blob: e68cec10a8f41ca8fd76c4e5447e87ffc6a2f852 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.10
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'equality.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'list_mutations.dart';
import 'map_mutations.dart';
import 'source_edit.dart';
import 'strings.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'wrap.dart';
/// An interface for modififying [YAML][1] documents while preserving comments
/// and whitespaces.
/// YAML parsing is supported by `package:yaml`, and modifications are performed
/// as string operations. An error will be thrown if internal assertions fail -
/// such a situation should be extremely rare, and should only occur with
/// degenerate formatting.
/// Most modification methods require the user to pass in an [Iterable<Object>]
/// path that holds the keys/indices to navigate to the element.
/// **Example:**
/// ```yaml
/// a: 1
/// b: 2
/// c:
/// - 3
/// - 4
/// - {e: 5, f: [6, 7]}
/// ```
/// To get to `7`, our path will be `['c', 2, 'f', 1]`. The path for the base
/// object is the empty array `[]`. All modification methods will throw a
/// [ArgumentError] if the path provided is invalid. Note also that that the
/// order of elements in the path is important, and it should be arranged in
/// order of calling, with the first element being the first key or index to be
/// called.
/// In most modification methods, users are required to pass in a value to be
/// used for updating the YAML tree. This value is only allowed to either be a
/// valid scalar that is recognizable by YAML (i.e. `bool`, `String`, `List`,
/// `Map`, `num`, `null`) or a [YamlNode]. Should the user want to specify
/// the style to be applied to the value passed in, the user may wrap the value
/// using [wrapAsYamlNode] while passing in the appropriate `scalarStyle` or
/// `collectionStyle`. While we try to respect the style that is passed in,
/// there will be instances where the formatting will not result in valid YAML,
/// and as such we will fallback to a default formatting while preserving the
/// content.
/// To dump the YAML after all the modifications have been completed, simply
/// call [toString()].
/// [1]:
class YamlEditor {
final List<SourceEdit> _edits = [];
/// List of [SourceEdit]s that have been applied to [_yaml] since the creation
/// of this instance, in chronological order. Intended to be compatible with
/// `package:analysis_server`.
/// The [SourceEdit] objects can be serialized to JSON using the `toJSON`
/// function, deserialized using [SourceEdit.fromJson], and applied to a
/// string using the `apply` function. Multiple [SourceEdit]s can be applied
/// to a string using [SourceEdit.applyAll].
/// For more information, refer to the [SourceEdit] class.
List<SourceEdit> get edits => [..._edits];
/// Current YAML string.
String _yaml;
/// Root node of YAML AST.
YamlNode _contents;
/// Stores the list of nodes in [_contents] that are connected by aliases.
/// When a node is anchored with an alias and subsequently referenced,
/// the full content of the anchored node is thought to be copied in the
/// following references.
/// **Example:**
/// ```dart
/// a: &SS Sammy Sosa
/// b: *SS
/// ```
/// is equivalent to
/// ```dart
/// a: Sammy Sosa
/// b: Sammy Sosa
/// ```
/// As such, aliased nodes have to be treated with special caution when
/// any modification is taking place.
/// See 7.1 Alias Nodes:
Set<YamlNode> _aliases = {};
/// Returns the current YAML string.
String toString() => _yaml;
factory YamlEditor(String yaml) => YamlEditor._(yaml);
YamlEditor._(this._yaml) {
/// Loads [_contents] from [_yaml], and traverses the YAML tree formed to
/// detect alias nodes.
void _initialize() {
_contents = loadYamlNode(_yaml);
_aliases = {};
/// Performs a DFS on [_contents] to detect alias nodes.
final visited = <YamlNode>{};
void collectAliases(YamlNode node) {
if (visited.add(node)) {
if (node is YamlMap) {
node.nodes.forEach((key, value) {
} else if (node is YamlList) {
} else {
/// Parses the document to return [YamlNode] currently present at [path].
/// If no [YamlNode]s exist at [path], the result of invoking the [orElse]
/// function is returned.
/// If [orElse] is omitted, it defaults to throwing a [ArgumentError].
/// To get `null` when [path] does not point to a value in the [YamlNode]-tree,
/// simply pass `orElse: () => null`.
