blob: 1994b1b6d98df32b72ad88b4a3b12c1f35019ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_util.dart' as cli_util;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package_graph.dart';
import 'dartdevc.dart';
import 'module.dart';
import 'module_computer.dart';
import 'module_reader.dart';
import 'scratch_space.dart';
import 'summaries.dart';
import 'workers.dart';
/// Handles running dartdevc on top of a [Barback] instance.
/// You must call [invalidatePackage] any time a package is updated, since
/// barback doesn't provide a mechanism to tell you which files have changed.
class DartDevcEnvironment {
final _AssetCache _assetCache;
final Barback _barback;
final Map<String, String> _environmentConstants;
final BarbackMode _mode;
ModuleReader _moduleReader;
final PackageGraph _packageGraph;
ScratchSpace _scratchSpace;
static final _sdkResources = <String, String>{
'dart_sdk.js': 'lib/dev_compiler/amd/dart_sdk.js',
'require.js': 'lib/dev_compiler/amd/require.js',
'ddc_web_compiler.js': 'lib/dev_compiler/web/ddc_web_compiler.js',
this._barback, this._mode, this._environmentConstants, this._packageGraph)
: _assetCache = new _AssetCache(_packageGraph) {
_moduleReader = new ModuleReader(_readModule);
_scratchSpace = new ScratchSpace(_getAsset);
/// Deletes the [_scratchSpace] and shuts down the workers.
Future cleanUp() {
return Future.wait([
// These should get terminated automatically when this process exits, but
// we end them explicitly just to be safe.
/// Builds all dartdevc files required for all app entrypoints in
/// [inputAssets].
/// Returns only the `.js` files which are required to load the apps.
Future<AssetSet> doFullBuild(AssetSet inputAssets,
{logError(String message)}) async {
try {
var modulesToBuild = new Set<ModuleId>();
var jsAssets = new AssetSet();
// All the dirs that we found app entrypoints under, we need to copy the
// static dartdevc resources into each of these directories as well.
var appDirs = new Set<String>();
for (var asset in inputAssets) {
if ( != continue;
if ( != '.dart') continue;
// We only care about real entrypoint modules, we collect those and all
// their transitive deps.
if (!await isAppEntryPoint(, _barback.getAssetById)) continue;
// Build the entrypoint JS files, and collect the set of transitive
// modules that are required (will be built later).
var futureAssets = _buildAsset('.js'));
var assets = await Future.wait(futureAssets.values);
jsAssets.addAll(assets.where((asset) => asset != null));
var module = await _moduleReader.moduleFor(;
modulesToBuild.addAll(await _moduleReader.readTransitiveDeps(module));
// Build all required modules for the apps that were discovered.
var allFutureAssets = <Future<Asset>>[];
for (var module in modulesToBuild) {
// Copy all JS resources for each of the app dirs that were discovered.
for (var dir in appDirs) {
for (var name in _sdkResources.keys) {
allFutureAssets.add(_buildJsResource(new AssetId(, p.url.join(dir, name))));
var assets = await Future.wait(allFutureAssets);
jsAssets.addAll(assets.where((asset) => asset != null));
return jsAssets;
} catch (e) {
return new AssetSet();
/// Attempt to get an [Asset] by [id], completes with an
/// [AssetNotFoundException] if the asset couldn't be built.
Future<Asset> getAssetById(AssetId id) async {
if (!_assetCache.containsKey(id)) {
if (_isEntrypointId(id)) {
var dartId = _entrypointDartId(id);
if (dartId != null &&
await isAppEntryPoint(dartId, _barback.getAssetById)) {
} else {
if (!_assetCache.containsKey(id)) throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
return _assetCache[id];
/// Invalidates [package] and all packages that depend on [package].
void invalidatePackage(String package) {
isRootPackage: package ==;
/// Handles building all assets that we know how to build.
/// Completes with an [AssetNotFoundException] if the asset couldn't be built.
Map<AssetId, Future<Asset>> _buildAsset(AssetId id) {
if (_assetCache.containsKey(id)) return {id: _assetCache[id]};
Map<AssetId, Future<Asset>> assets;
if (id.path.endsWith(unlinkedSummaryExtension)) {
assets = {id: createUnlinkedSummary(id, _moduleReader, _scratchSpace)};
} else if (id.path.endsWith(linkedSummaryExtension)) {
assets = {id: createLinkedSummary(id, _moduleReader, _scratchSpace)};
} else if (_isEntrypointId(id)) {
var dartId = _entrypointDartId(id);
if (dartId != null) {
assets = bootstrapDartDevcEntrypoint(dartId, _mode, _moduleReader);
} else if (_hasJsResource(id)) {
assets = {id: _buildJsResource(id)};
} else if (id.extension == '.map' &&
_hasJsResource(id.changeExtension(''))) {
// None of these resources have sourcemaps.
assets = {id: new Future.error(new AssetNotFoundException(id))};
} else if (id.path.endsWith('.js') || id.path.endsWith('')) {
var jsId = id.extension == '.map' ? id.changeExtension('') : id;
assets = createDartdevcModule(
jsId, _moduleReader, _scratchSpace, _environmentConstants, _mode);
// Pre-emptively start building all transitive JS deps under the
// assumption they will be needed in the near future.
