blob: d980514f48a06981c7801083fb691b8c43bd7e8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub_semver.src.version;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:collection/equality.dart';
import 'patterns.dart';
import 'version_constraint.dart';
import 'version_range.dart';
/// The equality operator to use for comparing version components.
final _equality = const IterableEquality();
/// A parsed semantic version number.
class Version implements Comparable<Version>, VersionConstraint {
/// No released version: i.e. "0.0.0".
static Version get none => new Version(0, 0, 0);
/// Compares [a] and [b] to see which takes priority over the other.
/// Returns `1` if [a] takes priority over [b] and `-1` if vice versa. If
/// [a] and [b] are equivalent, returns `0`.
/// Unlike [compareTo], which *orders* versions, this determines which
/// version a user is likely to prefer. In particular, it prioritizes
/// pre-release versions lower than stable versions, regardless of their
/// version numbers. Pub uses this when determining which version to prefer
/// when a number of versions are allowed. In that case, it will always
/// choose a stable version when possible.
/// When used to sort a list, orders in ascending priority so that the
/// highest priority version is *last* in the result.
static int prioritize(Version a, Version b) {
// Sort all prerelease versions after all normal versions. This way
// the solver will prefer stable packages over unstable ones.
if (a.isPreRelease && !b.isPreRelease) return -1;
if (!a.isPreRelease && b.isPreRelease) return 1;
return a.compareTo(b);
/// Like [proiritize], but lower version numbers are considered greater than
/// higher version numbers.
/// This still considers prerelease versions to be lower than non-prerelease
/// versions. Pub uses this when downgrading -- it chooses the lowest version
/// but still excludes pre-release versions when possible.
static int antiprioritize(Version a, Version b) {
if (a.isPreRelease && !b.isPreRelease) return -1;
if (!a.isPreRelease && b.isPreRelease) return 1;
return b.compareTo(a);
/// The major version number: "1" in "1.2.3".
final int major;
/// The minor version number: "2" in "1.2.3".
final int minor;
/// The patch version number: "3" in "1.2.3".
final int patch;
/// The pre-release identifier: "foo" in "1.2.3-foo".
/// This is split into a list of components, each of which may be either a
/// string or a non-negative integer. It may also be empty, indicating that
/// this version has no pre-release identifier.
final List preRelease;
/// The build identifier: "foo" in "1.2.3+foo".
/// This is split into a list of components, each of which may be either a
/// string or a non-negative integer. It may also be empty, indicating that
/// this version has no build identifier.
final List build;
/// The original string representation of the version number.
/// This preserves textual artifacts like leading zeros that may be left out
/// of the parsed version.
final String _text;
Version._(this.major, this.minor, this.patch, String preRelease, String build,
: preRelease = preRelease == null ? [] : _splitParts(preRelease),
build = build == null ? [] : _splitParts(build) {
if (major < 0) throw new ArgumentError(
'Major version must be non-negative.');
if (minor < 0) throw new ArgumentError(
'Minor version must be non-negative.');
if (patch < 0) throw new ArgumentError(
'Patch version must be non-negative.');
/// Creates a new [Version] object.
factory Version(int major, int minor, int patch, {String pre, String build}) {
var text = "$major.$minor.$patch";
if (pre != null) text += "-$pre";
if (build != null) text += "+$build";
return new Version._(major, minor, patch, pre, build, text);
/// Creates a new [Version] by parsing [text].
factory Version.parse(String text) {
final match = COMPLETE_VERSION.firstMatch(text);
if (match == null) {
throw new FormatException('Could not parse "$text".');
try {
int major = int.parse(match[1]);
int minor = int.parse(match[2]);
int patch = int.parse(match[3]);
String preRelease = match[5];
String build = match[8];
return new Version._(major, minor, patch, preRelease, build, text);
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
throw new FormatException('Could not parse "$text".');
/// Returns the primary version out of a list of candidates.
/// This is the highest-numbered stable (non-prerelease) version. If there
/// are no stable versions, it's just the highest-numbered version.
static Version primary(List<Version> versions) {
var primary;
for (var version in versions) {
if (primary == null || (!version.isPreRelease && primary.isPreRelease) ||
(version.isPreRelease == primary.isPreRelease && version > primary)) {
primary = version;
return primary;
/// Splits a string of dot-delimited identifiers into their component parts.
