blob: 5906cd10abbc333c7cd2acdc8d97efd419c25fc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library edit.domain;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/edit/assist/assist_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/edit/fix/fix_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/collections.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/assist.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/organize_directives.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/sort_members.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/status.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/refactoring.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart' as engine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart' as engine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart' as engine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' as engine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart' as engine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
int test_resetCount = 0;
bool test_simulateRefactoringException_change = false;
bool test_simulateRefactoringException_final = false;
bool test_simulateRefactoringException_init = false;
bool test_simulateRefactoringReset_afterCreateChange = false;
bool test_simulateRefactoringReset_afterFinalConditions = false;
bool test_simulateRefactoringReset_afterInitialConditions = false;
* Instances of the class [EditDomainHandler] implement a [RequestHandler]
* that handles requests in the edit domain.
class EditDomainHandler implements RequestHandler {
* The analysis server that is using this handler to process requests.
final AnalysisServer server;
* The [SearchEngine] for this server.
SearchEngine searchEngine;
_RefactoringManager refactoringManager;
* Initialize a newly created handler to handle requests for the given [server].
EditDomainHandler(this.server) {
searchEngine = server.searchEngine;
Response format(Request request) {
EditFormatParams params = new EditFormatParams.fromRequest(request);
String file = params.file;
String unformattedSource;
try {
Source source = server.resourceProvider.getFile(file).createSource();
if (server.options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
unformattedSource = server.fileContentOverlay[file];
} else {
unformattedSource = server.overlayState.getContents(source);
unformattedSource ??=;
} catch (e) {
return new Response.formatInvalidFile(request);
int start = params.selectionOffset;
int length = params.selectionLength;
// No need to preserve 0,0 selection
if (start == 0 && length == 0) {
start = null;
length = null;
SourceCode code = new SourceCode(unformattedSource,
uri: null,
isCompilationUnit: true,
selectionStart: start,
selectionLength: length);
DartFormatter formatter = new DartFormatter(pageWidth: params.lineLength);
SourceCode formattedResult;
try {
formattedResult = formatter.formatSource(code);
} on FormatterException {
return new Response.formatWithErrors(request);
String formattedSource = formattedResult.text;
List<SourceEdit> edits = <SourceEdit>[];
if (formattedSource != unformattedSource) {
//TODO: replace full replacements with smaller, more targeted edits
SourceEdit edit =
new SourceEdit(0, unformattedSource.length, formattedSource);
int newStart = formattedResult.selectionStart;
int newLength = formattedResult.selectionLength;
// Sending null start/length values would violate protocol, so convert back
// to 0.
if (newStart == null) {
newStart = 0;
if (newLength == null) {
newLength = 0;
return new EditFormatResult(edits, newStart, newLength)
Future getAssists(Request request) async {
if (server.options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
// TODO(scheglov) implement for the new analysis driver
EditGetAssistsParams params = new EditGetAssistsParams.fromRequest(request);
ContextSourcePair pair = server.getContextSourcePair(params.file);
engine.AnalysisContext context = pair.context;
Source source = pair.source;
List<SourceChange> changes = <SourceChange>[];
if (context != null && source != null) {
List<Assist> assists = await computeAssists(
server.serverPlugin, context, source, params.offset, params.length);
assists.forEach((Assist assist) {
Response response =
new EditGetAssistsResult(changes).toResponse(;
Future getFixes(Request request) async {
if (server.options.enableNewAnalysisDriver) {
// TODO(scheglov) implement for the new analysis driver
var params = new EditGetFixesParams.fromRequest(request);
String file = params.file;
int offset = params.offset;
// add fixes
List<AnalysisErrorFixes> errorFixesList = <AnalysisErrorFixes>[];
List<CompilationUnit> units = server.getResolvedCompilationUnits(file);
for (CompilationUnit unit in units) {
engine.AnalysisErrorInfo errorInfo = server.getErrors(file);
if (errorInfo != null) {
LineInfo lineInfo = errorInfo.lineInfo;
int requestLine = lineInfo.getLocation(offset).lineNumber;
for (engine.AnalysisError error in errorInfo.errors) {
int errorLine = lineInfo.getLocation(error.offset).lineNumber;
if (errorLine == requestLine) {
List<Fix> fixes = await computeFixes(server.serverPlugin,
