, initialComponent,
deleteFile: true);
if ([uri] == null) {
changedSome = true;
changedSome2 = true;
int left = 0;
for (Uri uri in uris) {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
print("There's now $left files of ${} files left");
// Operate on one file at a time.
for (Uri uri in {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (await _tryRemoveIfNotKnownByCompiler(uri, initialComponent)) {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (_check) {
_check = false;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
throw "Check revealed that the current file system doesn't crash.";
} else {
print("Check OK!");
print("Now working on $uri");
int prevLength =[uri].length;
await _deleteBlocks(uri, initialComponent);
await _deleteEmptyLines(uri, initialComponent);
if (_settings.oldBlockDelete) {
// Try to delete blocks.
await _deleteBlocksOld(uri, initialComponent);
if (_settings.lineDelete) {
// Try to delete lines.
await _deleteLines(uri, initialComponent);
print("We're now at ${[uri].length} bytes for $uri "
"(was $prevLength).");
if (prevLength !=[uri].length) changedSome = true;
if ([uri].isEmpty) continue;
if (_settings.byteDelete) {
// Now try to delete 'arbitrarily' (for any given start offset do an
// exponential binary search).
int prevLength =[uri].length;
while (true) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
await _binarySearchDeleteData(uri, initialComponent);
if ([uri].length == prevLength) {
// No progress.
} else {
print("We're now at ${[uri].length} bytes");
prevLength =[uri].length;
changedSome = true;
for (Uri uri in {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (await _tryRemoveIfNotKnownByCompiler(uri, initialComponent)) {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (await _attemptInline(uri, initialComponent)) {
changedSome = true;
if (await _tryRemoveIfNotKnownByCompiler(uri, initialComponent)) {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (await _shouldQuit()) {
print("\n\nASKED TO QUIT\n\n");
} else {
Uri jsonOut = _dumpToJson();
if (!await _shouldQuit()) {
// Test converting to incremental compiler yaml test.
for (Uri uri in uris) {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) continue;
print("Uri $uri has this content:");
try {
String utfDecoded = utf8.decode([uri], allowMalformed: true);
} catch (e) {
print("(which crashes when trying to decode as utf8)");
print("Wrote json dump to $jsonOut");
Future<bool> _shouldQuit() async {
// allow some time for stdin.listen to process data.
await new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 5));
return _quit;
Uri _dumpToJson() {
JsonEncoder jsonEncoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(" ");
String json = jsonEncoder.convert(_settings);
int i = 0;
Uri jsonOut;
while (jsonOut == null || new File.fromUri(jsonOut).existsSync()) {
jsonOut = Uri.base.resolve("crash_minimizer_result_$i");
new File.fromUri(jsonOut).writeAsStringSync(json);
print("Wrote json dump to $jsonOut");
return jsonOut;
/// Attempts to inline small files in other files.
/// Returns true if anything was changed, i.e. if at least one inlining was a
/// success.
Future<bool> _attemptInline(Uri uri, Component initialComponent) async {
// Don't attempt to inline the main uri --- that's our entry!
if (uri == _mainUri) return false;
Uint8List inlineData =[uri];
bool hasMultipleLines = false;
for (int i = 0; i < inlineData.length; i++) {
if (inlineData[i] == _$LF) {
hasMultipleLines = true;
// TODO(jensj): Maybe inline slightly bigger files too?
if (hasMultipleLines) {
return false;
Uri inlinableUri = uri;
int compileTry = 0;
bool changed = false;
for (Uri uri in {
if (!uri.toString().endsWith(".dart")) continue;
if (inlinableUri == uri) continue;
final Uint8List originalBytes =[uri];
if (originalBytes == null || originalBytes.isEmpty) continue;
DirectParserASTContentCompilationUnitEnd ast = getAST(originalBytes,
includeBody: false,
includeComments: false,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: _isUriNnbd(uri));
// Find all imports/exports of this file (if any).
// If finding any:
// * remove all of them, then
// * find the end of the last import/export, and
// * insert the content of the file there.
// * if that *doesn't* work and we've inserted an export,
// try converting that to an import instead.
List<_Replacement> replacements = [];
for (DirectParserASTContentImportEnd import in ast.getImports()) {
Token importUriToken =;
Uri importUri = _getUri(importUriToken, uri);
if (inlinableUri == importUri) {
replacements.add(new _Replacement(
import.importKeyword.offset - 1, import.semicolon.offset + 1));
for (DirectParserASTContentExportEnd export in ast.getExports()) {
Token exportUriToken =;
Uri exportUri = _getUri(exportUriToken, uri);
if (inlinableUri == exportUri) {
replacements.add(new _Replacement(
export.exportKeyword.offset - 1, export.semicolon.offset + 1));
if (replacements.isEmpty) continue;
// Step 1: Remove all imports/exports *of* this file (the inlinable file).
final Uint8List withoutInlineable =
_replaceRange(replacements, originalBytes);
// Step 2: Find the last import/export.
// TODO(jensj): This doesn't work if
// * The file we're inlining into doesn't have any imports/exports but do
// have a `library` declaration.
