blob: 7868f8095fd444f56269c04e3728845c68db8749 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
/// Character role in a candidate string.
enum CharRole {
/// A fuzzy matcher that takes a pattern at construction time, and then can
/// evaluate how well various strings match this pattern. Together with a score,
/// it computes a corresponding mapping of pattern characters on the candidate
/// string, which can be retrieved later by calling `getMatchedRanges`.
/// A string matches the pattern if every character of the pattern occurs in
/// the string in the same order as in the pattern, and first letters of
/// separate words in pattern are aligned with words in the string. Characters
/// matching the beginning of a word, case-sensitive and just longer matches get
/// higher scores.
/// The algorithm takes inspiration from Sublime, VS Code, and IntelliJ and is
/// tuned to produce visually good results for code completion, navigation, and
/// all other kinds of element filtering in the UI.
/// Note: if constructed in filename or symbol matching mode, the matcher
/// requires that there is at least some match in the last segment of the path
/// or in the symbol name. In this case, we also prefer reporting sub-matches in
/// the last segment.
/// Similar implementations (for reference):
/// -
/// Typical usage:
/// ```dart
/// var topN = TopN(100);
/// var matcher = FuzzyMatcher(pattern, FuzzyInput.SYMBOL);
/// for (var item of completionItems) {
/// var score = matcher.score(item.title);
/// if (score > -1) {
/// var matchRanges = matcher.getMatchedRanges();
/// topN.push({item, matchRanges}, score);
/// }
/// }
/// // ... use topN.getTopElements();
/// ```
class FuzzyMatcher {
/// The maximum size of the input scored against the fuzzy matcher. Longer
/// inputs will be truncated to this size.
static const int maxInputSize = 127;
/// The maximum size of the pattern used to construct the fuzzy matcher.
/// Longer patterns are truncated to this size.
static const int maxPatternSize = 63;
/// The minimum integer score (before normalization).
static const int minScore = -10000;
/// Character types for the first 127 ASCII symbols encoded as a string.
/// This is:
/// [a-z0-9] LOWER
/// [A-Z] UPPER
/// [:./ ] PUNCT
/// otherwise NONE
static const String TYPES =
/// TODO(brianwilkerson) Use package:charcode.
static final int $a = 'a'.codeUnitAt(0);
static final int $z = 'z'.codeUnitAt(0);
/// The (potentially truncated) pattern to be matched.
String pattern;
/// The style of match to be performed.
MatchStyle matchStyle;
/// The lowercase version of the pattern.
String patternLower;
/// The first three characters of the lowercase version of the pattern.
String patternShort;
/// The length of the last matched candidate.
int lastCandidateLen = 0;
/// A flag indicating whether the last matched candidate matched the pattern.
bool lastCandidateMatched = false;
/// MatchStyle.FILENAME only: For the last matched candidate, the length of
/// text that was trimmed from the start of the string.
int lastCandidatePrefixTrimmedLen = 0;
/// Dynamic programming table.
/// We use a 3-dimensional dynamic programming table, with the 3-rd dimension
/// telling us whether the last character matched (true or false). The table
/// for matched characters is stored adjacent to the table for unmatched
/// characters to avoid too nested arrays.
/// The zero bit of the score value keeps track of where we came from (1 if
/// the previous character matched, and 0 otherwise).
List<List<int>> table;
/// The offset of the "previous symbol matched" table on the pattern axis.
int matchesLayerOffset;
/// Pre-allocated memory for storing the role of each character in the
/// candidate string.
List<CharRole> candidateRoles = List.filled(maxInputSize, CharRole.NONE);
/// The role of each character in the pattern.
List<CharRole> patternRoles;
/// A flag indicating whether scoring should be case-sensitive. Mix-case
/// patterns turn on case-sensitive scoring.
bool caseSensitive;
/// Normalizes scores for the pattern length.
double scoreScale;
/// Initialize a newly created matcher to match the [pattern] using the given
/// [matchStyle].
FuzzyMatcher(this.pattern, {this.matchStyle = MatchStyle.TEXT}) {
if (pattern.length > maxPatternSize) {
pattern = pattern.substring(0, maxPatternSize);
patternLower = pattern.toLowerCase();
caseSensitive = pattern != patternLower;
if (patternLower.length > 3) {
patternShort = patternLower.substring(0, 3);
} else {
patternShort = patternLower;
matchesLayerOffset = pattern.length + 1;
table = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= maxInputSize; i++) {
table.add(List.filled(2 * matchesLayerOffset, 0));
patternRoles = List.filled(pattern.length, CharRole.NONE);
fuzzyMap(pattern, patternRoles);
var maxCharScore = matchStyle == MatchStyle.TEXT ? 6 : 4;
scoreScale =
pattern.isNotEmpty ? 1.0 / (maxCharScore * pattern.length) : 0.0;
/// This function picks the matches layer with the best score.
int bestLayerIndexAt(int i, int j) {
return scoreAt(i, j, 0) < scoreAt(i, j, 1) ? 1 : 0;
/// Scores the candidate string.
