blob: 55885082a180d1e6f4760da0c62527140419ad7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:package_config/packages_file.dart' as packages_file;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'barback/asset_environment.dart';
import 'compiler.dart';
import 'dart.dart' as dart;
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'flutter.dart' as flutter;
import 'http.dart' as http;
import 'io.dart';
import 'lock_file.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'package.dart';
import 'package_name.dart';
import 'package_graph.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'sdk.dart' as sdk;
import 'solver/version_solver.dart';
import 'source/cached.dart';
import 'source/unknown.dart';
import 'system_cache.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A RegExp to match the Dart SDK constraint in a lock file.
/// This matches both the old-style constraint:
/// ```yaml
/// sdk: ">=1.2.3 <2.0.0"
/// ```
/// and the new-style constraint:
/// ```yaml
/// sdks:
/// dart: ">=1.2.3 <2.0.0"
/// ```
final _dartSdkConstraint =
new RegExp(r'^( dart|sdk): "?([^"]*)"?$', multiLine: true);
/// A RegExp to match the Flutter SDK constraint in a lock file.
final _flutterSdkConstraint =
new RegExp(r'^ flutter: "?([^"]*)"?$', multiLine: true);
/// The context surrounding the root package pub is operating on.
/// Pub operates over a directed graph of dependencies that starts at a root
/// "entrypoint" package. This is typically the package where the current
/// working directory is located. An entrypoint knows the [root] package it is
/// associated with and is responsible for managing the "packages" directory
/// for it.
/// That directory contains symlinks to all packages used by an app. These links
/// point either to the [SystemCache] or to some other location on the local
/// filesystem.
/// While entrypoints are typically applications, a pure library package may end
/// up being used as an entrypoint. Also, a single package may be used as an
/// entrypoint in one context but not in another. For example, a package that
/// contains a reusable library may not be the entrypoint when used by an app,
/// but may be the entrypoint when you're running its tests.
class Entrypoint {
/// The root package this entrypoint is associated with.
final Package root;
/// The system-wide cache which caches packages that need to be fetched over
/// the network.
final SystemCache cache;
/// Whether this entrypoint is in memory only, as opposed to representing a
/// real directory on disk.
final bool _inMemory;
/// Whether this is an entrypoint for a globally-activated package.
final bool isGlobal;
/// The lockfile for the entrypoint.
/// If not provided to the entrypoint, it will be loaded lazily from disk.
LockFile get lockFile {
if (_lockFile != null) return _lockFile;
if (!fileExists(lockFilePath)) {
_lockFile = new LockFile.empty();
} else {
_lockFile = new LockFile.load(lockFilePath, cache.sources);
return _lockFile;
LockFile _lockFile;
/// The package graph for the application and all of its transitive
/// dependencies.
/// Throws a [DataError] if the `.packages` file isn't up-to-date relative to
/// the pubspec and the lockfile.
PackageGraph get packageGraph {
if (_packageGraph != null) return _packageGraph;
var packages = new Map<String, Package>.fromIterable(
key: (id) =>,
value: (id) => cache.load(id));
packages[] = root;
_packageGraph = new PackageGraph(this, lockFile, packages);
return _packageGraph;
PackageGraph _packageGraph;
/// The path to the entrypoint's "packages" directory.
String get packagesPath => root.path('packages');
/// The path to the entrypoint's ".packages" file.
String get packagesFile => root.path('.packages');
/// The path to the entrypoint package's pubspec.
String get pubspecPath => root.path('pubspec.yaml');
/// The path to the entrypoint package's lockfile.
String get lockFilePath => root.path('pubspec.lock');
/// The path to the directory containing precompiled dependencies.
/// We just precompile the debug version of a package. We're mostly interested
/// in improving speed for development iteration loops, which usually use
/// debug mode.
String get _precompiledDepsPath => root.path('.pub', 'deps', 'debug');
/// The path to the directory containing dependency executable snapshots.
String get _snapshotPath => root.path('.pub', 'bin');
/// Loads the entrypoint from a package at [rootDir].
