blob: f79ac4bd733ec554a87696aae45229a53c217fb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Test infrastructure for testing pub.
/// Unlike typical unit tests, most pub tests are integration tests that stage
/// some stuff on the file system, run pub, and then validate the results. This
/// library provides an API to build tests like that.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io' hide BytesBuilder;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:http/testing.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub/src/entrypoint.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'package:pub/src/git.dart' as git;
import 'package:pub/src/http.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/io.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/lock_file.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/log.dart' as log;
import 'package:pub/src/package_name.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/source/hosted.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/system_cache.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/third_party/tar/lib/tar.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/validator.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart' hide fail;
import 'package:test/test.dart' as test show fail;
import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart';
import 'descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package_server.dart';
export 'package_server.dart' show PackageServer;
/// A [Matcher] that matches JavaScript generated by dart2js with minification
/// enabled.
Matcher isMinifiedDart2JSOutput =
isNot(contains('// The code supports the following hooks'));
/// A [Matcher] that matches JavaScript generated by dart2js with minification
/// disabled.
Matcher isUnminifiedDart2JSOutput =
contains('// The code supports the following hooks');
/// Converts [value] into a YAML string.
String yaml(value) => jsonEncode(value);
/// The path of the package cache directory used for tests, relative to the
/// sandbox directory.
const String cachePath = 'cache';
/// The path of the config directory used for tests, relative to the
/// sandbox directory.
const String configPath = '.config';
d.DirectoryDescriptor configDir(Iterable<d.Descriptor> contents) =>
d.dir(configPath, [d.dir('dart', contents)]);
/// The path of the mock app directory used for tests, relative to the sandbox
/// directory.
const String appPath = 'myapp';
/// The path of the ".dart_tool/package_config.json" file in the mock app used
/// for tests, relative to the sandbox directory.
String packageConfigFilePath =
p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'package_config.json');
/// The entry from the `.dart_tool/package_config.json` file for [packageName].
Map<String, dynamic> packageSpec(String packageName) => json
(e) => e['name'] == packageName,
orElse: () => null,
) as Map<String, dynamic>;
/// The suffix appended to a built snapshot.
const versionSuffix = testVersion;
/// Enum identifying a pub command that can be run with a well-defined success
/// output.
class RunCommand {
static final add = RunCommand(
RegExp(r'Got dependencies!|Changed \d+ dependenc(y|ies)!'),
static final get = RunCommand(
RegExp(r'Got dependencies!|Changed \d+ dependenc(y|ies)!'),
static final upgrade = RunCommand(
(No dependencies changed\.|Changed \d+ dependenc(y|ies)!)($|
\d+ packages? (has|have) newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.
Try `dart pub outdated` for more information.$)'''),
static final downgrade = RunCommand(
RegExp(r'(No dependencies changed\.|Changed \d+ dependenc(y|ies)!)$'),
static final remove = RunCommand(
RegExp(r'Got dependencies!|Changed \d+ dependenc(y|ies)!'),
final String name;
final RegExp success;
RunCommand(, this.success);
/// Runs the tests defined within [callback] using both pub get and pub upgrade.
/// Many tests validate behavior that is the same between pub get and
/// upgrade have the same behavior. Instead of duplicating those tests, this
/// takes a callback that defines get/upgrade agnostic tests and runs them
/// with both commands.
void forBothPubGetAndUpgrade(void Function(RunCommand) callback) {
group(, () => callback(RunCommand.get));
group(, () => callback(RunCommand.upgrade));
/// Invokes the pub [command] and validates that it completes in an expected
/// way.
/// By default, this validates that the command completes successfully and
/// understands the normal output of a successful pub command. If [warning] is
/// given, it expects the command to complete successfully *and* print [warning]
/// to stderr. If [error] is given, it expects the command to *only* print
/// [error] to stderr. [output], [error], [silent], and [warning] may be
/// strings, [RegExp]s, or [Matcher]s.
/// If [exitCode] is given, expects the command to exit with that code.
