blob: 5347031577faebe1389ea1f4ad90fc827a5785f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/validator/size.dart';
import '../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../test_pub.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
ValidatorCreator size(int size) {
return (entrypoint) => SizeValidator(entrypoint, Future.value(size));
Future<void> expectSizeValidationError(Matcher matcher) async {
await expectValidation(
size(100 * math.pow(2, 20) + 1),
errors: contains(matcher),
void main() {
test('considers a package valid if it is <= 100 MB', () async {
await d.validPackage.create();
await expectValidation(size(100));
await expectValidation(size(100 * math.pow(2, 20)));
group('considers a package invalid if it is more than 100 MB', () {
test('package is not under source control and no .gitignore exists',
() async {
await d.validPackage.create();
await expectSizeValidationError(
equals('Your package is 100.0 MB. Hosted packages must '
'be smaller than 100 MB.'));
test('package is not under source control and .gitignore exists', () async {
await d.validPackage.create();
await d.dir(appPath, [d.file('.gitignore', 'ignored')]).create();
await expectSizeValidationError(allOf(
contains('Hosted packages must be smaller than 100 MB.'),
contains('Your .gitignore has no effect since your project '
'does not appear to be in version control.')));
test('package is under source control and no .gitignore exists', () async {
await d.validPackage.create();
await d.git(appPath).create();
await expectSizeValidationError(allOf(
contains('Hosted packages must be smaller than 100 MB.'),
contains('Consider adding a .gitignore to avoid including '
'temporary files.')));
test('package is under source control and .gitignore exists', () async {
await d.validPackage.create();
await d.git(appPath, [d.file('.gitignore', 'ignored')]).create();
await expectSizeValidationError(
equals('Your package is 100.0 MB. Hosted packages must '
'be smaller than 100 MB.'));