Entrypoint(String rootDir, SystemCache cache, {this.isGlobal: false})
: root =
new Package.load(null, rootDir, cache.sources, isRootPackage: true),
cache = cache,
_inMemory = false;
/// Creates an entrypoint given package and lockfile objects.
Entrypoint.inMemory(this.root, this._lockFile, this.cache,
{this.isGlobal: false})
: _inMemory = true;
/// Creates an entrypoint given a package and a [solveResult], from which the
/// package graph and lockfile will be computed.
Entrypoint.fromSolveResult(this.root, this.cache, SolveResult solveResult,
{this.isGlobal: false})
: _inMemory = true {
_packageGraph = new PackageGraph.fromSolveResult(this, solveResult);
_lockFile = _packageGraph.lockFile;
/// Gets all dependencies of the [root] package.
/// Performs version resolution according to [SolveType].
/// [useLatest], if provided, defines a list of packages that will be
/// unlocked and forced to their latest versions. If [upgradeAll] is
/// true, the previous lockfile is ignored and all packages are re-resolved
/// from scratch. Otherwise, it will attempt to preserve the versions of all
/// previously locked packages.
/// Shows a report of the changes made relative to the previous lockfile. If
/// this is an upgrade or downgrade, all transitive dependencies are shown in
/// the report. Otherwise, only dependencies that were changed are shown. If
/// [dryRun] is `true`, no physical changes are made.
/// If [precompile] is `true` (the default), this snapshots dependencies'
/// executables and runs transformers on transformed dependencies.
/// If [packagesDir] is `true`, this will create "packages" directory with
/// symlinks to the installed packages. This directory will be symlinked into
/// any directory that might contain an entrypoint.
/// Updates [lockFile] and [packageRoot] accordingly.
Future acquireDependencies(SolveType type,
{List<String> useLatest,
bool dryRun: false,
bool precompile: true,
bool packagesDir: false}) async {
var result = await resolveVersions(type, cache, root,
lockFile: lockFile, useLatest: useLatest);
// Log once about all overridden packages.
if (warnAboutPreReleaseSdkOverrides && result.pubspecs != null) {
var overriddenPackages = (result.pubspecs.values
.where((pubspec) => pubspec.dartSdkWasOverridden)
.map((pubspec) =>
.join(', ');
if (overriddenPackages.isNotEmpty) {
'Overriding the upper bound Dart SDK constraint to <=${sdk.version} '
'for the following packages:\n\n${overriddenPackages}\n\n'
'To disable this you can set the PUB_ALLOW_PRERELEASE_SDK system '
'environment variable to `false`, or you can silence this message '
'by setting it to `quiet`.'));
if (!result.succeeded) throw result.error;
if (dryRun) {
result.summarizeChanges(type, dryRun: dryRun);
// Install the packages and maybe link them into the entrypoint.
if (packagesDir) {
} else {
await Future
.wait( => _get(id, packagesDir: packagesDir)));
if (packagesDir) _linkSelf();
_linkOrDeleteSecondaryPackageDirs(packagesDir: packagesDir);
result.summarizeChanges(type, dryRun: dryRun);
/// Build a package graph from the version solver results so we don't
/// have to reload and reparse all the pubspecs.
_packageGraph = new PackageGraph.fromSolveResult(this, result);
writeTextFile(packagesFile, lockFile.packagesFile(cache,;
try {
if (precompile) {
await _precompileDependencies(changed: result.changedPackages);
await precompileExecutables(changed: result.changedPackages);
} else {
// If precompilation is disabled, delete any stale cached dependencies
// or snapshots.
_dependenciesToPrecompile(changed: result.changedPackages));
_deleteExecutableSnapshots(changed: result.changedPackages);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
// Just log exceptions here. Since the method is just about acquiring
// dependencies, it shouldn't fail unless that fails.
log.exception(error, stackTrace);
/// Precompile any transformed dependencies of the entrypoint.
/// If [changed] is passed, only dependencies whose contents might be changed
/// if one of the given packages changes will be recompiled.
