blob: 4c8b81bebf70e717e99c3170e3f160911dc3dbee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../../test_pub.dart';
main() {
test("overwrites an existing binstub if --overwrite is passed", () async {
await d.dir("foo", [
"name": "foo",
"executables": {"foo": "foo", "collide1": "foo", "collide2": "foo"}
d.dir("bin", [d.file("foo.dart", "main() => print('ok');")])
await d.dir("bar", [
"name": "bar",
"executables": {"bar": "bar", "collide1": "bar", "collide2": "bar"}
d.dir("bin", [d.file("bar.dart", "main() => print('ok');")])
await runPub(args: ["global", "activate", "-spath", "../foo"]);
var pub = await startPub(
args: ["global", "activate", "-spath", "../bar", "--overwrite"]);
emitsThrough("Installed executables bar, collide1 and collide2."));
pub.stderr, emits("Replaced collide1 previously installed from foo."));
pub.stderr, emits("Replaced collide2 previously installed from foo."));
await pub.shouldExit();
await d.dir(cachePath, [
d.dir("bin", [
d.file(binStubName("foo"), contains("foo:foo")),
d.file(binStubName("bar"), contains("bar:bar")),
d.file(binStubName("collide1"), contains("bar:bar")),
d.file(binStubName("collide2"), contains("bar:bar"))