blob: f48d6ba794a7e9f9558c688930cb53bee904f5b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# GENERATED BY: test/embedding/embedding_test.dart
$ tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart pub --verbose get
MSG : Resolving dependencies...
MSG : + foo 1.0.0
MSG : Changed 1 dependency!
MSG : Logs written to $SANDBOX/cache/log/pub_log.txt.
[E] FINE: Pub 0.1.2+3
[E] SLVR: fact: myapp is 0.0.0
[E] SLVR: derived: myapp
[E] SLVR: fact: myapp depends on foo any
[E] SLVR: selecting myapp
[E] SLVR: derived: foo any
[E] IO : Get versions from http://localhost:$PORT/api/packages/foo.
[E] IO : HTTP GET http://localhost:$PORT/api/packages/foo
[E] | Accept: application/
[E] | X-Pub-OS: $OS
[E] | X-Pub-Command: get
[E] | X-Pub-Session-ID: $ID
[E] | X-Pub-Environment: test-environment
[E] | X-Pub-Reason: direct
[E] | user-agent: Dart pub 0.1.2+3
[E] IO : HTTP response 200 OK for GET http://localhost:$PORT/api/packages/foo
[E] | took: $TIME
[E] | x-powered-by: Dart with package:shelf
[E] | date: $TIME
[E] | content-length: 281
[E] | x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
[E] | content-type: application/
[E] | x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
[E] | x-content-type-options: nosniff
[E] IO : Writing $N characters to text file $SANDBOX/cache/hosted/localhost%58$PORT/.cache/foo-versions.json.
[E] FINE: Contents:
[E] | {"name":"foo","uploaders":[""],"versions":[{"pubspec":{"name":"foo","version":"1.0.0"},"version":"1.0.0","archive_url":"http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz","archive_sha256":"439814f59cbc73e1c28ca5ac6e437d5f2af10dfd18db786ce46fe0663e605ccb"}],"_fetchedAt": "$TIME"}
[E] SLVR: selecting foo 1.0.0
[E] SLVR: Version solving took: $TIME
[E] | Tried 1 solutions.
[E] FINE: Resolving dependencies finished ($TIME)
[E] IO : Get package from http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz.
[E] FINE: Downloading foo 1.0.0...
[E] IO : Created temp directory $DIR
[E] IO : HTTP GET http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz
[E] | X-Pub-OS: $OS
[E] | X-Pub-Command: get
[E] | X-Pub-Session-ID: $ID
[E] | X-Pub-Environment: test-environment
[E] | X-Pub-Reason: direct
[E] | user-agent: Dart pub 0.1.2+3
[E] IO : HTTP response 200 OK for GET http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz
[E] | took: $TIME
[E] | x-powered-by: Dart with package:shelf
[E] | date: $TIME
[E] | transfer-encoding: chunked
[E] | x-goog-hash: $CHECKSUM_HEADER
[E] | x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
[E] | content-type: application/octet-stream
[E] | x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
[E] | x-content-type-options: nosniff
[E] IO : Creating $FILE from stream
[E] FINE: Computed checksum $CRC32C for foo 1.0.0 with expected CRC32C of $CRC32C.
[E] IO : Writing $N characters to text file $SANDBOX/cache/hosted-hashes/localhost%58$PORT/foo-1.0.0.sha256.
[E] FINE: Contents:
[E] | 439814f59cbc73e1c28ca5ac6e437d5f2af10dfd18db786ce46fe0663e605ccb
[E] FINE: Created $FILE from stream
[E] IO : Created temp directory $DIR
[E] IO : Reading binary file $FILE.
[E] FINE: Extracting .tar.gz stream to $DIR
[E] IO : Creating $FILE from stream
[E] FINE: Created $FILE from stream
[E] IO : Creating $FILE from stream
[E] FINE: Created $FILE from stream
[E] FINE: Extracted .tar.gz to $DIR
[E] IO : Renaming directory $A to $B
[E] IO : Deleting directory $DIR
[E] IO : Writing $N characters to text file $SANDBOX/cache/
[E] FINE: Contents:
[E] | Pub Package Cache
[E] | =================
[E] |
[E] | This folder is used by Pub to store cached packages used in Dart / Flutter
[E] | projects.
[E] |
[E] | The contents of this folder should only be modified using the `dart pub` and
[E] | `flutter pub` commands.
[E] |
[E] | Modifying this folder manually can lead to inconsistent behavior.
[E] |
[E] | For details on how manage the `PUB_CACHE`, see:
[E] |
[E] IO : Writing $N characters to text file pubspec.lock.
