blob: dee467d8f5e783c5451eb7e0839a49d7b1d1efe5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.util;
import "dart:collection";
import 'util_implementation.dart';
import 'characters.dart';
export 'setlet.dart';
part 'link.dart';
part 'expensive_map.dart';
part 'expensive_set.dart';
* Tagging interface for classes from which source spans can be generated.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Find a better name.
// TODO(ahe): How about "Bolt"?
abstract class Spannable {}
class _SpannableSentinel implements Spannable {
final String name;
const _SpannableSentinel(;
String toString() => name;
const _SpannableSentinel("Current element");
class SpannableAssertionFailure {
final Spannable node;
final String message;
SpannableAssertionFailure(this.node, this.message);
String toString() => 'Compiler crashed: $message';
* Helper method for printing stack traces for debugging.
* [message] is printed as the header of the stack trace.
* If [condition] is provided, the stack trace is only printed if [condition]
* returns [:true:] on the stack trace text. This can be used to filter the
* printed stack traces based on their content. For instance only print stack
* traces that contain specific paths.
void trace(String message, [bool condition(String stackTrace)]) {
try {
throw '';
} catch (e, s) {
String stackTrace = prettifyStackTrace(
s, rangeStart: 1, filePrefix: stackTraceFilePrefix);
if (condition != null) {
if (!condition(stackTrace)) return;
* File name prefix used to shorten the file name in stack traces printed by
* [trace].
String stackTraceFilePrefix = null;
/// Helper class for the processing of stack traces in [prettifyStackTrace].
class _StackTraceLine {
final int index;
final String file;
final String lineNo;
final String columnNo;
final String method;
_StackTraceLine(this.index, this.file, this.lineNo,
this.columnNo, this.method);
String toString() {
return 'index=$index, file=$file, '
'lineNo=$lineNo, columnNo=$columnNo, method=$method';
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use this format for --throw-on-error.
* Converts the normal VM stack trace into a more compact and readable format.
* The output format is [: <file> . . . <lineNo>:<columnNo> <method> :] where
* [: <file> :] is file name, [: <lineNo> :] is the line number,
* [: <columnNo> :] is the column number, and [: <method> :] is the method name.
* If [rangeStart] and/or [rangeEnd] are provided, only the lines within the
* range are included.
* If [showColumnNo] is [:false:], the [: :<columnNo> :] part is omitted.
* If [showDots] is [:true:], the space between [: <file> :] and [: <lineNo> :]
* is padded with dots on every other line.
* If [filePrefix] is provided, then for every file name thats starts with
* [filePrefix] only the remainder is printed.
* If [lambda] is non-null, anonymous closures are printed as [lambda].
String prettifyStackTrace(StackTrace s,
{int rangeStart,
int rangeEnd,
bool showColumnNo: false,
bool showDots: true,
String filePrefix,
String lambda: r'?'}) {
int index = -1;
int maxFileLength = 0;
int maxLineNoLength = 0;
int maxColumnNoLength = 0;
List<_StackTraceLine> lines = <_StackTraceLine>[];
for (String line in '$s'.split('\n')) {
if (rangeStart != null && index < rangeStart) continue;
if (rangeEnd != null && index > rangeEnd) continue;
if (line.isEmpty) continue;
// Strip index.
