blob: 68e0dbf65a388da2f68c363b4fa3f496a62fe9a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../lock_file.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../source/hosted.dart';
import '../source/unknown.dart';
import '../system_cache.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'assignment.dart';
import 'failure.dart';
import 'incompatibility.dart';
import 'incompatibility_cause.dart';
import 'package_lister.dart';
import 'partial_solution.dart';
import 'reformat_ranges.dart';
import 'result.dart';
import 'set_relation.dart';
import 'term.dart';
import 'type.dart';
// TODO(nweiz): Currently, a bunch of tests that use the solver are skipped
// because they exercise parts of the solver that haven't been reimplemented.
// They should all be re-enabled before this gets released.
/// The version solver that finds a set of package versions that satisfy the
/// root package's dependencies.
/// See for details
/// on how this solver works.
class VersionSolver {
/// All known incompatibilities, indexed by package name.
/// Each incompatibility is indexed by each package it refers to, and so may
/// appear in multiple values.
final _incompatibilities = <String, List<Incompatibility>>{};
/// The partial solution that contains package versions we've selected and
/// assignments we've derived from those versions and [_incompatibilities].
final _solution = PartialSolution();
/// Package listers that lazily convert package versions' dependencies into
/// incompatibilities.
final _packageListers = <PackageRef, PackageLister>{};
/// The type of version solve being performed.
final SolveType _type;
/// The system cache in which packages are stored.
final SystemCache _systemCache;
/// The entrypoint package, whose dependencies seed the version solve process.
final Package _root;
/// The lockfile, indicating which package versions were previously selected.
final LockFile _lockFile;
/// The dependency constraints that this package overrides when it is the
/// root package.
/// Dependencies here will replace any dependency on a package with the same
/// name anywhere in the dependency graph.
final Map<String, PackageRange> _dependencyOverrides;
/// The set of packages for which the lockfile should be ignored.
final Set<String> _unlock;
final _stopwatch = Stopwatch();
VersionSolver(this._type, this._systemCache, this._root, this._lockFile,
Iterable<String> unlock)
: _dependencyOverrides = _root.dependencyOverrides,
_unlock = {...unlock};
/// Finds a set of dependencies that match the root package's constraints, or
/// throws an error if no such set is available.
Future<SolveResult> solve() async {
[Term(PackageRange.root(_root), false)], IncompatibilityCause.root));
try {
return await _systemCache.hosted.withPrefetching(() async {
String? next =;
while (next != null) {
next = await _choosePackageVersion();
return await _result();
} finally {
// Gather some solving metrics.
log.solver('Version solving took ${_stopwatch.elapsed} seconds.\n'
'Tried ${_solution.attemptedSolutions} solutions.');
/// Performs [unit propagation][] on incompatibilities transitively related to
/// [package] to derive new assignments for [_solution].
/// [unit propagation]:
void _propagate(String package) {
var changed = {package};
while (changed.isNotEmpty) {
var package = changed.first;
// Iterate in reverse because conflict resolution tends to produce more
// general incompatibilities as time goes on. If we look at those first,
// we can derive stronger assignments sooner and more eagerly find
// conflicts.
for (var incompatibility in _incompatibilities[package]!.reversed) {
var result = _propagateIncompatibility(incompatibility);
if (result == #conflict) {
// If [incompatibility] is satisfied by [_solution], we use
// [_resolveConflict] to determine the root cause of the conflict as a
// new incompatibility. It also backjumps to a point in [_solution]
// where that incompatibility will allow us to derive new assignments
// that avoid the conflict.
var rootCause = _resolveConflict(incompatibility);
// Backjumping erases all the assignments we did at the previous
// decision level, so we clear [changed] and refill it with the
// newly-propagated assignment.
changed.add(_propagateIncompatibility(rootCause) as String);
} else if (result is String) {
/// If [incompatibility] is [almost satisfied][] by [_solution], adds the
/// negation of the unsatisfied term to [_solution].