// TODO(rnystrom): Clean up other tests to call this when possible.
Future<void> pubCommand(
RunCommand command, {
Iterable<String>? args,
Object? output,
Object? error,
Object? silent,
Object? warning,
int? exitCode,
Map<String, String?>? environment,
String? workingDirectory,
bool includeParentHomeAndPath = true,
}) async {
if (error != null && warning != null) {
throw ArgumentError("Cannot pass both 'error' and 'warning'.");
var allArgs = [];
if (args != null) allArgs.addAll(args);
output ??= command.success;
if (error != null && exitCode == null) exitCode = 1;
// No success output on an error.
if (error != null) output = null;
if (warning != null) error = warning;
await runPub(
args: allArgs,
output: output,
error: error,
silent: silent,
exitCode: exitCode,
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
includeParentHomeAndPath: includeParentHomeAndPath,
Future<void> pubAdd({
Iterable<String>? args,
Object? output,
Object? error,
Object? warning,
int? exitCode,
Map<String, String>? environment,
String? workingDirectory,
}) async =>
await pubCommand(
args: args,
output: output,
error: error,
warning: warning,
exitCode: exitCode,
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
Future<void> pubGet({
Iterable<String>? args,
Object? output,
Object? error,
Object? silent,
Object? warning,
int? exitCode,
Map<String, String?>? environment,
String? workingDirectory,
bool includeParentHomeAndPath = true,
}) async =>
await pubCommand(
args: args,
output: output,
error: error,
silent: silent,
warning: warning,
exitCode: exitCode,
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
includeParentHomeAndPath: includeParentHomeAndPath,
Future<void> pubUpgrade({
Iterable<String>? args,
Object? output,
Object? error,
Object? warning,
Object? silent,
int? exitCode,
Map<String, String>? environment,
String? workingDirectory,
}) async =>
await pubCommand(
args: args,
output: output,
error: error,
warning: warning,
silent: silent,
exitCode: exitCode,
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
Future<void> pubDowngrade({
Iterable<String>? args,
Object? output,
Object? error,
Object? warning,
int? exitCode,
Map<String, String>? environment,
String? workingDirectory,
}) async =>
await pubCommand(
args: args,
output: output,
error: error,
warning: warning,
exitCode: exitCode,
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
Future<void> pubRemove({
Iterable<String>? args,
Object? output,
Object? error,
Object? warning,
int? exitCode,
Map<String, String>? environment,
String? workingDirectory,
}) async =>
await pubCommand(
args: args,
output: output,
error: error,
warning: warning,
exitCode: exitCode,
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
/// Schedules starting the "pub [global] run" process and validates the
/// expected startup output.
/// If [global] is `true`, this invokes "pub global run", otherwise it does
/// "pub run".
/// Returns the `pub run` process.
Future<PubProcess> pubRun({
bool global = false,
required Iterable<String> args,
Map<String, String>? environment,
bool verbose = true,
}) async {
var pubArgs = global ? ['global', 'run'] : ['run'];
var pub = await startPub(
args: pubArgs,
environment: environment,
verbose: verbose,
// Loading sources and transformers isn't normally printed, but the pub test
// infrastructure runs pub in verbose mode, which enables this.
expect(pub.stdout, mayEmitMultiple(startsWith('Loading')));
return pub;
/// Schedules renaming (moving) the directory at [from] to [to], both of which
/// are assumed to be relative to [d.sandbox].
void renameInSandbox(String from, String to) {
renameDir(_pathInSandbox(from), _pathInSandbox(to));
/// Schedules creating a symlink at path [symlink] that points to [target],
/// both of which are assumed to be relative to [d.sandbox].
void symlinkInSandbox(String target, String symlink) {
createSymlink(_pathInSandbox(target), _pathInSandbox(symlink));
/// Runs Pub with [args] and validates that its results match [output] (or
/// [outputJson]), [error], [silent] (for logs that are silent by default), and
/// [exitCode].
/// [output], [error], and [silent] can be [String]s, [RegExp]s, or [Matcher]s.