server.resourceProvider, unit.element.context, error);
if (fixes.isNotEmpty) {
AnalysisError serverError =
newAnalysisError_fromEngine(lineInfo, error);
AnalysisErrorFixes errorFixes =
new AnalysisErrorFixes(serverError);
fixes.forEach((fix) {
// respond
new EditGetFixesResult(errorFixesList).toResponse(;
Response handleRequest(Request request) {
try {
String requestName = request.method;
if (requestName == EDIT_FORMAT) {
return format(request);
} else if (requestName == EDIT_GET_ASSISTS) {
return Response.DELAYED_RESPONSE;
} else if (requestName == EDIT_GET_AVAILABLE_REFACTORINGS) {
return _getAvailableRefactorings(request);
} else if (requestName == EDIT_GET_FIXES) {
return Response.DELAYED_RESPONSE;
} else if (requestName == EDIT_GET_REFACTORING) {
return _getRefactoring(request);
} else if (requestName == EDIT_ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES) {
return organizeDirectives(request);
} else if (requestName == EDIT_SORT_MEMBERS) {
return sortMembers(request);
} on RequestFailure catch (exception) {
return exception.response;
return null;
Response organizeDirectives(Request request) {
var params = new EditOrganizeDirectivesParams.fromRequest(request);
// prepare file
String file = params.file;
if (!engine.AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(file)) {
return new Response.fileNotAnalyzed(request, file);
// prepare resolved units
List<CompilationUnit> units = server.getResolvedCompilationUnits(file);
if (units.isEmpty) {
return new Response.fileNotAnalyzed(request, file);
// prepare context
CompilationUnit unit = units.first;
engine.AnalysisContext context = unit.element.context;
Source source = unit.element.source;
List<engine.AnalysisError> errors = context.computeErrors(source);
// check if there are scan/parse errors in the file
int numScanParseErrors = _getNumberOfScanParseErrors(errors);
if (numScanParseErrors != 0) {
return new Response.organizeDirectivesError(
request, 'File has $numScanParseErrors scan/parse errors.');
// do organize
int fileStamp = context.getModificationStamp(source);
String code = context.getContents(source).data;
DirectiveOrganizer sorter = new DirectiveOrganizer(code, unit, errors);
List<SourceEdit> edits = sorter.organize();
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = new SourceFileEdit(file, fileStamp, edits: edits);
return new EditOrganizeDirectivesResult(fileEdit).toResponse(;
Response sortMembers(Request request) {
var params = new EditSortMembersParams.fromRequest(request);
// prepare file
String file = params.file;
if (!engine.AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(file)) {
return new Response.sortMembersInvalidFile(request);
// prepare location
ContextSourcePair contextSource = server.getContextSourcePair(file);
engine.AnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
Source source = contextSource.source;
if (context == null || source == null) {
return new Response.sortMembersInvalidFile(request);
// prepare parsed unit
CompilationUnit unit;
try {
unit = context.parseCompilationUnit(source);
} catch (e) {
return new Response.sortMembersInvalidFile(request);
// check if there are scan/parse errors in the file
engine.AnalysisErrorInfo errors = context.getErrors(source);
int numScanParseErrors = _getNumberOfScanParseErrors(errors.errors);
if (numScanParseErrors != 0) {
return new Response.sortMembersParseErrors(request, numScanParseErrors);
// do sort
int fileStamp = context.getModificationStamp(source);
String code = context.getContents(source).data;
MemberSorter sorter = new MemberSorter(code, unit);
List<SourceEdit> edits = sorter.sort();
SourceFileEdit fileEdit = new SourceFileEdit(file, fileStamp, edits: edits);
return new EditSortMembersResult(fileEdit).toResponse(;
Response _getAvailableRefactorings(Request request) {
if (searchEngine == null) {
return new Response.noIndexGenerated(request);
return Response.DELAYED_RESPONSE;
Future _getAvailableRefactoringsImpl(Request request) async {
// prepare parameters
var params = new EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams.fromRequest(request);
String file = params.file;
int offset = params.offset;
int length = params.length;
// add refactoring kinds
List<RefactoringKind> kinds = <RefactoringKind>[];
// try EXTRACT_*
if (length != 0) {
// check elements
List<Element> elements = server.getElementsAtOffset(file, offset);
if (elements.isNotEmpty) {
Element element = elements[0];
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
Refactoring refactoring =
new ConvertMethodToGetterRefactoring(searchEngine, element);
RefactoringStatus status = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
if (!status.hasFatalError) {
// try RENAME
RenameRefactoring renameRefactoring =
new RenameRefactoring(searchEngine, element);
if (renameRefactoring != null) {
// respond
var result = new EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult(kinds);
Response _getRefactoring(Request request) {
if (searchEngine == null) {
return new Response.noIndexGenerated(request);
if (refactoringManager.hasPendingRequest) {
return Response.DELAYED_RESPONSE;
* Initializes [refactoringManager] with a new instance.