// * The file we're inlining has a library declaration.
int offsetOfLast = 0;
ast = getAST(withoutInlineable,
includeBody: false,
includeComments: false,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: _isUriNnbd(uri));
for (DirectParserASTContentImportEnd import in ast.getImports()) {
offsetOfLast = max(offsetOfLast, import.semicolon.offset + 1);
for (DirectParserASTContentExportEnd export in ast.getExports()) {
offsetOfLast = max(offsetOfLast, export.semicolon.offset + 1);
// Step 3: Insert the content of the file there. Note, though,
// that any imports/exports in _that_ file should be changed to be valid
// in regards to the new placement.
final String withoutInlineableString = utf8.decode(withoutInlineable);
StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < offsetOfLast; i++) {
inlineData, uri, inlinableUri, _isUriNnbd(inlinableUri))));
for (int i = offsetOfLast; i < withoutInlineableString.length; i++) {
final Uint8List inlinedWithoutChange = utf8.encode(builder.toString());
if (!_parsesWithoutError(inlinedWithoutChange, _isUriNnbd(uri))) {
print("WARNING: Parser error after stuff at ${StackTrace.current}");
// Step 4: Try it out.
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (_skip) {
_skip = false;
if (compileTry % 50 == 0) {
stdout.write("(at $compileTry)\n");
}[uri] = inlinedWithoutChange;
if (await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
print("Could inline $inlinableUri into $uri.");
changed = true;
// File was already updated.
} else {
// Couldn't replace that.
// Insert the original again.[uri] = originalBytes;
// If we've inlined an export, try changing that to an import.
builder = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < offsetOfLast; i++) {
inlineData, uri, inlinableUri, _isUriNnbd(inlinableUri),
convertExportToImport: true)));
for (int i = offsetOfLast; i < withoutInlineableString.length; i++) {
Uint8List inlinedWithChange = utf8.encode(builder.toString());
if (!_parsesWithoutError(inlinedWithChange, _isUriNnbd(uri))) {
print("WARNING: Parser error after stuff at ${StackTrace.current}");
// Step 4: Try it out.
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (_skip) {
_skip = false;
if (compileTry % 50 == 0) {
stdout.write("(at $compileTry)\n");
}[uri] = inlinedWithChange;
if (await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
print("Could inline $inlinableUri into $uri "
"(by converting export to import).");
changed = true;
// File was already updated.
} else {
// Couldn't replace that.
// Insert the original again.[uri] = originalBytes;
return changed;
Uint8List _rewriteImportsExportsToUri(
Uint8List oldData, Uri newUri, Uri oldUri, bool nnbd,
{bool convertExportToImport: false}) {
DirectParserASTContentCompilationUnitEnd ast = getAST(oldData,
includeBody: false,
includeComments: false,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: nnbd);
List<_Replacement> replacements = [];
for (DirectParserASTContentImportEnd import in ast.getImports()) {
_rewriteImportsExportsToUriInternal(, oldUri, replacements, newUri);
for (DirectParserASTContentExportEnd export in ast.getExports()) {
if (convertExportToImport) {
replacements.add(new _Replacement(
export.exportKeyword.offset - 1,
export.exportKeyword.offset + export.exportKeyword.length,
nullOrReplacement: "import",
_rewriteImportsExportsToUriInternal(, oldUri, replacements, newUri);
if (replacements.isNotEmpty) {
Uint8List candidate = _replaceRange(replacements, oldData);
return candidate;
return oldData;
void _outputIncrementalCompilerYamlTest() {
int dartFiles = 0;
for (MapEntry<Uri, Uint8List> entry in {
if (entry.key.pathSegments.last.endsWith(".dart")) {
if (entry.value != null) dartFiles++;
print("------ Reproduction as semi-done incremental yaml test file ------");
// TODO(jensj): don't use full uris.
# Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
# Reproduce a crash.
type: newworld""");
if (_settings.widgetTransformation) {
print("trackWidgetCreation: true");
print("target: DDC # basically needed for widget creation to be run");
- entry: $_mainUri""");
if (_settings.experimentalInvalidation) {
print(" experiments: alternative-invalidation-strategy");
print(" sources:");
for (MapEntry<Uri, Uint8List> entry in {
if (entry.value == null) continue;
print(" ${entry.key}: |");
String string = utf8.decode(entry.value);
List<String> lines = string.split("\n");
for (String line in lines) {
print(" $line");
print(" expectedLibraryCount: $dartFiles "
"# with parts this is not right");
for (Uri uri in _settings.invalidate) {
print(" - entry: $_mainUri");
if (_settings.experimentalInvalidation) {
print(" experiments: alternative-invalidation-strategy");
print(" worldType: updated");
print(" expectInitializeFromDill: false # or true?");
print(" invalidate:");
print(" - $uri");
print(" expectedLibraryCount: $dartFiles "
"# with parts this is not right");
print(" expectsRebuildBodiesOnly: true # or false?");
void _rewriteImportsExportsToUriInternal(
Token uriToken, Uri oldUri, List<_Replacement> replacements, Uri newUri) {
Uri tokenUri = _getUri(uriToken, oldUri, resolvePackage: false);
if (tokenUri.scheme == "package" || tokenUri.scheme == "dart") return;
Uri asPackageUri = _getImportUri(tokenUri);
if (asPackageUri.scheme == "package") {
// Just replace with this package uri.
replacements.add(new _Replacement(
uriToken.offset - 1,
uriToken.offset + uriToken.length,
nullOrReplacement: '"${asPackageUri.toString()}"',
} else {
String relative = relativizeUri(newUri, tokenUri, isWindows);
// TODO(jensj): Maybe if the relative uri becomes too long or has to many
// "../../" etc we should just use the absolute uri instead.