/// If [input] is given, writes given lines into process stdin stream.
/// If [outputJson] is given, validates that pub outputs stringified JSON
/// matching that object, which can be a literal JSON object or any other
/// [Matcher].
/// If [environment] is given, any keys in it will override the environment
/// variables passed to the spawned process.
Future<void> runPub({
List<String>? args,
Object? output,
Object? error,
Object? outputJson,
Object? silent,
int? exitCode,
String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String?>? environment,
List<String>? input,
bool includeParentHomeAndPath = true,
}) async {
exitCode ??= exit_codes.SUCCESS;
// Cannot pass both output and outputJson.
assert(output == null || outputJson == null);
var pub = await startPub(
args: args,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: environment,
includeParentHomeAndPath: includeParentHomeAndPath,
if (input != null) {
await pub.stdin.flush();
await pub.shouldExit(exitCode);
var actualOutput = (await pub.stdoutStream().toList()).join('\n');
var actualError = (await pub.stderrStream().toList()).join('\n');
var actualSilent = (await pub.silentStream().toList()).join('\n');
var failures = <String>[];
if (outputJson == null) {
_validateOutput(failures, 'stdout', output, actualOutput);
} else {
_validateOutputJson(failures, 'stdout', outputJson, actualOutput);
_validateOutput(failures, 'stderr', error, actualError);
_validateOutput(failures, 'silent', silent, actualSilent);
if (failures.isNotEmpty) {'\n'));
/// Like [startPub], but runs `pub lish` in particular with [server] used both
/// as the OAuth2 server (with "/token" as the token endpoint) and as the
/// package server.
/// Any futures in [args] will be resolved before the process is started.
Future<PubProcess> startPublish(
PackageServer server, {
List<String>? args,
bool overrideDefaultHostedServer = true,
Map<String, String>? environment,
String path = '',
}) async {
var tokenEndpoint = Uri.parse(server.url).resolve('/token').toString();
args = ['lish', ...?args];
return await startPub(
args: args,
tokenEndpoint: tokenEndpoint,
environment: {
if (overrideDefaultHostedServer)
'_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL': server.url + path
'PUB_HOSTED_URL': server.url + path,
if (environment != null) ...environment,
/// Handles the beginning confirmation process for uploading a packages.
/// Ensures that the right output is shown and then enters "y" to confirm the
/// upload.
Future<void> confirmPublish(TestProcess pub) async {
// TODO(rnystrom): This is overly specific and inflexible regarding different
// test packages. Should validate this a little more loosely.
await expectLater(
emitsThrough(startsWith('Publishing test_pkg 1.0.0 to ')),
await expectLater(
r'^Do you want to publish [^ ]+ [^ ]+ (y/N)?',
/// Resolves [path] relative to the package cache in the sandbox.
String pathInCache(String path) => p.join(d.sandbox, cachePath, path);
/// Gets the absolute path to [relPath], which is a relative path in the test
/// sandbox.
String _pathInSandbox(String relPath) => p.join(d.sandbox, relPath);
const String testVersion = '3.1.2+3';
/// This constraint is compatible with [testVersion].
const String defaultSdkConstraint = '^3.0.2';
/// Gets the environment variables used to run pub in a test context.
Map<String, String> getPubTestEnvironment([String? tokenEndpoint]) => {
'CI': 'false', // unless explicitly given tests don't run pub in CI mode
'_PUB_TESTING': 'true',
'_PUB_TEST_CONFIG_DIR': _pathInSandbox(configPath),
'PUB_CACHE': _pathInSandbox(cachePath),
'PUB_ENVIRONMENT': 'test-environment',
// Ensure a known SDK version is set for the tests that rely on that.