() async {
try {
var module = await _moduleReader.moduleFor(jsId);
var deps = await _moduleReader.readTransitiveDeps(module);
await Future
.wait( => getAssetById(moduleId.jsId)));
} catch (_) {
// Errors will be returned later when requests are made.
} else if (id.path.endsWith(moduleConfigName)) {
assets = {id: _buildModuleConfig(id)};
} else if (id.extension == '.errors') {
assets = {id: _cachedAsset(id)};
assets ??= <AssetId, Future<Asset>>{};
for (var assetId in assets.keys) {
_assetCache[assetId] = assets[assetId];
return assets;
/// Builds a module config asset at [id].
Future<Asset> _buildModuleConfig(AssetId id) async {
var moduleDir = topLevelDir(id.path);
var allAssets = await _barback.getAllAssets();
var moduleAssets = allAssets.where((asset) => == id.package && == '.dart' &&
topLevelDir( == moduleDir);
if (moduleAssets.isEmpty) throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
var moduleMode =
moduleDir == 'lib' ? ModuleMode.public : ModuleMode.private;
var modules = await computeModules(moduleMode, moduleAssets);
var encoded = JSON.encode(modules);
return new Asset.fromString(id, encoded);
/// Returns a cached asset for [id] if one exists, otherwise throws an
/// [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<Asset> _cachedAsset(AssetId id) async {
if (_assetCache.containsKey(id)) {
return _assetCache[id];
throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
/// Whether [_sdkResources] has an asset matching [id].
bool _hasJsResource(AssetId id) =>
/// Builds [_sdkResources] assets by copying them from the SDK.
Future<Asset> _buildJsResource(AssetId id) async {
var sdk = cli_util.getSdkDir();
var basename = p.url.basename(id.path);
var resourcePath = _sdkResources[basename];
if (resourcePath == null) return null;
return new Asset.fromPath(id, p.url.join(sdk.path, resourcePath));
/// Whether or not this looks like a request for an entrypoint or bootstrap
/// file.
bool _isEntrypointId(AssetId id) =>
id.path.endsWith('.bootstrap.js') ||
id.path.endsWith('') ||
id.path.endsWith('.dart.js') ||
/// Helper to read a module config file, used by [_moduleReader].
/// Skips barback and reads directly from [this] since we create all these
/// files.
Future<String> _readModule(AssetId moduleConfigId) async {
var asset = await getAssetById(moduleConfigId);
return asset.readAsString();
/// Gets an [Asset] by [id] asynchronously.
/// All `.dart` files are read from [_barback], and all other files are read
/// from [this]. This is because the only files we care about from barback are
/// `.dart` files.
Future<Asset> _getAsset(AssetId id) async {
var asset = id.extension == '.dart'
? await _barback.getAssetById(id)
: await getAssetById(id);
if (asset == null) throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
return asset;
/// Gives the dart entrypoint [AssetId] for a bootstrap JS [id].
AssetId _entrypointDartId(AssetId id) {
if (id.extension == '.map') id = id.changeExtension('');
assert(id.path.endsWith('.bootstrap.js') || id.path.endsWith('.dart.js'));
// Skip entrypoints under lib.
if (topLevelDir(id.path) == 'lib') return null;
// Remove the `.js` extension.
var dartId = id.changeExtension('');
// Conditionally remove the `.bootstrap` extension.
if (dartId.extension == '.bootstrap') dartId = dartId.changeExtension('');
assert(dartId.extension == '.dart');
return dartId;
/// Manages a set of cached future [Asset]s.
class _AssetCache {
/// [Asset]s are indexed first by package and then path, this allows us to
/// invalidate whole packages efficiently.
final _assets = <String, Map<String, Future<Result<Asset>>>>{};
final PackageGraph _packageGraph;
Future<Asset> operator [](AssetId id) {
var futureResult = _getResult(id);
if (futureResult == null) return null;
return Result.release(futureResult);
void operator []=(AssetId id, Future<Asset> asset) {
var packageCache = _assets.putIfAbsent(
id.package, () => <String, Future<Result<Asset>>>{});
packageCache[id.path] = Result.capture(asset.catchError((e, s) {
// Log the error eagerly, and only once.
log.error(null,, s);
// Create an asset that contains the errors, the app may use this to get
// information about any failed request.
var errorAssetId = id.addExtension('.errors');
this[errorAssetId] =
new Future.value(new Asset.fromString(errorAssetId, '$e'));
// Convert the error into an `AssetNotFoundException` which the server
// knows how to handle.
throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
}, test: (e) => e is! AssetNotFoundException));
bool containsKey(AssetId id) => _getResult(id) != null;
/// Invalidates [package] and all packages that depend on [package].
void invalidatePackage(String packageNameToInvalidate) {
// Also invalidate any package with a transitive dep on the invalidated
// package.
var packageToInvalidate = _packageGraph.packages[packageNameToInvalidate];
for (var packageName in _packageGraph.packages.keys) {
if (_packageGraph
.contains(packageToInvalidate)) {
/// Reads a [Result] from the actual underlying caches, or returns `null`.
Future<Result> _getResult(AssetId id) {
var packageCache = _assets[id.package];
if (packageCache == null) return null;
var futureResult = packageCache[id.path];
if (futureResult == null) return null;
return futureResult;