blob: ed4643c81fa517780e2b79c2b83ef139f349c969 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'barback/transformer_id.dart';
import 'git.dart' as git;
import 'io.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
final _README_REGEXP = new RegExp(r"^README($|\.)", caseSensitive: false);
/// A named, versioned, unit of code and resource reuse.
class Package {
/// Compares [a] and [b] orders them by name then version number.
/// This is normally used as a [Comparator] to pass to sort. This does not
/// take a package's description or root directory into account, so multiple
/// distinct packages may order the same.
static int orderByNameAndVersion(Package a, Package b) {
var name =;
if (name != 0) return name;
return a.version.compareTo(b.version);
/// The path to the directory containing the package.
final String dir;
/// The name of the package.
String get name {
if ( != null) return;
if (dir != null) return p.basename(dir);
return null;
/// The package's version.
Version get version => pubspec.version;
/// The parsed pubspec associated with this package.
final Pubspec pubspec;
/// The immediate dependencies this package specifies in its pubspec.
List<PackageDep> get dependencies => pubspec.dependencies;
/// The immediate dev dependencies this package specifies in its pubspec.
List<PackageDep> get devDependencies => pubspec.devDependencies;
/// The dependency overrides this package specifies in its pubspec.
List<PackageDep> get dependencyOverrides => pubspec.dependencyOverrides;
/// All immediate dependencies this package specifies.
/// This includes regular, dev dependencies, and overrides.
List<PackageDep> get immediateDependencies {
var deps = <String, PackageDep>{};
addToMap(dep) {
deps[] = dep;
// Make sure to add these last so they replace normal dependencies.
return deps.values.toList();
/// Returns a list of asset ids for all Dart executables in this package's bin
/// directory.
List<AssetId> get executableIds {
return ordered(listFiles(beneath: "bin", recursive: false))
.where((executable) => p.extension(executable) == '.dart')
.map((executable) {
return new AssetId(
name, p.toUri(p.relative(executable, from: dir)).toString());
/// Returns the path to the README file at the root of the entrypoint, or null
/// if no README file is found.
/// If multiple READMEs are found, this uses the same conventions as
/// for choosing the primary one: the README with the fewest
/// extensions that is lexically ordered first is chosen.
String get readmePath {
var readmes = listFiles(recursive: false, useGitIgnore: true)
.where((entry) => entry.contains(_README_REGEXP));
if (readmes.isEmpty) return null;
return p.join(dir, readmes.reduce((readme1, readme2) {
var extensions1 = ".".allMatches(readme1).length;
var extensions2 = ".".allMatches(readme2).length;
var comparison = extensions1.compareTo(extensions2);
if (comparison == 0) comparison = readme1.compareTo(readme2);
return (comparison <= 0) ? readme1 : readme2;
/// Returns whether or not this package is in a Git repo.
bool get _inGitRepo {
if (_inGitRepoCache != null) return _inGitRepoCache;
if (dir == null || !git.isInstalled) {
_inGitRepoCache = false;
} else {
// If the entire package directory is ignored, don't consider it part of a
// git repo. `git check-ignore` will return a status code of 0 for
// ignored, 1 for not ignored, and 128 for not a Git repo.
var result = runProcessSync(git.command, ['check-ignore', '--quiet', '.'],
workingDir: dir);
_inGitRepoCache = result.exitCode == 1;
return _inGitRepoCache;
bool _inGitRepoCache;
/// Loads the package whose root directory is [packageDir].
/// [name] is the expected name of that package (e.g. the name given in the
/// dependency), or `null` if the package being loaded is the entrypoint
/// package.
Package.load(String name, String packageDir, SourceRegistry sources)
: dir = packageDir,
pubspec = new Pubspec.load(packageDir, sources, expectedName: name);
/// Constructs a package with the given pubspec.
/// The package will have no directory associated with it.
Package.inMemory(this.pubspec) : dir = null;
/// Creates a package with [pubspec] located at [dir].
Package(this.pubspec, this.dir);
/// Given a relative path within this package, returns its absolute path.
/// This is similar to `p.join(dir, part1, ...)`, except that subclasses may
/// override it to report that certain paths exist elsewhere than within
/// [dir]. For example, a [CachedPackage]'s `lib` directory is in the
/// `.pub/deps` directory.
String path(String part1,
[String part2,
String part3,
String part4,
String part5,
String part6,
String part7]) {
if (dir == null) {
throw new StateError("Package $name is in-memory and doesn't have paths "
"on disk.");
return p.join(dir, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7);
/// Given an absolute path within this package (such as that returned by
/// [path] or [listFiles]), returns it relative to the package root.
String relative(String path) {
if (dir == null) {
throw new StateError("Package $name is in-memory and doesn't have paths "
"on disk.");
return p.relative(path, from: dir);
/// Returns the path to the library identified by [id] within [this].