'_PUB_TEST_SDK_VERSION': testVersion,
if (tokenEndpoint != null) '_PUB_TEST_TOKEN_ENDPOINT': tokenEndpoint,
if (_globalServer?.port != null)
'PUB_HOSTED_URL': 'http://localhost:${_globalServer?.port}'
/// The path to the root of pub's sources in the pub repo.
final String _pubRoot = (() {
if (!fileExists(p.join('bin', 'pub.dart'))) {
throw StateError(
"Current working directory (${p.current} is not pub's root. Run tests from pub's root.",
return p.current;
/// Starts a Pub process and returns a [PubProcess] that supports interaction
/// with that process.
/// Any futures in [args] will be resolved before the process is started.
/// If [environment] is given, any keys in it will override the environment
/// variables passed to the spawned process.
Future<PubProcess> startPub({
Iterable<String>? args,
String? tokenEndpoint,
String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String?>? environment,
bool verbose = true,
bool includeParentHomeAndPath = true,
}) async {
args ??= [];
// If there's a snapshot for "pub" available we use it. If the snapshot is
// out-of-date local source the tests will be useless, therefore it is
// recommended to use a temporary file with a unique name for each test run.
// Note: running tests without a snapshot is significantly slower, use
// tool/test.dart to generate the snapshot.
var pubPath = Platform.environment['_PUB_TEST_SNAPSHOT'] ?? '';
if (pubPath.isEmpty || !fileExists(pubPath)) {
pubPath = p.absolute(p.join(_pubRoot, 'bin/pub.dart'));
final dotPackagesPath = (await Isolate.packageConfig).toString();
var dartArgs = ['--packages=$dotPackagesPath', '--enable-asserts'];
..addAll([pubPath, if (!verbose) '--verbosity=normal'])
final systemRoot = Platform.environment['SYSTEMROOT'];
final tmp = Platform.environment['TMP'];
final mergedEnvironment = {
if (includeParentHomeAndPath) ...{
'HOME': Platform.environment['HOME'] ?? '',
'PATH': Platform.environment['PATH'] ?? '',
// These seem to be needed for networking to work.
if (Platform.isWindows) ...{
if (systemRoot != null) 'SYSTEMROOT': systemRoot,
if (tmp != null) 'TMP': tmp,
for (final e in (environment ?? {}).entries) {
var value = e.value;
if (value == null) {
} else {
mergedEnvironment[e.key] = value;
return await PubProcess.start(
environment: mergedEnvironment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? _pathInSandbox(appPath),
description: args.isEmpty ? 'pub' : 'pub ${args.join(' ')}',
includeParentEnvironment: false,
/// A subclass of [TestProcess] that parses pub's verbose logging output and
/// makes [stdout] and [stderr] work as though pub weren't running in verbose
/// mode.
class PubProcess extends TestProcess {
late final StreamSplitter<Pair<log.Level, String>> _logSplitter =
StreamSplitter<Pair<log.Level, String>> createLogSplitter() {
return StreamSplitter(
_outputToLog(super.stdoutStream(), log.Level.message),
_outputToLog(super.stderrStream(), log.Level.error)
static Future<PubProcess> start(
String executable,
Iterable<String> arguments, {
String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String>? environment,
bool includeParentEnvironment = true,
bool runInShell = false,
String? description,
Encoding encoding = utf8,
bool forwardStdio = false,
}) async {
var process = await Process.start(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: environment,
includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment,
runInShell: runInShell,
if (description == null) {
var humanExecutable = p.isWithin(p.current, executable)
? p.relative(executable)
: executable;
description = '$humanExecutable ${arguments.join(' ')}';
return PubProcess(
encoding: encoding,
forwardStdio: forwardStdio,
/// This is protected.