Future _precompileDependencies({Iterable<String> changed}) async {
if (changed != null) changed = changed.toSet();
var dependenciesToPrecompile = _dependenciesToPrecompile(changed: changed);
if (dependenciesToPrecompile.isEmpty) return;
try {
await log.progress("Precompiling dependencies", () async {
var packagesToLoad = unionAll(dependenciesToPrecompile
.map((package) =>
var environment = await AssetEnvironment.create(this, BarbackMode.DEBUG,
packages: packagesToLoad, compiler: Compiler.none);
/// Ignore barback errors since they'll be emitted via [getAllAssets]
/// below.
environment.barback.errors.listen((_) {});
// TODO(nweiz): only get assets from [dependenciesToPrecompile] so as
// not to trigger unnecessary lazy transformers.
var assets = await environment.barback.getAllAssets();
await waitAndPrintErrors( async {
if (!dependenciesToPrecompile.contains( return;
var destPath = p.join(
_precompiledDepsPath,, p.fromUri(;
await createFileFromStream(, destPath);
log.message("Precompiled " +
toSentence(ordered(dependenciesToPrecompile).map(log.bold)) +
} catch (_) {
// TODO(nweiz): When barback does a better job of associating errors with
// assets (issue 19491), catch and handle compilation errors on a
// per-package basis.
for (var package in dependenciesToPrecompile) {
deleteEntry(p.join(_precompiledDepsPath, package));
/// Returns the set of dependencies that need to be precompiled.
/// If [changed] is passed, only dependencies whose contents might be changed
/// if one of the given packages changes will be returned.
Set<String> _dependenciesToPrecompile({Set<String> changed}) {
return packageGraph.packages.values
.where((package) {
if (package.pubspec.transformers.isEmpty) return false;
if (packageGraph.isPackageMutable( return false;
if (!dirExists(p.join(_precompiledDepsPath,
return true;
if (changed == null) return true;
/// Only recompile [package] if any of its transitive dependencies have
/// changed. We check all transitive dependencies because it's possible
/// that a transformer makes decisions based on their contents.
return overlaps(
.map((package) =>
.map((package) =>
/// Deletes outdated precompiled dependencies.
/// This deletes the precompilations of all packages in [packages], as well as
/// any packages that are now untransformed or mutable.
void _deletePrecompiledDependencies([Iterable<String> packages]) {
if (!dirExists(_precompiledDepsPath)) return;
// Delete any cached dependencies that are going to be recached.
packages ??= [];
for (var package in packages) {
var path = p.join(_precompiledDepsPath, package);
if (dirExists(path)) deleteEntry(path);
// Also delete any cached dependencies that should no longer be cached.
for (var subdir in listDir(_precompiledDepsPath)) {
var package = packageGraph.packages[p.basename(subdir)];
if (package == null ||
package.pubspec.transformers.isEmpty ||
packageGraph.isPackageMutable( {
/// Precompiles all executables from dependencies that don't transitively
/// depend on [this] or on a path dependency.
Future precompileExecutables({Iterable<String> changed}) async {
_deleteExecutableSnapshots(changed: changed);
var executables = new Map<String, List<AssetId>>.fromIterable(
key: (dep) =>,
value: (dep) => _executablesForPackage(;
for (var package in executables.keys.toList()) {
if (executables[package].isEmpty) executables.remove(package);
if (executables.isEmpty) return;
await log.progress("Precompiling executables", () async {
// Make sure there's a trailing newline so our version file matches the
// SDK's.
writeTextFile(p.join(_snapshotPath, 'sdk-version'), "${sdk.version}\n");
var packagesToLoad =
// Try to avoid starting up an asset server to precompile packages if
// possible. This is faster and produces better error messages.
if (packagesToLoad
.every((package) => package.pubspec.transformers.isEmpty)) {
await _precompileExecutablesWithoutBarback(executables);
} else {
await _precompileExecutablesWithBarback(executables, packagesToLoad);
//// Precompiles [executables] to snapshots from the filesystem.
Future _precompileExecutablesWithoutBarback(
Map<String, List<AssetId>> executables) {
return waitAndPrintErrors( {
var dir = p.join(_snapshotPath, package);
return waitAndPrintErrors(executables[package].map((id) {
var url = p.toUri(packageGraph.packages[id.package].dir);
url = url.replace(path: p.url.join(url.path, id.path));
return dart.snapshot(
url, p.join(dir, p.url.basename(id.path) + '.snapshot'),
packagesFile: p.toUri(packagesFile), id: id);
//// Precompiles [executables] to snapshots from a barback asset environment.
