blob: 6708fb4380140d332a3c5d0ecc04a1fa971796f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
/// Handles rate-limited scheduling of tasks.
/// Tasks are identified by a jobId of type [J] (should be useful as a Hash-key)
/// and run with a supplied async function.
/// Designed to allow speculatively running tasks that will likely be needed
/// later with [withPrescheduling].
/// Errors thrown by tasks scheduled with the `preschedule` callback will only
/// be triggered when you await the [Future] returned by [schedule].
/// The operation will run in the [Zone] that the task was in when enqueued.
/// If a task if [preschedule]d and later [schedule]d before the operation is
/// started, the task will go in front of the queue with the zone of the
/// [schedule] operation.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// // A scheduler that, given a uri, gets that page and returns the body
/// final scheduler = RateLimitedScheduler(;
/// scheduler.withPresceduling((preschedule) {
/// // Start fetching `` and `` in the background.
/// scheduler.preschedule(Uri.parse(''));
/// scheduler.preschedule(Uri.parse(''));
/// // ... do time-consuming task.
/// // Now we actually need ``.
/// final pubDevBody =
/// await scheduler.schedule(Uri.parse(''));
/// // if the `` task has not started yet, it will be canceled when
/// // leaving `withPresceduling`.
/// });
/// ```
class RateLimitedScheduler<J, V> {
final Future<V> Function(J) _runJob;
/// The results of ongoing and finished jobs.
final Map<J, Completer<V>> _cache = <J, Completer<V>>{};
/// Provides sync access to completed results.
final Map<J, V> _results = <J, V>{};
/// Tasks that are waiting to be run.
final Queue<_Task<J>> _queue = Queue<_Task<J>>();
/// Rate limits the number of concurrent jobs.
final Pool _pool;
/// Jobs that have started running.
final Set<J> _started = {};
RateLimitedScheduler(Future<V> Function(J) runJob,
{@required int maxConcurrentOperations})
: _runJob = runJob,
_pool = Pool(maxConcurrentOperations);
/// Pick the next task in [_queue] and run it.
/// If the task is already in [_started] it will not be run again.
Future<void> _processNextTask() async {
if (_queue.isEmpty) {
final task = _queue.removeFirst();
final completer = _cache[task.jobId];
if (!_started.add(task.jobId)) {
// Use an async function to catch sync exceptions from _runJob.
Future<V> runJob() async {
return _results[task.jobId] =
await, task.jobId);
// Listen to errors on the completer:
// this will make errors thrown by [_run] not
// become uncaught.
// They will still show up for other listeners of the future.
await completer.future.catchError((_) {});
/// Calls [callback] with a function that can pre-schedule jobs.
/// When [callback] returns, all jobs that where prescheduled by [callback]
/// that have not started running will be removed from the work queue
/// (if they have been added separately by [schedule] they will still be
/// executed).
Future<R> withPrescheduling<R>(
FutureOr<R> Function(void Function(J) preschedule) callback,
) async {
final prescheduled = <_Task>{};
try {
return await callback((jobId) {
if (_started.contains(jobId)) return;
final task = _Task(jobId, Zone.current);
_cache.putIfAbsent(jobId, () => Completer());
} finally {
/// Returns a future that completed with the result of running [jobId].
/// If [jobId] has already run, the cached result will be returned.
/// If [jobId] is not yet running, it will go to the front of the work queue
/// to be scheduled next when there are free resources.
Future<V> schedule(J jobId) {
final completer = _cache.putIfAbsent(jobId, () => Completer());
if (!_started.contains(jobId)) {
final task = _Task(jobId, Zone.current);
scheduleMicrotask(() => _pool.withResource(_processNextTask));
return completer.future;
/// Returns the result of running [jobId] if that is already done.
/// Otherwise returns `null`.
V peek(J jobId) => _results[jobId];
class _Task<J> {
final J jobId;
final Zone zone;
String toString() => jobId.toString();