/// Return a non-negative value in case of success, or a negative value if the
/// candidate does not match or matches poorly.
int computeScore(String candidate, String candidateLower) {
for (var j = 0; j <= pattern.length; j++) {
var mj = matchesLayerOffset + j;
// We start with zero but only in the layer where the previous character
// didn't match.
table[0][j] = j == 0 ? 0 : minScore << 1;
table[0][mj] = minScore << 1;
var segmentsLeft = 1;
var lastSegmentStart = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < candidate.length; i++) {
if (candidateRoles[i] == CharRole.SEPARATOR) {
lastSegmentStart = i + 1;
for (var i = 1; i <= candidate.length; i++) {
var isHead = candidateRoles[i - 1] == CharRole.HEAD;
if (candidateRoles[i - 1] == CharRole.SEPARATOR && segmentsLeft > 1) {
// Boost the very last segment.
var segmentScore = segmentsLeft > 1 ? 0 : 1;
var skipPenalty = 0;
// Penalize missing words.
if (segmentsLeft == 1 && isHead && matchStyle != MatchStyle.TEXT) {
skipPenalty += 1;
// Penalize skipping the first letter of a last segment.
if (i - 1 == lastSegmentStart) {
skipPenalty += 3;
for (var j = 0; j <= pattern.length; j++) {
var mj = matchesLayerOffset + j;
// By default, we don't have a match. Fill in the skip data.
table[i][mj] = minScore << 1;
if (segmentsLeft > 1 && j == pattern.length) {
// The very last pattern character can only be matched in the last
// segment.
table[i][j] = minScore << 1;
// Keep track where we came from.
var k = bestLayerIndexAt(i - 1, j);
var skipScore = scoreAt(i - 1, j, k);
// Do not penalize missing characters after the last matched segment.
if (j != pattern.length) {
skipScore -= skipPenalty;
table[i][j] = (skipScore << 1) + k;
if (j == 0 ||
!(candidateLower.codeUnitAt(i - 1) ==
patternLower.codeUnitAt(j - 1))) {
// Not a match.
// Score the match.
var charScore = segmentScore;
if (candidateRoles[i - 1] == CharRole.TAIL &&
patternRoles[j - 1] == CharRole.HEAD) {
if (j > 1) {
// Not a match: a Head in the pattern matches some tail character.
// Special treatment for the first character of the pattern. We allow
// matches in the middle of a word if they are long enough, at least
// min(3, pattern.length) characters.
if (patternShort !=
i - 1,
candidateLower.length, i - 1 + patternShort.length))) {
charScore -= 4;
if ((candidate.codeUnitAt(i - 1) == pattern.codeUnitAt(j - 1)) ||
(isHead &&
(!caseSensitive || patternRoles[j - 1] == CharRole.HEAD))) {
// Case match, or a Head in the pattern aligns with one in the word.
// Single-case patterns lack segmentation signals and we assume any
// character can be a head of a segment.
// The third dimension tells us if there is a gap between the previous
// match and the current one.
for (var k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
var score = scoreAt(i - 1, j - 1, k) + charScore;
var prevMatches = k == 1;
var isConsecutive =
prevMatches || i - 1 == 0 || i - 1 == lastSegmentStart;
if (isConsecutive || (matchStyle == MatchStyle.TEXT && j - 1 == 0)) {
// Bonus for a consecutive match. First character match also gets a
// bonus to ensure prefix final match score normalizes to 1.0.
// Logically, this is a part of charScore, but we have to compute it
// here because it only applies for consecutive matches (k == 1).
score += matchStyle == MatchStyle.TEXT ? 4 : 2;
if (!prevMatches &&
(candidateRoles[i - 1] == CharRole.TAIL ||
candidateRoles[i - 1] == CharRole.UC_TAIL)) {
// Match starts in the middle of a word. Penalize for the lack of
// alignment.
score -= 3;
if (score > (table[i][mj] >> 1)) {
table[i][mj] = (score << 1) + k;
return scoreAt(candidate.length, pattern.length,
bestLayerIndexAt(candidate.length, pattern.length));
/// Identify the role of each character in the given [string] for fuzzy
/// matching. The roles are stored in the list of [roles].
void fuzzyMap(String string, List<CharRole> roles) {
assert(roles.length >= string.length);
var prev = _CharType.NONE;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
var ch = string.codeUnitAt(i);
var type = ch < 128
? _CharType.values[TYPES.codeUnitAt(ch) - 48]
: _CharType.LOWER;
var role = CharRole.NONE;
if (type == _CharType.LOWER) {
role = (prev.index <= _CharType.PUNCT.index)
? CharRole.HEAD
: CharRole.TAIL;
} else if (type == _CharType.UPPER) {
role = CharRole.HEAD;
// Note: this treats RPCTest as two words.
if (prev == _CharType.UPPER &&
!(i + 1 < string.length &&
string.codeUnitAt(i + 1) >= $a &&
string.codeUnitAt(i + 1) <= $z)) {
role = CharRole.UC_TAIL;
} else if (type == _CharType.PUNCT) {
if (matchStyle == MatchStyle.FILENAME && string[i] == '/' ||
matchStyle == MatchStyle.SYMBOL &&
(string[i] == '.' || string[i] == ':' || string[i] == ' ')) {
role = CharRole.SEPARATOR;
roles[i] = role;
prev = type;
for (var i = string.length - 1;
i >= 0 && roles[i] == CharRole.SEPARATOR;
i--) {
roles[i] = CharRole.NONE;
/// Returns matched ranges for the last scored string as a flattened array of
/// [begin, end) pairs, where the start and end of each range aer consecutive
/// elements in the list.
