blob: 9f74405d43e9ff691593a897632b2f1e2247b60a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart';
import '../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../golden_file.dart';
import '../test_pub.dart';
const _commandRunner = 'tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart';
late String snapshot;
final logFile = p.join(d.sandbox, cachePath, 'log', 'pub_log.txt');
/// Runs `dart tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart [args]` and appends the output to [buffer].
Future<void> runEmbeddingToBuffer(
List<String> args,
StringBuffer buffer, {
String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String>? environment,
dynamic exitCode = 0,
}) async {
final process = await TestProcess.start(
['--enable-asserts', snapshot, ...args],
environment: {
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
await process.shouldExit(exitCode);
final stdoutLines = await;
final stderrLines = await;
'\$ $_commandRunner ${args.join(' ')}',
if (stdoutLines.isNotEmpty) _filter(stdoutLines.join('\n')),
if (stderrLines.isNotEmpty)
.replaceAll(RegExp('^', multiLine: true), '[E] '),
extension on GoldenTestContext {
/// Runs `dart tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart [args]` and compare to
/// next section in golden file.
Future<void> runEmbedding(
List<String> args, {
String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String>? environment,
dynamic exitCode = 0,
}) async {
final buffer = StringBuffer();
await runEmbeddingToBuffer(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: environment,
exitCode: exitCode,
Future<void> main() async {
setUpAll(() async {
final tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync();
snapshot = path.join(tempDir.path, 'command_runner.dart.snapshot');
final r = Process.runSync(
Platform.resolvedExecutable, ['--snapshot=$snapshot', _commandRunner]);
expect(r.exitCode, 0, reason: r.stderr);
tearDownAll(() {
File(snapshot).parent.deleteSync(recursive: true);
testWithGolden('run works, though hidden', (ctx) async {
await servePackages();
await d.dir(appPath, [
'name': 'myapp',
'environment': {
'sdk': '0.1.2+3',
d.dir('bin', [
d.file('main.dart', '''
import 'dart:io';
main() {
await ctx.runEmbedding(
['pub', 'get'],
workingDirectory: d.path(appPath),
await ctx.runEmbedding(
['pub', 'run', 'bin/main.dart'],
exitCode: 123,
workingDirectory: d.path(appPath),
'logfile is written with --verbose and on unexpected exceptions',
(context) async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
await d.appDir({'foo': 'any'}).create();
// TODO(sigurdm) This logs the entire verbose trace to a golden file.
// This is fragile, and can break for all sorts of small reasons. We think
// this might be worth while having to have at least minimal testing of the
// verbose stack trace.
// But if you, future contributor, think this test is annoying: feel free to
// remove it, or rewrite it to filter out the stack-trace itself, only
// testing for creation of the file.
// It is a fragile test, and we acknowledge that it's usefulness can be
// debated...
await context.runEmbedding(
['pub', '--verbose', 'get'],
workingDirectory: d.path(appPath),
await d.dir('empty').create();
await context.runEmbedding(
['pub', 'fail'],
workingDirectory: d.path('empty'),
exitCode: 1,
test('analytics', () async {
await servePackages()
..serve('foo', '1.0.0', deps: {'bar': 'any'})
..serve('bar', '1.0.0');
await d.dir('dep', [
'name': 'dep',
'environment': {'sdk': '>=0.0.0 <3.0.0'}
final app = d.dir(appPath, [
'foo': '1.0.0',
// The path dependency should not go to analytics.
'dep': {'path': '../dep'}
await app.create();
final buffer = StringBuffer();
await runEmbeddingToBuffer(
['pub', 'get'],
environment: {...getPubTestEnvironment(), '_PUB_LOG_ANALYTICS': 'true'},
final analytics = buffer
.where((line) => line.startsWith('[E] [analytics]: '))
.map((line) => json.decode(line.substring('[E] [analytics]: '.length)));
expect(analytics, {
'hitType': 'event',
'message': {
'category': 'pub-get',
'action': 'foo',
'label': '1.0.0',
'value': 1,
'cd1': 'direct',
'ni': '1',
'hitType': 'event',
'message': {
'category': 'pub-get',
'action': 'bar',
'label': '1.0.0',
'value': 1,
'cd1': 'transitive',
'ni': '1',
'hitType': 'timing',
'message': {
'variableName': 'resolution',
'time': isA<int>(),
'category': 'pub-get',
'label': null
// Don't write the logs to file on a normal run.
