blob: 8d3c966e463768222d51b447a360b6a5d0bc5724 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:yaml_edit/yaml_edit.dart';
import '../command.dart';
import '../command_runner.dart';
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../pubspec_utils.dart';
import '../sdk.dart';
import '../solver.dart';
import '../source/hosted.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
/// Handles the `upgrade` pub command.
class UpgradeCommand extends PubCommand {
String get name => 'upgrade';
String get description =>
"Upgrade the current package's dependencies to latest versions.";
String get argumentsDescription => '[dependencies...]';
String get docUrl => '';
bool get isOffline => argResults.flag('offline');
UpgradeCommand() {
help: 'Use cached packages instead of accessing the network.',
abbr: 'n',
negatable: false,
help: "Report what dependencies would change but don't change any.",
help: 'Precompile executables in immediate dependencies.',
hide: true,
negatable: false,
help: 'Upgrade constraints in pubspec.yaml to null-safety versions',
argParser.addFlag('nullsafety', negatable: false, hide: true);
argParser.addFlag('packages-dir', hide: true);
'Updates lower bounds in pubspec.yaml to match the resolved version.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Upgrades packages to their latest resolvable versions, '
'and updates pubspec.yaml.',
negatable: false,
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Also run in `example/` (if it exists).',
hide: true,
abbr: 'C',
help: 'Run this in the directory <dir>.',
valueHelp: 'dir',
/// Avoid showing spinning progress messages when not in a terminal.
bool get _shouldShowSpinner => terminalOutputForStdout;
bool get _dryRun => argResults.flag('dry-run');
bool get _tighten => argResults.flag('tighten');
bool get _precompile => argResults.flag('precompile');
/// List of package names to upgrade, if empty then upgrade all packages.
/// This allows the user to specify list of names that they want the
/// upgrade command to affect.
List<String> get _packagesToUpgrade =>;
bool get _upgradeNullSafety =>
argResults.flag('nullsafety') || argResults.flag('null-safety');
bool get _upgradeMajorVersions => argResults.flag('major-versions');
Future<void> runProtected() async {
if (_upgradeNullSafety) {
dataError('''The `--null-safety` flag is no longer supported.
Consider using the Dart 2.19 sdk to migrate to null safety.''');
if (argResults.wasParsed('packages-dir')) {
'The --packages-dir flag is no longer used and does nothing.',
if (_upgradeMajorVersions) {
if (argResults.flag('example') && entrypoint.example != null) {
'Running `upgrade --major-versions` only in `${entrypoint.workspaceRoot.dir}`. Run `$topLevelProgram pub upgrade --major-versions --directory example/` separately.',
await _runUpgradeMajorVersions();
} else {
await _runUpgrade(entrypoint);
if (_tighten) {
final changes = tighten(
if (!_dryRun) {
for (final package in entrypoint.workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace) {
final changesForPackage = changes[package];
if (changesForPackage == null || changesForPackage.isEmpty) {
final newPubspecText =
_updatePubspecText(package, changesForPackage);
if (changes.isNotEmpty) {
writeTextFile(package.pubspecPath, newPubspecText);
if (argResults.flag('example') && entrypoint.example != null) {
// Reload the entrypoint to ensure we pick up potential changes that has
// been made.
final exampleEntrypoint = Entrypoint(directory, cache).example!;
await _runUpgrade(exampleEntrypoint, onlySummary: true);
Future<void> _runUpgrade(Entrypoint e, {bool onlySummary = false}) async {
await e.acquireDependencies(
unlock: _packagesToUpgrade,
dryRun: _dryRun,
precompile: _precompile,
summaryOnly: onlySummary,
/// Returns a list of changes to constraints in [pubspec] updated them to
/// have their lower bound match the version in [packages].
/// The return value is a mapping from the original package range to the updated.
/// If packages to update where given in [_packagesToUpgrade], only those are
/// tightened. Otherwise all packages are tightened.
/// If a dependency has already been updated in [existingChanges], the update
/// will apply on top of that change (eg. preserving the new upper bound).