void _newRefactoringManager() {
refactoringManager = new _RefactoringManager(server, searchEngine);
static int _getNumberOfScanParseErrors(List<engine.AnalysisError> errors) {
int numScanParseErrors = 0;
for (engine.AnalysisError error in errors) {
if (error.errorCode is engine.ScannerErrorCode ||
error.errorCode is engine.ParserErrorCode) {
return numScanParseErrors;
* An object managing a single [Refactoring] instance.
* The instance is identified by its kind, file, offset and length.
* It is initialized when the a set of parameters is given for the first time.
* All subsequent requests are performed on this [Refactoring] instance.
* Once new set of parameters is received, the previous [Refactoring] instance
* is invalidated and a new one is created and initialized.
class _RefactoringManager {
static const List<RefactoringProblem> EMPTY_PROBLEM_LIST =
const <RefactoringProblem>[];
final AnalysisServer server;
final SearchEngine searchEngine;
StreamSubscription subscriptionToReset;
RefactoringKind kind;
String file;
int offset;
int length;
Refactoring refactoring;
RefactoringFeedback feedback;
RefactoringStatus initStatus;
RefactoringStatus optionsStatus;
RefactoringStatus finalStatus;
Request request;
EditGetRefactoringResult result;
_RefactoringManager(this.server, this.searchEngine) {
* Returns `true` if a response for the current request has not yet been sent.
bool get hasPendingRequest => request != null;
bool get _hasFatalError {
return initStatus.hasFatalError ||
optionsStatus.hasFatalError ||
* Checks if [refactoring] requires options.
bool get _requiresOptions {
return refactoring is ExtractLocalRefactoring ||
refactoring is ExtractMethodRefactoring ||
refactoring is InlineMethodRefactoring ||
refactoring is MoveFileRefactoring ||
refactoring is RenameRefactoring;
* Cancels processing of the current request and cleans up.
void cancel() {
server.sendResponse(new Response.refactoringRequestCancelled(request));
request = null;
void getRefactoring(Request _request) {
// prepare for processing the request
request = _request;
result = new EditGetRefactoringResult(
// process the request
var params = new EditGetRefactoringParams.fromRequest(_request);
runZoned(() async {
await _init(params.kind, params.file, params.offset, params.length);
if (initStatus.hasFatalError) {
feedback = null;
// set options
if (_requiresOptions) {
if (params.options == null) {
optionsStatus = new RefactoringStatus();
optionsStatus = _setOptions(params);
if (_hasFatalError) {
// done if just validation
if (params.validateOnly) {
finalStatus = new RefactoringStatus();
// simulate an exception
if (test_simulateRefactoringException_final) {
throw 'A simulated refactoring exception - final.';
// validation and create change
finalStatus = await refactoring.checkFinalConditions();
if (_hasFatalError) {
// simulate an exception
if (test_simulateRefactoringException_change) {
throw 'A simulated refactoring exception - change.';
// create change
result.change = await refactoring.createChange();
result.potentialEdits = nullIfEmpty(refactoring.potentialEditIds);
}, onError: (exception, stackTrace) {
if (exception is _ResetError) {
} else {
server.instrumentationService.logException(exception, stackTrace);
new Response.serverError(_request, exception, stackTrace));
* Perform enough analysis to be able to perform refactoring of the given
* [kind] in the given [file].
Future<Null> _analyzeForRefactoring(String file, RefactoringKind kind) async {
// "Extract Local" and "Inline Local" refactorings need only local analysis.
if (kind == RefactoringKind.EXTRACT_LOCAL_VARIABLE ||
kind == RefactoringKind.INLINE_LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
ContextSourcePair pair = server.getContextSourcePair(file);
engine.AnalysisContext context = pair.context;
Source source = pair.source;
if (context != null && source != null) {
if (context.computeResult(source, SOURCE_KIND) == SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
await context.computeResolvedCompilationUnitAsync(source, source);
// A refactoring for which we cannot optimize analysis.