expect(File(logFile).existsSync(), isFalse);
test('`embedding --verbose pub` is verbose', () async {
await servePackages();
final buffer = StringBuffer();
await runEmbeddingToBuffer(['--verbose', 'pub', 'logout'], buffer);
expect(buffer.toString(), contains('FINE: Pub 0.1.2+3'));
testWithGolden('--help', (context) async {
await servePackages();
await context.runEmbedding(
['pub', '--help'],
workingDirectory: d.path('.'),
testWithGolden('--color forces colors', (context) async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
server.serve('foo', '2.0.0');
await d.appDir({'foo': '^1.0.0'}).create();
await context.runEmbedding(
['pub', '--no-color', 'get'],
environment: getPubTestEnvironment(),
workingDirectory: d.path(appPath),
await context.runEmbedding(
['pub', '--color', 'get'],
workingDirectory: d.path(appPath),
environment: getPubTestEnvironment(),
String _filter(String input) {
return input
.replaceAll(p.toUri(d.sandbox).toString(), r'file://$SANDBOX')
.replaceAll(d.sandbox, r'$SANDBOX')
.replaceAll(Platform.pathSeparator, '/')
.replaceAll(Platform.operatingSystem, r'$OS')
.replaceAll(globalServer.port.toString(), r'$PORT')
RegExp(r'^Created:(.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'Created: $TIME',
RegExp(r'Generated by pub on (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'Generated by pub on $TIME',
RegExp(r'X-Pub-Session-ID(.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'X-Pub-Session-ID: $ID',
RegExp(r'took (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'took: $TIME',
RegExp(r'date: (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'date: $TIME',
RegExp(r'Creating (.*) from stream\.$', multiLine: true),
r'Creating $FILE from stream',
RegExp(r'Created (.*) from stream\.$', multiLine: true),
r'Created $FILE from stream',
RegExp(r'Renaming directory $SANDBOX/cache/_temp/(.*?) to',
multiLine: true),
r'Renaming directory $SANDBOX/cache/_temp/',
RegExp(r'Extracting .tar.gz stream to (.*?)$', multiLine: true),
r'Extracting .tar.gz stream to $DIR',
RegExp(r'Extracted .tar.gz to (.*?)$', multiLine: true),
r'Extracted .tar.gz to $DIR',
RegExp(r'Reading binary file (.*?)$', multiLine: true),
r'Reading binary file $FILE.',
RegExp(r'Deleting directory (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'Deleting directory $DIR',
RegExp(r'Deleting directory (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'Deleting directory $DIR',
RegExp(r'Resolving dependencies finished (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'Resolving dependencies finished ($TIME)',
RegExp(r'Created temp directory (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'Created temp directory $DIR',
RegExp(r'Renaming directory (.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'Renaming directory $A to $B',
RegExp(r'"_fetchedAt":"(.*)"}$', multiLine: true),
r'"_fetchedAt": "$TIME"}',
RegExp(r'"generated": "(.*)",$', multiLine: true),
r'"generated": "$TIME",',
RegExp(r'( |^)(/|[A-Z]:)(.*)/tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart',
multiLine: true),
r' tool/test-bin/pub_command_runner.dart',
RegExp(r'[ ]{4,}', multiLine: true),
r' ',
RegExp(r' [\d]+:[\d]+ ', multiLine: true),
r' $LINE:$COL ',
RegExp(r'Writing \d+ characters', multiLine: true),
r'Writing $N characters',
RegExp(r'x-goog-hash(.*)$', multiLine: true),
r'x-goog-hash: $CHECKSUM_HEADER',
r'Computed checksum \d+ for foo 1.0.0 with expected CRC32C of '
multiLine: true),
r'Computed checksum $CRC32C for foo 1.0.0 with expected CRC32C of '
/// TODO(sigurdm): This hack suppresses differences in stack-traces
/// between dart 2.17 and 2.18. Remove when 2.18 is stable.
r'(^(.*)pub/src/command.dart \$LINE:\$COL(.*)$)\n\1',
multiLine: true,
(match) => match[1]!);