//// The [packagesToLoad] set should include all packages that are
//// transitively imported by [executables].
Future _precompileExecutablesWithBarback(
Map<String, List<AssetId>> executables,
Set<Package> packagesToLoad) async {
var executableIds = unionAll( => ids.toSet()));
var environment = await AssetEnvironment.create(this, BarbackMode.RELEASE,
packages: =>,
entrypoints: executableIds,
compiler: Compiler.none);
environment.barback.errors.listen((error) {
log.error("Build error:\n$error"));
await waitAndPrintErrors( async {
var dir = p.join(_snapshotPath, package);
await environment.precompileExecutables(package, dir,
executableIds: executables[package]);
/// Deletes outdated cached executable snapshots.
/// If [changed] is passed, only dependencies whose contents might be changed
/// if one of the given packages changes will have their executables deleted.
void _deleteExecutableSnapshots({Iterable<String> changed}) {
if (!dirExists(_snapshotPath)) return;
// If we don't know what changed, we can't safely re-use any snapshots.
if (changed == null) {
changed = changed.toSet();
// If the existing executable was compiled with a different SDK, we need to
// recompile regardless of what changed.
// TODO(nweiz): Use the VM to check this when issue 20802 is fixed.
var sdkVersionPath = p.join(_snapshotPath, 'sdk-version');
if (!fileExists(sdkVersionPath) ||
readTextFile(sdkVersionPath) != "${sdk.version}\n") {
// Clean out any outdated snapshots.
for (var entry in listDir(_snapshotPath)) {
if (!dirExists(entry)) continue;
var package = p.basename(entry);
if (!packageGraph.packages.containsKey(package) ||
packageGraph.isPackageMutable(package) ||
.any((dep) => changed.contains( {
/// Returns the list of all executable assets for [packageName] that should be
/// precompiled.
List<AssetId> _executablesForPackage(String packageName) {
var package = packageGraph.packages[packageName];
var binDir = package.path('bin');
if (!dirExists(binDir)) return [];
if (packageGraph.isPackageMutable(packageName)) return [];
var executables = package.executableIds;
// If any executables don't exist, recompile all executables.
// Normally, [_deleteExecutableSnapshots] will ensure that all the outdated
// executable directories will be deleted, any checking for any non-existent
// executable will save us a few IO operations over checking each one. If
// some executables do exist and some do not, the directory is corrupted and
// it's good to start from scratch anyway.
var executablesExist = executables.every((executable) => fileExists(p.join(
if (!executablesExist) return executables;
// Otherwise, we don't need to recompile.
return [];
/// Makes sure the package at [id] is locally available.
/// This automatically downloads the package to the system-wide cache as well
/// if it requires network access to retrieve (specifically, if the package's
/// source is a [CachedSource]).
Future _get(PackageId id, {bool packagesDir: false}) {
return http.withDependencyType(root.dependencyType(, () async {
if (id.isRoot) return;
var source = cache.source(id.source);
if (!packagesDir) {
if (source is CachedSource) await source.downloadToSystemCache(id);
var packagePath = p.join(packagesPath,;
if (entryExists(packagePath)) deleteEntry(packagePath);
await source.get(id, packagePath);
/// Throws a [DataError] if the `.packages` file doesn't exist or if it's
/// out-of-date relative to the lockfile or the pubspec.
void assertUpToDate() {
if (_inMemory) return;
if (!entryExists(lockFilePath)) {
dataError('No pubspec.lock file found, please run "pub get" first.');
if (!entryExists(packagesFile)) {
dataError('No .packages file found, please run "pub get" first.');
// Manually parse the lockfile because a full YAML parse is relatively slow
// and this is on the hot path for "pub run".