/// **Example:** (using orElse)
/// ```dart
/// final myYamlEditor('{"key": "value"}');
/// final value = myYamlEditor.valueAt(['invalid', 'path'], orElse: () => null);
/// print(value) // null
/// ```
/// **Example:** (common usage)
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor('''
/// a: 1
/// b:
/// d: 4
/// e: [5, 6, 7]
/// c: 3
/// ''');
/// print(doc.parseAt(['b', 'e', 2])); // 7
/// ```
/// The value returned by [parseAt] is invalidated when the documented is
/// mutated, as illustrated below:
/// **Example:** (old [parseAt] value is invalidated)
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor("YAML: YAML Ain't Markup Language");
/// final node = doc.parseAt(['YAML']);
/// print(node.value); // Expected output: "YAML Ain't Markup Language"
/// doc.update(['YAML'], 'YAML');
/// final newNode = doc.parseAt(['YAML']);
/// // Note that the value does not change
/// print(newNode.value); // "YAML"
/// print(node.value); // "YAML Ain't Markup Language"
/// ```
YamlNode parseAt(Iterable<Object> path, {YamlNode Function() orElse}) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
return _traverse(path, orElse: orElse);
/// Sets [value] in the [path].
/// There is a subtle difference between [update] and [remove] followed by
/// an [insertIntoList], because [update] preserves comments at the same level.
/// Throws a [ArgumentError] if [path] is invalid.
/// **Example:** (using [update])
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor('''
/// - 0
/// - 1 # comment
/// - 2
/// ''');
/// doc.update([1], 'test');
/// ```
/// **Expected Output:**
/// ```yaml
/// - 0
/// - test # comment
/// - 2
/// ```
/// **Example:** (using [remove] and [insertIntoList])
/// ```dart
/// final doc2 = YamlEditor('''
/// - 0
/// - 1 # comment
/// - 2
/// ''');
/// doc2.remove([1]);
/// doc2.insertIntoList([], 1, 'test');
/// ```
/// **Expected Output:**
/// ```yaml
/// - 0
/// - test
/// - 2
/// ```
void update(Iterable<Object> path, Object value) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
final valueNode = wrapAsYamlNode(value);
if (path.isEmpty) {
final start = _contents.span.start.offset;
final end = getContentSensitiveEnd(_contents);
final lineEnding = getLineEnding(_yaml);
final edit = SourceEdit(
start, end - start, yamlEncodeBlockString(valueNode, 0, lineEnding));
return _performEdit(edit, path, valueNode);
final pathAsList = path.toList();
final collectionPath = pathAsList.take(path.length - 1);
final keyOrIndex = pathAsList.last;
final parentNode = _traverse(collectionPath, checkAlias: true);
if (parentNode is YamlList) {
final expected = wrapAsYamlNode(
[...parentNode.nodes]..[keyOrIndex] = valueNode,
return _performEdit(updateInList(this, parentNode, keyOrIndex, valueNode),
collectionPath, expected);
if (parentNode is YamlMap) {
final expectedMap =
updatedYamlMap(parentNode, (nodes) => nodes[keyOrIndex] = valueNode);
return _performEdit(updateInMap(this, parentNode, keyOrIndex, valueNode),
collectionPath, expectedMap);
throw PathError.unexpected(
path, 'Scalar $parentNode does not have key $keyOrIndex');
/// Appends [value] to the list at [path].
/// Throws a [ArgumentError] if the element at the given path is not a
/// [YamlList] or if the path is invalid.
/// **Example:**
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor('[0, 1]');
/// doc.appendToList([], 2); // [0, 1, 2]
/// ```
void appendToList(Iterable<Object> path, Object value) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
final yamlList = _traverseToList(path);
insertIntoList(path, yamlList.length, value);
/// Prepends [value] to the list at [path].
/// Throws a [ArgumentError] if the element at the given path is not a
/// [YamlList] or if the path is invalid.
/// **Example:**
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor('[1, 2]');
/// doc.prependToList([], 0); // [0, 1, 2]
/// ```
void prependToList(Iterable<Object> path, Object value) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
insertIntoList(path, 0, value);
/// Inserts [value] into the list at [path].
/// [index] must be non-negative and no greater than the list's length.
/// Throws a [ArgumentError] if the element at the given path is not a
/// [YamlList] or if the path is invalid.
/// **Example:**
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor('[0, 2]');
/// doc.insertIntoList([], 1, 1); // [0, 1, 2]
/// ```
void insertIntoList(Iterable<Object> path, int index, Object value) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
final valueNode = wrapAsYamlNode(value);
final list = _traverseToList(path, checkAlias: true);
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, list.length);
final edit = insertInList(this, list, index, valueNode);
final expected = wrapAsYamlNode(
[...list.nodes]..insert(index, valueNode),
_performEdit(edit, path, expected);
/// Changes the contents of the list at [path] by removing [deleteCount] items
/// at [index], and inserting [values] in-place. Returns the elements that
/// are deleted.
