blob: 6f8aedb2e3352186ffb1583bd908cf845e8dc7df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.dom.html;
_callConstructor(constructor) {
return (receiver) {
return JS('', '#(#)', constructor, receiver);
_callEnteredView(receiver) {
return receiver.enteredView();
_callLeftView(receiver) {
return receiver.leftView();
_callAttributeChanged(receiver, name, oldValue, newValue) {
return receiver.attributeChanged(name, oldValue, newValue);
_makeCallbackMethod(callback) {
return JS('',
'''((function(invokeCallback) {
return function() {
return invokeCallback(this);
convertDartClosureToJS(callback, 1));
_makeCallbackMethod3(callback) {
return JS('',
'''((function(invokeCallback) {
return function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
return invokeCallback(this, arg1, arg2, arg3);
convertDartClosureToJS(callback, 4));
void _registerCustomElement(context, document, String tag, Type type,
String extendsTagName) {
// Function follows the same pattern as the following JavaScript code for
// registering a custom element.
// var proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype, {
// createdCallback: {
// value: function() {
// window.console.log('here');
// }
// }
// });
// document.register('x-foo', { prototype: proto });
// ...
// var e = document.createElement('x-foo');
var interceptorClass = findInterceptorConstructorForType(type);
if (interceptorClass == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(type);
var constructor = findConstructorForWebComponentType(type, 'created');
if (constructor == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("$type has no constructor called 'created'");
// Workaround for 13190- use an article element to ensure that HTMLElement's
// interceptor is resolved correctly.
getNativeInterceptor(new Element.tag('article'));
String baseClassName = findDispatchTagForInterceptorClass(interceptorClass);
if (baseClassName == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(type);
if (baseClassName == 'Element') baseClassName = 'HTMLElement';
var baseConstructor = JS('=Object', '#[#]', context, baseClassName);
var properties = JS('=Object', '{}');
JS('void', '#.createdCallback = #', properties,
JS('=Object', '{value: #}',
JS('void', '#.enteredViewCallback = #', properties,
JS('=Object', '{value: #}', _makeCallbackMethod(_callEnteredView)));
JS('void', '#.leftViewCallback = #', properties,
JS('=Object', '{value: #}', _makeCallbackMethod(_callLeftView)));
JS('void', '#.attributeChangedCallback = #', properties,
JS('=Object', '{value: #}', _makeCallbackMethod3(_callAttributeChanged)));
// TODO(blois): Bug 13220- remove once transition is complete
JS('void', '#.enteredDocumentCallback = #', properties,
JS('=Object', '{value: #}', _makeCallbackMethod(_callEnteredView)));
JS('void', '#.leftDocumentCallback = #', properties,
JS('=Object', '{value: #}', _makeCallbackMethod(_callLeftView)));
var baseProto = JS('=Object', '#.prototype', baseConstructor);
var proto = JS('=Object', 'Object.create(#, #)', baseProto, properties);
var interceptor = JS('=Object', '#.prototype', interceptorClass);
setNativeSubclassDispatchRecord(proto, interceptor);
var options = JS('=Object', '{prototype: #}', proto);
if (baseClassName != 'HTMLElement') {
if (extendsTagName != null) {
JS('=Object', '#.extends = #', options, extendsTagName);
JS('void', '#.register(#, #)', document, tag, options);
//// Called by Element.created to do validation & initialization.
void _initializeCustomElement(Element e) {
// TODO(blois): Add validation that this is only in response to an upgrade.