var lockFileText = readTextFile(lockFilePath);
var hasPathDependencies = lockFileText.contains("\n source: path\n");
var pubspecModified = new File(pubspecPath).lastModifiedSync();
var lockFileModified = new File(lockFilePath).lastModifiedSync();
var touchedLockFile = false;
if (lockFileModified.isBefore(pubspecModified) || hasPathDependencies) {
if (_arePackagesAvailable()) {
touchedLockFile = true;
} else {
dataError('The pubspec.yaml file has changed since the pubspec.lock '
'file was generated, please run "pub get" again.');
var packagesModified = new File(packagesFile).lastModifiedSync();
if (packagesModified.isBefore(lockFileModified)) {
if (_isPackagesFileUpToDate()) {
} else {
dataError('The pubspec.lock file has changed since the .packages file '
'was generated, please run "pub get" again.');
} else if (touchedLockFile) {
var dartSdkConstraint = _dartSdkConstraint.firstMatch(lockFileText);
if (dartSdkConstraint != null) {
var parsedConstraint = new VersionConstraint.parse(dartSdkConstraint[2]);
if (!parsedConstraint.allows(sdk.version)) {
dataError("Dart ${sdk.version} is incompatible with your dependencies' "
"SDK constraints. Please run \"pub get\" again.");
// Don't complain if there's a Flutter constraint but Flutter is
// unavailable. Flutter being unavailable just means that we aren't running
// from within the `flutter` executable, and we want users to be able to
// `pub run` non-Flutter tools even in a Flutter app.
var flutterSdkConstraint = _flutterSdkConstraint.firstMatch(lockFileText);
if (flutterSdkConstraint != null && flutter.isAvailable) {
var parsedConstraint =
new VersionConstraint.parse(flutterSdkConstraint[1]);
if (!parsedConstraint.allows(flutter.version)) {
dataError("Flutter ${flutter.version} is incompatible with your "
"dependencies' SDK constraints. Please run \"pub get\" again.");
/// Determines whether or not the lockfile is out of date with respect to the
/// pubspec.
/// If any mutable pubspec contains dependencies that are not in the lockfile
/// or that don't match what's in there, this will throw a [DataError]
/// describing the issue.
void _assertLockFileUpToDate() {
if (!root.immediateDependencies.every(_isDependencyUpToDate)) {
dataError('The pubspec.yaml file has changed since the pubspec.lock '
'file was generated, please run "pub get" again.');
var overrides = =>;
// Check that uncached dependencies' pubspecs are also still satisfied,
// since they're mutable and may have changed since the last get.
for (var id in lockFile.packages.values) {
var source = cache.source(id.source);
if (source is CachedSource) continue;
try {
if (cache.load(id).dependencies.every((dep) =>
overrides.contains( || _isDependencyUpToDate(dep))) {
} on FileException {
// If we can't load the pubpsec, the user needs to re-run "pub get".
dataError('${p.join(source.getDirectory(id), 'pubspec.yaml')} has '
'changed since the pubspec.lock file was generated, please run "pub '
'get" again.');
/// Returns whether the locked version of [dep] matches the dependency.
bool _isDependencyUpToDate(PackageRange dep) {
if ( == return true;
var locked = lockFile.packages[];
return locked != null && dep.allows(locked);
/// Determines whether all of the packages in the lockfile are already
/// installed and available.
bool _arePackagesAvailable() {
return lockFile.packages.values.every((package) {
if (package.source is UnknownSource) return false;
// We only care about cached sources. Uncached sources aren't "installed".
// If one of those is missing, we want to show the user the file not
// found error later since installing won't accomplish anything.
var source = cache.source(package.source);
if (source is! CachedSource) return true;
// Get the directory.
var dir = source.getDirectory(package);
// See if the directory is there and looks like a package.
return dirExists(dir) && fileExists(p.join(dir, "pubspec.yaml"));
/// Determines whether or not the `.packages` file is out of date with respect
/// to the lockfile.