replacements.add(new _Replacement(
uriToken.offset - 1,
uriToken.offset + uriToken.length,
nullOrReplacement: '"${relative}"',
Uri _getUri(Token uriToken, Uri uri, {bool resolvePackage: true}) {
String uriString = uriToken.lexeme;
uriString = uriString.substring(1, uriString.length - 1);
Uri uriTokenUri = uri.resolve(uriString);
if (resolvePackage && uriTokenUri.scheme == "package") {
Package package = _latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler
uriTokenUri = package.packageUriRoot
return uriTokenUri;
Uri _getImportUri(Uri uri) {
return _latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler.userCode
.getEntryPointUri(uri, issueProblem: false);
Uint8List _sublist(Uint8List data, int start, int end) {
Uint8List result = new Uint8List(end - start);
result.setRange(0, result.length, data, start);
return result;
void _binarySearchDeleteData(Uri uri, Component initialComponent) async {
Uint8List latestCrashData =[uri];
int offset = 0;
while (offset < latestCrashData.length) {
print("Working at offset $offset of ${latestCrashData.length}");
BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder();
builder.add(_sublist(latestCrashData, 0, offset));
.add(_sublist(latestCrashData, offset + 1, latestCrashData.length));
Uint8List candidate = builder.takeBytes();[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// Deleting 1 char didn't crash; don't try to delete anymore starting
// here.
// Find how long we can go.
int crashingAt = 1;
int noLongerCrashingAt;
while (true) {
int deleteChars = 2 * crashingAt;
if (offset + deleteChars > latestCrashData.length) {
deleteChars = latestCrashData.length - offset;
builder = new BytesBuilder();
builder.add(_sublist(latestCrashData, 0, offset));
latestCrashData, offset + deleteChars, latestCrashData.length));
candidate = builder.takeBytes();[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
noLongerCrashingAt = deleteChars;
crashingAt = deleteChars;
if (crashingAt + offset == latestCrashData.length) break;
if (noLongerCrashingAt == null) {
// We can delete the rest.
latestCrashData = candidate;
// Binary search between [crashingAt] and [noLongerCrashingAt].
while (crashingAt < noLongerCrashingAt) {
int mid = noLongerCrashingAt -
((noLongerCrashingAt - crashingAt) >>
1); // Get middle, rounding up.
builder = new BytesBuilder();
builder.add(_sublist(latestCrashData, 0, offset));
_sublist(latestCrashData, offset + mid, latestCrashData.length));
candidate = builder.takeBytes();[uri] = candidate;
if (await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
crashingAt = mid;
} else {
// [noLongerCrashingAt] might actually crash now.
noLongerCrashingAt = mid - 1;
// This is basically an assert.
builder = new BytesBuilder();
builder.add(_sublist(latestCrashData, 0, offset));
latestCrashData, offset + crashingAt, latestCrashData.length));
candidate = builder.takeBytes();[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
throw "Error in binary search.";
latestCrashData = candidate;
}[uri] = latestCrashData;
void _tryToRemoveUnreferencedFileContent(Component initialComponent,
{bool deleteFile: false}) async {
// Check if there now are any unused files.
if (_latestComponent == null) return;
Set<Uri> neededUris = _latestComponent.uriToSource.keys.toSet();
Map<Uri, Uint8List> copy = new Map.from(;
bool removedSome = false;
if (await _shouldQuit()) return;
for (MapEntry<Uri, Uint8List> entry in {
if (entry.value == null || entry.value.isEmpty) continue;
if (!entry.key.toString().endsWith(".dart")) continue;
if (!neededUris.contains(entry.key) &&[entry.key].length != 0) {
if (deleteFile) {[entry.key] = null;
} else {[entry.key] = new Uint8List(0);
print(" => Can probably also delete ${entry.key}");
removedSome = true;
if (removedSome) {
if (await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
print(" => Yes; Could remove those too!");
} else {
print(" => No; Couldn't remove those too!");;;
void _deleteContent(
List<Uri> uris, int uriIndex, bool limitTo1, Component initialComponent,
{bool deleteFile: false}) async {
String extraMessageText = "all content of ";
if (deleteFile) extraMessageText = "";
if (!limitTo1) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) return;
Map<Uri, Uint8List> copy = new Map.from(;
// Try to remove content of i and the next 9 (10 files in total).
for (int j = uriIndex; j < uriIndex + 10 && j < uris.length; j++) {
Uri uri = uris[j];
if (deleteFile) {[uri] = null;
} else {[uri] = new Uint8List(0);
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// Couldn't delete all 10 files. Restore and try the single one.;;
} else {
for (int j = uriIndex; j < uriIndex + 10 && j < uris.length; j++) {
Uri uri = uris[j];
print("Can delete ${extraMessageText}file $uri");
await _tryToRemoveUnreferencedFileContent(initialComponent,
deleteFile: deleteFile);
if (await _shouldQuit()) return;
Uri uri = uris[uriIndex];
Uint8List data =[uri];
if (deleteFile) {[uri] = null;
} else {[uri] = new Uint8List(0);
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
"Can't delete ${extraMessageText}file $uri -- keeping it (for now)");[uri] = data;
// For dart files we can't truncate completely try to "outline" them
// instead.
if (uri.toString().endsWith(".dart")) {
String textualOutlined =
textualOutline(data)?.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\n+'), "\n");
bool outlined = false;
if (textualOutlined != null) {
Uint8List candidate = utf8.encode(textualOutlined);
// Because textual outline doesn't do the right thing for nnbd, only
// replace if it's syntactically valid.
