blob: c9f221a7016f59662ea57709157ae8491e338274 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../sdk.dart';
import '../source/git.dart';
import '../source/hosted.dart';
import '../source/path.dart';
import '../source/sdk.dart';
import '../validator.dart';
/// The first Dart SDK version that supported caret constraints.
final _firstCaretVersion = Version.parse('1.8.0-dev.3.0');
/// The first Dart SDK version that supported Git path dependencies.
final _firstGitPathVersion = Version.parse('2.0.0-dev.1.0');
/// A validator that validates a package's dependencies.
class DependencyValidator extends Validator {
/// Whether any dependency has a caret constraint.
var _hasCaretDep = false;
/// Whether any dependency depends on package features.
var _hasFeatures = false;
DependencyValidator(Entrypoint entrypoint) : super(entrypoint);
Future validate() async {
await _validateDependencies(entrypoint.root.pubspec.dependencies.values);
for (var feature in entrypoint.root.pubspec.features.values) {
// Allow off-by-default features, since older pubs will just ignore them
// anyway.
_hasFeatures = _hasFeatures || feature.onByDefault;
await _validateDependencies(feature.dependencies);
if (_hasCaretDep) {
"Older versions of pub don't support ^ version constraints.");
if (_hasFeatures) {
// TODO(nweiz): Allow packages with features to be published when we have
// analyzer support for telling the user that a given import requires a
// given feature. When we do this, verify that packages with features have
// an SDK constraint that's at least >=2.0.0-dev.11.0.
errors.add('Packages with package features may not be published yet.');
/// Validates all dependencies in [dependencies].
Future _validateDependencies(Iterable<PackageRange> dependencies) async {
for (var dependency in dependencies) {
var constraint = dependency.constraint;
if ( == 'flutter') {
} else if (dependency.source is SdkSource) {
} else if (dependency.source is! HostedSource) {
await _warnAboutSource(dependency);
if (dependency.source is GitSource &&
dependency.description['path'] != '.') {
"Older versions of pub don't support Git path dependencies.");
} else {
if (constraint.isAny) {
} else if (constraint is VersionRange) {
if (constraint is Version) {
} else {
_warnAboutPrerelease(, constraint);
if (constraint.min == null) {
} else if (constraint.max == null) {
_hasCaretDep = _hasCaretDep || constraint.toString().startsWith('^');
_hasFeatures = _hasFeatures || dependency.features.isNotEmpty;
/// Warn about improper dependencies on Flutter.
void _warnAboutFlutterSdk(PackageRange dep) {
if (dep.source is SdkSource) {
errors.add('Don\'t depend on "${}" from the ${dep.source} '
'source. Use the SDK source instead. For example:\n'
' ${}:\n'
' sdk: ${dep.constraint}\n'
'The Flutter SDK is downloaded and managed outside of pub.');
/// Emit an error for dependencies from unknown SDKs or without appropriate
/// constraints on the Dart SDK.
void _warnAboutSdkSource(PackageRange dep) {
var identifier = dep.description as String;
var sdk = sdks[identifier];
if (sdk == null) {
errors.add('Unknown SDK "$identifier" for dependency "${}".');
"Older versions of pub don't support the ${} SDK.");
/// Warn that dependencies should use the hosted source.
Future _warnAboutSource(PackageRange dep) async {
List<Version> versions;
try {
var ids = await entrypoint.cache.hosted
versions = => id.version).toList();
} on ApplicationException catch (_) {
versions = [];
String constraint;
if (versions.isNotEmpty) {
constraint = '^${Version.primary(versions)}';
} else {
constraint = dep.constraint.toString();
if (!dep.constraint.isAny && dep.constraint is! Version) {
constraint = '"$constraint"';
// Path sources are errors. Other sources are just warnings.
var messages = dep.source is PathSource ? errors : warnings;
messages.add('Don\'t depend on "${}" from the ${dep.source} '
'source. Use the hosted source instead. For example:\n'
' ${}: $constraint\n'
'Using the hosted source ensures that everyone can download your '
'package\'s dependencies along with your package.');
/// Warn that dependencies should have version constraints.
void _warnAboutNoConstraint(PackageRange dep) {
var message = 'Your dependency on "${}" should have a version '
var locked = entrypoint.lockFile.packages[];
if (locked != null) {
message = '$message For example:\n'
' ${}: ^${locked.version}\n';
'Without a constraint, you\'re promising to support ${log.bold("all")} '
'future versions of "${}".');
/// Warn that dependencies should allow more than a single version.
void _warnAboutSingleVersionConstraint(PackageRange dep) {
'Your dependency on "${}" should allow more than one version. '
'For example:\n'
' ${}: ^${dep.constraint}\n'
'Constraints that are too tight will make it difficult for people to '
'use your package\n'
'along with other packages that also depend on "${}".');
/// Warn that dependencies should have lower bounds on their constraints.
void _warnAboutNoConstraintLowerBound(PackageRange dep) {
var message = 'Your dependency on "${}" should have a lower bound.';
var locked = entrypoint.lockFile.packages[];
if (locked != null) {
String constraint;
if (locked.version == (dep.constraint as VersionRange).max) {
constraint = '^${locked.version}';
} else {
constraint = '">=${locked.version} ${dep.constraint}"';
message = '$message For example:\n'
' ${}: $constraint\n';
'Without a constraint, you\'re promising to support ${log.bold("all")} '
'previous versions of "${}".');
/// Warn that dependencies should have upper bounds on their constraints.
void _warnAboutNoConstraintUpperBound(PackageRange dep) {
String constraint;
if ((dep.constraint as VersionRange).includeMin) {
constraint = '^${(dep.constraint as VersionRange).min}';
} else {
constraint = '"${dep.constraint} '
'<${(dep.constraint as VersionRange).min.nextBreaking}"';
.add('Your dependency on "${}" should have an upper bound. For '
' ${}: $constraint\n'
'Without an upper bound, you\'re promising to support '
'${log.bold("all")} future versions of ${}.');
void _warnAboutPrerelease(String dependencyName, VersionRange constraint) {
final packageVersion = entrypoint.root.version;
if (constraint.min != null &&
constraint.min.isPreRelease &&
!packageVersion.isPreRelease) {
warnings.add('Packages dependent on a pre-release of another package '
'should themselves be published as a pre-release version. '
'If this package needs $dependencyName version ${constraint.min}, '
'consider publishing the package as a pre-release instead.\n'
'See '
'For more information on pre-releases.');