blob: 0002792be0bdc9e11305adc988333480350f85e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'git.dart' as git;
import 'ignore.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'package_name.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
final _readmeRegexp = RegExp(r'^README($|\.)', caseSensitive: false);
final _changelogRegexp = RegExp(r'^CHANGELOG($|\.)', caseSensitive: false);
/// A named, versioned, unit of code and resource reuse.
class Package {
/// Compares [a] and [b] orders them by name then version number.
/// This is normally used as a [Comparator] to pass to sort. This does not
/// take a package's description or root directory into account, so multiple
/// distinct packages may order the same.
static int orderByNameAndVersion(Package a, Package b) {
var name =;
if (name != 0) return name;
return a.version.compareTo(b.version);
/// The path to the directory containing the package.
final String dir;
/// An in-memory package can be created for doing a resolution without having
/// a package on disk. Paths should not be resolved for these.
bool get _isInMemory => dir == null;
/// The name of the package.
String get name {
if ( != null) return;
if (dir != null) return p.basename(dir);
return null;
/// The package's version.
Version get version => pubspec.version;
/// The parsed pubspec associated with this package.
final Pubspec pubspec;
/// The immediate dependencies this package specifies in its pubspec.
Map<String, PackageRange> get dependencies => pubspec.dependencies;
/// The immediate dev dependencies this package specifies in its pubspec.
Map<String, PackageRange> get devDependencies => pubspec.devDependencies;
/// The dependency overrides this package specifies in its pubspec.
Map<String, PackageRange> get dependencyOverrides =>
/// All immediate dependencies this package specifies.
/// This includes regular, dev dependencies, and overrides.
Map<String, PackageRange> get immediateDependencies {
// Make sure to add overrides last so they replace normal dependencies.
return {}
/// Returns a list of asset ids for all Dart executables in this package's bin
/// directory.
List<String> get executablePaths {
return ordered(listFiles(beneath: 'bin', recursive: false))
.where((executable) => p.extension(executable) == '.dart')
.map((executable) => p.relative(executable, from: dir))
List<String> get executableNames =>;
/// Returns the path to the README file at the root of the entrypoint, or null
/// if no README file is found.
/// If multiple READMEs are found, this uses the same conventions as
/// for choosing the primary one: the README with the fewest
/// extensions that is lexically ordered first is chosen.
String get readmePath {
var readmes = listFiles(recursive: false)
.where((entry) => entry.contains(_readmeRegexp));
if (readmes.isEmpty) return null;
return p.join(dir, readmes.reduce((readme1, readme2) {
var extensions1 = '.'.allMatches(readme1).length;
var extensions2 = '.'.allMatches(readme2).length;
var comparison = extensions1.compareTo(extensions2);
if (comparison == 0) comparison = readme1.compareTo(readme2);
return (comparison <= 0) ? readme1 : readme2;
/// Returns the path to the CHANGELOG file at the root of the entrypoint, or
/// null if no CHANGELOG file is found.
String get changelogPath {
return listFiles(recursive: false).firstWhere(
(entry) => p.basename(entry).contains(_changelogRegexp),
orElse: () => null);
/// Returns whether or not this package is in a Git repo.
bool get inGitRepo {
if (_inGitRepoCache != null) return _inGitRepoCache;
if (dir == null || !git.isInstalled) {
_inGitRepoCache = false;
} else {
// If the entire package directory is ignored, don't consider it part of a
// git repo. `git check-ignore` will return a status code of 0 for
// ignored, 1 for not ignored, and 128 for not a Git repo.
var result = runProcessSync(git.command, ['check-ignore', '--quiet', '.'],
workingDir: dir);
_inGitRepoCache = result.exitCode == 1;
return _inGitRepoCache;
bool _inGitRepoCache;
/// Loads the package whose root directory is [packageDir].
/// [name] is the expected name of that package (e.g. the name given in the
/// dependency), or `null` if the package being loaded is the entrypoint
/// package.
Package.load(String name, this.dir, SourceRegistry sources)
: pubspec = Pubspec.load(dir, sources, expectedName: name);
/// Constructs a package with the given pubspec.
/// The package will have no directory associated with it.
Package.inMemory(this.pubspec) : dir = null;
/// Creates a package with [pubspec] located at [dir].
Package(this.pubspec, this.dir);
/// Given a relative path within this package, returns its absolute path.
/// This is similar to `p.join(dir, part1, ...)`, except that subclasses may
/// override it to report that certain paths exist elsewhere than within
/// [dir].
String path(String part1,
[String part2,
String part3,
String part4,
String part5,
String part6,
String part7]) {
if (_isInMemory) {
throw StateError("Package $name is in-memory and doesn't have paths "
'on disk.');
return p.join(dir, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7);
/// Given an absolute path within this package (such as that returned by
/// [path] or [listFiles]), returns it relative to the package root.