String transformerPath(TransformerId id) {
if (id.package != name) {
throw new ArgumentError("Transformer $id isn't in package $name.");
if (id.path != null) return path('lib', p.fromUri('${id.path}.dart'));
var transformerPath = path('lib/transformer.dart');
if (fileExists(transformerPath)) return transformerPath;
return path('lib/$name.dart');
/// Returns the type of dependency from this package onto [name].
DependencyType dependencyType(String name) {
if (pubspec.fields['dependencies']?.containsKey(name) ?? false) {
} else if (pubspec.fields['dev_dependencies']?.containsKey(name) ?? false) {
} else {
return DependencyType.none;
/// The basenames of files that are included in [list] despite being hidden.
static final _WHITELISTED_FILES = const ['.htaccess'];
/// A set of patterns that match paths to blacklisted files.
static final _blacklistedFiles = createFileFilter(['pubspec.lock']);
/// A set of patterns that match paths to blacklisted directories.
static final _blacklistedDirs = createDirectoryFilter(['packages']);
/// Returns a list of files that are considered to be part of this package.
/// If [beneath] is passed, this will only return files beneath that path,
/// which is expected to be relative to the package's root directory. If
/// [recursive] is true, this will return all files beneath that path;
/// otherwise, it will only return files one level beneath it.
/// If [useGitIgnore] is passed, this will take the .gitignore rules into
/// account if the root directory of the package is (or is contained within) a
/// Git repository.
/// Note that the returned paths won't always be beneath [dir]. To safely
/// convert them to paths relative to the package root, use [relative].
List<String> listFiles(
{String beneath, bool recursive: true, bool useGitIgnore: false}) {
// An in-memory package has no files.
if (dir == null) return [];
if (beneath == null) {
beneath = dir;
} else {
beneath = p.join(dir, beneath);
if (!dirExists(beneath)) return [];
// This is used in some performance-sensitive paths and can list many, many
// files. As such, it leans more havily towards optimization as opposed to
// readability than most code in pub. In particular, it avoids using the
// path package, since re-parsing a path is very expensive relative to
// string operations.
Iterable<String> files;
if (useGitIgnore && _inGitRepo) {
// List all files that aren't gitignored, including those not checked in
// to Git. Use [beneath] as the working dir rather than passing it as a
// parameter so that we list a submodule using its own git logic.
files = git.runSync(
["ls-files", "--cached", "--others", "--exclude-standard"],
workingDir: beneath);
// If we're not listing recursively, strip out paths that contain
// separators. Since git always prints forward slashes, we always detect
// them.
if (!recursive) files = files.where((file) => !file.contains('/'));
// Git prints files relative to [beneath], but we want them relative to
// the pub's working directory. It also prints forward slashes on Windows
// which we normalize away for easier testing.
files = {
if (Platform.operatingSystem != 'windows') return "$beneath/$file";
return "$beneath\\${file.replaceAll("/", "\\")}";
}).expand((file) {
if (fileExists(file)) return [file];
if (!dirExists(file)) return [];
// `git ls-files` only returns files, except in the case of a submodule
// or a symlink to a directory.
return recursive ? _listWithinDir(file) : [file];
} else {
files = listDir(beneath,
recursive: recursive,
includeDirs: false,
return files.where((file) {
// Using substring here is generally problematic in cases where dir has
// one or more trailing slashes. If you do listDir("foo"), you'll get back
// paths like "foo/bar". If you do listDir("foo/"), you'll get "foo/bar"
// (note the trailing slash was dropped. If you do listDir("foo//"),
// you'll get "foo//bar".
// This means if you strip off the prefix, the resulting string may have a
// leading separator (if the prefix did not have a trailing one) or it may
// not. However, since we are only using the results of that to call
// contains() on, the leading separator is harmless.
file = file.substring(beneath.length);
return !_blacklistedFiles.any(file.endsWith) &&
/// List all files recursively beneath [dir], which should be either a symlink
/// to a directory or a git submodule.
/// This is used by [list] when listing a Git repository, since `git ls-files`
/// can't natively follow symlinks and (as of Git 2.12.0-rc1) can't use
/// `--recurse-submodules` in conjunction with `--other`.
Iterable<String> _listWithinDir(String subdir) {
assert(p.isWithin(dir, subdir));
var target = new Directory(subdir).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
List<String> targetFiles;
if (p.isWithin(dir, target)) {
// If the link points within this repo, use git to list the target
// location so we respect .gitignore.
targetFiles = listFiles(
beneath: p.relative(target, from: dir),
recursive: true,
useGitIgnore: true);
} else {
// If the link points outside this repo, just use the default listing
// logic.
targetFiles = listDir(target,
recursive: true, includeDirs: false, whitelist: _WHITELISTED_FILES);
// Re-write the paths so they're underneath the symlink.
(targetFile) => p.join(subdir, p.relative(targetFile, from: target)));
/// Returns a debug string for the package.
String toString() => '$name $version ($dir)';
/// The base class of [PackageRef], [PackageId], and [PackageDep].
abstract class PackageName {
/// The name of the package being identified.
final String name;
/// The [Source] used to look up this package.