Map<Package, Map<PackageRange, PackageRange>> tighten(
Entrypoint entrypoint,
List<PackageId> packages, {
Map<Package, Map<PackageRange, PackageRange>> existingChanges = const {},
}) {
final result = {...existingChanges};
if (argResults.flag('example') && entrypoint.example != null) {
'Running `upgrade --tighten` only in `${entrypoint.workspaceRoot.dir}`. Run `$topLevelProgram pub upgrade --tighten --directory example/` separately.',
final toTighten = <(Package, PackageRange)>[];
for (final package in entrypoint.workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace) {
if (_packagesToUpgrade.isEmpty) {
for (final range in [
]) {
toTighten.add((package, range));
} else {
for (final packageToUpgrade in _packagesToUpgrade) {
final range = package.dependencies[packageToUpgrade] ??
if (range != null) {
toTighten.add((package, range));
for (final (package, range) in toTighten) {
final changesForPackage = result[package] ??= {};
final constraint = (changesForPackage[range] ?? range).constraint;
final resolvedVersion =
packages.firstWhere((p) => ==;
if (range.source is HostedSource && constraint.isAny) {
changesForPackage[range] = range
} else if (constraint is VersionRange) {
final min = constraint.min;
if (min != null && min < resolvedVersion) {
changesForPackage[range] = range.toRef().withConstraint(
min: resolvedVersion,
max: constraint.max,
includeMin: true,
includeMax: constraint.includeMax,
return result;
/// Return names of packages to be upgraded, and throws [UsageException] if
/// any package names not in the direct dependencies or dev_dependencies are given.
/// This assumes that `--major-versions` was passed.
List<String> _directDependenciesToUpgrade() {
final directDeps = {
for (final package in entrypoint.workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace) ...[
final toUpgrade =
_packagesToUpgrade.isEmpty ? directDeps : _packagesToUpgrade;
// Check that all package names in upgradeOnly are direct-dependencies
final notInDeps = toUpgrade.where((n) => !directDeps.contains(n));
if (toUpgrade.any(notInDeps.contains)) {
Dependencies specified in `$topLevelProgram pub upgrade --major-versions <dependencies>` must
be direct 'dependencies' or 'dev_dependencies', following packages are not:
- ${notInDeps.join('\n - ')}
return toUpgrade;
Future<void> _runUpgradeMajorVersions() async {
final toUpgrade = _directDependenciesToUpgrade();
final workspace = {
for (final package in entrypoint.workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace)
package.dir: package,
// Solve [resolvablePubspec] in-memory and consolidate the resolved
// versions of the packages into a map for quick searching.
final resolvedPackages = <String, PackageId>{};
final solveResult = await log.spinner(
'Resolving dependencies',
() async {
return await resolveVersions(
withPubspecOverrides: true,
loadPubspec: (
path, {
required withPubspecOverrides,
}) =>
condition: _shouldShowSpinner,
for (final resolvedPackage in solveResult.packages) {
resolvedPackages[] = resolvedPackage;
final dependencyOverriddenDeps = <String>[];
// Changes to be made to `pubspec.yaml` of each package.
// Mapping from original to changed value.
var changes = <Package, Map<PackageRange, PackageRange>>{};
for (final package in entrypoint.workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace) {
final declaredHostedDependencies = [
].where((dep) => dep.source is HostedSource);
for (final dep in declaredHostedDependencies) {
final resolvedPackage = resolvedPackages[]!;
if (!toUpgrade.contains( {
// If we're not trying to upgrade this package, or it wasn't in the
// resolution somehow, then we ignore it.
// Skip [dep] if it has a dependency_override.
if (entrypoint.workspaceRoot.dependencyOverrides
.containsKey( {
if (dep.constraint.allowsAll(resolvedPackage.version)) {
// If constraint allows the resolvable version we found, then there is
// no need to update the `pubspec.yaml`
(changes[package] ??= {})[dep] = dep.toRef().withConstraint(
if (_tighten) {
// Do another solve with the updated constraints to obtain the correct
// versions to tighten to. This should be fast (everything is cached, and
// no backtracking needed) so we don't show a spinner.
final solveResult = await resolveVersions(
loadPubspec: (path, {expectedName, required withPubspecOverrides}) {
final package = workspace[path]!;
final changesForPackage = changes[package] ?? {};
return applyChanges(package.pubspec, changesForPackage);
changes = tighten(
existingChanges: changes,
// When doing '--majorVersions' for specific packages we try to update other
// packages as little as possible to make a focused change (SolveType.get).
