blob: dc0acab9edbb75fbeb9de0cf1a2c63878dd04b23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:bazel_worker/bazel_worker.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'module.dart';
import 'module_reader.dart';
import 'scratch_space.dart';
import 'workers.dart';
final String linkedSummaryExtension = '.linked.sum';
final String unlinkedSummaryExtension = '.unlinked.sum';
/// Creates a linked summary for [module].
/// [unlinkedSummaryIds] should contain unlinked summaries for all transitive
/// deps of [module], and [scratchSpace] must have those files available as well
/// as the original Dart sources for this module.
/// Synchronously returns a `Map<AssetId, Future<Asset>>` so that you can know
/// immediately what assets will be output.
Future<Asset> createLinkedSummary(
AssetId id, ModuleReader moduleReader, ScratchSpace scratchSpace,
{bool isRoot = false}) async {
var module = await moduleReader.moduleFor(id);
var transitiveModuleDeps = await moduleReader.readTransitiveDeps(module);
var unlinkedSummaryIds = => depId.unlinkedSummaryId).toSet();
var allAssetIds = new Set<AssetId>()
await scratchSpace.ensureAssets(allAssetIds);
var summaryOutputFile = scratchSpace.fileFor(;
var request = new WorkRequest();
// TODO(jakemac53): Diet parsing results in erroneous errors in later steps,
// but ideally we would do that (pass '--build-summary-only-diet').
// Add all the unlinked summaries as build summary inputs.
request.arguments.addAll( =>
// Add the default analysis_options if not the root package.
if (!isRoot) {
// Add all the files to include in the linked summary bundle.
request.arguments.addAll(_analyzerSourceArgsForModule(module, scratchSpace));
var response = await analyzerDriver.doWork(request);
if (response.exitCode == EXIT_CODE_ERROR) {
throw new AnalyzerSummaryException(, response.output);
return new Asset.fromBytes(, summaryOutputFile.readAsBytesSync());
/// Creates an unlinked summary at [id].
Future<Asset> createUnlinkedSummary(
AssetId id, ModuleReader moduleReader, ScratchSpace scratchSpace,
{bool isRoot = false}) async {
var module = await moduleReader.moduleFor(id);
await scratchSpace
var summaryOutputFile = scratchSpace.fileFor(;
var request = new WorkRequest();
// TODO(jakemac53): Diet parsing results in erroneous errors later on today,
// but ideally we would do that (pass '--build-summary-only-diet').
// Add the default analysis_options if not the root package.
if (!isRoot) {
// Add all the files to include in the unlinked summary bundle.
request.arguments.addAll(_analyzerSourceArgsForModule(module, scratchSpace));
var response = await analyzerDriver.doWork(request);
if (response.exitCode == EXIT_CODE_ERROR) {
throw new AnalyzerSummaryException(, response.output);
return new Asset.fromBytes(, summaryOutputFile.readAsBytesSync());
Iterable<String> _analyzerSourceArgsForModule(
Module module, ScratchSpace scratchSpace) {
return {
var uri = canonicalUriFor(id);
var file = scratchSpace.fileFor(id);
if (!uri.startsWith('package:')) {
uri = file.uri.toString();
return '$uri|${file.path}';