// So, wait for full analysis.
await server.onAnalysisComplete;
void _checkForReset_afterCreateChange() {
if (test_simulateRefactoringReset_afterCreateChange) {
if (refactoring == null) {
throw new _ResetError();
void _checkForReset_afterFinalConditions() {
if (test_simulateRefactoringReset_afterFinalConditions) {
if (refactoring == null) {
throw new _ResetError();
void _checkForReset_afterInitialConditions() {
if (test_simulateRefactoringReset_afterInitialConditions) {
if (refactoring == null) {
throw new _ResetError();
* Initializes this context to perform a refactoring with the specified
* parameters. The existing [Refactoring] is reused or created as needed.
Future _init(
RefactoringKind kind, String file, int offset, int length) async {
await _analyzeForRefactoring(file, kind);
// check if we can continue with the existing Refactoring instance
if (this.kind == kind &&
this.file == file &&
this.offset == offset &&
this.length == length) {
this.kind = kind;
this.file = file;
this.offset = offset;
this.length = length;
// simulate an exception
if (test_simulateRefactoringException_init) {
throw 'A simulated refactoring exception - init.';
// create a new Refactoring instance
if (kind == RefactoringKind.CONVERT_GETTER_TO_METHOD) {
List<Element> elements = server.getElementsAtOffset(file, offset);
if (elements.isNotEmpty) {
Element element = elements[0];
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
refactoring =
new ConvertGetterToMethodRefactoring(searchEngine, element);
if (kind == RefactoringKind.CONVERT_METHOD_TO_GETTER) {
List<Element> elements = server.getElementsAtOffset(file, offset);
if (elements.isNotEmpty) {
Element element = elements[0];
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
refactoring =
new ConvertMethodToGetterRefactoring(searchEngine, element);
if (kind == RefactoringKind.EXTRACT_LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
List<CompilationUnit> units = server.getResolvedCompilationUnits(file);
if (units.isNotEmpty) {
refactoring = new ExtractLocalRefactoring(units[0], offset, length);
feedback = new ExtractLocalVariableFeedback(
<String>[], <int>[], <int>[],
coveringExpressionOffsets: <int>[],
coveringExpressionLengths: <int>[]);
if (kind == RefactoringKind.EXTRACT_METHOD) {
List<CompilationUnit> units = server.getResolvedCompilationUnits(file);
if (units.isNotEmpty) {
refactoring = new ExtractMethodRefactoring(
searchEngine, units[0], offset, length);
feedback = new ExtractMethodFeedback(offset, length, '', <String>[],
false, <RefactoringMethodParameter>[], <int>[], <int>[]);
if (kind == RefactoringKind.INLINE_LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
List<CompilationUnit> units = server.getResolvedCompilationUnits(file);
if (units.isNotEmpty) {
refactoring =
new InlineLocalRefactoring(searchEngine, units[0], offset);
if (kind == RefactoringKind.INLINE_METHOD) {
List<CompilationUnit> units = server.getResolvedCompilationUnits(file);
if (units.isNotEmpty) {
refactoring =
new InlineMethodRefactoring(searchEngine, units[0], offset);
if (kind == RefactoringKind.MOVE_FILE) {
ContextSourcePair contextSource = server.getContextSourcePair(file);
engine.AnalysisContext context = contextSource.context;
Source source = contextSource.source;
refactoring = new MoveFileRefactoring(
server.resourceProvider, searchEngine, context, source, file);
if (kind == RefactoringKind.RENAME) {
List<AstNode> nodes = server.getNodesAtOffset(file, offset);
List<Element> elements = server.getElementsOfNodes(nodes);
if (nodes.isNotEmpty && elements.isNotEmpty) {
AstNode node = nodes[0];
Element element = elements[0];
if (element is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
element = (element as FieldFormalParameterElement).field;
// climb from "Class" in "new Class.named()" to "Class.named"
if (node.parent is TypeName && node.parent.parent is ConstructorName) {
ConstructorName constructor = node.parent.parent;
node = constructor;
element = constructor.staticElement;
// do create the refactoring
refactoring = new RenameRefactoring(searchEngine, element);
feedback =
new RenameFeedback(node.offset, node.length, 'kind', 'oldName');
if (refactoring == null) {
initStatus =
new RefactoringStatus.fatal('Unable to create a refactoring');
// check initial conditions