/// [index] and [deleteCount] must be non-negative and [index] + [deleteCount]
/// must be no greater than the list's length.
/// Throws a [ArgumentError] if the element at the given path is not a
/// [YamlList] or if the path is invalid.
/// **Example:**
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor('[Jan, March, April, June]');
/// doc.spliceList([], 1, 0, ['Feb']); // [Jan, Feb, March, April, June]
/// doc.spliceList([], 4, 1, ['May']); // [Jan, Feb, March, April, May]
/// ```
Iterable<YamlNode> spliceList(Iterable<Object> path, int index,
int deleteCount, Iterable<Object> values) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(index, 'index');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(deleteCount, 'deleteCount');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(values, 'values');
final list = _traverseToList(path, checkAlias: true);
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, list.length);
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index + deleteCount, 0, list.length);
final nodesToRemove = list.nodes.getRange(index, index + deleteCount);
/// Perform addition of elements before removal to avoid scenarioes where
/// a block list gets emptied out to {} to avoid changing collection styles
/// where possible.
/// Reverse [values] and insert them.
final reversedValues = values.toList().reversed;
for (final value in reversedValues) {
insertIntoList(path, index, value);
for (var i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) {
remove([...path, index + values.length]);
return nodesToRemove;
/// Removes the node at [path]. Comments "belonging" to the node will be
/// removed while surrounding comments will be left untouched.
/// Throws a [ArgumentError] if [path] is invalid.
/// **Example:**
/// ```dart
/// final doc = YamlEditor('''
/// - 0 # comment 0
/// # comment A
/// - 1 # comment 1
/// # comment B
/// - 2 # comment 2
/// ''');
/// doc.remove([1]);
/// ```
/// **Expected Result:**
/// ```dart
/// '''
/// - 0 # comment 0
/// # comment A
/// # comment B
/// - 2 # comment 2
/// '''
/// ```
YamlNode remove(Iterable<Object> path) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
SourceEdit edit;
YamlNode expectedNode;
final nodeToRemove = _traverse(path, checkAlias: true);
if (path.isEmpty) {
edit = SourceEdit(0, _yaml.length, '');
/// Parsing an empty YAML document returns `null`.
_performEdit(edit, path, expectedNode);
return nodeToRemove;
final pathAsList = path.toList();
final collectionPath = pathAsList.take(path.length - 1);
final keyOrIndex = pathAsList.last;
final parentNode = _traverse(collectionPath);
if (parentNode is YamlList) {
edit = removeInList(this, parentNode, keyOrIndex);
expectedNode = wrapAsYamlNode(
} else if (parentNode is YamlMap) {
edit = removeInMap(this, parentNode, keyOrIndex);
expectedNode =
updatedYamlMap(parentNode, (nodes) => nodes.remove(keyOrIndex));
_performEdit(edit, collectionPath, expectedNode);
return nodeToRemove;
/// Traverses down [path] to return the [YamlNode] at [path] if successful.
/// If no [YamlNode]s exist at [path], the result of invoking the [orElse]
/// function is returned.
/// If [orElse] is omitted, it defaults to throwing a [PathError].
/// If [checkAlias] is `true`, throw [AliasError] if an aliased node is
/// encountered.
YamlNode _traverse(Iterable<Object> path,
{bool checkAlias = false, YamlNode Function() orElse}) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(checkAlias, 'checkAlias');
if (path.isEmpty) return _contents;
var currentNode = _contents;
final pathList = path.toList();
for (var i = 0; i < pathList.length; i++) {
final keyOrIndex = pathList[i];
if (checkAlias && _aliases.contains(currentNode)) {
throw AliasError(path, currentNode);
if (currentNode is YamlList) {
final list = currentNode as YamlList;
if (!isValidIndex(keyOrIndex, list.length)) {
return _pathErrorOrElse(path, path.take(i + 1), list, orElse);
currentNode = list.nodes[keyOrIndex];
} else if (currentNode is YamlMap) {
final map = currentNode as YamlMap;
if (!containsKey(map, keyOrIndex)) {
return _pathErrorOrElse(path, path.take(i + 1), map, orElse);
final keyNode = getKeyNode(map, keyOrIndex);
if (checkAlias) {
if (_aliases.contains(keyNode)) throw AliasError(path, keyNode);
currentNode = map.nodes[keyNode];
} else {
return _pathErrorOrElse(path, path.take(i + 1), currentNode, orElse);
if (checkAlias) _assertNoChildAlias(path, currentNode);
return currentNode;
/// Throws a [PathError] if [orElse] is not provided, returns the result
/// of invoking the [orElse] function otherwise.