/// [almost satisfied]:
/// If [incompatibility] is satisfied by [_solution], returns `#conflict`. If
/// [incompatibility] is almost satisfied by [_solution], returns the
/// unsatisfied term's package name. Otherwise, returns `#none`.
dynamic /* String | #none | #conflict */ _propagateIncompatibility(
Incompatibility incompatibility) {
// The first entry in `incompatibility.terms` that's not yet satisfied by
// [_solution], if one exists. If we find more than one, [_solution] is
// inconclusive for [incompatibility] and we can't deduce anything.
Term? unsatisfied;
for (var i = 0; i < incompatibility.terms.length; i++) {
var term = incompatibility.terms[i];
var relation = _solution.relation(term);
if (relation == SetRelation.disjoint) {
// If [term] is already contradicted by [_solution], then
// [incompatibility] is contradicted as well and there's nothing new we
// can deduce from it.
return #none;
} else if (relation == SetRelation.overlapping) {
// If more than one term is inconclusive, we can't deduce anything about
// [incompatibility].
if (unsatisfied != null) return #none;
// If exactly one term in [incompatibility] is inconclusive, then it's
// almost satisfied and [term] is the unsatisfied term. We can add the
// inverse of the term to [_solution].
unsatisfied = term;
// If *all* terms in [incompatibility] are satisfied by [_solution], then
// [incompatibility] is satisfied and we have a conflict.
if (unsatisfied == null) return #conflict;
_log("derived:${unsatisfied.isPositive ? ' not' : ''} "
unsatisfied.package, !unsatisfied.isPositive, incompatibility);
/// Given an [incompatibility] that's satisfied by [_solution], [conflict
/// resolution][] constructs a new incompatibility that encapsulates the root
/// cause of the conflict and backtracks [_solution] until the new
/// incompatibility will allow [_propagate] to deduce new assignments.
/// [conflict resolution]:
/// Adds the new incompatibility to [_incompatibilities] and returns it.
Incompatibility _resolveConflict(Incompatibility incompatibility) {
_log("${"conflict"))}: $incompatibility");
var newIncompatibility = false;
while (!incompatibility.isFailure) {
// The term in `incompatibility.terms` that was most recently satisfied by
// [_solution].
Term? mostRecentTerm;
// The earliest assignment in [_solution] such that [incompatibility] is
// satisfied by [_solution] up to and including this assignment.
Assignment? mostRecentSatisfier;
// The difference between [mostRecentSatisfier] and [mostRecentTerm];
// that is, the versions that are allowed by [mostRecentSatisfier] and not
// by [mostRecentTerm]. This is `null` if [mostRecentSatisfier] totally
// satisfies [mostRecentTerm].
Term? difference;
// The decision level of the earliest assignment in [_solution] *before*
// [mostRecentSatisfier] such that [incompatibility] is satisfied by
// [_solution] up to and including this assignment plus
// [mostRecentSatisfier].
// Decision level 1 is the level where the root package was selected. It's
// safe to go back to decision level 0, but stopping at 1 tends to produce
// better error messages, because references to the root package end up
// closer to the final conclusion that no solution exists.
var previousSatisfierLevel = 1;
for (var term in incompatibility.terms) {
var satisfier = _solution.satisfier(term);
if (mostRecentSatisfier == null) {
mostRecentTerm = term;
mostRecentSatisfier = satisfier;
} else if (mostRecentSatisfier.index < satisfier.index) {
previousSatisfierLevel = math.max(
previousSatisfierLevel, mostRecentSatisfier.decisionLevel);
mostRecentTerm = term;
mostRecentSatisfier = satisfier;
difference = null;
} else {
previousSatisfierLevel =
math.max(previousSatisfierLevel, satisfier.decisionLevel);
if (mostRecentTerm == term) {
// If [mostRecentSatisfier] doesn't satisfy [mostRecentTerm] on its
// own, then the next-most-recent satisfier may be the one that
// satisfies the remainder.