Process process,
String description, {
Encoding encoding = utf8,
bool forwardStdio = false,
}) : super(
encoding: encoding,
forwardStdio: forwardStdio,
final _logLineRegExp = RegExp(r'^([A-Z ]{4})[:|] (.*)$');
final Map<String, log.Level> _logLevels = [
].fold({}, (levels, level) {
levels[] = level;
return levels;
Stream<Pair<log.Level, String>> _outputToLog(
Stream<String> stream,
log.Level defaultLevel,
) {
late log.Level lastLevel;
return {
var match = _logLineRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return Pair<log.Level, String>(defaultLevel, line);
var level = _logLevels[match[1]] ?? lastLevel;
lastLevel = level;
return Pair<log.Level, String>(level, match[2]!);
Stream<String> stdoutStream() {
return _logSplitter.split().expand((entry) {
if (entry.first != log.Level.message) return [];
return [entry.last];
Stream<String> stderrStream() {
return _logSplitter.split().expand((entry) {
if (entry.first != log.Level.error && entry.first != log.Level.warning) {
return [];
return [entry.last];
/// A stream of log messages that are silent by default.
Stream<String> silentStream() {
return _logSplitter.split().expand((entry) {
if (entry.first == log.Level.message) return [];
if (entry.first == log.Level.error) return [];
if (entry.first == log.Level.warning) return [];
return [entry.last];
/// Fails the current test if Git is not installed.
/// We require machines running these tests to have git installed. This
/// validation gives an easier-to-understand error when that requirement isn't
/// met than just failing in the middle of a test when pub invokes git.
void ensureGit() {
if (!git.isInstalled) fail('Git must be installed to run this test.');
/// Creates a lock file for [package] without running `pub get`.
/// [dependenciesInSandBox] is a list of path dependencies to be found in the sandbox
/// directory.
/// [hosted] is a list of package names to version strings for dependencies on
/// hosted packages.
Future<void> createLockFile(
String package, {
Iterable<String>? dependenciesInSandBox,
Map<String, String>? hosted,
}) async {
var cache = SystemCache(rootDir: _pathInSandbox(cachePath));
var lockFile =
_createLockFile(cache, sandbox: dependenciesInSandBox, hosted: hosted);
await d.dir(package, [
lockFile.serialize(p.join(d.sandbox, package), cache),
/// Creates a lock file for [sources] without running `pub get`.
/// [sandbox] is a list of path dependencies to be found in the sandbox
/// directory.
/// [hosted] is a list of package names to version strings for dependencies on
/// hosted packages.
LockFile _createLockFile(
SystemCache cache, {
Iterable<String>? sandbox,
Map<String, String>? hosted,
}) {
var dependencies = <String, dynamic>{};
if (sandbox != null) {
for (var package in sandbox) {
dependencies[package] = '../$package';
final packages = <PackageId>[
(entry) => cache.path.parseId(
Version(0, 0, 0),
{'path': entry.value, 'relative': true},
containingDir: p.join(d.sandbox, appPath),
if (hosted != null)
(entry) => PackageId(
sha256: null,
return LockFile(packages);
/// Uses [client] as the mock HTTP client for this test.
/// Note that this will only affect HTTP requests made via http.dart in the
/// parent process.
void useMockClient(MockClient client) {
var oldInnerClient = innerHttpClient;
innerHttpClient = client;
addTearDown(() {
innerHttpClient = oldInnerClient;
/// Describes a map representing a library package with the given [name],
/// [version], and [dependencies].
Map<String, Object> packageMap(
String name,
String version, [
Map? dependencies,
Map? devDependencies,
Map? environment,
]) {
var package = <String, Object>{
'name': name,
'version': version,
'homepage': '',
'description': 'A package, I guess.'
if (dependencies != null) package['dependencies'] = dependencies;
if (devDependencies != null) package['dev_dependencies'] = devDependencies;
if (environment != null) package['environment'] = environment;
return package;
/// Returns the name of the shell script for a binstub named [name].
/// Adds a ".bat" extension on Windows.
String binStubName(String name) => Platform.isWindows ? '$name.bat' : name;
/// Compares the [actual] output from running pub with [expected].
/// If [expected] is a [String], ignores leading and trailing whitespace
/// differences and tries to report the offending difference in a nice way.