if (candidate.length !=[uri].length &&
_parsesWithoutError(candidate, _isUriNnbd(uri))) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) return;[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
print("Can't outline the file $uri -- keeping it (for now)");[uri] = data;
} else {
outlined = true;
print("Can outline the file $uri "
"(now ${[uri].length} bytes)");
if (!outlined) {
// We can probably at least remove all comments then...
try {
List<String> strings = utf8.decode([uri]).split("\n");
List<String> stringsLeft = [];
for (String string in strings) {
if (!string.trim().startsWith("//")) stringsLeft.add(string);
Uint8List candidate = utf8.encode(stringsLeft.join("\n"));
if (candidate.length !=[uri].length) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) return;[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
print("Can't remove comments for file $uri -- "
"keeping it (for now)");[uri] = data;
} else {
print("Removed comments for the file $uri");
} catch (e) {
// crash in scanner/parser --- keep original file. This crash might
// be what we're looking for!
} else {
print("Can delete ${extraMessageText}file $uri");
await _tryToRemoveUnreferencedFileContent(initialComponent);
void _deleteBlocksOld(Uri uri, Component initialComponent) async {
if (uri.toString().endsWith(".json")) {
// Try to find annoying
// },
// {
// }
// part of json and remove it.
Uint8List data =[uri];
String string = utf8.decode(data);
List<String> lines = string.split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length - 2; i++) {
if (lines[i].trim() == "}," &&
lines[i + 1].trim() == "{" &&
lines[i + 2].trim() == "}") {
// This is the pattern we wanted to find. Remove it.
lines.removeRange(i, i + 2);
string = lines.join("\n");[uri] = utf8.encode(string);
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// For some reason that didn't work.[uri] = data;
if (!uri.toString().endsWith(".dart")) return;
Uint8List data =[uri];
Uint8List latestCrashData = data;
List<int> lineStarts = [];
Token firstToken = parser_suite.scanRawBytes(
_isUriNnbd(uri) ? _scannerConfiguration : _scannerConfigurationNonNNBD,
if (firstToken == null) {
print("Got null token from scanner for $uri");
int compileTry = 0;
Token token = firstToken;
while (token is ErrorToken) {
token =;
List<_Replacement> replacements = [];
while (token != null && !token.isEof) {
bool tryCompile = false;
Token skipToToken = token;
// Skip very small blocks (e.g. "{}" or "{\n}");
if (token.endGroup != null && token.offset + 3 < token.endGroup.offset) {
replacements.add(new _Replacement(token.offset, token.endGroup.offset));
tryCompile = true;
skipToToken = token.endGroup;
} else if (token.lexeme == "@") {
if ( != null) {
int end =;
skipToToken =;
replacements.add(new _Replacement(token.offset - 1, end + 1));
tryCompile = true;
} else if (token.lexeme == "assert") {
if ( != null) {
int end =;
skipToToken =;
if ( == ",") {
end =;
skipToToken =;
// +/- 1 to not include the start and the end character.
replacements.add(new _Replacement(token.offset - 1, end + 1));
tryCompile = true;
} else if ((token.lexeme == "abstract" && == "class") ||
token.lexeme == "class" ||
token.lexeme == "enum" ||
token.lexeme == "mixin" ||
token.lexeme == "static" || == "get" || == "set" || == "(" ||
( == "<" && != null && == "(")) {
// Try to find and remove the entire class/enum/mixin/
// static procedure/getter/setter/simple procedure.
Token bracket = token;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
// Find "{", but only go a maximum of 20 tokens to do that.
bracket =;
if (bracket.lexeme == "{" && bracket.endGroup != null) {
} else if ((bracket.lexeme == "(" || bracket.lexeme == "<") &&
bracket.endGroup != null) {
bracket = bracket.endGroup;
if (bracket.lexeme == "{" && bracket.endGroup != null) {
int end = bracket.endGroup.offset;
skipToToken = bracket.endGroup;
// +/- 1 to not include the start and the end character.
replacements.add(new _Replacement(token.offset - 1, end + 1));
tryCompile = true;
if (tryCompile) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (_skip) {
_skip = false;
if (compileTry % 50 == 0) {
stdout.write("(at $compileTry)\n");
Uint8List candidate = _replaceRange(replacements, data);[uri] = candidate;
if (await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
print("Found block from "
"${replacements.last.from} to "
"${} "
"that can be removed.");
latestCrashData = candidate;
token = skipToToken;
} else {
// Couldn't delete that.
token =;
}[uri] = latestCrashData;
void _deleteBlocks(final Uri uri, Component initialComponent) async {
if (uri.toString().endsWith(".json")) {
// Try to find annoying
// },
// {
// }
// part of json and remove it.
Uint8List data =[uri];
String string = utf8.decode(data);
List<String> lines = string.split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length - 2; i++) {
if (lines[i].trim() == "}," &&
lines[i + 1].trim() == "{" &&
lines[i + 2].trim() == "}") {
// This is the pattern we wanted to find. Remove it.
lines.removeRange(i, i + 2);
string = lines.join("\n");
Uint8List candidate = utf8.encode(string);
if (candidate.length != data.length) {[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// For some reason that didn't work.[uri] = data;
// Try to load json and remove blocks.