[E] FINE: Contents:
[E] | # Generated by pub
[E] | # See
[E] | packages:
[E] | foo:
[E] | dependency: "direct main"
[E] | description:
[E] | name: foo
[E] | sha256: "439814f59cbc73e1c28ca5ac6e437d5f2af10dfd18db786ce46fe0663e605ccb"
[E] | url: "http://localhost:$PORT"
[E] | source: hosted
[E] | version: "1.0.0"
[E] | sdks:
[E] | dart: ">=0.1.2 <1.0.0"
[E] IO : Writing $N characters to text file .dart_tool/package_config.json.
[E] FINE: Contents:
[E] | {
[E] | "configVersion": 2,
[E] | "packages": [
[E] | {
[E] | "name": "foo",
[E] | "rootUri": "file://$SANDBOX/cache/hosted/localhost%2558$PORT/foo-1.0.0",
[E] | "packageUri": "lib/",
[E] | "languageVersion": "2.7"
[E] | },
[E] | {
[E] | "name": "myapp",
[E] | "rootUri": "../",
[E] | "packageUri": "lib/",
[E] | "languageVersion": "0.1"
[E] | }
[E] | ],
[E] | "generated": "$TIME",
[E] | "generator": "pub",
[E] | "generatorVersion": "0.1.2+3"
[E] | }
[E] IO : Writing $N characters to text file $SANDBOX/cache/log/pub_log.txt.
-------------------------------- END OF OUTPUT ---------------------------------
Information about the latest pub run.
If you believe something is not working right, you can go to to post a new issue and attach this file.
Before making this file public, make sure to remove any sensitive information!
Pub version: 0.1.2+3
Created: $TIME
FLUTTER_ROOT: <not set>
PUB_HOSTED_URL: http://localhost:$PORT
Command: dart pub --verbose get
Platform: $OS
---- $SANDBOX/myapp/pubspec.yaml ----
{"name":"myapp","environment":{"sdk":">=0.1.2 <1.0.0"},"dependencies":{"foo":"any"}}
---- End pubspec.yaml ----
---- $SANDBOX/myapp/pubspec.lock ----
# Generated by pub
# See
dependency: "direct main"
name: foo
sha256: "439814f59cbc73e1c28ca5ac6e437d5f2af10dfd18db786ce46fe0663e605ccb"
url: "http://localhost:$PORT"
source: hosted
version: "1.0.0"
dart: ">=0.1.2 <1.0.0"
---- End pubspec.lock ----
---- Log transcript ----
FINE: Pub 0.1.2+3
MSG : Resolving dependencies...
SLVR: fact: myapp is 0.0.0
SLVR: derived: myapp
SLVR: fact: myapp depends on foo any
SLVR: selecting myapp
SLVR: derived: foo any
IO : Get versions from http://localhost:$PORT/api/packages/foo.
IO : HTTP GET http://localhost:$PORT/api/packages/foo
| Accept: application/
| X-Pub-OS: $OS
| X-Pub-Command: get
| X-Pub-Session-ID: $ID
| X-Pub-Environment: test-environment
| X-Pub-Reason: direct
| user-agent: Dart pub 0.1.2+3
IO : HTTP response 200 OK for GET http://localhost:$PORT/api/packages/foo
| took: $TIME
| x-powered-by: Dart with package:shelf
| date: $TIME
| content-length: 281
| x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
| content-type: application/
| x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
| x-content-type-options: nosniff
IO : Writing $N characters to text file $SANDBOX/cache/hosted/localhost%58$PORT/.cache/foo-versions.json.
FINE: Contents:
| {"name":"foo","uploaders":[""],"versions":[{"pubspec":{"name":"foo","version":"1.0.0"},"version":"1.0.0","archive_url":"http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz","archive_sha256":"439814f59cbc73e1c28ca5ac6e437d5f2af10dfd18db786ce46fe0663e605ccb"}],"_fetchedAt": "$TIME"}
SLVR: selecting foo 1.0.0
SLVR: Version solving took: $TIME
| Tried 1 solutions.
FINE: Resolving dependencies finished ($TIME)
IO : Get package from http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz.
FINE: Downloading foo 1.0.0...
IO : Created temp directory $DIR
IO : HTTP GET http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz
| X-Pub-OS: $OS
| X-Pub-Command: get
| X-Pub-Session-ID: $ID
| X-Pub-Environment: test-environment
| X-Pub-Reason: direct
| user-agent: Dart pub 0.1.2+3
IO : HTTP response 200 OK for GET http://localhost:$PORT/packages/foo/versions/1.0.0.tar.gz
| took: $TIME
| x-powered-by: Dart with package:shelf
| date: $TIME
| transfer-encoding: chunked
| x-goog-hash: $CHECKSUM_HEADER
| x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
| content-type: application/octet-stream
| x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
| x-content-type-options: nosniff
IO : Creating $FILE from stream
FINE: Computed checksum $CRC32C for foo 1.0.0 with expected CRC32C of $CRC32C.
