blob: 2d481e44110dedd466654135d82004852554cc46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart'
show IterableExtension, IterableNullableExtension, ListEquality, maxBy;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../authentication/client.dart';
import '../crc32c.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../http.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../language_version.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../rate_limited_scheduler.dart';
import '../source.dart';
import '../system_cache.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'cached.dart';
const contentHashesDocumentationUrl = '';
/// Validates and normalizes a [hostedUrl] which is pointing to a pub server.
/// A [hostedUrl] is a URL pointing to a _hosted pub server_ as defined by the
/// [repository-spec-v2][1]. The default value is ``, and can be
/// overwritten using `PUB_HOSTED_URL`. It can also specified for individual
/// hosted-dependencies in `pubspec.yaml`, and for the root package using the
/// `publish_to` key.
/// The [hostedUrl] is always normalized to a [Uri] with path that ends in slash
/// unless the path is merely `/`, in which case we normalize to the bare
/// domain.
/// We change `` to ``, this maintains
/// backwards compatibility with `pubspec.lock`-files which contain
/// ``.
/// Throws [FormatException] if there is anything wrong [hostedUrl].
/// [1]: ../../../doc/
Uri validateAndNormalizeHostedUrl(String hostedUrl) {
Uri u;
try {
u = Uri.parse(hostedUrl);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw FormatException(
'invalid url: ${e.message}',
if (!u.hasScheme || (u.scheme != 'http' && u.scheme != 'https')) {
throw FormatException('url scheme must be https:// or http://', hostedUrl);
if (!u.hasAuthority || == '') {
throw FormatException('url must have a hostname', hostedUrl);
if (u.userInfo != '') {
throw FormatException('user-info is not supported in url', hostedUrl);
if (u.hasQuery) {
throw FormatException('querystring is not supported in url', hostedUrl);
if (u.hasFragment) {
throw FormatException('fragment is not supported in url', hostedUrl);
u = u.normalizePath();
// If we have a path of only `/`
if (u.path == '/') {
u = u.replace(path: '');
// If there is a path, and it doesn't end in a slash we normalize to slash
if (u.path.isNotEmpty && !u.path.endsWith('/')) {
u = u.replace(path: '${u.path}/');
// and are identical.
// We rewrite here to avoid caching both, and to avoid having different
// credentials for these two.
// Changing this to raises the following concerns:
// 1. It would blow through users caches.
// 2. It would cause conflicts for users checking pubspec.lock into git, if using
// different versions of the dart-sdk / pub client.
// 3. It might cause other problems (investigation needed) for pubspec.lock across
// different versions of the dart-sdk / pub client.
// 4. It would expand the API surface we're committed to supporting long-term.
// Clearly, a bit of investigation is necessary before we update this to
//, it might be attractive to do next time we change the server API.
if (u == Uri.parse('')) {
log.fine('Using instead of');
u = Uri.parse('');
return u;
/// A package source that gets packages from a package hosting site that uses
/// the same API as
class HostedSource extends CachedSource {
static HostedSource instance = HostedSource._();
final name = 'hosted';
final hasMultipleVersions = true;
static String pubDevUrl = '';
static String pubDartlangUrl = '';
static bool isPubDevUrl(String url) {
final origin = Uri.parse(url).origin;
// Allow the defaultHostedUrl to be overriden when running from tests
if (runningFromTest &&
io.Platform.environment['_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL'] != null) {
return origin == io.Platform.environment['_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL'];
return origin == pubDevUrl || origin == pubDartlangUrl;
static bool isFromPubDev(PackageId id) {
final description = id.description.description;
return description is HostedDescription && isPubDevUrl(description.url);
/// Gets the default URL for the package server for hosted dependencies.
late final String defaultUrl = () {
// Changing this to raises the following concerns:
// 1. It would blow through users caches.
// 2. It would cause conflicts for users checking pubspec.lock into git, if using
// different versions of the dart-sdk / pub client.
// 3. It might cause other problems (investigation needed) for pubspec.lock across
// different versions of the dart-sdk / pub client.
// 4. It would expand the API surface we're committed to supporting long-term.
// Clearly, a bit of investigation is necessary before we update this to
//, it might be attractive to do next time we change the server API.
try {
var defaultHostedUrl = '';
// Allow the defaultHostedUrl to be overriden when running from tests
if (runningFromTest) {
defaultHostedUrl =
io.Platform.environment['_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL'] ??
return validateAndNormalizeHostedUrl(
io.Platform.environment['PUB_HOSTED_URL'] ?? defaultHostedUrl,
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw ConfigException(
'Invalid `PUB_HOSTED_URL="${e.source}"`: ${e.message}');
/// Whether extra metadata headers should be sent for HTTP requests to a given
/// [url].
static bool shouldSendAdditionalMetadataFor(Uri url) {
if (runningFromTest && Platform.environment.containsKey('PUB_HOSTED_URL')) {
if (url.origin != Platform.environment['PUB_HOSTED_URL']) {
return false;
} else {
if (!HostedSource.isPubDevUrl(url.toString())) return false;
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('CI') &&
Platform.environment['CI'] != 'false') {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns a reference to a hosted package named [name].