YamlNode _pathErrorOrElse(Iterable<Object> path, Iterable<Object> subPath,
YamlNode parent, YamlNode Function() orElse) {
if (orElse == null) throw PathError(path, subPath, parent);
return orElse();
/// Asserts that [node] and none its children are aliases
void _assertNoChildAlias(Iterable<Object> path, [YamlNode node]) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
if (node == null) return _assertNoChildAlias(path, _traverse(path));
if (_aliases.contains(node)) throw AliasError(path, node);
if (node is YamlScalar) return;
if (node is YamlList) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
final updatedPath = [...path, i];
_assertNoChildAlias(updatedPath, node.nodes[i]);
if (node is YamlMap) {
final keyList = node.keys.toList();
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
final updatedPath = [...path, keyList[i]];
if (_aliases.contains(keyList[i])) throw AliasError(path, keyList[i]);
_assertNoChildAlias(updatedPath, node.nodes[keyList[i]]);
/// Traverses down the provided [path] to return the [YamlList] at [path].
/// Convenience function to ensure that a [YamlList] is returned.
/// Throws [ArgumentError] if the element at the given path is not a
/// [YamlList] or if the path is invalid. If [checkAlias] is `true`, and an
/// aliased node is encountered along [path], an [AliasError] will be thrown.
YamlList _traverseToList(Iterable<Object> path, {bool checkAlias = false}) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(checkAlias, 'checkAlias');
final possibleList = _traverse(path, checkAlias: true);
if (possibleList is YamlList) {
return possibleList;
} else {
throw PathError.unexpected(
path, 'Path $path does not point to a YamlList!');
/// Utility method to replace the substring of [_yaml] according to [edit].
/// When [_yaml] is modified with this method, the resulting string is parsed
/// and reloaded and traversed down [path] to ensure that the reloaded YAML
/// tree is equal to our expectations by deep equality of values. Throws an
/// [AssertionError] if the two trees do not match.
void _performEdit(
SourceEdit edit, Iterable<Object> path, YamlNode expectedNode) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(edit, 'edit');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
final expectedTree = _deepModify(_contents, path, [], expectedNode);
final initialYaml = _yaml;
_yaml = edit.apply(_yaml);
try {
} on YamlException {
throw createAssertionError(
'Failed to produce valid YAML after modification.',
final actualTree = loadYamlNode(_yaml);
if (!deepEquals(actualTree, expectedTree)) {
throw createAssertionError(
'Modification did not result in expected result.',
_contents = actualTree;
/// Utility method to produce an updated YAML tree equivalent to converting
/// the [YamlNode] at [path] to be [expectedNode]. [subPath] holds the portion
/// of [path] that has been traversed thus far.
/// Throws a [PathError] if path is invalid.
/// When called, it creates a new [YamlNode] of the same type as [tree], and
/// copies its children over, except for the child that is on the path. Doing
/// so allows us to "update" the immutable [YamlNode] without having to clone
/// the whole tree.
/// [SourceSpan]s in this new tree are not guaranteed to be accurate.
YamlNode _deepModify(YamlNode tree, Iterable<Object> path,
Iterable<Object> subPath, YamlNode expectedNode) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, 'path');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(tree, 'tree');
RangeError.checkValueInInterval(subPath.length, 0, path.length);
if (path.length == subPath.length) return expectedNode;
final keyOrIndex = path.elementAt(subPath.length);
if (tree is YamlList) {
if (!isValidIndex(keyOrIndex, tree.length)) {
throw PathError(path, subPath, tree);
return wrapAsYamlNode([...tree.nodes]..[keyOrIndex] = _deepModify(
path.take(subPath.length + 1),
if (tree is YamlMap) {
return updatedYamlMap(
(nodes) => nodes[keyOrIndex] = _deepModify(nodes[keyOrIndex], path,
path.take(subPath.length + 1), expectedNode));
/// Should not ever reach here.
throw PathError(path, subPath, tree);