/// This will be `false` if the packages file contains dependencies that are
/// not in the lockfile or that don't match what's in there.
bool _isPackagesFileUpToDate() {
var packages = packages_file.parse(
new File(packagesFile).readAsBytesSync(), p.toUri(packagesFile));
return lockFile.packages.values.every((lockFileId) {
// It's very unlikely that the lockfile is invalid here, but it's not
// impossible—for example, the user may have a very old application
// package with a checked-in lockfile that's newer than the pubspec, but
// that contains SDK dependencies.
if (lockFileId.source is UnknownSource) return false;
var packagesFileUri = packages[];
if (packagesFileUri == null) return false;
// Pub only generates "file:" and relative URIs.
if (packagesFileUri.scheme != 'file' &&
packagesFileUri.scheme.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
var source = cache.source(lockFileId.source);
// Get the dirname of the .packages path, since it's pointing to lib/.
var packagesFilePath =
p.dirname(p.join(root.dir, p.fromUri(packagesFileUri)));
var lockFilePath = p.join(root.dir, source.getDirectory(lockFileId));
// For cached sources, make sure the directory exists and looks like a
// package. This is also done by [_arePackagesAvailable] but that may not
// be run if the lockfile is newer than the pubspec.
if (source is CachedSource && !dirExists(packagesFilePath) ||
!fileExists(p.join(packagesFilePath, "pubspec.yaml"))) {
return false;
// Make sure that the packages file agrees with the lock file about the
// path to the package.
return p.normalize(packagesFilePath) == p.normalize(lockFilePath);
/// Saves a list of concrete package versions to the `pubspec.lock` file.
void _saveLockFile(SolveResult result) {
_lockFile = result.lockFile;
var lockFilePath = root.path('pubspec.lock');
writeTextFile(lockFilePath, _lockFile.serialize(root.dir));
/// Creates a self-referential symlink in the `packages` directory that allows
/// a package to import its own files using `package:`.
void _linkSelf() {
var linkPath = p.join(packagesPath,;
// Create the symlink if it doesn't exist.
if (entryExists(linkPath)) return;
createPackageSymlink(, root.dir, linkPath,
isSelfLink: true, relative: true);
/// If [packagesDir] is true, add "packages" directories to the whitelist of
/// directories that may contain Dart entrypoints.
/// Otherwise, delete any "packages" directories in the whitelist of
/// directories that may contain Dart entrypoints.
void _linkOrDeleteSecondaryPackageDirs({bool packagesDir: false}) {
// Only the main "bin" directory gets a "packages" directory, not its
// subdirectories.
var binDir = root.path('bin');
if (dirExists(binDir)) {
_linkOrDeleteSecondaryPackageDir(binDir, packagesDir: packagesDir);
// The others get "packages" directories in subdirectories too.
for (var dir in ['benchmark', 'example', 'test', 'tool', 'web']) {
packagesDir: packagesDir);
/// If [packagesDir] is true, creates a symlink to the "packages" directory in
/// [dir] and all its subdirectories.
/// Otherwise, deletes any "packages" directories in [dir] and all its
/// subdirectories.
void _linkOrDeleteSecondaryPackageDirsRecursively(String dir,
{bool packagesDir: false}) {
if (!dirExists(dir)) return;
_linkOrDeleteSecondaryPackageDir(dir, packagesDir: packagesDir);
for (var subdir in _listDirWithoutPackages(dir)) {
if (!dirExists(subdir)) continue;
_linkOrDeleteSecondaryPackageDir(subdir, packagesDir: packagesDir);
// TODO(nweiz): roll this into [listDir] in io.dart once issue 4775 is fixed.
/// Recursively lists the contents of [dir], excluding hidden `.DS_Store`
/// files and `package` files.
Iterable<String> _listDirWithoutPackages(dir) {
return listDir(dir).expand<String>((file) {
if (p.basename(file) == 'packages') return [];
if (!dirExists(file)) return [];
var fileAndSubfiles = [file];
return fileAndSubfiles;
/// If [packagesDir] is true, creates a symlink to the "packages" directory in
/// [dir].
/// Otherwise, deletes a "packages" directories in [dir] if one exists.
void _linkOrDeleteSecondaryPackageDir(String dir, {bool packagesDir: false}) {
var symlink = p.join(dir, 'packages');
if (entryExists(symlink)) deleteEntry(symlink);
if (packagesDir) createSymlink(packagesPath, symlink, relative: true);