difference = mostRecentSatisfier.difference(mostRecentTerm!);
if (difference != null) {
previousSatisfierLevel = math.max(previousSatisfierLevel,
// If [mostRecentSatisfier] is the only satisfier left at its decision
// level, or if it has no cause (indicating that it's a decision rather
// than a derivation), then [incompatibility] is the root cause. We then
// backjump to [previousSatisfierLevel], where [incompatibility] is
// guaranteed to allow [_propagate] to produce more assignments.
if (previousSatisfierLevel < mostRecentSatisfier!.decisionLevel ||
mostRecentSatisfier.cause == null) {
if (newIncompatibility) _addIncompatibility(incompatibility);
return incompatibility;
// Create a new incompatibility by combining [incompatibility] with the
// incompatibility that caused [mostRecentSatisfier] to be assigned. Doing
// this iteratively constructs an incompatibility that's guaranteed to be
// true (that is, we know for sure no solution will satisfy the
// incompatibility) while also approximating the intuitive notion of the
// "root cause" of the conflict.
var newTerms = <Term>[
for (var term in incompatibility.terms)
if (term != mostRecentTerm) term,
for (var term in mostRecentSatisfier.cause!.terms)
if (term.package != mostRecentSatisfier.package) term,
// The [mostRecentSatisfier] may not satisfy [mostRecentTerm] on its own
// if there are a collection of constraints on [mostRecentTerm] that
// only satisfy it together. For example, if [mostRecentTerm] is
// `foo ^1.0.0` and [_solution] contains `[foo >=1.0.0,
// foo <2.0.0]`, then [mostRecentSatisfier] will be `foo <2.0.0` even
// though it doesn't totally satisfy `foo ^1.0.0`.
// In this case, we add `not (mostRecentSatisfier \ mostRecentTerm)` to
// the incompatibility as well, See [the algorithm documentation][] for
// details.
// [the algorithm documentation]:
if (difference != null) newTerms.add(difference.inverse);
incompatibility = Incompatibility(
newTerms, ConflictCause(incompatibility, mostRecentSatisfier.cause!));
newIncompatibility = true;
var partially = difference == null ? '' : ' partially';
var bang ='!');
_log('$bang $mostRecentTerm is$partially satisfied by '
_log('$bang which is caused by "${mostRecentSatisfier.cause}"');
_log('$bang thus: $incompatibility');
throw SolveFailure(reformatRanges(_packageListers, incompatibility));
/// Tries to select a version of a required package.
/// Returns the name of the package whose incompatibilities should be
/// propagated by [_propagate], or `null` indicating that version solving is
/// complete and a solution has been found.
Future<String?> _choosePackageVersion() async {
var unsatisfied = _solution.unsatisfied.toList();
if (unsatisfied.isEmpty) return null;
// If we require a package from an unknown source, add an incompatibility
// that will force a conflict for that package.
for (var candidate in unsatisfied) {
if (candidate.source is! UnknownSource) continue;
[Term(candidate.toRef().withConstraint(VersionConstraint.any), true)],
/// Prefer packages with as few remaining versions as possible, so that if a
/// conflict is necessary it's forced quickly.
var package = await minByAsync(unsatisfied, (PackageRange package) async {
return await _packageLister(package).countVersions(package.constraint);
if (package == null) {
return null; // when unsatisfied.isEmpty
PackageId? version;
try {
version = await _packageLister(package).bestVersion(package.constraint);
} on PackageNotFoundException catch (error) {
[Term(package.toRef().withConstraint(VersionConstraint.any), true)],
if (version == null) {
// If the constraint excludes only a single version, it must have come
// from the inverse of a lockfile's dependency. In that case, we request
// any version instead so that the lister gives us more general
// incompatibilities. This makes error reporting much nicer.
if (_excludesSingleVersion(package.constraint)) {
version =
await _packageLister(package).bestVersion(VersionConstraint.any);
} else {
// If there are no versions that satisfy [package.constraint], add an
// incompatibility that indicates that.