try {
Map json = jsonDecode(utf8.decode(data));
Map jsonModified = new Map.from(json);
List packages = json["packages"];
List packagesModified = new List.from(packages);
jsonModified["packages"] = packagesModified;
int i = 0;
print("Note there's ${packagesModified.length} packages in .json");
JsonEncoder jsonEncoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(" ");
while (i < packagesModified.length) {
var oldEntry = packagesModified.removeAt(i);
String jsonString = jsonEncoder.convert(jsonModified);
candidate = utf8.encode(jsonString);
Uint8List previous =[uri];[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// Couldn't remove that part.[uri] = previous;
packagesModified.insert(i, oldEntry);
} else {
print("Removed package from .json "
"(${packagesModified.length} left).");
} catch (e) {
// Couldn't decode it, so don't try to do anything.
if (!uri.toString().endsWith(".dart")) return;
Uint8List data =[uri];
DirectParserASTContentCompilationUnitEnd ast = getAST(data,
includeBody: true,
includeComments: false,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: _isUriNnbd(uri));
_CompilationHelperClass helper = new _CompilationHelperClass(data);
// Try to remove top level things one at a time.
for (DirectParserASTContent child in ast.children) {
bool shouldCompile = false;
String what = "";
if (child.isClass()) {
DirectParserASTContentClassDeclarationEnd cls = child.asClass();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
cls.beginToken.offset - 1, cls.endToken.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "class";
} else if (child.isMixinDeclaration()) {
DirectParserASTContentMixinDeclarationEnd decl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.mixinKeyword.offset - 1, decl.endToken.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "mixin";
} else if (child.isNamedMixinDeclaration()) {
DirectParserASTContentNamedMixinApplicationEnd decl =
new _Replacement(decl.begin.offset - 1, decl.endToken.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "named mixin";
} else if (child.isExtension()) {
DirectParserASTContentExtensionDeclarationEnd decl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.extensionKeyword.offset - 1, decl.endToken.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "extension";
} else if (child.isTopLevelFields()) {
DirectParserASTContentTopLevelFieldsEnd decl = child.asTopLevelFields();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.beginToken.offset - 1, decl.endToken.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "toplevel fields";
} else if (child.isTopLevelMethod()) {
DirectParserASTContentTopLevelMethodEnd decl = child.asTopLevelMethod();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.beginToken.offset - 1, decl.endToken.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "toplevel method";
} else if (child.isEnum()) {
DirectParserASTContentEnumEnd decl = child.asEnum();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.enumKeyword.offset - 1, decl.leftBrace.endGroup.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "enum";
} else if (child.isTypedef()) {
DirectParserASTContentFunctionTypeAliasEnd decl = child.asTypedef();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.typedefKeyword.offset - 1, decl.endToken.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "typedef";
} else if (child.isMetadata()) {
DirectParserASTContentMetadataStarEnd decl = child.asMetadata();
List<DirectParserASTContentMetadataEnd> metadata =
if (metadata.isNotEmpty) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
metadata.first.beginToken.offset - 1,
shouldCompile = true;
what = "metadata";
} else if (child.isImport()) {
DirectParserASTContentImportEnd decl = child.asImport();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.importKeyword.offset - 1, decl.semicolon.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "import";
} else if (child.isExport()) {
DirectParserASTContentExportEnd decl = child.asExport();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.exportKeyword.offset - 1, decl.semicolon.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "export";
} else if (child.isLibraryName()) {
DirectParserASTContentLibraryNameEnd decl = child.asLibraryName();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.libraryKeyword.offset - 1, decl.semicolon.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "library name";
} else if (child.isPart()) {
DirectParserASTContentPartEnd decl = child.asPart();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.partKeyword.offset - 1, decl.semicolon.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "part";
} else if (child.isPartOf()) {
DirectParserASTContentPartOfEnd decl = child.asPartOf();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.partKeyword.offset - 1, decl.semicolon.offset + 1));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "part of";
} else if (child.isScript()) {
var decl = child.asScript();
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.token.offset - 1, decl.token.offset + decl.token.length));
shouldCompile = true;
what = "script";
if (shouldCompile) {
bool success =
await _tryReplaceAndCompile(helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
if (!success) {
if (child.isClass()) {
// Also try to remove all content of the class.
DirectParserASTContentClassDeclarationEnd decl = child.asClass();
DirectParserASTContentClassOrMixinBodyEnd body =
if (body.beginToken.offset + 2 < body.endToken.offset) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
body.beginToken.offset, body.endToken.offset));
what = "class body";
success = await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
if (!success) {
// Also try to remove members one at a time.
for (DirectParserASTContent child in body.children) {
shouldCompile = false;
if (child is DirectParserASTContentMemberEnd) {
if (child.isClassConstructor()) {
DirectParserASTContentClassConstructorEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "class constructor";
shouldCompile = true;
} else if (child.isClassFields()) {
DirectParserASTContentClassFieldsEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "class fields";
shouldCompile = true;
} else if (child.isClassMethod()) {
DirectParserASTContentClassMethodEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "class method";
shouldCompile = true;
} else if (child.isClassFactoryMethod()) {
DirectParserASTContentClassFactoryMethodEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "class factory method";
shouldCompile = true;
} else {
// throw "$child --- ${child.children}";
} else if (child.isMetadata()) {
DirectParserASTContentMetadataStarEnd decl =
List<DirectParserASTContentMetadataEnd> metadata =
if (metadata.isNotEmpty) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
metadata.first.beginToken.offset - 1,
shouldCompile = true;
what = "metadata";
if (shouldCompile) {
success = await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
if (!success) {
DirectParserASTContentBlockFunctionBodyEnd decl;
if (child is DirectParserASTContentMemberEnd) {
if (child.isClassMethod()) {
decl = child.getClassMethod().getBlockFunctionBody();
} else if (child.isClassConstructor()) {
decl =
if (decl != null &&
decl.beginToken.offset + 2 < decl.endToken.offset) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.beginToken.offset, decl.endToken.offset));
what = "class member content";
await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
// Try to remove "extends", "implements" etc.