/// If it's a [RegExp] or [Matcher], just reports whether the output matches.
void _validateOutput(
List<String> failures,
String pipe,
String actual,
) {
if (expected == null) return;
if (expected is String) {
_validateOutputString(failures, pipe, expected, actual);
} else {
if (expected is RegExp) expected = matches(expected);
expect(actual, expected);
void _validateOutputString(
List<String> failures,
String pipe,
String expected,
String actual,
) {
var actualLines = actual.split('\n');
var expectedLines = expected.split('\n');
// Strip off the last line. This lets us have expected multiline strings
// where the closing ''' is on its own line. It also fixes '' expected output
// to expect zero lines of output, not a single empty line.
if (expectedLines.last.trim() == '') {
var results = <String>[];
var failed = false;
// Compare them line by line to see which ones match.
var length = max(expectedLines.length, actualLines.length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i >= actualLines.length) {
// Missing output.
failed = true;
results.add('? ${expectedLines[i]}');
} else if (i >= expectedLines.length) {
// Unexpected extra output.
failed = true;
results.add('X ${actualLines[i]}');
} else {
var expectedLine = expectedLines[i].trim();
var actualLine = actualLines[i].trim();
if (expectedLine != actualLine) {
// Mismatched lines.
failed = true;
results.add('X ${actualLines[i]}');
} else {
// Output is OK, but include it in case other lines are wrong.
results.add('| ${actualLines[i]}');
// If any lines mismatched, show the expected and actual.
if (failed) {
failures.add('Expected $pipe:');
failures.addAll( => '| $line'));
/// Validates that [actualText] is a string of JSON that matches [expected],
/// which may be a literal JSON object, or any other [Matcher].
void _validateOutputJson(
List<String> failures,
String pipe,
Object? expected,
String actualText,
) {
late Map actual;
try {
actual = jsonDecode(actualText) as Map;
} on FormatException {
failures.add('Expected $pipe JSON:');
failures.add('Got invalid JSON:');
// Remove dart2js's timing logs, which would otherwise cause tests to fail
// flakily when compilation takes a long time.
(entry) =>
entry['level'] == 'Fine' &&
(entry['message'] as String).startsWith('Not yet complete after'),
// Match against the expectation.
expect(actual, expected);
/// A function that creates a [Validator] subclass.
typedef ValidatorCreator = Validator Function();
/// Schedules a single [Validator] to run on the [appPath].
/// Returns a scheduled Future that contains the validator after validation.
Future<Validator> validatePackage(ValidatorCreator fn, int? size) async {
var cache = SystemCache(rootDir: _pathInSandbox(cachePath));
final entrypoint = Entrypoint(_pathInSandbox(appPath), cache);
var validator = fn();
validator.context = ValidationContext(
await Future.value(size ?? 100),
_globalServer == null
? Uri.parse('')
: Uri.parse(globalServer.url),
await validator.validate();
return validator;
/// A matcher that matches a Pair.
Matcher pairOf(firstMatcher, lastMatcher) =>
_PairMatcher(wrapMatcher(firstMatcher), wrapMatcher(lastMatcher));
class _PairMatcher extends Matcher {
final Matcher _firstMatcher;
final Matcher _lastMatcher;
_PairMatcher(this._firstMatcher, this._lastMatcher);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
if (item is! Pair) return false;
return _firstMatcher.matches(item.first, matchState) &&
_lastMatcher.matches(item.last, matchState);
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.addAll('(', ', ', ')', [_firstMatcher, _lastMatcher]);
/// Returns a matcher that asserts that a string contains [times] distinct
/// occurrences of [pattern], which must be a regular expression pattern.
Matcher matchesMultiple(String pattern, int times) {
var buffer = StringBuffer(pattern);
for (var i = 1; i < times; i++) {
return matches(buffer.toString());
/// A [StreamMatcher] that matches multiple lines of output.
StreamMatcher emitsLines(String output) => emitsInOrder(output.split('\n'));
/// Removes output from pub known to be unstable across runs or platforms.