String relative(String path) {
if (dir == null) {
throw StateError("Package $name is in-memory and doesn't have paths "
'on disk.');
return p.relative(path, from: dir);
/// Returns the type of dependency from this package onto [name].
DependencyType dependencyType(String name) {
if (pubspec.fields['dependencies']?.containsKey(name) ?? false) {
} else if (pubspec.fields['dev_dependencies']?.containsKey(name) ?? false) {
} else {
return DependencyType.none;
static final _basicIgnoreRules = [
'.*', // Don't include dot-files.
'!.htaccess', // Include .htaccess anyways.
// TODO(sigurdm): consider removing this. `packages` folders are not used
// anymore.
'!pubspec.lock/', // We allow a directory called pubspec lock.
/// Returns a list of files that are considered to be part of this package.
/// If [beneath] is passed, this will only return files beneath that path,
/// which is expected to be relative to the package's root directory. If
/// [recursive] is true, this will return all files beneath that path;
/// otherwise, it will only return files one level beneath it.
/// This will take .pubignore and .gitignore files into account. For each
/// directory a .pubignore takes precedence over a .gitignore.
/// Note that the returned paths won't always be beneath [dir]. To safely
/// convert them to paths relative to the package root, use [relative].
List<String> listFiles({String beneath, bool recursive = true}) {
// An in-memory package has no files.
if (dir == null) return [];
beneath = beneath == null ? '.' : p.toUri(p.normalize(beneath)).path;
String resolve(String path) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return p.joinAll([dir, ...p.posix.split(path)]);
return p.join(dir, path);
return Ignore.listFiles(
beneath: beneath,
listDir: (dir) {
var contents = Directory(resolve(dir)).listSync();
if (!recursive) {
contents = contents.where((entity) => entity is! Directory).toList();
return {
if (linkExists(entity.path)) {
final target = Link(entity.path).targetSync();
if (dirExists(entity.path)) {
throw DataException(
'''Pub does not support publishing packages with directory symlinks: `${entity.path}`.''');
if (!fileExists(entity.path)) {
throw DataException(
'''Pub does not support publishing packages with non-resolving symlink: `${entity.path}` => `$target`.''');
final relative = p.relative(entity.path, from: this.dir);
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return p.posix.joinAll(p.split(relative));
return relative;
ignoreForDir: (dir) {
final pubIgnore = resolve('$dir/.pubignore');
final gitIgnore = resolve('$dir/.gitignore');
final ignoreFile = fileExists(pubIgnore)
? pubIgnore
: (fileExists(gitIgnore) ? gitIgnore : null);
final rules = [
if (dir == '.') ..._basicIgnoreRules,
if (ignoreFile != null) readTextFile(ignoreFile),
return rules.isEmpty
? null
: Ignore(
onInvalidPattern: (pattern, exception) {
'$ignoreFile had invalid pattern $pattern. ${exception.message}');
// Ignore case on MacOs and Windows, because `git clone` and
// `git init` will set `core.ignoreCase = true` in the local
// local `.git/config` file for the repository.
// So on Windows and MacOS most users will have case-insensitive
// behavior with `.gitignore`, hence, it seems reasonable to do
// the same when we interpret `.gitignore` and `.pubignore`.
// There are cases where a user may have case-sensitive behavior
// with `.gitignore` on Windows and MacOS:
// (A) The user has manually overwritten the repository
// configuration setting `core.ignoreCase = false`.
// (B) The git-clone or git-init command that create the
// repository did not deem `core.ignoreCase = true` to be
// appropriate. Documentation for [git-config]][1] implies
// this might depend on whether or not the filesystem is
// case sensitive:
// > If true, this option enables various workarounds to
// > enable Git to work better on filesystems that are not
// > case sensitive, like FAT.
// > ...
// > The default is false, except git-clone[1] or
// > git-init[1] will probe and set core.ignoreCase true
// > if appropriate when the repository is created.
// In either case, it seems likely that users on Windows and
// MacOS will prefer case-insensitive matching. We specifically
// know that some tooling will generate `.PDB` files instead of
// `.pdb`, see: [#3003][2]
// [1]:
// [2]:
ignoreCase: Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isWindows,
isDir: (dir) => dirExists(resolve(dir)),
/// The type of dependency from one package to another.
class DependencyType {
/// A dependency declared in `dependencies`.
static const direct = DependencyType._('direct');
/// A dependency declared in `dev_dependencies`.
static const dev = DependencyType._('dev');
/// No dependency exists.
static const none = DependencyType._('none');
final String _name;
const DependencyType._(this._name);
String toString() => _name;