// TODO(jensj): The below removes from the "extends" (etc) until
// (but excluding) the "{". This should be improved so it can remove
// _one_ part at a time. E:g. if it says "class A implements B, C {"
// we could try to remove "B, " or ", C" etc.
if (decl.getClassExtends().extendsKeyword != null) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.getClassExtends().extendsKeyword.offset - 1,
what = "class extends";
success = await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
if (decl.getClassImplements().implementsKeyword != null) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.getClassImplements().implementsKeyword.offset - 1,
what = "class implements";
success = await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
if (decl.getClassWithClause() != null) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.getClassWithClause().withKeyword.offset - 1,
what = "class with clause";
success = await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
} else if (child.isMixinDeclaration()) {
// Also try to remove all content of the mixin.
DirectParserASTContentMixinDeclarationEnd decl =
DirectParserASTContentClassOrMixinBodyEnd body =
if (body.beginToken.offset + 2 < body.endToken.offset) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
body.beginToken.offset, body.endToken.offset));
what = "mixin body";
success = await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
if (!success) {
// Also try to remove members one at a time.
for (DirectParserASTContent child in body.children) {
shouldCompile = false;
if (child is DirectParserASTContentMemberEnd) {
if (child.isMixinConstructor()) {
DirectParserASTContentMixinConstructorEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "mixin constructor";
shouldCompile = true;
} else if (child.isMixinFields()) {
DirectParserASTContentMixinFieldsEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "mixin fields";
shouldCompile = true;
} else if (child.isMixinMethod()) {
DirectParserASTContentMixinMethodEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "mixin method";
shouldCompile = true;
} else if (child.isMixinFactoryMethod()) {
DirectParserASTContentMixinFactoryMethodEnd memberDecl =
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
memberDecl.beginToken.offset - 1,
memberDecl.endToken.offset + 1));
what = "mixin factory method";
shouldCompile = true;
} else {
// throw "$child --- ${child.children}";
} else if (child.isMetadata()) {
DirectParserASTContentMetadataStarEnd decl =
List<DirectParserASTContentMetadataEnd> metadata =
if (metadata.isNotEmpty) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
metadata.first.beginToken.offset - 1,
shouldCompile = true;
what = "metadata";
if (shouldCompile) {
success = await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
if (!success) {
DirectParserASTContentBlockFunctionBodyEnd decl;
if (child is DirectParserASTContentMemberEnd) {
if (child.isClassMethod()) {
decl = child.getClassMethod().getBlockFunctionBody();
} else if (child.isClassConstructor()) {
decl =
if (decl != null &&
decl.beginToken.offset + 2 < decl.endToken.offset) {
helper.replacements.add(new _Replacement(
decl.beginToken.offset, decl.endToken.offset));
what = "class member content";
await _tryReplaceAndCompile(
helper, uri, initialComponent, what);
if (helper.shouldQuit) return;
Future<bool> _tryReplaceAndCompile(_CompilationHelperClass data, Uri uri,
Component initialComponent, String what) async {
if (await _shouldQuit()) {
data.shouldQuit = true;
return false;
if (data.compileTry % 50 == 0) {
stdout.write("(at ${data.compileTry})\n");
Uint8List candidate = _replaceRange(data.replacements, data.originalData);
if (!_parsesWithoutError(candidate, _isUriNnbd(uri))) {
print("WARNING: Parser error after stuff at ${StackTrace.current}");
_parsesWithoutError(candidate, _isUriNnbd(uri));
_parsesWithoutError(data.originalData, _isUriNnbd(uri));
}[uri] = candidate;
if (await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
print("Found $what from "
"${data.replacements.last.from} to "
"${} "
"that can be removed.");
data.latestCrashData = candidate;
return true;
} else {
// Couldn't delete that.
data.replacements.removeLast();[uri] = data.latestCrashData;
return false;
void _deleteEmptyLines(Uri uri, Component initialComponent) async {
Uint8List data =[uri];
List<Uint8List> lines = [];
int start = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] == _$LF) {
if (i - start > 0) {
lines.add(_sublist(data, start, i));
start = i + 1;
if (data.length - start > 0) {
lines.add(_sublist(data, start, data.length));
final BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (builder.isNotEmpty) {
Uint8List candidate = builder.takeBytes();
if (candidate.length == data.length) return;
if (!_parsesWithoutError(candidate, _isUriNnbd(uri))) {
print("WARNING: Parser error after stuff at ${StackTrace.current}");
if (await _shouldQuit()) return;[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// For some reason the empty lines are important.[uri] = data;
} else {
print("\nDeleted empty lines.");
void _deleteLines(Uri uri, Component initialComponent) async {
// Try to delete "lines".
Uint8List data =[uri];
List<Uint8List> lines = [];
int start = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] == _$LF) {
lines.add(_sublist(data, start, i));
start = i + 1;
lines.add(_sublist(data, start, data.length));
List<bool> include = new List.filled(lines.length, true);
Uint8List latestCrashData = data;
int length = 1;
int i = 0;
while (i < lines.length) {
if (await _shouldQuit()) break;
if (_skip) {
_skip = false;
if (i % 50 == 0) {
stdout.write("(at $i of ${lines.length})\n");
if (i + length > lines.length) {
length = lines.length - i;
for (int j = i; j < i + length; j++) {
include[j] = false;
final BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (include[j]) {
if (builder.isNotEmpty) {
Uint8List candidate = builder.takeBytes();[uri] = candidate;
if (!await _crashesOnCompile(initialComponent)) {
// Didn't crash => Can't remove line i-j.
for (int j = i; j < i + length; j++) {
include[j] = true;
if (length > 2) {
// Retry with length 2 at same i.
