blob: 58b79627f32e5628ec1db6ce21a2023426f71981 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../validator.dart';
/// A validator that checks that the pubspec has valid "author" and "homepage"
/// fields.
class PubspecFieldValidator extends Validator {
PubspecFieldValidator(Entrypoint entrypoint) : super(entrypoint);
Future validate() {
if (!_hasField('homepage') && !_hasField('repository')) {
'You are strongly reccomended to add either a "homepage" or a "repository" field');
// Any complex parsing errors in version will be exposed through
// [Pubspec.allErrors].
// Pubspec errors are detected lazily, so we make sure there aren't any
// here.
for (var error in entrypoint.root.pubspec.allErrors) {
errors.add('In your pubspec.yaml, ${error.message}');
return Future.value();
bool _hasField(String field) => entrypoint.root.pubspec.fields[field] != null;
/// Adds an error if [field] doesn't exist or isn't a string.
void _validateFieldIsString(String field) {
var value = entrypoint.root.pubspec.fields[field];
if (value == null) {
errors.add('Your pubspec.yaml is missing a "$field" field.');
} else if (value is! String) {
errors.add('Your pubspec.yaml\'s "$field" field must be a string, but '
'it was "$value".');
/// Adds an error if the URL for [field] is invalid.
void _validateFieldUrl(String field) {
var url = entrypoint.root.pubspec.fields[field];
if (url == null) return;
if (url is! String) {
errors.add('Your pubspec.yaml\'s "$field" field must be a string, but '
'it was "$url".');
var goodScheme = RegExp(r'^https?:');
if (!goodScheme.hasMatch(url)) {
errors.add('Your pubspec.yaml\'s "$field" field must be an "http:" or '
'"https:" URL, but it was "$url".');