/// If this is a root package, this will be `null`.
final Source source;
/// The metadata used by the package's [source] to identify and locate it.
/// It contains whatever [Source]-specific data it needs to be able to get
/// the package. For example, the description of a git sourced package might
/// by the URL "git://".
final description;
/// Whether this is a name for a magic package.
/// Magic packages are unversioned pub constructs that have special semantics.
/// For example, a magic package named "pub itself" is inserted into the
/// dependency graph when any package depends on barback. This packages has
/// dependencies that represent the versions of barback and related packages
/// that pub is compatible with.
final bool isMagic;
/// Whether this package is the root package.
bool get isRoot => source == null && !isMagic;
PackageName._(, this.source, this.description) : isMagic = false;
: source = null,
description = null,
isMagic = true;
String toString() {
if (isRoot) return "$name (root)";
if (isMagic) return name;
return "$name from $source";
/// Returns a [PackageRef] with this one's [name], [source], and
/// [description].
PackageRef toRef() => isMagic
? new PackageRef.magic(name)
: new PackageRef(name, source, description);
/// Returns a [PackageDep] for this package with the given version constraint.
PackageDep withConstraint(VersionConstraint constraint) =>
new PackageDep(name, source, constraint, description);
/// Returns whether this refers to the same package as [other].
/// This doesn't compare any constraint information; it's equivalent to
/// `this.toRef() == other.toRef()`.
bool samePackage(PackageName other) {
if ( != name) return false;
if (source == null) return other.source == null;
return other.source == source &&
source.descriptionsEqual(description, other.description);
int get hashCode {
if (source == null) return name.hashCode;
return name.hashCode ^
source.hashCode ^
/// A reference to a [Package], but not any particular version(s) of it.
class PackageRef extends PackageName {
/// Creates a reference to a package with the given [name], [source], and
/// [description].
/// Since an ID's description is an implementation detail of its source, this
/// should generally not be called outside of [Source] subclasses. A reference
/// can be obtained from a user-supplied description using [Source.parseRef].
PackageRef(String name, Source source, description)
: super._(name, source, description);
/// Creates a reference to a magic package (see [isMagic]).
PackageRef.magic(String name) : super._magic(name);
bool operator ==(other) => other is PackageRef && samePackage(other);
/// A reference to a specific version of a package.
/// A package ID contains enough information to correctly get the package.
/// It's possible for multiple distinct package IDs to point to different
/// packages that have identical contents. For example, the same package may be
/// available from multiple sources. As far as Pub is concerned, those packages
/// are different.
/// Note that a package ID's [description] field has a different structure than
/// the [PackageRef.description] or [PackageDep.description] fields for some
/// sources. For example, the `git` source adds revision information to the
/// description to ensure that the same ID always points to the same source.
class PackageId extends PackageName {
/// The package's version.
final Version version;
/// Creates an ID for a package with the given [name], [source], [version],
/// and [description].
/// Since an ID's description is an implementation detail of its source, this
/// should generally not be called outside of [Source] subclasses.
PackageId(String name, Source source, this.version, description)
: super._(name, source, description);
/// Creates an ID for a magic package (see [isMagic]).
PackageId.magic(String name)
: version = Version.none,
/// Creates an ID for the given root package.
PackageId.root(Package package)
: version = package.version,
super._(, null,;
int get hashCode => super.hashCode ^ version.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is PackageId && samePackage(other) && other.version == version;
String toString() {
if (isRoot) return "$name $version (root)";
if (isMagic) return name;
return "$name $version from $source";
/// A reference to a constrained range of versions of one package.
class PackageDep extends PackageName {
/// The allowed package versions.
final VersionConstraint constraint;
/// Creates a reference to package with the given [name], [source],
/// [constraint], and [description].
/// Since an ID's description is an implementation detail of its source, this
/// should generally not be called outside of [Source] subclasses.
PackageDep(String name, Source source, this.constraint, description)
: super._(name, source, description);
PackageDep.magic(String name)
: constraint = Version.none,
String toString() {
if (isRoot) return "$name $constraint (root)";
if (isMagic) return name;
return "$name $constraint from $source ($description)";
/// Whether [id] satisfies this dependency.
/// Specifically, whether [id] refers to the same package as [this] *and*
/// [constraint] allows `id.version`.
bool allows(PackageId id) => samePackage(id) && constraint.allows(id.version);
int get hashCode => super.hashCode ^ constraint.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is PackageDep &&
samePackage(other) &&
other.constraint == constraint;
/// The type of dependency from one package to another.
class DependencyType {
/// A dependency declared in `dependencies`.
static const direct = const DependencyType._("direct");
/// A dependency declared in `dev_dependencies`.
static const dev = const DependencyType._("dev");
/// No dependency exists.
static const none = const DependencyType._("none");
final String _name;
const DependencyType._(this._name);
String toString() => _name;