blob: d091483e713548d33cc680e6b40728fbe4fe2fdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/dartdevc/module.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/dartdevc/module_reader.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/io.dart' as io_helpers;
// Keep incrementing ids so we don't accidentally create duplicates.
int _next = 0;
/// Makes a bunch of [Asset]s by parsing the keys of [assets] as an [AssetId]
/// and the values as the contents.
/// Returns a [Map<AssetId, Asset>] of the created [Asset]s.
Map<AssetId, Asset> makeAssets(Map<String, String> assetDescriptors) {
var assets = <AssetId, Asset>{};
assetDescriptors.forEach((serializedId, content) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(serializedId);
assets[id] = new Asset.fromString(id, content);
return assets;
AssetId makeAssetId({String package, String topLevelDir}) {
package ??= 'pkg_$_next';
topLevelDir ??= 'lib';
return new AssetId(package, '$topLevelDir/$_next.dart');
Set<AssetId> makeAssetIds({String package, String topLevelDir}) =>
new Set<AssetId>.from(new List.generate(
10, (_) => makeAssetId(package: package, topLevelDir: topLevelDir)));
ModuleId makeModuleId({String dir, String name, String package}) {
package ??= 'pkg_${_next++}';
name ??= 'name_${_next++}';
dir ??= 'lib';
return new ModuleId(package, name, dir);
Set<ModuleId> makeModuleIds({String package}) => new Set<ModuleId>.from(
new List.generate(10, (_) => makeModuleId(package: package)));
Module makeModule(
{String name,
String package,
Iterable<dynamic> directDependencies = const [],
Iterable<dynamic> srcs,
String topLevelDir}) {
assert(srcs == null || topLevelDir == null);
AssetId toAssetId(dynamic id) {
if (id is AssetId) return id;
assert(id is String);
return new AssetId.parse(id);
topLevelDir ??= srcs?.isEmpty != false
? 'lib'
: io_helpers.topLevelDir(toAssetId(srcs.first).path);
var id = makeModuleId(package: package, name: name, dir: topLevelDir);
srcs ??= makeAssetIds(package: id.package, topLevelDir: topLevelDir);
var assetIds =;
directDependencies ??= new Set();
var realDeps =;
return new Module(id, assetIds, realDeps);
List<Module> makeModules({String package}) =>
new List.generate(10, (_) => makeModule(package: package));
Matcher equalsModule(Module expected) => new _EqualsModule(expected);
class _EqualsModule extends Matcher {
Module _expected;
bool matches(item, _) =>
item is Module && == &&
unorderedEquals(_expected.assetIds).matches(item.assetIds, _) &&
.matches(item.directDependencies, _);
Description describe(Description description) =>
/// Manages an in memory view of a set of module configs, mimics on disk module
/// config files.
class InMemoryModuleConfigManager {
final _moduleConfigs = <AssetId, String>{};
/// Adds a module config file containing serialized [modules] to
/// [_moduleConfigs].
/// Returns the [AssetId] for the config that was created.
AssetId addConfig(Iterable<Module> modules, {AssetId configId}) {
var package =;
assert(modules.every((m) => == package));
configId ??= new AssetId(package, 'lib/$moduleConfigName');
_moduleConfigs[configId] = JSON.encode(modules);
return configId;
String readAsString(AssetId id) => _moduleConfigs[id];