blob: 36bbd9aba0dfaf1bd98c106ab48c1cb7bbeeb50c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'patterns.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'version.dart';
import 'version_range.dart';
import 'version_union.dart';
/// A [VersionConstraint] is a predicate that can determine whether a given
/// version is valid or not.
/// For example, a ">= 2.0.0" constraint allows any version that is "2.0.0" or
/// greater. Version objects themselves implement this to match a specific
/// version.
abstract class VersionConstraint {
/// A [VersionConstraint] that allows all versions.
static VersionConstraint any = new VersionRange();
/// A [VersionConstraint] that allows no versions -- the empty set.
static VersionConstraint empty = const _EmptyVersion();
/// Parses a version constraint.
/// This string is one of:
/// * "any". [any] version.
/// * "^" followed by a version string. Versions compatible with
/// ([VersionConstraint.compatibleWith]) the version.
/// * a series of version parts. Each part can be one of:
/// * A version string like `1.2.3`. In other words, anything that can be
/// parsed by [Version.parse()].
/// * A comparison operator (`<`, `>`, `<=`, or `>=`) followed by a
/// version string.
/// Whitespace is ignored.
/// Examples:
/// any
/// ^0.7.2
/// ^1.0.0-alpha
/// 1.2.3-alpha
/// <=5.1.4
/// >2.0.4 <= 2.4.6
factory VersionConstraint.parse(String text) {
var originalText = text;
skipWhitespace() {
text = text.trim();
// Handle the "any" constraint.
if (text == "any") return any;
// Try to parse and consume a version number.
matchVersion() {
var version = START_VERSION.firstMatch(text);
if (version == null) return null;
text = text.substring(version.end);
return new Version.parse(version[0]);
// Try to parse and consume a comparison operator followed by a version.
matchComparison() {
var comparison = START_COMPARISON.firstMatch(text);
if (comparison == null) return null;
var op = comparison[0];
text = text.substring(comparison.end);
var version = matchVersion();
if (version == null) {
throw new FormatException('Expected version number after "$op" in '
'"$originalText", got "$text".');
switch (op) {
case '<=':
return new VersionRange(max: version, includeMax: true);
case '<':
return new VersionRange(max: version, includeMax: false);
case '>=':
return new VersionRange(min: version, includeMin: true);
case '>':
return new VersionRange(min: version, includeMin: false);
throw "Unreachable.";
// Try to parse the "^" operator followed by a version.
matchCompatibleWith() {
if (!text.startsWith(COMPATIBLE_WITH)) return null;
text = text.substring(COMPATIBLE_WITH.length);
var version = matchVersion();
if (version == null) {
throw new FormatException('Expected version number after '
'"$COMPATIBLE_WITH" in "$originalText", got "$text".');
if (text.isNotEmpty) {
throw new FormatException('Cannot include other constraints with '
'"$COMPATIBLE_WITH" constraint in "$originalText".');
return new VersionConstraint.compatibleWith(version);
var compatibleWith = matchCompatibleWith();
if (compatibleWith != null) return compatibleWith;
var constraints = <VersionConstraint>[];
while (true) {
if (text.isEmpty) break;
var version = matchVersion();
if (version != null) {
var comparison = matchComparison();
if (comparison != null) {
// If we got here, we couldn't parse the remaining string.
throw new FormatException('Could not parse version "$originalText". '
'Unknown text at "$text".');
if (constraints.isEmpty) {
throw new FormatException('Cannot parse an empty string.');
return new VersionConstraint.intersection(constraints);
/// Creates a version constraint which allows all versions that are
/// backward compatible with [version].
/// Versions are considered backward compatible with [version] if they
/// are greater than or equal to [version], but less than the next breaking
/// version ([Version.nextBreaking]) of [version].
factory VersionConstraint.compatibleWith(Version version) =>
new _CompatibleWithVersionRange(version);
/// Creates a new version constraint that is the intersection of
/// [constraints].
/// It only allows versions that all of those constraints allow. If
/// constraints is empty, then it returns a VersionConstraint that allows
/// all versions.
factory VersionConstraint.intersection(
Iterable<VersionConstraint> constraints) {
var constraint = new VersionRange();
for (var other in constraints) {
constraint = constraint.intersect(other);
return constraint;
/// Creates a new version constraint that is the union of [constraints].
/// It allows any versions that any of those constraints allows. If
/// [constraints] is empty, this returns a constraint that allows no versions.
factory VersionConstraint.unionOf(Iterable<VersionConstraint> constraints) {
var flattened = constraints.expand((constraint) {
if (constraint.isEmpty) return [];
if (constraint is VersionUnion) return constraint.ranges;
return [constraint];
if (flattened.isEmpty) return VersionConstraint.empty;
if (flattened.any((constraint) => constraint.isAny)) {
return VersionConstraint.any;
// Only allow Versions and VersionRanges here so we can more easily reason
// about everything in [flattened]. _EmptyVersions and VersionUnions are
// filtered out above.
for (var constraint in flattened) {
if (constraint is VersionRange) continue;
throw new ArgumentError('Unknown VersionConstraint type $constraint.');
var merged = <VersionRange>[];
for (var constraint in flattened) {
// Merge this constraint with the previous one, but only if they touch.
if (merged.isEmpty ||
(!merged.last.allowsAny(constraint) &&
!areAdjacent(merged.last, constraint))) {
} else {
merged[merged.length - 1] = merged.last.union(constraint);
if (merged.length == 1) return merged.single;
return new VersionUnion.fromRanges(merged);
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows no versions.
bool get isEmpty;
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows all versions.
bool get isAny;
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows [version].
bool allows(Version version);
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows all the versions that [other]
/// allows.
bool allowsAll(VersionConstraint other);
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows any of the versions that [other]
/// allows.
bool allowsAny(VersionConstraint other);
/// Returns a [VersionConstraint] that only allows [Version]s allowed by both
/// this and [other].
VersionConstraint intersect(VersionConstraint other);
/// Returns a [VersionConstraint] that allows [Versions]s allowed by either
/// this or [other].
VersionConstraint union(VersionConstraint other);
/// Returns a [VersionConstraint] that allows [Version]s allowed by this but
/// not [other].
VersionConstraint difference(VersionConstraint other);
class _EmptyVersion implements VersionConstraint {
const _EmptyVersion();
bool get isEmpty => true;
bool get isAny => false;
bool allows(Version other) => false;
bool allowsAll(VersionConstraint other) => other.isEmpty;
bool allowsAny(VersionConstraint other) => false;
VersionConstraint intersect(VersionConstraint other) => this;
VersionConstraint union(VersionConstraint other) => other;
VersionConstraint difference(VersionConstraint other) => this;
String toString() => '<empty>';
class _CompatibleWithVersionRange extends VersionRange {
_CompatibleWithVersionRange(Version version)
: super(
min: version,
includeMin: true,
max: version.nextBreaking,
includeMax: false);
String toString() => '^$min';