Fix dry-run tests for publishing  by ensuring there is a server to reject requests (#2978)

diff --git a/test/lish/server_arg_overrides_publish_to_url_test.dart b/test/lish/server_arg_overrides_publish_to_url_test.dart
index 6d7929b..8e5d9c8 100644
--- a/test/lish/server_arg_overrides_publish_to_url_test.dart
+++ b/test/lish/server_arg_overrides_publish_to_url_test.dart
@@ -11,13 +11,20 @@
 void main() {
   test('an explicit --server argument overrides a "publish_to" url', () async {
+    // Create a real server that can reject requests because validators will
+    // try to ping it, and will use multiple retries when doing so.
+    final packageServer = await DescriptorServer.start();
+    final fakePackageServer = 'http://localhost:${packageServer.port}';
     var pkg = packageMap('test_pkg', '1.0.0');
     pkg['publish_to'] = '';
     await d.dir(appPath, [d.pubspec(pkg)]).create();
     await runPub(
-        args: ['lish', '--dry-run', '--server', ''],
-        output: contains(''),
+        args: ['lish', '--dry-run', '--server', fakePackageServer],
+        output: contains(fakePackageServer),
         exitCode: exit_codes.DATA);
+    await packageServer.close();