/// If [url] is passed, it's the URL of the pub server from which the package
/// should be downloaded. [url] most be normalized and validated using
/// [validateAndNormalizeHostedUrl].
PackageRef refFor(String name, {String? url}) {
final d = HostedDescription(name, url ?? defaultUrl);
return PackageRef(name, d);
/// Ensures that [description] is a valid hosted package description.
/// Simple hosted dependencies only consist of a plain string, which is
/// resolved against the default host. In this case, [description] will be
/// null.
/// Hosted dependencies may also specify a custom host from which the package
/// is fetched. There are two syntactic forms of those dependencies:
/// 1. With an url and an optional name in a map: `hosted: {url: <url>}`
/// 2. With a direct url: `hosted: <url>`
PackageRef parseRef(String name, description,
{String? containingDir, required LanguageVersion languageVersion}) {
return PackageRef(
name, _parseDescription(name, description, languageVersion));
PackageId parseId(String name, Version version, description,
{String? containingDir}) {
// Old pub versions only wrote `description: <pkg>` into the lock file.
if (description is String) {
if (description != name) {
throw FormatException('The description should be the same as the name');
return PackageId(
HostedDescription(name, defaultUrl),
sha256: null,
if (description is! Map) {
throw FormatException('The description should be a string or a map.');
final url = description['url'];
if (url is! String) {
throw FormatException('The url should be a string.');
final sha256 = description['sha256'];
if (sha256 != null && sha256 is! String) {
throw FormatException('The sha256 should be a string.');
final foundName = description['name'];
if (foundName is! String) {
throw FormatException('The name should be a string.');
if (foundName != name) {
throw FormatException('The name should be $name');
return PackageId(
HostedDescription(name, Uri.parse(url).toString()),
sha256: sha256 == null ? null : hexDecode(sha256),
/// Parses the description for a package.
/// If the package parses correctly, this returns a (name, url) pair. If not,
/// this throws a descriptive FormatException.
HostedDescription _parseDescription(
String packageName,
LanguageVersion languageVersion,
) {
if (description == null) {
// Simple dependency without a `hosted` block, use the default server.
return HostedDescription(packageName, defaultUrl);
final canUseShorthandSyntax = languageVersion.supportsShorterHostedSyntax;
if (description is String) {
// Old versions of pub (pre Dart 2.15) interpret `hosted: foo` as
// `hosted: {name: foo, url: <default>}`.
// For later versions, we treat it as `hosted: {name: <inferred>,
// url: foo}` if a user opts in by raising their min SDK environment.
// Since the old behavior is very rarely used and we want to show a
// helpful error message if the new syntax is used without raising the SDK
// environment, we throw an error if something that looks like a URI is
// used as a package name.
if (canUseShorthandSyntax) {
return HostedDescription(
packageName, validateAndNormalizeHostedUrl(description).toString());
} else {
if (_looksLikePackageName.hasMatch(description)) {
// Valid use of `hosted: package` dependency with an old SDK
// environment.
return HostedDescription(description, defaultUrl);
} else {
throw FormatException(
'Using `hosted: <url>` is only supported with a minimum SDK '
'constraint of ${LanguageVersion.firstVersionWithShorterHostedSyntax}.',
if (description is! Map) {
throw FormatException('The description must be a package name or map.');
var name = description['name'];
if (canUseShorthandSyntax) name ??= packageName;
if (name is! String) {
throw FormatException("The 'name' key must have a string value without "
'a minimum Dart SDK constraint of ${LanguageVersion.firstVersionWithShorterHostedSyntax}.0 or higher.');
var url = defaultUrl;
final u = description['url'];
if (u != null) {
if (u is! String) {
throw FormatException("The 'url' key must be a string value.");
url = validateAndNormalizeHostedUrl(u).toString();
return HostedDescription(name, url);
static final RegExp _looksLikePackageName =
late final RateLimitedScheduler<_RefAndCache, List<_VersionInfo>> _scheduler =
maxConcurrentOperations: 10,
List<_VersionInfo> _versionInfoFromPackageListing(
Map body, PackageRef ref, Uri location, SystemCache cache) {
final description = ref.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
final versions = body['versions'];
if (versions is! List) {
throw FormatException('versions must be a list');
return {
final pubspecData = map['pubspec'];
if (pubspecData is! Map) {
throw FormatException('pubspec must be a map');
var pubspec = Pubspec.fromMap(pubspecData, cache.sources,
expectedName:, location: location);
final archiveSha256 = map['archive_sha256'];
if (archiveSha256 != null && archiveSha256 is! String) {
throw FormatException('archive_sha256 must be a String');
final archiveUrl = map['archive_url'];
if (archiveUrl is! String) {
throw FormatException('archive_url must be a String');
final status = PackageStatus(
isDiscontinued: body['isDiscontinued'] ?? false,
discontinuedReplacedBy: body['replacedBy'],
isRetracted: map['retracted'] ?? false,
return _VersionInfo(
archiveSha256 == null ? null : hexDecode(archiveSha256),
Future<List<_VersionInfo>> _fetchVersionsNoPrefetching(
PackageRef ref, SystemCache cache) async {
final description = ref.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
final packageName = description.packageName;
final hostedUrl = description.url;
final url = _listVersionsUrl(ref);'Get versions from $url.');
final String bodyText;
final dynamic body;
final List<_VersionInfo> result;
try {
// TODO(sigurdm): Implement cancellation of requests. This probably
// requires resolution of:
bodyText = await withAuthenticatedClient(cache, Uri.parse(hostedUrl),
(client) async {
return await retryForHttp(
'fetching versions for "$packageName" from "$url"', () async {
final request = http.Request('GET', url);
final response = await client.fetch(request);
return response.body;
final decoded = jsonDecode(bodyText);
if (decoded is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
throw FormatException('version listing must be a mapping');
body = decoded;
result = _versionInfoFromPackageListing(body, ref, url, cache);
} on Exception catch (error, stackTrace) {
_throwFriendlyError(error, stackTrace, packageName, hostedUrl);
// Cache the response on disk.