line = line.replaceFirst(new RegExp(r'#\d+\s*'), '');
int leftParenPos = line.indexOf('(');
int rightParenPos = line.indexOf(')', leftParenPos);
int lastColon = line.lastIndexOf(':', rightParenPos);
int nextToLastColon = line.lastIndexOf(':', lastColon-1);
String lineNo;
String columnNo;
if (nextToLastColon != -1) {
lineNo = line.substring(nextToLastColon+1, lastColon);
columnNo = line.substring(lastColon+1, rightParenPos);
try {
} on FormatException catch (e) {
lineNo = columnNo;
columnNo = '';
nextToLastColon = lastColon;
} else {
lineNo = line.substring(lastColon+1, rightParenPos);
columnNo = '';
nextToLastColon = lastColon;
if (lineNo.length > maxLineNoLength) {
maxLineNoLength = lineNo.length;
if (columnNo.length > maxColumnNoLength) {
maxColumnNoLength = columnNo.length;
String file = line.substring(leftParenPos+1, nextToLastColon);
if (filePrefix != null && file.startsWith(filePrefix)) {
file = file.substring(filePrefix.length);
if (file.length > maxFileLength) {
maxFileLength = file.length;
String method = line.substring(0, leftParenPos-1);
if (lambda != null) {
method = method.replaceAll('<anonymous closure>', lambda);
lines.add(new _StackTraceLine(index, file, lineNo, columnNo, method));
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
bool dots = true;
for (_StackTraceLine line in lines) {
String file = pad('${line.file} ', maxFileLength,
dots: showDots && dots ? ' .' : ' ');
String lineNo = pad(line.lineNo, maxLineNoLength, padLeft: true);
String columnNo =
showColumnNo ? ':${pad(line.columnNo, maxColumnNoLength)}' : '';
String method = line.method;
sb.write(' $file $lineNo$columnNo $method\n');
dots = !dots;
return sb.toString();
* Pads (or truncates) [text] to the [intendedLength].
* If [padLeft] is [:true:] the text is padding inserted to the left of [text].
* A repetition of the [dots] text is used for padding.
String pad(String text, int intendedLength,
{bool padLeft: false, String dots: ' '}) {
if (text.length == intendedLength) return text;
if (text.length > intendedLength) return text.substring(0, intendedLength);
if (dots == null || dots.isEmpty) dots = ' ';
int dotsLength = dots.length;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (!padLeft) {
for (int index = text.length ; index < intendedLength ; index ++) {
int dotsIndex = index % dotsLength;
sb.write(dots.substring(dotsIndex, dotsIndex + 1));
if (padLeft) {
return sb.toString();
/// Writes the characters of [string] on [buffer]. The characters
/// are escaped as suitable for JavaScript and JSON. [buffer] is
/// anything which supports [:write:] and [:writeCharCode:], for example,
/// [StringBuffer]. Note that JS supports \xnn and \unnnn whereas JSON only
/// supports the \unnnn notation. Therefore we use the \unnnn notation.
void writeJsonEscapedCharsOn(String string, buffer) {
void addCodeUnitEscaped(var buffer, int code) {
assert(code < 0x10000);
if (code < 0x1000) {
if (code < 0x100) {
if (code < 0x10) {
void writeEscapedOn(String string, var buffer) {
for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
int code = string.codeUnitAt(i);
if (code == $DQ) {
} else if (code == $TAB) {
} else if (code == $LF) {
} else if (code == $CR) {
} else if (code == $DEL) {
addCodeUnitEscaped(buffer, $DEL);
} else if (code == $LS) {
// This Unicode line terminator and $PS are invalid in JS string
// literals.
addCodeUnitEscaped(buffer, $LS); // 0x2028.
} else if (code == $PS) {
addCodeUnitEscaped(buffer, $PS); // 0x2029.
} else if (code == $BACKSLASH) {
} else {
if (code < 0x20) {
addCodeUnitEscaped(buffer, code);
// We emit DEL (ASCII 0x7f) as an escape because it would be confusing
// to have it unescaped in a string literal. We also escape
// everything above 0x7f because that means we don't have to worry
// about whether the web server serves it up as Latin1 or UTF-8.
} else if (code < 0x7f) {
} else {
// This will output surrogate pairs in the form \udxxx\udyyy, rather
// than the more logical \u{zzzzzz}. This should work in JavaScript
// (especially old UCS-2 based implementations) and is the only
// format that is allowed in JSON.
addCodeUnitEscaped(buffer, code);
for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
int code = string.codeUnitAt(i);
if (code < 0x20 || code == $DEL || code == $DQ || code == $LS ||
code == $PS || code == $BACKSLASH || code >= 0x80) {
writeEscapedOn(string, buffer);
int computeHashCode(part1, [part2, part3, part4]) {
return (part1.hashCode
^ part2.hashCode
^ part3.hashCode
^ part4.hashCode) & 0x3fffffff;