blob: c8f2db84bc6a8986a8234042afa6b3e8f6b12c02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../language_version.dart';
import '../sdk.dart';
import 'incompatibility.dart';
/// The reason an [Incompatibility]'s terms are incompatible.
abstract class IncompatibilityCause {
const IncompatibilityCause._();
/// The incompatibility represents the requirement that the root package
/// exists.
static const IncompatibilityCause root = _Cause('root');
/// The incompatibility represents a package's dependency.
static const IncompatibilityCause dependency = _Cause('dependency');
/// The incompatibility represents the user's request that we use the latest
/// version of a given package.
static const IncompatibilityCause useLatest = _Cause('use latest');
/// The incompatibility indicates that the package has no versions that match
/// the given constraint.
static const IncompatibilityCause noVersions = _Cause('no versions');
/// The incompatibility indicates that the package has an unknown source.
static const IncompatibilityCause unknownSource = _Cause('unknown source');
/// Human readable notice / information providing context for this
/// incompatibility.
/// This may be multiple lines, and will be printed before the explanation.
/// This is used highlight information that is useful for understanding the
/// why this conflict happened.
String? get notice => null;
/// Human readable hint indicating how this incompatibility may be resolved.
/// This may be multiple lines, and will be printed after the explanation.
/// This should only be included if it is actionable and likely to resolve the
/// issue for the user.
String? get hint => null;
/// The incompatibility was derived from two existing incompatibilities during
/// conflict resolution.
class ConflictCause extends IncompatibilityCause {
/// The incompatibility that was originally found to be in conflict, from
/// which the target incompatibility was derived.
final Incompatibility conflict;
/// The incompatibility that caused the most recent satisfier for [conflict],
/// from which the target incompatibility was derived.
final Incompatibility other;
ConflictCause(this.conflict, this.other) : super._();
/// A class for stateless [IncompatibilityCause]s.
class _Cause extends IncompatibilityCause {
final String _name;
const _Cause(this._name) : super._();
String toString() => _name;
/// The incompatibility represents a package's SDK constraint being
/// incompatible with the current SDK.
class SdkCause extends IncompatibilityCause {
/// The union of all the incompatible versions' constraints on the SDK.
// TODO(zarah): Investigate if this can be non-nullable
final VersionConstraint? constraint;
/// The SDK with which the package was incompatible.
final Sdk sdk;
bool get noNullSafetyCause =>
sdk.isDartSdk &&
!LanguageVersion.fromSdkConstraint(constraint).supportsNullSafety &&
sdk.version! >= Version(3, 0, 0).firstPreRelease;
String? get notice {
// If the SDK is not available, then we have an actionable [hint] printed
// after the explanation. So we don't need to state that the SDK is not
// available.
if (!sdk.isAvailable) {
return null;
// If the SDK is available and we have an incompatibility, then the user has
// the wrong SDK version (one that is not compatible with any solution).
// Thus, it makes sense to highlight the current SDK version.
return 'The current ${} SDK version is ${sdk.version}.';
String? get hint {
if (noNullSafetyCause) {
return 'The lower bound of "sdk: \'$constraint\'" must be 2.12.0'
' or higher to enable null safety.'
'\nFor details, see';
// If the SDK is available, then installing it won't help
if (sdk.isAvailable) {
return null;
// Return an install message for the SDK, if there is an install message.
return sdk.installMessage;
SdkCause(this.constraint, this.sdk) : super._();
/// The incompatibility represents a package that couldn't be found by its
/// source.
class PackageNotFoundCause extends IncompatibilityCause {
/// The exception indicating why the package couldn't be found.
final PackageNotFoundException exception;
PackageNotFoundCause(this.exception) : super._();
String? get hint => exception.hint;