// Don't cache overly big responses.
if (bodyText.length < 100 * 1024) {
await _cacheVersionListingResponse(body, ref, cache);
return result;
Future<List<_VersionInfo>> _fetchVersions(_RefAndCache refAndCache) async {
final ref = refAndCache.ref;
final description = ref.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
final preschedule =
Zone.current[_prefetchingKey] as void Function(_RefAndCache)?;
/// Prefetch the dependencies of the latest version, we are likely to need
/// them later.
void prescheduleDependenciesOfLatest(
List<_VersionInfo>? listing,
SystemCache cache,
) {
if (listing == null || listing.isEmpty) return;
final latestVersion =
maxBy<_VersionInfo, Version>(listing, (e) => e.version)!;
final dependencies = latestVersion.pubspec.dependencies.values;
unawaited(withDependencyType(DependencyType.none, () async {
for (final packageRange in dependencies) {
if (packageRange.source is HostedSource) {
preschedule!(_RefAndCache(packageRange.toRef(), cache));
final cache = refAndCache.cache;
if (preschedule != null) {
/// If we have a cached response - preschedule dependencies of that.
await _cachedVersionListingResponse(ref, cache), cache);
final result = await _fetchVersionsNoPrefetching(ref, cache);
if (preschedule != null) {
// Preschedule the dependencies from the actual response.
// This might overlap with those from the cached response. But the
// scheduler ensures each listing will be fetched at most once.
prescheduleDependenciesOfLatest(result, cache);
return result;
/// An in-memory cache to store the cached version listing loaded from
/// [_versionListingCachePath].
/// Invariant: Entries in this cache are the parsed version of the exact same
/// information cached on disk. I.e. if the entry is present in this cache,
/// there will not be a newer version on disk.
final Map<PackageRef, Pair<DateTime, List<_VersionInfo>>> _responseCache = {};
/// If a cached version listing response for [ref] exists on disk and is less
/// than [maxAge] old it is parsed and returned.
/// Otherwise deletes a cached response if it exists and returns `null`.
/// If [maxAge] is not given, we will try to get the cached version no matter
/// how old it is.
Future<List<_VersionInfo>?> _cachedVersionListingResponse(
PackageRef ref, SystemCache cache,
{Duration? maxAge}) async {
if (_responseCache.containsKey(ref)) {
final cacheAge =[ref]!.first);
if (maxAge == null || maxAge > cacheAge) {
// The cached value is not too old.
return _responseCache[ref]!.last;
final cachePath = _versionListingCachePath(ref, cache);
final stat = io.File(cachePath).statSync();
final now =;
if (stat.type == io.FileSystemEntityType.file) {
if (maxAge == null || now.difference(stat.modified) < maxAge) {
try {
final cachedDoc = jsonDecode(readTextFile(cachePath));
final timestamp = cachedDoc['_fetchedAt'];
if (timestamp is String) {
final parsedTimestamp = DateTime.parse(timestamp);
final cacheAge =;
if (maxAge != null && cacheAge > maxAge) {
// Too old according to internal timestamp - delete.
} else {
var res = _versionInfoFromPackageListing(
_responseCache[ref] = Pair(parsedTimestamp, res);
return res;
} on io.IOException {
// Could not read the file. Delete if it exists.
} on FormatException {
// Decoding error - bad file or bad timestamp. Delete the file.
} else {
// File too old
return null;
/// Saves the (decoded) response from package-listing of [ref].
Future<void> _cacheVersionListingResponse(
Map<String, dynamic> body,
PackageRef ref,
SystemCache cache,
) async {
final path = _versionListingCachePath(ref, cache);
try {
await writeTextFileAsync(
<String, dynamic>{
// Delete the entry in the in-memory cache to maintain the invariant that
// cached information in memory is the same as that on the disk.
} on io.IOException catch (e) {
// Not being able to write this cache is not fatal. Just move on...
log.fine('Failed writing cache file. $e');
Future<PackageStatus> status(
PackageRef ref,
Version version,
SystemCache cache, {
Duration? maxAge,
}) async {
// If we don't have the specific version we return the empty response, since
// it is more or less harmless..
// This can happen if the connection is broken, or the server is faulty.
// We want to avoid a crash
// TODO(sigurdm): Consider representing the non-existence of the
// package-version in the return value.
return (await _versionInfo(ref, version, cache, maxAge: maxAge))?.status ??