// The idea here is that for instance formatted json might have lines
// looking like
// {
// }
// where deleting just one line makes it invalid.
length = 2;
} else if (length > 1) {
// Retry with length 1 at same i.
length = 1;
} else {
// Couldn't with length 1 either.
} else {
print("\nCan delete line $i (inclusive) - ${i + length} (exclusive) "
"(of ${lines.length})");
latestCrashData = candidate;
i += length;
length *= 2;
}[uri] = latestCrashData;
Future<bool> _tryRemoveIfNotKnownByCompiler(Uri uri, initialComponent) async {
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) return false;
if (!uri.toString().endsWith(".dart")) return false;
if (_knownByCompiler(uri)) return false;
// Compiler might not know this. Can we delete it?
await _deleteContent([uri], 0, true, initialComponent);
if ([uri] == null ||[uri].isEmpty) {
await _deleteContent([uri], 0, true, initialComponent, deleteFile: true);
return true;
return false;
bool _knownByCompiler(Uri uri) {
LibraryBuilder libraryBuilder = _latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler[_getImportUri(uri)];
if (libraryBuilder != null) {
return true;
// TODO(jensj): Parts.
return false;
bool _isUriNnbd(Uri uri) {
LibraryBuilder libraryBuilder = _latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler[_getImportUri(uri)];
if (libraryBuilder != null) {
return libraryBuilder.isNonNullableByDefault;
print("Couldn't lookup $uri");
for (LibraryBuilder libraryBuilder
in {
if (libraryBuilder.importUri == uri) {
print("Found $uri as ${libraryBuilder.importUri} "
"(!= ${_getImportUri(uri)})");
return libraryBuilder.isNonNullableByDefault;
// This might be parts?
throw "Couldn't lookup $uri at all!";
Future<bool> _crashesOnCompile(Component initialComponent) async {
IncrementalCompiler incrementalCompiler;
if (_settings.noPlatform) {
incrementalCompiler = new IncrementalCompiler(_setupCompilerContext());
} else {
incrementalCompiler = new IncrementalCompiler.fromComponent(
_setupCompilerContext(), initialComponent);
try {
_latestComponent = await incrementalCompiler.computeDelta();
if (_settings.serialize) {
// We're asked to serialize, probably because it crashes in
// serialization.
ByteSink sink = new ByteSink();
BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink);
for (Uri uri in _settings.invalidate) {
Component delta = await incrementalCompiler.computeDelta();
if (_settings.serialize) {
// We're asked to serialize, probably because it crashes in
// serialization.
ByteSink sink = new ByteSink();
BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink);
_latestComponent = null; // if it didn't crash this isn't relevant.
return false;
} catch (e, st) {
// Find line with #0 in it.
String eWithSt = "$e\n\n$st";
List<String> lines = eWithSt.split("\n");
String foundLine = "";
int lookFor = 0;
for (String line in lines) {
if (line.startsWith("#$lookFor")) {
foundLine += line;
if (lookFor >= _settings.stackTraceMatches) {
} else {
foundLine += "\n";
if (foundLine == null) throw "Unexpected crash without stacktrace: $e";
if (_expectedCrashLine == null) {
print("Got '$foundLine'");
_expectedCrashLine = foundLine;
_latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler = incrementalCompiler;
return true;
} else if (foundLine == _expectedCrashLine) {
_latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler = incrementalCompiler;
return true;
} else {
if (_settings.autoUncoverAllCrashes &&
!_settings.allAutoRedirects.contains(foundLine)) {
print("Crashed, but another place: $foundLine");
print(" ==> Adding to auto redirects!");
// Add the current one too, so we don't rediscover that one once we
// try minimizing the new ones.
} else if (_settings.askAboutRedirectCrashTarget &&
!_settings.askedAboutRedirect.contains(foundLine)) {
print("Crashed, but another place: $foundLine");
while (true) {
// Add the current one too, so we don't rediscover that again
// and asks about going back to it.
print("Should we redirect to searching for that? (y/n)");
String answer = stdin.readLineSync();
if (answer == "yes" || answer == "y") {
_expectedCrashLine = foundLine;
_latestCrashingIncrementalCompiler = incrementalCompiler;
return true;
} else if (answer == "no" || answer == "n") {
} else {
print("Didn't get that answer. "
"Please answer 'yes, 'y', 'no' or 'n'");
return false;
Future<Component> _getInitialComponent() async {
IncrementalCompiler incrementalCompiler =
new IncrementalCompiler(_setupCompilerContext());
Component originalComponent = await incrementalCompiler.computeDelta();
return originalComponent;
CompilerContext _setupCompilerContext() {
CompilerOptions options = getOptions();
if (_settings.experimentalInvalidation) {
options.explicitExperimentalFlags ??= {};
ExperimentalFlag.alternativeInvalidationStrategy] = true;
TargetFlags targetFlags = new TargetFlags(
enableNullSafety: false,
trackWidgetCreation: _settings.widgetTransformation);
Target target;
switch (_settings.targetString) {
case "VM":
target = new VmTarget(targetFlags);
case "flutter":
target = new FlutterTarget(targetFlags);
case "ddc":
target = new DevCompilerTarget(targetFlags);
throw "Unknown target '$target'";
} = target;
options.fileSystem = _fs;
options.sdkRoot = null;
options.sdkSummary = _settings.platformUri;
options.omitPlatform = false;
options.onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage message) {
// don't care.