// But without a specific package we want to get as many non-major updates
// as possible (SolveType.upgrade).
final solveType =
_packagesToUpgrade.isEmpty ? SolveType.upgrade : SolveType.get;
if (!_dryRun) {
for (final package in entrypoint.workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace) {
final changesForPackage = changes[package] ?? {};
if (changesForPackage.isNotEmpty) {
final newPubspecText = _updatePubspecText(package, changesForPackage);
writeTextFile(package.pubspecPath, newPubspecText);
await entrypoint.withUpdatedPubspecs({
for (final MapEntry(key: package, value: changesForPackage)
in changes.entries)
package: applyChanges(package.pubspec, changesForPackage),
dryRun: _dryRun,
precompile: !_dryRun && _precompile,
// If any of the packages to upgrade are dependency overrides, then we
// show a warning.
final toUpgradeOverrides = toUpgrade
if (toUpgradeOverrides.isNotEmpty) {
'Warning: dependency_overrides prevents upgrades for: '
'${toUpgradeOverrides.join(', ')}',
Pubspec applyChanges(
Pubspec original,
Map<PackageRange, PackageRange> changes,
) {
final dependencies = {...original.dependencies};
final devDependencies = {...original.devDependencies};
for (final change in changes.values) {
if (dependencies[] != null) {
dependencies[] = change;
} else {
devDependencies[] = change;
return original.copyWith(
dependencies: dependencies.values,
devDependencies: devDependencies.values,
/// Loads `pubspec.yaml` of [package] and applies [changes] to its
/// (dev)-dependencies.
/// Returns the updated textual representation using yaml-edit to preserve
/// structure.
String _updatePubspecText(
Package package,
Map<PackageRange, PackageRange> changes,
) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(changes, 'changes');
final yamlEditor = YamlEditor(readTextFile(package.pubspecPath));
final deps = package.dependencies.keys;
for (final change in changes.values) {
final section =
deps.contains( ? 'dependencies' : 'dev_dependencies';
pubspecDescription(change, cache, package),
return yamlEditor.toString();
/// Outputs a summary of changes made to `pubspec.yaml`.
void _outputChangeSummary(
Map<Package, Map<PackageRange, PackageRange>> changes,
) {
if (entrypoint.workspaceRoot.workspaceChildren.isEmpty) {
final changesToWorkspaceRoot = changes[entrypoint.workspaceRoot] ?? {};
if (changesToWorkspaceRoot.isEmpty) {
final wouldBe = _dryRun ? 'would be made to' : 'to';
log.message('\nNo changes $wouldBe pubspec.yaml!');
} else {
final changed = _dryRun ? 'Would change' : 'Changed';
log.message('\n$changed ${changesToWorkspaceRoot.length} '
'${pluralize('constraint', changesToWorkspaceRoot.length)} in pubspec.yaml:');
changesToWorkspaceRoot.forEach((from, to) {
log.message(' ${}: ${from.constraint} -> ${to.constraint}');
} else {
if (changes.isEmpty) {
final wouldBe = _dryRun ? 'would be made to' : 'to';
log.message('\nNo changes $wouldBe any pubspec.yaml!');
for (final package in entrypoint.workspaceRoot.transitiveWorkspace) {
final changesToPackage = changes[package] ?? {};
if (changesToPackage.isEmpty) continue;
final changed = _dryRun ? 'Would change' : 'Changed';
log.message('\n$changed ${changesToPackage.length} '
'${pluralize('constraint', changesToPackage.length)} in ${package.pubspecPath}:');
changesToPackage.forEach((from, to) {
log.message(' ${}: ${from.constraint} -> ${to.constraint}');
void _showOfflineWarning() {
if (isOffline) {
log.warning('Warning: Upgrading when offline may not update you to the '
'latest versions of your dependencies.');