Future<_VersionInfo?> _versionInfo(
PackageRef ref,
Version version,
SystemCache cache, {
Duration? maxAge,
}) async {
if (cache.isOffline) {
// Do we have a cached version response on disk?
final versionListing = await _cachedVersionListingResponse(ref, cache);
if (versionListing == null) {
return null;
return versionListing.firstWhereOrNull((l) => l.version == version);
// Did we already get info for this package?
var versionListing = _scheduler.peek(_RefAndCache(ref, cache));
if (maxAge != null) {
// Do we have a cached version response on disk?
versionListing ??=
await _cachedVersionListingResponse(ref, cache, maxAge: maxAge);
// Otherwise retrieve the info from the host.
versionListing ??= await _scheduler
.schedule(_RefAndCache(ref, cache))
// Failures retrieving the listing here should just be ignored.
(_) async => <_VersionInfo>[],
test: (error) => error is Exception,
return versionListing.firstWhereOrNull((l) => l.version == version);
// The path where the response from the package-listing api is cached.
String _versionListingCachePath(PackageRef ref, SystemCache cache) {
final description = ref.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
final dir = _urlToDirectory(description.url);
// Use a dot-dir because older versions of pub won't choke on that
// name when iterating the cache (it is not listed by [listDir]).
return p.join(cache.rootDirForSource(this), dir, _versionListingDirectory,
static const _versionListingDirectory = '.cache';
/// Downloads a list of all versions of a package that are available from the
/// site.
Future<List<PackageId>> doGetVersions(
PackageRef ref,
Duration? maxAge,
SystemCache cache,
) async {
final description = ref.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
if (cache.isOffline) {
final url = description.url;
final root = cache.rootDirForSource(HostedSource.instance);
final dir = p.join(root, _urlToDirectory(url));'Finding versions of ${} in $dir');
List<PackageId> offlineVersions;
if (dirExists(dir)) {
offlineVersions = listDir(dir)
.map((entry) => _idForBasename(p.basename(entry), url))
.where((id) => == && id.version != Version.none)
} else {
offlineVersions = [];
// If there are no versions in the cache, report a clearer error.
if (offlineVersions.isEmpty) {
throw PackageNotFoundException(
'could not find package ${} in cache',
hint: 'Try again without --offline!',
return offlineVersions;
var versionListing = _scheduler.peek(_RefAndCache(ref, cache));
if (maxAge != null) {
// Do we have a cached version response on disk?
versionListing ??=
await _cachedVersionListingResponse(ref, cache, maxAge: maxAge);
versionListing ??= await _scheduler.schedule(_RefAndCache(ref, cache));
return versionListing
(i) => PackageId(,
ref.description as HostedDescription,
sha256: i.archiveSha256,
/// Parses [description] into its server and package name components, then
/// converts that to a Uri for listing versions of the given package.
Uri _listVersionsUrl(PackageRef ref) {
final description = ref.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
final package = Uri.encodeComponent(;
return Uri.parse(description.url).resolve('api/packages/$package');
/// Retrieves the pubspec for a specific version of a package that is
/// available from the site.
Future<Pubspec> describeUncached(PackageId id, SystemCache cache) async {
if (cache.isOffline) {
throw PackageNotFoundException(
'${} ${id.version} is not available in cache',
hint: 'Try again without --offline!',
final versions = await _scheduler.schedule(_RefAndCache(id.toRef(), cache));
final url = _listVersionsUrl(id.toRef());
return versions.firstWhereOrNull((i) => i.version == id.version)?.pubspec ??
(throw PackageNotFoundException('Could not find package $id at $url'));
/// Downloads the package identified by [id] to the system cache if needed.
/// Validates that the content hash of [id] corresponds to what is already in
/// cache, if not the file is redownloaded.
/// If [allowOutdatedHashChecks] is `true` we use a cached version listing
/// response if present instead of probing the server. Not probing allows for
/// `pub get` with a filled cache to be a fast case that doesn't require any
/// new version-listings.
Future<DownloadPackageResult> downloadToSystemCache(
PackageId id, SystemCache cache) async {
var didUpdate = false;
final packageDir = getDirectoryInCache(id, cache);
// Use the content-hash from the version-info to compare with what we
// already downloaded.
// The content-hash from [id] will be compared with that when the lockfile
// is written.
// We allow the version-listing to be a few days outdated in order for `pub
// get` with an existing working resolution and everything in cache to be
// fast.
final versionInfo = await _versionInfo(
maxAge: Duration(days: 3),
final expectedContentHash = versionInfo?.archiveSha256 ??
// Handling of legacy server - we use the hash from the id (typically
// from the lockfile) to compare to the existing download.
(id.description as ResolvedHostedDescription).sha256;
Uint8List? contentHash;
if (!fileExists(hashPath(id, cache))) {
if (dirExists(packageDir) && !cache.isOffline) {
'Cache entry for ${}-${id.version} has no content-hash - redownloading.');
} else if (expectedContentHash == null) {
// Can happen with a legacy server combined with a legacy lock file.
