blob: ab5067b03f7df0fea6c269ec51009a6aaf032793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../ast.dart';
import '../core_types.dart';
DartType computeFutureValueType(CoreTypes coreTypes, DartType type) {
return type.accept1(const FutureValueTypeVisitor(), coreTypes);
class FutureValueTypeVisitor implements DartTypeVisitor1<DartType, CoreTypes> {
/// Helper function invoked on unknown implementers of [DartType].
/// Its arguments are the unhandled type and the function that can be invoked
/// from within the handler on parts of the unknown type to recursively call
/// the visitor. If not set, an exception is thrown then an unhandled
/// implementer of [DartType] is encountered.
final DartType Function(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes,
DartType Function(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) recursor)?
const FutureValueTypeVisitor({this.unhandledTypeHandler});
DartType visit(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) =>
node.accept1(this, coreTypes);
DartType defaultDartType(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
if (unhandledTypeHandler == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported type '${node.runtimeType}'.");
} else {
return unhandledTypeHandler!(node, coreTypes, visit);
DartType visitDynamicType(DynamicType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// futureValueType(dynamic) = dynamic.
return node;
DartType visitFunctionType(FunctionType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// Otherwise, for all S, futureValueType(S) = Object?.
return coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
DartType visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
if (node.classNode == coreTypes.futureClass) {
// futureValueType(Future<S>) = S, for all S.
return node.typeArguments.single;
// Otherwise, for all S, futureValueType(S) = Object?.
return coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
DartType visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// futureValueType(FutureOr<S>) = S, for all S.
return node.typeArgument;
DartType visitInvalidType(InvalidType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// Return the invalid type itself to continue the encapsulation of the
// error state.
return node;
DartType visitNeverType(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// Otherwise, for all S, futureValueType(S) = Object?.
return coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
DartType visitNullType(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// Otherwise, for all S, futureValueType(S) = Object?.
return coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
DartType visitTypeParameterType(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// Otherwise, for all S, futureValueType(S) = Object?.
return coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
DartType visitTypedefType(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// Otherwise, for all S, futureValueType(S) = Object?.
return coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
DartType visitVoidType(DartType node, CoreTypes coreTypes) {
// futureValueType(void) = void.
return node;