List<int> getMatchedRanges() {
if (pattern.isEmpty || !lastCandidateMatched) {
return [];
var i = lastCandidateLen;
var j = pattern.length;
if (scoreAt(i, j, 0) < minScore / 2 && scoreAt(i, j, 1) < minScore / 2) {
return [];
var result = <int>[];
var k = bestLayerIndexAt(i, j); // bestK in go
while (i > 0) {
var take = k == 1;
k = prevK(i, j, k);
if (take) {
if (result.isEmpty || result[result.length - 1] != i) {
result.add(lastCandidatePrefixTrimmedLen + i);
result.add(lastCandidatePrefixTrimmedLen + i - 1);
} else {
result[result.length - 1] = lastCandidatePrefixTrimmedLen + i - 1;
return result.reversed.toList();
/// A match is poor if it has more than one short sub-match that is not
/// aligned at a word boundary.
bool isPoorMatch() {
if (pattern.length < 2) {
return false;
var i = lastCandidateLen;
var j = pattern.length;
var k = bestLayerIndexAt(i, j);
var counter = 0;
var len = 0;
while (i > 0) {
var take = k == 1;
k = prevK(i, j, k);
if (take) {
if (k == 0 && len < 3 && candidateRoles[i - 1] == CharRole.TAIL) {
// Short match in the middle of a word.
if (counter > 1) {
return true;
} else {
len = 0;
return false;
/// Return `true` if the [candidate] matches the pattern at all.
bool match(String candidate, String candidateLower) {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
for (; i < candidateLower.length && j < patternLower.length; i++) {
if (candidateLower.codeUnitAt(i) == patternLower.codeUnitAt(j)) {
if (j != patternLower.length) {
return false;
// The input passes the simple test against pattern, so it is time to
// classify its characters. Character roles are used below to find the last
// segment.
fuzzyMap(candidate, candidateRoles);
if (matchStyle != MatchStyle.TEXT) {
var sep = candidateLower.length - 1;
while (sep >= i && candidateRoles[sep] != CharRole.SEPARATOR) {
if (sep >= i) {
// We are not in the last segment, check that we have at least one
// character match in the last segment of the candidate.
return candidateLower.contains(
patternLower.substring(patternLower.length - 1), sep);
return true;
/// Returns the previous value for the third dimension.
int prevK(int i, int j, int k) {
return table[i][j + k * matchesLayerOffset] & 1;
/// Computes the fuzzy score of how well the [candidate] matches the pattern,
/// and returns a value in the range of [0, 1] for matching strings, and -1
/// for non-matching ones.
double score(String candidate) {
lastCandidatePrefixTrimmedLen = 0;
if (candidate.length > maxInputSize) {
if (matchStyle == MatchStyle.FILENAME) {
lastCandidatePrefixTrimmedLen = candidate.length - maxInputSize;
candidate = candidate.substring(lastCandidatePrefixTrimmedLen);
} else {
candidate = candidate.substring(0, maxInputSize);
if (pattern.isEmpty) {
// Empty patterns perfectly match candidates.
return 1.0;
lastCandidateLen = candidate.length;
var candidateLower = candidate.toLowerCase();
if (match(candidate, candidateLower)) {
var score = computeScore(candidate, candidateLower);
if (score > minScore / 2 && !isPoorMatch()) {
lastCandidateMatched = true;
if (pattern.length == candidate.length) {
// Exact matches are always perfect.
return 1.0;
if (score < 0) {
score = 0;
var normalizedScore = score * scoreScale;
if (normalizedScore > 1) {
return 1.0;
return normalizedScore;
// Make sure subsequent calls to getMatchedRanges() return an empty list.
lastCandidateMatched = false;
return -1.0;
/// Returns the pre-computed score for a given cell.
int scoreAt(int i, int j, int k) {
return table[i][j + k * matchesLayerOffset] >> 1;
void setInput(MatchStyle style) {
if (matchStyle == style) {
matchStyle = style;
fuzzyMap(pattern, patternRoles);
/// The type of strings to match against. For files and symbols, FuzzyMatcher
/// ensures that the match touches the last segment of the candidate string.
enum MatchStyle {
/// An arbitrary string such as a menu title.
/// A path that uses forward slashes for segment separation.
/// A qualified symbol name.
enum _CharType { NONE, PUNCT, LOWER, UPPER }