'Content-hash of ${}-${id.version} not known from resolution.');
} else {
final hashFromCache = sha256FromCache(id, cache);
if (!fixedTimeBytesEquals(hashFromCache, expectedContentHash)) {
'Cached version of ${}-${id.version} has wrong hash - redownloading.');
if (cache.isOffline) {
fail('Cannot redownload while offline. Try again without --offline.');
} else {
contentHash = hashFromCache;
if (dirExists(packageDir)) {
contentHash ??= sha256FromCache(id, cache);
} else {
didUpdate = true;
if (cache.isOffline) {
'Missing package ${}-${id.version}. Try again without --offline.');
contentHash = await _download(id, packageDir, cache);
return DownloadPackageResult(
(id.description as ResolvedHostedDescription).withSha256(contentHash),
didUpdate: didUpdate);
/// Determines if the package identified by [id] is already downloaded to the
/// system cache and has the expected content-hash.
bool isInSystemCache(PackageId id, SystemCache cache) {
if ((id.description as ResolvedHostedDescription).sha256 != null) {
try {
final cachedSha256 = readTextFile(hashPath(id, cache));
if (!const ListEquality().equals(hexDecode(cachedSha256),
(id.description as ResolvedHostedDescription).sha256)) {
return false;
} on io.IOException {
// Most likely the hash file was not written, because we had a legacy
// entry.
return false;
return dirExists(getDirectoryInCache(id, cache));
/// The system cache directory for the hosted source contains subdirectories
/// for each separate repository URL that's used on the system.
/// Each of these subdirectories then contains a subdirectory for each
/// package downloaded from that site.
String getDirectoryInCache(PackageId id, SystemCache cache) {
final description = id.description.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
final rootDir = cache.rootDirForSource(this);
var dir = _urlToDirectory(description.url);
return p.join(rootDir, dir, '${}-${id.version}');
/// The system cache directory for the hosted source contains subdirectories
/// for each separate repository URL that's used on the system.
/// Parallel to this there is a `hosted-hashes` directory with a stored hash
/// of all downloaded packages.
String hashPath(PackageId id, SystemCache cache) {
final description = id.description.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
final rootDir = cache.rootDir;
var serverDir = _urlToDirectory(description.url);
return p.join(
rootDir, 'hosted-hashes', serverDir, '${}-${id.version}.sha256');
/// Loads the hash at `hashPath(id)`.
Uint8List? sha256FromCache(PackageId id, SystemCache cache) {
try {
return hexDecode(readTextFile(hashPath(id, cache)));
} on io.IOException {
return null;
/// Re-downloads all packages that have been previously downloaded into the
/// system cache from any server.
Future<Iterable<RepairResult>> repairCachedPackages(SystemCache cache) async {
final rootDir = cache.rootDirForSource(this);
if (!dirExists(rootDir)) return [];
return (await Future.wait(listDir(rootDir).map((serverDir) async {
final directory = p.basename(serverDir);
late final String url;
try {
url = _directoryToUrl(directory);
} on FormatException {
log.error('Unable to detect hosted url from directory: $directory');
// If _directoryToUrl can't intepret a directory name, we just silently
// ignore it and hope it's because it comes from a newer version of pub.
// This is most likely because someone manually modified PUB_CACHE.
return <RepairResult>[];
final results = <RepairResult>[];
var packages = <Package>[];
for (var entry in listDir(serverDir)) {
try {
packages.add(Package.load(null, entry, cache.sources));
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
log.error('Failed to load package', error, stackTrace);
final id = _idForBasename(
success: false,
// Delete the cached package listings.
tryDeleteEntry(p.join(serverDir, _versionListingDirectory));
return results
..addAll(await Future.wait( async {
var id = PackageId(,
HostedDescription(, url),
sha256: null,
try {
await _download(id, package.dir, cache);
return RepairResult(, id.version, this, success: true);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
var message = 'Failed to repair ${log.bold(} '
if (url != defaultUrl) message += ' from $url';
log.error('$message. Error:\n$error');
return RepairResult(, id.version, this, success: false);
.expand((x) => x);
/// Returns the best-guess package ID for [basename], which should be a
/// subdirectory in a hosted cache.
PackageId _idForBasename(String basename, String url) {
var components = split1(basename, '-');
var version = Version.none;
if (components.length > 1) {
try {
version = Version.parse(components.last);
} on FormatException {
// Default to Version.none.
final name = components.first;
return PackageId(
ResolvedHostedDescription(HostedDescription(name, url), sha256: null),
bool _looksLikePackageDir(String path) {
var components = split1(p.basename(path), '-');
if (components.length < 2) return false;
try {
} on FormatException {
return false;
return dirExists(path);
/// Gets all of the packages that have been downloaded into the system cache
/// from the default server.
List<Package> getCachedPackages(SystemCache cache) {
final root = cache.rootDirForSource(HostedSource.instance);
var cacheDir =
p.join(root, _urlToDirectory(HostedSource.instance.defaultUrl));
if (!dirExists(cacheDir)) return [];
return listDir(cacheDir)
.map((entry) {
try {
return Package.load(null, entry, cache.sources);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
log.fine('Failed to load package from $entry:\n'
return null;
/// Downloads package [package] at [version] from the archive_url and unpacks
/// it into [destPath].