String filterUnstableText(String input) {
// Any paths in output should be relative to the sandbox and with forward
// slashes to be stable across platforms.
input = input.replaceAll(d.sandbox, r'$SANDBOX');
input =
input.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'\\(\S|\.)'), (match) => '/${match[1]}');
var port = _globalServer?.port;
if (port != null) {
input = input.replaceAll(port.toString(), '\$PORT');
return input;
/// Runs `pub outdated [args]` and appends the output to [buffer].
Future<void> runPubIntoBuffer(
List<String> args,
StringBuffer buffer, {
Map<String, String?>? environment,
String? workingDirectory,
String? stdin,
}) async {
final process = await startPub(
args: args,
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
if (stdin != null) {
await process.stdin.flush();
await process.stdin.close();
final exitCode = await process.exitCode;
// TODO(jonasfj): Clean out temporary directory names from env vars...
// if (workingDirectory != null) {
// buffer.writeln('\$ cd $workingDirectory');
// }
// if (environment != null && environment.isNotEmpty) {
// buffer.writeln(environment.entries
// .map((e) => '\$ export ${e.key}=${e.value}')
// .join('\n'));
// }
final pipe = stdin == null ? '' : ' echo ${escapeShellArgument(stdin)} |';
'\$$pipe pub ${' ')}',
for (final line in await {
for (final line in await {
buffer.writeln('[STDERR] ${filterUnstableText(line)}');
if (exitCode != 0) {
buffer.writeln('[EXIT CODE] $exitCode');
/// The current global [PackageServer].
PackageServer get globalServer => _globalServer!;
PackageServer? _globalServer;
/// Creates an HTTP server that replicates the structure of and makes it
/// the current [globalServer].
Future<PackageServer> servePackages() async {
final server = await startPackageServer();
_globalServer = server;
addTearDown(() {
_globalServer = null;
return server;
Future<PackageServer> startPackageServer() async {
final server = await PackageServer.start();
addTearDown(() async {
await server.close();
return server;
/// Create temporary folder 'bin/' containing a 'git' script in [sandbox]
/// By adding the bin/ folder to the search `$PATH` we can prevent `pub` from
/// detecting the installed 'git' binary and we can test that it prints
/// a useful error message.
Future<void> setUpFakeGitScript({
required String bash,
required String batch,
}) async {
await d.dir('bin', [
if (!Platform.isWindows) d.file('git', bash),
if (Platform.isWindows) d.file('git.bat', batch),
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
// Make the script executable.
await runProcess('chmod', ['+x', p.join(d.sandbox, 'bin', 'git')]);
/// Returns an environment where PATH is extended with `$sandbox/bin`.
Map<String, String> extendedPathEnv() {
final separator = Platform.isWindows ? ';' : ':';
final binFolder = p.join(d.sandbox, 'bin');
return {
// Override 'PATH' to ensure that we can't detect a working "git" binary
'PATH': '$binFolder$separator${Platform.environment['PATH']}',
Stream<List<int>> tarFromDescriptors(Iterable<d.Descriptor> contents) {
final entries = <TarEntry>[];
void addDescriptor(d.Descriptor descriptor, String path) {
if (descriptor is d.DirectoryDescriptor) {
for (final e in descriptor.contents) {
addDescriptor(e, p.posix.join(path,;
} else {
// Ensure paths in tar files use forward slashes
name: p.posix.join(path,,
// We want to keep executable bits, but otherwise use the default
// file mode
mode: 420,
// size: 100,
modified: DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(0),
userName: 'pub',
groupName: 'pub',
(descriptor as d.FileDescriptor).readAsBytes(),
for (final e in contents) {
addDescriptor(e, '');
return _replaceOs(
.transform(tarWriterWith(format: OutputFormat.gnuLongName))
/// Replaces the entry at index 9 in [stream] with a 0. This replaces the os
/// entry of a gzip stream, giving us the same stream and thius stable testing
/// on all platforms.
/// See section 2.3 for information
/// about the OS header.
Stream<List<int>> _replaceOs(Stream<List<int>> stream) async* {
final bytesBuilder = BytesBuilder();
await for (final t in stream) {
final result = bytesBuilder.toBytes();
result[9] = 0;
yield result;