initStatus = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
if (refactoring is ExtractLocalRefactoring) {
ExtractLocalRefactoring refactoring = this.refactoring;
ExtractLocalVariableFeedback feedback =;
feedback.names = refactoring.names;
feedback.offsets = refactoring.offsets;
feedback.lengths = refactoring.lengths;
feedback.coveringExpressionOffsets =
feedback.coveringExpressionLengths =
if (refactoring is ExtractMethodRefactoring) {
ExtractMethodRefactoring refactoring = this.refactoring;
ExtractMethodFeedback feedback =;
feedback.canCreateGetter = refactoring.canCreateGetter;
feedback.returnType = refactoring.returnType;
feedback.names = refactoring.names;
feedback.parameters = refactoring.parameters;
feedback.offsets = refactoring.offsets;
feedback.lengths = refactoring.lengths;
if (refactoring is InlineLocalRefactoring) {
InlineLocalRefactoring refactoring = this.refactoring;
if (!initStatus.hasFatalError) {
feedback = new InlineLocalVariableFeedback(
refactoring.variableName, refactoring.referenceCount);
if (refactoring is InlineMethodRefactoring) {
InlineMethodRefactoring refactoring = this.refactoring;
if (!initStatus.hasFatalError) {
feedback = new InlineMethodFeedback(
refactoring.methodName, refactoring.isDeclaration,
className: refactoring.className);
if (refactoring is RenameRefactoring) {
RenameRefactoring refactoring = this.refactoring;
RenameFeedback feedback =;
feedback.elementKindName = refactoring.elementKindName;
feedback.oldName = refactoring.oldName;
void _reset() {
kind = null;
offset = null;
length = null;
refactoring = null;
feedback = null;
initStatus = new RefactoringStatus();
optionsStatus = new RefactoringStatus();
finalStatus = new RefactoringStatus();
subscriptionToReset = null;
void _resetOnAnalysisStarted() {
subscriptionToReset = server.onAnalysisStarted.listen((_) => _reset());
* We're performing a refactoring that affects only the given [file].
* So, when the [file] resolution is changed, we need to reset refactoring.
* But when any other file is changed or analyzed, we can continue.
void _resetOnFileResolutionChanged(String file) {
subscriptionToReset = server
?.listen((event) {
Source targetSource =;
if (targetSource?.fullName == file) {
void _sendResultResponse() {
// ignore if was cancelled
if (request == null) {
// set feedback = feedback;
// set problems
result.initialProblems = initStatus.problems;
result.optionsProblems = optionsStatus.problems;
result.finalProblems = finalStatus.problems;
// send the response
// done with this request
request = null;
result = null;
RefactoringStatus _setOptions(EditGetRefactoringParams params) {
if (refactoring is ExtractLocalRefactoring) {
ExtractLocalRefactoring extractRefactoring = refactoring;
ExtractLocalVariableOptions extractOptions = params.options; =;
extractRefactoring.extractAll = extractOptions.extractAll;
return extractRefactoring.checkName();
if (refactoring is ExtractMethodRefactoring) {
ExtractMethodRefactoring extractRefactoring = this.refactoring;
ExtractMethodOptions extractOptions = params.options;
extractRefactoring.createGetter = extractOptions.createGetter;
extractRefactoring.extractAll = extractOptions.extractAll; =;
if (extractOptions.parameters != null) {
extractRefactoring.parameters = extractOptions.parameters;
extractRefactoring.returnType = extractOptions.returnType;
return extractRefactoring.checkName();
if (refactoring is InlineMethodRefactoring) {
InlineMethodRefactoring inlineRefactoring = this.refactoring;
InlineMethodOptions inlineOptions = params.options;
inlineRefactoring.deleteSource = inlineOptions.deleteSource;
inlineRefactoring.inlineAll = inlineOptions.inlineAll;
return new RefactoringStatus();
if (refactoring is MoveFileRefactoring) {
MoveFileRefactoring moveRefactoring = this.refactoring;
MoveFileOptions moveOptions = params.options;
moveRefactoring.newFile = moveOptions.newFile;
return new RefactoringStatus();
if (refactoring is RenameRefactoring) {
RenameRefactoring renameRefactoring = refactoring;
RenameOptions renameOptions = params.options;
renameRefactoring.newName = renameOptions.newName;
return renameRefactoring.checkNewName();
return new RefactoringStatus();
* [_RefactoringManager] throws instances of this class internally to stop
* processing in a manager that was reset.
class _ResetError {}