blob: b05f5ff1ffab653fcb08d8ed8d506d563d7a49a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../serve/utils.dart';
import '../test_pub.dart';
main() {
group("can compile js files for modules under lib and web", () {
d.DirectoryDescriptor appDir;
d.DirectoryDescriptor appLibDir;
d.FileDescriptor appHelloFile;
setUp(() async {
await d.dir("foo", [
d.libPubspec("foo", "1.0.0"),
d.dir("lib", [
String get message => 'hello';
appHelloFile = d.file(
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
hello() => message;
appLibDir = d.dir("lib", [appHelloFile]);
appDir = d.dir(appPath, [
"foo": {"path": "../foo"}
d.dir("web", [
import 'package:myapp/hello.dart';
void main() {
await appDir.create();
await pubGet();
await pubServe(args: ['--web-compiler', 'dartdevc']);
test("on initial build", () async {
// Just confirm some basic things are present indicating that the module
// was compiled. The goal here is not to test dartdevc itself.
await requestShouldSucceed('web__main.js', contains('main'));
await requestShouldSucceed('', contains('web__main.js'));
await requestShouldSucceed(
'packages/myapp/lib__hello.js', contains('hello'));
await requestShouldSucceed(
'packages/myapp/', contains('lib__hello.js'));
await requestShouldSucceed(
'packages/foo/lib__foo.js', contains('message'));
await requestShouldSucceed(
'packages/foo/', contains('lib__foo.js'));
await requestShould404('invalid.js');
await requestShould404('packages/foo/invalid.js');
await endPubServe();
// Creates a world.dart file under lib/src for the main app.
Future _addWorldDotDart() async {
var srcDir = d.dir('src', [
world() => "world";
await srcDir.create(p.join(d.sandbox,,;
// TODO(jakemac53): Better solution here, we need to give pub a bit of
// time to recognize the file change. See below as well.
await new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1));
test("after adding new files", () async {
// Make sure to force an initial build.
await requestShouldSucceed('web__main.js', contains('main'));
// Create a new file at lib/src/world.dart
await _addWorldDotDart();
// Request it, it ends up in its own module since it's not imported by
// any entrypoint.
await requestShouldSucceed(
'packages/myapp/lib__src__world.js', contains('world'));
await requestShouldSucceed('packages/myapp/',
await endPubServe();
test("after file edits that cause module restructuring", () async {
// Make sure to force an initial build.
await requestShouldSucceed('web__main.js', contains('main'));
// Create a new file at lib/src/world.dart
await _addWorldDotDart();
// Edit lib/src/hello.dart to import that file.
var helloFile = new File(
await helloFile.writeAsString("""
import "package:foo/foo.dart";
import "src/world.dart";
hello() => print(hello() + " " + world());
// TODO(jakemac53): Better solution here, we need to give pub a bit of
// time to recognize the file change. See below as well.
await new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1));
await requestShouldSucceed('packages/myapp/lib__hello.js',
allOf(contains('hello'), contains('world')));
await requestShouldSucceed(
'packages/myapp/', contains('lib__hello.js'));
// Should not get a module for `world.dart` on its own, it should be
// folded into the `hello.dart` module.
await requestShould404('packages/myapp/lib__src__world.js');
await endPubServe();
group('basic app', () {
setUp(() async {
await d.dir(appPath, [
d.dir("lib", [
d.file("main.dart", 'void main() {}'),
d.dir("web", [
d.file("main.dart", 'void main() {}'),
d.dir("subdir", [
d.file("main.dart", 'void main() {}'),
await pubGet();
await pubServe(args: ['--web-compiler', 'dartdevc']);
test("dartdevc resources are copied next to entrypoints", () async {
await requestShouldSucceed('dart_sdk.js', null);
await requestShouldSucceed('require.js', null);
await requestShouldSucceed('dart_stack_trace_mapper.js', null);
await requestShouldSucceed('ddc_web_compiler.js', null);
await requestShould404('');
await requestShould404('');
await requestShould404('');
await requestShould404('');
await requestShouldSucceed('subdir/dart_sdk.js', null);
await requestShouldSucceed('subdir/require.js', null);
await requestShouldSucceed('subdir/dart_stack_trace_mapper.js', null);
await requestShouldSucceed('subdir/ddc_web_compiler.js', null);
await requestShould404('subdir/');
await requestShould404('subdir/');
await requestShould404('subdir/');
await requestShould404('subdir/');
await endPubServe();
// Regression test for
test("can request the bootstrap.js file before the dart.js file", () async {
await requestShouldSucceed('subdir/main.dart.bootstrap.js', null);
await requestShouldSucceed('subdir/main.dart.js', null);
await endPubServe();