IO : Writing $N characters to text file $SANDBOX/cache/hosted-hashes/localhost%58$PORT/foo-1.0.0.sha256.
FINE: Contents:
| 439814f59cbc73e1c28ca5ac6e437d5f2af10dfd18db786ce46fe0663e605ccb
FINE: Created $FILE from stream
IO : Created temp directory $DIR
IO : Reading binary file $FILE.
FINE: Extracting .tar.gz stream to $DIR
IO : Creating $FILE from stream
FINE: Created $FILE from stream
IO : Creating $FILE from stream
FINE: Created $FILE from stream
FINE: Extracted .tar.gz to $DIR
IO : Renaming directory $A to $B
IO : Deleting directory $DIR
IO : Writing $N characters to text file $SANDBOX/cache/
FINE: Contents:
| Pub Package Cache
| =================
| This folder is used by Pub to store cached packages used in Dart / Flutter
| projects.
| The contents of this folder should only be modified using the `dart pub` and
| `flutter pub` commands.
| Modifying this folder manually can lead to inconsistent behavior.
| For details on how manage the `PUB_CACHE`, see:
MSG : + foo 1.0.0
IO : Writing $N characters to text file pubspec.lock.
FINE: Contents:
| # Generated by pub
| # See
| packages:
| foo:
| dependency: "direct main"
| description:
| name: foo
| sha256: "439814f59cbc73e1c28ca5ac6e437d5f2af10dfd18db786ce46fe0663e605ccb"
| url: "http://localhost:$PORT"
| source: hosted
| version: "1.0.0"
| sdks:
| dart: ">=0.1.2 <1.0.0"
MSG : Changed 1 dependency!
IO : Writing $N characters to text file .dart_tool/package_config.json.
FINE: Contents:
| {
| "configVersion": 2,
| "packages": [
| {
| "name": "foo",
| "rootUri": "file://$SANDBOX/cache/hosted/localhost%2558$PORT/foo-1.0.0",
| "packageUri": "lib/",
| "languageVersion": "2.7"
| },
| {
| "name": "myapp",
| "rootUri": "../",
| "packageUri": "lib/",
| "languageVersion": "0.1"
| }
| ],
| "generated": "$TIME",
| "generator": "pub",
| "generatorVersion": "0.1.2+3"
| }
---- End log transcript ----
-------------------------------- END OF OUTPUT ---------------------------------
$ tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart pub fail
[E] Bad state: Pub has crashed
[E] tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL ThrowingCommand.runProtected
[E] package:pub/src/command.dart $LINE:$COL<fn>
[E] dart:async new Future.sync
[E] package:pub/src/utils.dart $LINE:$COL captureErrors.wrappedCallback
[E] dart:async runZonedGuarded
[E] package:pub/src/utils.dart $LINE:$COL captureErrors
[E] package:pub/src/command.dart $LINE:$COL
[E] package:args/command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL CommandRunner.runCommand
[E] tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL Runner.runCommand
[E] tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL
[E] tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL main
[E] This is an unexpected error. The full log and other details are collected in:
[E] $SANDBOX/cache/log/pub_log.txt
[E] Consider creating an issue on
[E] and attaching the relevant parts of that log file.
-------------------------------- END OF OUTPUT ---------------------------------
Information about the latest pub run.
If you believe something is not working right, you can go to to post a new issue and attach this file.
Before making this file public, make sure to remove any sensitive information!
Pub version: 0.1.2+3
Created: $TIME
FLUTTER_ROOT: <not set>
PUB_HOSTED_URL: http://localhost:$PORT
Command: dart pub fail
Platform: $OS
---- Log transcript ----
FINE: Pub 0.1.2+3
ERR : Bad state: Pub has crashed
FINE: Exception type: StateError
ERR : tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL ThrowingCommand.runProtected
| package:pub/src/command.dart $LINE:$COL<fn>
| dart:async new Future.sync
| package:pub/src/utils.dart $LINE:$COL captureErrors.wrappedCallback
| dart:async runZonedGuarded
| package:pub/src/utils.dart $LINE:$COL captureErrors
| package:pub/src/command.dart $LINE:$COL
| package:args/command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL CommandRunner.runCommand
| tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL Runner.runCommand
| tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL
| tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart $LINE:$COL main
ERR : This is an unexpected error. The full log and other details are collected in:
| $SANDBOX/cache/log/pub_log.txt
| Consider creating an issue on
| and attaching the relevant parts of that log file.
---- End log transcript ----