/// Identifiers that are numeric are converted to numbers.
static List _splitParts(String text) {
return text.split('.').map((part) {
try {
return int.parse(part);
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
// Not a number.
return part;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! Version) return false;
return major == other.major && minor == other.minor &&
patch == other.patch &&
_equality.equals(preRelease, other.preRelease) &&
int get hashCode => major ^ minor ^ patch ^ _equality.hash(preRelease) ^
bool operator <(Version other) => compareTo(other) < 0;
bool operator >(Version other) => compareTo(other) > 0;
bool operator <=(Version other) => compareTo(other) <= 0;
bool operator >=(Version other) => compareTo(other) >= 0;
bool get isAny => false;
bool get isEmpty => false;
/// Whether or not this is a pre-release version.
bool get isPreRelease => preRelease.isNotEmpty;
/// Gets the next major version number that follows this one.
/// If this version is a pre-release of a major version release (i.e. the
/// minor and patch versions are zero), then it just strips the pre-release
/// suffix. Otherwise, it increments the major version and resets the minor
/// and patch.
Version get nextMajor {
if (isPreRelease && minor == 0 && patch == 0) {
return new Version(major, minor, patch);
return _incrementMajor();
/// Gets the next minor version number that follows this one.
/// If this version is a pre-release of a minor version release (i.e. the
/// patch version is zero), then it just strips the pre-release suffix.
/// Otherwise, it increments the minor version and resets the patch.
Version get nextMinor {
if (isPreRelease && patch == 0) {
return new Version(major, minor, patch);
return _incrementMinor();
/// Gets the next patch version number that follows this one.
/// If this version is a pre-release, then it just strips the pre-release
/// suffix. Otherwise, it increments the patch version.
Version get nextPatch {
if (isPreRelease) {
return new Version(major, minor, patch);
return _incrementPatch();
/// Gets the next breaking version number that follows this one.
/// Increments the left-most non-zero digit in ([major], [minor], [patch]).
/// In other words, if [major] and [minor] are zero (e.g. 0.0.3), then it
/// increments [patch]. If [major] is zero and [minor] is not (e.g. 0.7.2),
/// then it increments [minor]. Otherwise, it increments [major].
Version get nextBreaking {
if (major == 0) {
if (minor == 0) {
return _incrementPatch();
return _incrementMinor();
return _incrementMajor();
Version _incrementMajor() => new Version(major + 1, 0, 0);
Version _incrementMinor() => new Version(major, minor + 1, 0);
Version _incrementPatch() => new Version(major, minor, patch + 1);
/// Tests if [other] matches this version exactly.
bool allows(Version other) => this == other;
VersionConstraint intersect(VersionConstraint other) {
if (other.isEmpty) return other;
// Intersect a version and a range.
if (other is VersionRange) return other.intersect(this);
// Intersecting two versions only works if they are the same.
if (other is Version) {
return this == other ? this : VersionConstraint.empty;
throw new ArgumentError(
'Unknown VersionConstraint type $other.');
int compareTo(Version other) {
if (major != other.major) return major.compareTo(other.major);
if (minor != other.minor) return minor.compareTo(other.minor);
if (patch != other.patch) return patch.compareTo(other.patch);
// Pre-releases always come before no pre-release string.
if (!isPreRelease && other.isPreRelease) return 1;
if (!other.isPreRelease && isPreRelease) return -1;
var comparison = _compareLists(preRelease, other.preRelease);
if (comparison != 0) return comparison;
// Builds always come after no build string.
if (build.isEmpty && return -1;
if ( && build.isNotEmpty) return 1;
return _compareLists(build,;
String toString() => _text;
/// Compares a dot-separated component of two versions.
/// This is used for the pre-release and build version parts. This follows
/// Rule 12 of the Semantic Versioning spec (v2.0.0-rc.1).
int _compareLists(List a, List b) {
for (var i = 0; i < max(a.length, b.length); i++) {
var aPart = (i < a.length) ? a[i] : null;
var bPart = (i < b.length) ? b[i] : null;
if (aPart == bPart) continue;
// Missing parts come before present ones.
if (aPart == null) return -1;
if (bPart == null) return 1;
if (aPart is num) {
if (bPart is num) {
// Compare two numbers.
return aPart.compareTo(bPart);
} else {
// Numbers come before strings.
return -1;
} else {
if (bPart is num) {
// Strings come after numbers.
return 1;
} else {
// Compare two strings.
return aPart.compareTo(bPart);
// The lists are entirely equal.
return 0;