blob: cb79730576e8f2d4a2733a7d7eecf3e95126102d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'abstract_search_domain.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class DeclarationsTest extends AbstractSearchDomainTest {
SearchGetElementDeclarationsResult declarationsResult;
ElementDeclaration assertHas(String name, ElementKind kind,
{String className, String mixinName}) {
return declarationsResult.declarations.singleWhere((ElementDeclaration d) =>
declarationsResult.files[d.fileIndex] == testFile && == name &&
d.kind == kind &&
d.className == className &&
d.mixinName == mixinName);
void assertNo(String name) {
isNot(contains(predicate((ElementDeclaration d) =>
declarationsResult.files[d.fileIndex] == testFile && == name))));
Future<void> test_class() async {
class C {
int f;
int get g => 0;
void set s(_) {}
void m() {}
await _getDeclarations();
assertHas('C', ElementKind.CLASS);
assertHas('f', ElementKind.FIELD, className: 'C');
assertHas('named', ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR, className: 'C');
assertHas('g', ElementKind.GETTER, className: 'C');
var declaration = assertHas('s', ElementKind.SETTER, className: 'C');
expect(declaration.codeOffset, 59);
expect(declaration.codeLength, 16);
var declaration = assertHas('m', ElementKind.METHOD, className: 'C');
expect(declaration.codeOffset, 78);
expect(declaration.codeLength, 11);
Future<void> test_enum() async {
enum E {
a, b, c
await _getDeclarations();
assertHas('E', ElementKind.ENUM);
assertHas('a', ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
assertHas('b', ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
assertHas('c', ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
Future<void> test_maxResults() async {
newFile(join(testFolder, 'a.dart'), content: r'''
class A {}
class B {}
newFile(join(testFolder, 'b.dart'), content: r'''
class C {}
class D {}
// Limit to exactly one file.
await _getDeclarations(pattern: r'^[A-D]$', maxResults: 2);
expect(declarationsResult.declarations, hasLength(2));
// Limit in the middle of the second file.
await _getDeclarations(pattern: r'^[A-D]$', maxResults: 3);
expect(declarationsResult.declarations, hasLength(3));
// No limit.
await _getDeclarations(pattern: r'^[A-D]$');
expect(declarationsResult.declarations, hasLength(4));
Future<void> test_mixin() async {
mixin M {
int f;
int get g => 0;
void set s(_) {}
void m() {}
await _getDeclarations();
assertHas('M', ElementKind.MIXIN);
assertHas('f', ElementKind.FIELD, mixinName: 'M');
assertHas('g', ElementKind.GETTER, mixinName: 'M');
assertHas('s', ElementKind.SETTER, mixinName: 'M');
assertHas('m', ElementKind.METHOD, mixinName: 'M');
Future<void> test_multipleFiles() async {
var a = newFile(join(testFolder, 'a.dart'), content: 'class A {}').path;
var b = newFile(join(testFolder, 'b.dart'), content: 'class B {}').path;
await _getDeclarations();
expect(declarationsResult.files, contains(a));
expect(declarationsResult.files, contains(b));
var declaration =
declarationsResult.declarations.singleWhere((d) => == 'A');
expect(, 'A');
expect(declaration.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(declarationsResult.files[declaration.fileIndex], a);
expect(declaration.offset, 6);
expect(declaration.line, 1);
expect(declaration.column, 7);
var declaration =
declarationsResult.declarations.singleWhere((d) => == 'B');
expect(, 'B');
expect(declaration.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(declarationsResult.files[declaration.fileIndex], b);
Future<void> test_onlyForFile() async {
var a = newFile(join(testFolder, 'a.dart'), content: 'class A {}').path;
newFile(join(testFolder, 'b.dart'), content: 'class B {}').path;
await _getDeclarations(file: a);
expect(declarationsResult.files, [a]);
expect(declarationsResult.declarations, hasLength(1));
var declaration = declarationsResult.declarations[0];
expect(, 'A');
expect(declaration.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(declarationsResult.files[declaration.fileIndex], a);
Future<void> test_parameters() async {
void f(bool a, String b) {}
await _getDeclarations();
var declaration = assertHas('f', ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(declaration.parameters, '(bool a, String b)');
Future<void> test_regExp() async {
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
class D {}
await _getDeclarations(pattern: r'[A-C]');
assertHas('A', ElementKind.CLASS);
assertHas('B', ElementKind.CLASS);
assertHas('C', ElementKind.CLASS);
Future<void> test_top() async {
int get g => 0;
void set s(_) {}
void f(int p) {}
int v;
typedef void tf1();
typedef tf2<T> = int Function<S>(T tp, S sp);
await _getDeclarations();
assertHas('g', ElementKind.GETTER);
assertHas('s', ElementKind.SETTER);
assertHas('f', ElementKind.FUNCTION);
assertHas('v', ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE);
assertHas('tf1', ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS);
assertHas('tf2', ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS);
Future<void> _getDeclarations(
{String file, String pattern, int maxResults}) async {
var request = SearchGetElementDeclarationsParams(
file: file, pattern: pattern, maxResults: maxResults)
var response = await waitResponse(request);
declarationsResult =