blob: 2128aaa491cda97dfc7e7281684aabd58f00d5aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test_utils;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisContext, AnalysisContextImpl;
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/parser.dart';
/// Instances of the class [_GatheringErrorListener] implement an error listener
/// that collects all of the errors passed to it for later examination.
class _GatheringErrorListener implements AnalysisErrorListener {
/// The source being parsed.
String _rawSource;
/// The source being parsed after inserting a marker at the beginning and end
/// of the range of the most recent error.
String _markedSource;
/// A list containing the errors that were collected.
final List<AnalysisError> _errors = new List<AnalysisError>();
/// A table mapping sources to the line information for the source.
final Map<Source, LineInfo> _lineInfoMap = new Map<Source, LineInfo>();
void onError(AnalysisError error) {
if (_rawSource != null) {
var left = error.offset;
var right = left + error.length - 1;
_markedSource = '${_rawSource.substring(0, left)}^${_rawSource.substring(left, right)}^${_rawSource.substring(right)}';
/// Sets the line information associated with the given source to the given
/// information.
void setLineInfo(Source source, List<int> lineStarts) {
_lineInfoMap[source] = new LineInfo(lineStarts);
/// Asserts that the number of errors that have been gathered matches the
/// number of errors that are given and that they have the expected error
/// codes. The order in which the errors were gathered is ignored.
void expectErrors(List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) {
var builder = new StringBuffer();
var expectedCounts = new Map<ErrorCode, int>();
for (code in expectedErrorCodes) {
var count = expectedCounts[code];
if (count == null) {
count = 1;
} else {
count = count + 1;
expectedCounts[code] = count;
var errorsByCode = new Map<ErrorCode, List<AnalysisError>>();
for (error in _errors) {
var code = error.errorCode;
var list = errorsByCode[code];
if (list == null) {
list = new List<AnalysisError>();
errorsByCode[code] = list;
for (entry in _getMapEntrySet(expectedCounts)) {
var code = entry.getKey();
var expectedCount = entry.getValue();
var actualCount;
var list = errorsByCode.remove(code);
if (list == null) {
actualCount = 0;
} else {
actualCount = list.length;
if (actualCount != expectedCount) {
if (builder.length == 0) {
builder.write('Expected ');
} else {
builder.write('; ');
builder.write(' errors of type ');
builder.write(', found ');
for (entry in _getMapEntrySet(errorsByCode)) {
var code = entry.getKey();
var actualErrors = entry.getValue();
var actualCount = actualErrors.length;
if (builder.length == 0) {
builder.write('Expected ');
} else {
builder.write('; ');
builder.write('0 errors of type ');
builder.write(', found ');
builder.write(' (');
for (int i = 0; i < actualErrors.length; i++) {
var error = actualErrors[i];
if (i > 0) {
builder.write(', ');
if (builder.length > 0) {
Set<_MapEntry> _getMapEntrySet(Map m) {
var result = new Set();
m.forEach((k, v) {
result.add(new _MapEntry(k, v));
return result;
class _MapEntry<K, V> {
K _key;
V _value;
_MapEntry(this._key, this._value);
K getKey() => _key;
V getValue() => _value;
class _TestSource implements Source {
bool operator == (Object object) => object is _TestSource;
AnalysisContext get context => _unsupported();
void getContents(Source_ContentReceiver receiver) => _unsupported();
String get fullName => _unsupported();
String get shortName => _unsupported();
String get encoding => _unsupported();
int get modificationStamp =>_unsupported();
UriKind get uriKind => _unsupported();
bool exists() => true;
bool isInSystemLibrary() => _unsupported();
Source resolve(String uri) => _unsupported();
Source resolveRelative(Uri uri) => _unsupported();
_unsupported() => throw new _UnsupportedOperationException();
class _UnsupportedOperationException implements Exception {
String toString() => 'UnsupportedOperationException';
/// Parse the given [source] as a statement and assert, if provided, that
/// exactly a given set of [expectedErrorCodes] are encountered.
Statement parseStatement(String source, [List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes]) {
var listener = new _GatheringErrorListener();
var scanner = new StringScanner(null, source, listener);
listener.setLineInfo(new _TestSource(), scanner.lineStarts);
var token = scanner.tokenize();
var parser = new Parser(null, listener);
var statement = parser.parseStatement(token);
expect(statement, isNotNull);
if (?expectedErrorCodes) {
return statement;