if (_settings.noPlatform) {
options.librariesSpecificationUri = null;
CompilerContext compilerContext = new CompilerContext(
new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [_mainUri]));
return compilerContext;
String _getFileAsStringContent(Uint8List rawBytes, bool nnbd) {
List<int> lineStarts = [];
Token firstToken = parser_suite.scanRawBytes(
nnbd ? _scannerConfiguration : _scannerConfigurationNonNNBD,
if (firstToken == null) {
throw "Got null token from scanner";
ParserTestListener parserTestListener = new ParserTestListener(false);
Parser parser = new Parser(parserTestListener);
String parsedString =
parser_suite.tokenStreamToString(firstToken, lineStarts).toString();
return parsedString;
bool _parsesWithoutError(Uint8List rawBytes, bool nnbd) {
Token firstToken = parser_suite.scanRawBytes(rawBytes,
nnbd ? _scannerConfiguration : _scannerConfigurationNonNNBD, null);
if (firstToken == null) {
return false;
ParserErrorListener parserErrorListener = new ParserErrorListener();
Parser parser = new Parser(parserErrorListener);
return !parserErrorListener.gotError;
ScannerConfiguration _scannerConfiguration = new ScannerConfiguration(
enableTripleShift: true,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: true);
ScannerConfiguration _scannerConfigurationNonNNBD = new ScannerConfiguration(
enableTripleShift: true,
enableExtensionMethods: true,
enableNonNullable: false);
List<int> _dataCache;
String _dataCacheString;
Uint8List _replaceRange(
List<_Replacement> unsortedReplacements, Uint8List rawData) {
// The offsets are character offsets, not byte offsets, so for non-ascii
// they are not the same so we need to work on the string, not the bytes.
if (identical(rawData, _dataCache)) {
// cache up to date.
} else {
_dataCache = rawData;
_dataCacheString = utf8.decode(rawData);
// The below assumes these are sorted.
List<_Replacement> sortedReplacements =
new List<_Replacement>.from(unsortedReplacements)..sort();
final StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer();
int prev = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedReplacements.length; i++) {
_Replacement replacement = sortedReplacements[i];
for (int j = prev; j <= replacement.from; j++) {
if (replacement.nullOrReplacement != null) {
prev =;
for (int j = prev; j < _dataCacheString.length; j++) {
Uint8List candidate = utf8.encode(builder.toString());
return candidate;
class ParserErrorListener extends Listener {
bool gotError = false;
List<Message> messages = [];
void handleRecoverableError(
Message message, Token startToken, Token endToken) {
gotError = true;
class _CompilationHelperClass {
int compileTry = 0;
bool shouldQuit = false;
List<_Replacement> replacements = [];
Uint8List latestCrashData;
final Uint8List originalData;
_CompilationHelperClass(this.originalData) : latestCrashData = originalData;
class _Replacement implements Comparable<_Replacement> {
final int from;
final int to;
final String nullOrReplacement;
_Replacement(this.from,, {this.nullOrReplacement});
int compareTo(_Replacement other) {
return from - other.from;
class _FakeFileSystem extends FileSystem {
bool _redirectAndRecord = true;
bool _initialized = false;
final Map<Uri, Uint8List> data = {};
FileSystemEntity entityForUri(Uri uri) {
return new _FakeFileSystemEntity(this, uri);
initializeFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
_initialized = true;
_redirectAndRecord = json['_redirectAndRecord'];
List tmp = json['data'];
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i += 2) {
Uri key = tmp[i] == null ? null : Uri.parse(tmp[i]);
if (tmp[i + 1] == null) {
data[key] = null;
} else if (tmp[i + 1] is String) {
data[key] = utf8.encode(tmp[i + 1]);
} else {
data[key] = Uint8List.fromList(new List<int>.from(tmp[i + 1]));
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
List tmp = [];
for (var entry in data.entries) {
if (entry.value == null) continue;
tmp.add(entry.key == null ? null : entry.key.toString());
dynamic out = entry.value;
if (entry.value != null && entry.value.isNotEmpty) {
try {
String string = utf8.decode(entry.value);
out = string;
} catch (e) {
// not a string...
return {
'_redirectAndRecord': _redirectAndRecord,
'data': tmp,
class _FakeFileSystemEntity extends FileSystemEntity {
final _FakeFileSystem fs;
final Uri uri;
_FakeFileSystemEntity(this.fs, this.uri);
void _ensureCachedIfOk() {
if ( return;
if (fs._initialized) return;
if (!fs._redirectAndRecord) {
throw "Asked for file in non-recording mode that wasn't known";
File f = new File.fromUri(uri);
if (!f.existsSync()) {[uri] = null;
}[uri] = f.readAsBytesSync();
Future<bool> exists() {
Uint8List data =[uri];
if (data == null) return Future.value(false);
return Future.value(true);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes() {
Uint8List data =[uri];
if (data == null) throw new FileSystemException(uri, "File doesn't exist.");
return Future.value(data);
Future<String> readAsString() {
Uint8List data =[uri];
if (data == null) throw new FileSystemException(uri, "File doesn't exist.");
return Future.value(utf8.decode(data));
class _DoesntCrashOnInput {