/// If there is no archive_url, try to fetch it from
/// `$server/packages/$package/versions/$version.tar.gz` where server comes
/// from `id.description`.
/// Returns the content-hash of the downloaded archive.
Future<Uint8List> _download(
PackageId id,
String destPath,
SystemCache cache,
) async {
final description = id.description.description;
if (description is! HostedDescription) {
throw ArgumentError('Wrong source');
// We never want to use a cached `archive_url`, so we never attempt to load
// the version listing from cache. Besides in most cases we already have
// downloaded a fresh copy of the version listing response in the in-memory
// cache, so looking in the file-system is pointless.
// We avoid using cached `archive_url` values because the `archive_url` for
// a custom package server may include a temporary signature in the
// query-string as is the case with signed S3 URLs. And we wish to allow for
// such URLs to be used.
final versions = await _scheduler.schedule(_RefAndCache(id.toRef(), cache));
final versionInfo =
versions.firstWhereOrNull((i) => i.version == id.version);
final packageName =;
final version = id.version;
late final Uint8List contentHash;
if (versionInfo == null) {
throw PackageNotFoundException(
'Package $packageName has no version $version');
final archiveUrl = versionInfo.archiveUrl;'Get package from $archiveUrl.');
log.fine('Downloading ${log.bold(} ${id.version}...');
// Download and extract the archive to a temp directory.
return await withTempDir((tempDirForArchive) async {
var fileName = '$packageName-$version.tar.gz';
var archivePath = p.join(tempDirForArchive, fileName);
Stream<List<int>> validateSha256(
Stream<List<int>> stream,
Digest? expectedHash,
) async* {
final output = _SingleValueSink<Digest>();
final input = sha256.startChunkedConversion(output);
await for (final v in stream) {
yield v;
final actualHash = output.value;
if (expectedHash != null && output.value != expectedHash) {
'Expected content-hash for ${}-${id.version} $expectedHash actual: ${output.value}.');
throw PackageIntegrityException('''
Downloaded archive for ${}-${id.version} had wrong content-hash.
This indicates a problem on the package repository: `${description.url}`.
See $contentHashesDocumentationUrl.
contentHash = Uint8List.fromList(actualHash.bytes);
writeHash(id, cache, contentHash);
// It is important that we do not compare against id.description.sha256,
// as we need to check against the newly fetched version listing to ensure
// that content changes result in updated lockfiles, not failure to
// download.
final expectedSha256 = versionInfo.archiveSha256;
await withAuthenticatedClient(cache, Uri.parse(description.url),
(client) async {
// In addition to HTTP errors, this will retry crc32c/sha256 errors as
// well because [PackageIntegrityException] subclasses
// [PubHttpException].
await retryForHttp('downloading "$archiveUrl"', () async {
final request = http.Request('GET', archiveUrl);
final response = await client.fetchAsStream(request);
Stream<List<int>> stream =;
final expectedCrc32c = _parseCrc32c(response.headers, fileName);
if (expectedCrc32c != null) {
stream = _validateCrc32c(, expectedCrc32c, id, archiveUrl);
stream = validateSha256(
stream, (expectedSha256 == null) ? null : Digest(expectedSha256));
// We download the archive to disk instead of streaming it directly
// into the tar unpacking. This simplifies stream handling.
// Package:tar cancels the stream when it reaches end-of-archive, and
// cancelling a http stream makes it not reusable.
// There are ways around this, and we might revisit this later.
await createFileFromStream(stream, archivePath);
var tempDir = cache.createTempDir();
try {
await extractTarGz(readBinaryFileAsStream(archivePath), tempDir);
} catch (e) {
// Now that the get has succeeded, move it to the real location in the
// cache.
// If this fails with a "directory not empty" exception we assume that
// another pub process has installed the same package version while we
// downloaded.
tryRenameDir(tempDir, destPath);
return contentHash;
/// Writes the contenthash for [id] in the cache.
void writeHash(PackageId id, SystemCache cache, List<int> bytes) {
final path = hashPath(id, cache);
/// Installs a tar.gz file in [archivePath] as if it was downloaded from a
/// package repository.
/// The name, version and repository are decided from the pubspec.yaml that
/// must be present in the archive.
Future<PackageId> preloadPackage(
String archivePath, SystemCache cache) async {
// Extract to a temp-folder and do atomic rename to preserve the integrity
// of the cache.
late final Uint8List contentHash;
var tempDir = cache.createTempDir();
final PackageId id;
try {
try {
// We read the file twice, once to compute the hash, and once to extract
// the archive.
// It would be desirable to read the file only once, but the tar
// extraction closes the stream early making things tricky to get right.
contentHash = Uint8List.fromList(
(await sha256.bind(readBinaryFileAsStream(archivePath)).first)
await extractTarGz(readBinaryFileAsStream(archivePath), tempDir);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
dataError('Failed to extract `$archivePath`: ${e.message}.');
if (!fileExists(p.join(tempDir, 'pubspec.yaml'))) {
'Found no `pubspec.yaml` in $archivePath. Is it a valid pub package archive?');
final Pubspec pubspec;
try {
pubspec = Pubspec.load(tempDir, cache.sources);
final errors = pubspec.allErrors;
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
throw errors.first;
} on Exception catch (e) {
fail('Failed to load `pubspec.yaml` from `$archivePath`: $e.');
// Reconstruct the PackageId from the extracted pubspec.yaml.
id = PackageId(,
sha256: contentHash,
} catch (e) {
final packageDir = getDirectoryInCache(id, cache);
if (dirExists(packageDir)) {
'Cache entry for ${}-${id.version} already exists. Replacing.');
tryRenameDir(tempDir, packageDir);
writeHash(id, cache, contentHash);
return id;
/// When an error occurs trying to read something about [package] from [hostedUrl],
/// this tries to translate into a more user friendly error message.