[Term(package, true)], IncompatibilityCause.noVersions));
var conflict = false;
for (var incompatibility
in await _packageLister(package).incompatibilitiesFor(version!)) {
// If an incompatibility is already satisfied, then selecting [version]
// would cause a conflict. We'll continue adding its dependencies, then go
// back to unit propagation which will guide us to choose a better
// version.
conflict = conflict ||
incompatibility.terms.every((term) => == || _solution.satisfies(term));
if (!conflict) {
_log('selecting $version');
/// Adds [incompatibility] to [_incompatibilities].
void _addIncompatibility(Incompatibility incompatibility) {
_log('fact: $incompatibility');
for (var term in incompatibility.terms) {
.putIfAbsent(, () => [])
/// Returns whether [constraint] allows all versions except one.
bool _excludesSingleVersion(VersionConstraint constraint) =>
VersionConstraint.any.difference(constraint) is Version;
/// Creates a [SolveResult] from the decisions in [_solution].
Future<SolveResult> _result() async {
var decisions = _solution.decisions.toList();
var pubspecs = <String, Pubspec>{};
for (var id in decisions) {
if (id.isRoot) {
pubspecs[] = _root.pubspec;
} else {
pubspecs[] = await _systemCache.describe(id);
return SolveResult(
await _getAvailableVersions(decisions),
/// Generates a map containing all of the known available versions for each
/// package in [packages].
/// The version list may not always be complete. If the package is the root
/// package, or if it's a package that we didn't unlock while solving because
/// we weren't trying to upgrade it, we will just know the current version.
/// The version list will not contain any retracted package versions.
Future<Map<String, List<Version>>> _getAvailableVersions(
List<PackageId> packages) async {
var availableVersions = <String, List<Version>>{};
for (var package in packages) {
// If the version list was never requested, use versions from cached
// version listings if the package is "hosted".
// TODO(sigurdm): This has a smell. The Git source should have a
// reasonable behavior here (we should be able to call getVersions in a
// way that doesn't fetch.
List<PackageId> ids;
try {
ids = package.source is HostedSource
? await _systemCache.getVersions(package.toRef(),
maxAge: Duration(days: 3))
: [package];
} on Exception {
ids = <PackageId>[package];
availableVersions[] = => id.version).toList();
return availableVersions;
/// Returns the package lister for [package], creating it if necessary.
PackageLister _packageLister(PackageRange package) {
var ref = package.toRef();
return _packageListers.putIfAbsent(ref, () {
if (ref.isRoot) return PackageLister.root(_root, _systemCache);
var locked = _getLocked(;
if (locked != null && locked.toRef() != ref) locked = null;
final overridden = <String>{
// If the package is overridden, ignore its dependencies back onto the
// root package.
if (_dependencyOverrides.containsKey(
return PackageLister(
downgrade: _type == SolveType.downgrade);
/// Gets the version of [package] currently locked in the lock file.
/// Returns `null` if it isn't in the lockfile (or has been unlocked).
PackageId? _getLocked(String? package) {
if (_type == SolveType.get) {
if (_unlock.contains(package)) {
return null;
return _lockFile.packages[package];
// When downgrading, we don't want to force the latest versions of
// non-hosted packages, since they don't support multiple versions and thus
// can't be downgraded.
if (_type == SolveType.downgrade) {
var locked = _lockFile.packages[package];
if (locked != null && !locked.source.hasMultipleVersions) return locked;
if (_unlock.isEmpty || _unlock.contains(package)) return null;
return _lockFile.packages[package];
/// Gets the version of [package] which can be allowed during version solving
/// even if that version is marked as retracted. Returns `null` if no such
/// version exists.
/// We only allow resolving to a retracted version if it is already in the
/// `pubspec.lock` or pinned in `dependency_overrides`.
Version? _getAllowedRetracted(String? package) {
if (_dependencyOverrides.containsKey(package)) {
var range = _dependencyOverrides[package]!;
if (range.constraint is Version) {
// We have a pinned dependency.
return range.constraint as Version?;
return _lockFile.packages[package]?.version;
/// Logs [message] in the context of the current selected packages.
/// If [message] is omitted, just logs a description of leaf-most selection.
void _log([String message = '']) {
// Indent for the previous selections.
log.solver(prefixLines(message, prefix: ' ' * _solution.decisionLevel));