/// Always throws an error, either the original one or a better one.
Never _throwFriendlyError(
Exception error,
StackTrace stackTrace,
String package,
String hostedUrl,
) {
if (error is PubHttpResponseException) {
if (error.response.statusCode == 404) {
throw PackageNotFoundException(
'could not find package $package at $hostedUrl',
innerError: error,
innerTrace: stackTrace);
'${error.response.statusCode} ${error.response.reasonPhrase} trying '
'to find package $package at $hostedUrl.',
} else if (error is io.SocketException) {
fail('Got socket error trying to find package $package at $hostedUrl.',
error, stackTrace);
} else if (error is io.TlsException) {
fail('Got TLS error trying to find package $package at $hostedUrl.',
error, stackTrace);
} else if (error is AuthenticationException) {
String? hint;
var message = 'authentication failed';
assert(error.statusCode == 401 || error.statusCode == 403);
if (error.statusCode == 401) {
hint = '$hostedUrl package repository requested authentication!\n'
'You can provide credentials using:\n'
' dart pub token add $hostedUrl';
if (error.statusCode == 403) {
hint = 'Insufficient permissions to the resource at the $hostedUrl '
'package repository.\nYou can modify credentials using:\n'
' dart pub token add $hostedUrl';
message = 'authorization failed';
if (error.serverMessage?.isNotEmpty == true && hint != null) {
hint += '\n${error.serverMessage}';
throw PackageNotFoundException(message, hint: hint);
} else if (error is FormatException) {
throw PackageNotFoundException(
'Got badly formatted response trying to find package $package at $hostedUrl',
innerError: error,
innerTrace: stackTrace,
hint: 'Check that "$hostedUrl" is a valid package repository.',
} else {
// Otherwise re-throw the original exception.
throw error;
/// Enables speculative prefetching of dependencies of packages queried with
/// [getVersions].
Future<T> withPrefetching<T>(Future<T> Function() callback) async {
return await _scheduler.withPrescheduling((preschedule) async {
return await runZoned(callback,
zoneValues: {_prefetchingKey: preschedule});
/// Key for storing the current prefetch function in the current [Zone].
static const _prefetchingKey = #_prefetch;
/// The [PackageName.description] for a [HostedSource], storing the package name
/// and resolved URI of the package server.
class HostedDescription extends Description {
final String packageName;
final String url;
HostedDescription(this.packageName, this.url);
int get hashCode => Object.hash(packageName, url);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is HostedDescription &&
other.packageName == packageName &&
other.url == url;
String format() => 'on $url';
Object? serializeForPubspec({
required String? containingDir,
required LanguageVersion languageVersion,
}) {
if (url == source.defaultUrl) {
return null;
return {'url': url, 'name': packageName};
HostedSource get source => HostedSource.instance;
class ResolvedHostedDescription extends ResolvedDescription {
HostedDescription get description => super.description as HostedDescription;
/// The content hash of the package archive (the `tar.gz` file) of the
/// PackageId described by this.
/// This can be obtained in several ways:
/// * Reported from a server in the archive_sha256 field.
/// (will be null if the server does not report this.)
/// * Obtained from a pubspec.lock
/// (will be null for legacy lock-files).
/// * Read from the <PUB_CACHE>/hosted-hashes/<server>/<package>-<version>.sha256 file.
/// (will be null if the file doesn't exist for corrupt or legacy caches).
final Uint8List? sha256;
HostedDescription description, {
required this.sha256,
}) : super(description);
Object? serializeForLockfile({required String? containingDir}) {
late final String url;
try {
url = validateAndNormalizeHostedUrl(description.url).toString();
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw ArgumentError.value(url, 'url', 'url must be normalized: $e');
final hash = sha256;
return {
'name': description.packageName,
'url': url.toString(),
if (hash != null) 'sha256': hexEncode(hash),
// We do not include the sha256 in the hashCode because of the equality
// semantics.
int get hashCode => description.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is ResolvedHostedDescription &&
other.description == description &&
// A [sha256] of `null` means that we don't know the hash yet.
// Therefore we have to assume it is equal to any known value.
(sha256 == null ||
other.sha256 == null ||
fixedTimeBytesEquals(sha256, other.sha256));
ResolvedHostedDescription withSha256(Uint8List? newSha256) =>
ResolvedHostedDescription(description, sha256: newSha256);
/// Information about a package version retrieved from /api/packages/$package<
class _VersionInfo {
final Pubspec pubspec;
final Uri archiveUrl;
final Version version;
/// The sha256 digest of the archive according to the package-repository.
final Uint8List? archiveSha256;
final PackageStatus status;
_VersionInfo(this.version, this.pubspec, this.archiveUrl, this.status,
/// Given a URL, returns a "normalized" string to be used as a directory name
/// for packages downloaded from the server at that URL.
/// This normalization strips off the scheme (which is presumed to be HTTP or
/// HTTPS) and *sort of* URL-encodes it. I say "sort of" because it does it
/// incorrectly: it uses the character's *decimal* ASCII value instead of hex.
/// This could cause an ambiguity since some characters get encoded as three
/// digits and others two. It's possible for one to be a prefix of the other.
/// In practice, the set of characters that are encoded don't happen to have
/// any collisions, so the encoding is reversible.
/// This behavior is a bug, but is being preserved for compatibility.
String _urlToDirectory(String hostedUrl) {
// Normalize all loopback URLs to "localhost".
final url = hostedUrl.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'^(https?://)(127\.0\.0\.1|\[::1\]|localhost)?'), (match) {
// Don't include the scheme for HTTPS URLs. This makes the directory names
// nice for the default and most recommended scheme. We also don't include
// it for localhost URLs, since they're always known to be HTTP.
var localhost = match[2] == null ? '' : 'localhost';
var scheme = match[1] == 'https://' || localhost.isNotEmpty ? '' : match[1];
return '$scheme$localhost';
return replace(
(match) => '%${match[0]!.codeUnitAt(0)}',
/// Given a directory name in the system cache, returns the URL of the server
/// whose packages it contains.
/// See [_urlToDirectory] for details on the mapping. Note that because the
/// directory name does not preserve the scheme, this has to guess at it. It
/// chooses "http" for loopback URLs (mainly to support the pub tests) and
/// "https" for all others.
String _directoryToUrl(String directory) {
// Decode the pseudo-URL-encoded characters.
var chars = '<>:"\\/|?*%';
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
var c = chars.substring(i, i + 1);
directory = directory.replaceAll('%${c.codeUnitAt(0)}', c);
// If the URL has an explicit scheme, use that.
if (directory.contains('://')) {
return Uri.parse(directory).toString();
// Otherwise, default to http for localhost and https for everything else.
var scheme =
isLoopback(directory.replaceAll(RegExp(':.*'), '')) ? 'http' : 'https';
return Uri.parse('$scheme://$directory').toString();
// TODO(sigurdm): This is quite inelegant.
class _RefAndCache {
final PackageRef ref;
final SystemCache cache;
_RefAndCache(this.ref, this.cache);
int get hashCode => ref.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is _RefAndCache && other.ref == ref;
/// A sink that can only have `add` called once, and that can retrieve the
/// value.
class _SingleValueSink<T> implements Sink<T> {
late final T value;
void add(T data) {
value = data;
void close() {}
const checksumHeaderName = 'x-goog-hash';
/// Adds a checksum validation "tap" to the response stream and returns a
/// wrapped `Stream` object, which should be used to consume the incoming data.
/// As chunks are received, a CRC32C checksum is updated.
/// Once the download is completed, the final checksum is compared with
/// the one present in the checksum response header.
/// Throws [PackageIntegrityException] if there is a checksum mismatch.
Stream<List<int>> _validateCrc32c(Stream<List<int>> stream,
int expectedChecksum, PackageId id, Uri archiveUrl) async* {
final crc32c = Crc32c();
await for (final chunk in stream) {
yield chunk;
final actualChecksum = crc32c.finalize();
'Computed checksum $actualChecksum for ${} ${id.version} with '
'expected CRC32C of $expectedChecksum.');
if (actualChecksum != expectedChecksum) {
throw PackageIntegrityException(
'Package archive for ${} ${id.version} downloaded from '
'"$archiveUrl" has "x-goog-hash: crc32c=$expectedChecksum", which '
'doesn\'t match the checksum of the archive downloaded.');
/// Parses response [headers] and returns the archive's CRC32C checksum.
/// In most cases, GCS provides both MD5 and CRC32C checksums in its response
/// headers. It uses the header name "x-goog-hash" for these values. It has
/// been documented and observed that GCS will send multiple response headers
/// with the same "x-goog-hash" token as the key.
/// Additionally, when the Dart http client encounters multiple response
/// headers with the same key, it concatenates their values with a comma
/// before inserting a single item with that key and concatenated value into
/// its response "headers" Map.
/// See
/// Throws [PackageIntegrityException] if the CRC32C checksum cannot be parsed.
int? _parseCrc32c(Map<String, String> headers, String fileName) {
final checksumHeader = headers[checksumHeaderName];
if (checksumHeader == null) return null;
final parts = checksumHeader.split(',');
for (final part in parts) {
if (part.startsWith('crc32c=')) {
final undecoded = part.substring('crc32c='.length);
try {
final bytes = base64Decode(undecoded);
// CRC32C must be 32 bits, or 4 bytes.
if (bytes.length != 4) {
throw FormatException('CRC32C checksum has invalid length', bytes);
return ByteData.view(bytes.buffer).getUint32(0);
} on FormatException catch (e, s) {
log.exception(e, s);
throw PackageIntegrityException(
'Package archive "$fileName" has a malformed CRC32C checksum in '
'its response headers');
return null;