blob: 38f9161c2f0a4e48dac45ad053f596001e7aa3e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Pub-specific test descriptors.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub/src/language_version.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/package_config.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/third_party/oauth2/lib/oauth2.dart' as oauth2;
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart';
import 'descriptor/git.dart';
import 'descriptor/package_config.dart';
import 'descriptor/tar.dart';
import 'descriptor/yaml.dart';
import 'test_pub.dart';
export 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart';
export 'descriptor/git.dart';
export 'descriptor/package_config.dart';
export 'descriptor/tar.dart';
/// Creates a new [GitRepoDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
GitRepoDescriptor git(String name, [List<Descriptor>? contents]) =>
GitRepoDescriptor(name, contents ?? <Descriptor>[]);
/// Creates a new [TarFileDescriptor] with [name] and [contents].
TarFileDescriptor tar(String name, [List<Descriptor>? contents]) =>
TarFileDescriptor(name, contents ?? <Descriptor>[]);
FileDescriptor validPubspec({Map<String, Object?>? extras}) =>
libPubspec('test_pkg', '1.0.0', sdk: '>=3.1.2 <=3.2.0', extras: extras);
/// Describes a package that passes all validation.
DirectoryDescriptor validPackage({String version = '1.0.0'}) => dir(appPath, [
validPubspec(extras: {'version': version}),
file('LICENSE', 'Eh, do what you want.'),
file('', "This package isn't real."),
file('', '# $version\nFirst version\n'),
dir('lib', [file('test_pkg.dart', 'int i = 1;')])
/// Returns a descriptor of a snapshot that can't be run by the current VM.
/// This snapshot was generated using version 2.0.0-dev.58.0 of the VM.
FileDescriptor outOfDateSnapshot(String name) => file(
/// Describes a file named `pubspec.yaml` with the given YAML-serialized
/// [contents], which should be a serializable object.
/// [contents] may contain [Future]s that resolve to serializable objects,
/// which may in turn contain [Future]s recursively.
FileDescriptor pubspec(Map<String, Object?> contents) => YamlDescriptor(
// TODO: Copy-pasting this into all call-sites, or use d.libPubspec
'environment': {
'sdk': defaultSdkConstraint,
...(contents['environment'] ?? {}) as Map,
Descriptor rawPubspec(Map<String, Object> contents) =>
YamlDescriptor('pubspec.yaml', yaml(contents));
/// Describes a file named `pubspec.yaml` for an application package with the
/// given [dependencies].
Descriptor appPubspec({Map? dependencies, Map<String, Object>? extras}) {
var map = <String, Object>{
'name': 'myapp',
if (dependencies != null) map['dependencies'] = dependencies;
return pubspec(map);
/// Describes a file named `pubspec.yaml` for a library package with the given
/// [name], [version], and [deps]. If "sdk" is given, then it adds an SDK
/// constraint on that version, otherwise it adds an SDK constraint allowing
/// the current SDK version.
/// [extras] is additional fields of the pubspec.
FileDescriptor libPubspec(
String name,
String version, {
Map? deps,
Map? devDeps,
String? sdk,
Map<String, Object?>? extras,
}) {
var map = packageMap(name, version, deps, devDeps);
if (sdk != null) {
map['environment'] = {'sdk': sdk};
return pubspec({, ...extras ?? {}});
/// Describes a file named `pubspec_overrides.yaml` by default, with the given
/// YAML-serialized [contents], which should be a serializable object.
/// [contents] may contain [Future]s that resolve to serializable objects,
/// which may in turn contain [Future]s recursively.
Descriptor pubspecOverrides(Map<String, Object> contents) => YamlDescriptor(
/// Describes a directory named `lib` containing a single dart file named
/// `<name>.dart` that contains a line of Dart code.
Descriptor libDir(String name, [String? code]) {
// Default to printing the name if no other code was given.
code ??= name;
return dir('lib', [file('$name.dart', 'main() => "$code";')]);
/// Describes a directory whose name ends with a hyphen followed by an
/// alphanumeric hash.
Descriptor hashDir(String name, Iterable<Descriptor> contents) => pattern(
(dirName) => dir(dirName, contents),
/// Describes a directory for a Git repo with a dart package.
/// This directory is of the form found in the revision cache of the global
/// package cache.
/// If [repoName] is not given it is assumed to be equal to [packageName].
Descriptor gitPackageRevisionCacheDir(
String packageName, {
int? modifier,
String? repoName,
}) {
repoName = repoName ?? packageName;
var value = packageName;
if (modifier != null) value = '$packageName $modifier';
return hashDir(repoName, [libDir(packageName, value)]);
/// Describes a directory for a Git package. This directory is of the form
/// found in the repo cache of the global package cache.
Descriptor gitPackageRepoCacheDir(String name) =>
hashDir(name, [dir('objects'), dir('refs')]);
/// Describes the global package cache directory containing all the given
/// [packages], which should be name/version pairs. The packages will be
/// validated against the format produced by the mock package server.
/// A package's value may also be a list of versions, in which case all
/// versions are expected to be downloaded.
/// If [port] is passed, it's used as the port number of the local hosted server
/// that this cache represents. It defaults to [globalServer.port].
/// If [includePubspecs] is `true`, then pubspecs will be created for each
/// package. Defaults to `false` so that the contents of pubspecs are not
/// validated since they will often lack the dependencies section that the
/// real pubspec being compared against has. You usually only need to pass
/// `true` for this if you plan to call [create] on the resulting descriptor.
Descriptor cacheDir(
Map<String, dynamic> packages, {
int? port,
bool includePubspecs = false,
}) {
var contents = <Descriptor>[];
packages.forEach((name, versions) {
if (versions is! List) versions = [versions];
for (var version in versions) {
var packageContents = [libDir(name, '$name $version')];
if (includePubspecs) {
packageContents.add(libPubspec(name, version as String));
contents.add(dir('$name-$version', packageContents));
return hostedCache(contents, port: port);
/// Describes the main cache directory containing cached hosted packages
/// downloaded from the mock package server.
/// If [port] is passed, it's used as the port number of the local hosted server
/// that this cache represents. It defaults to [globalServer.port].
Descriptor hostedCache(Iterable<Descriptor> contents, {int? port}) {
return dir(hostedCachePath(port: port), contents);
/// Describes the hosted-hashes cache directory containing hashes of the hosted
/// packages downloaded from the mock package server.
/// If [port] is passed, it's used as the port number of the local hosted server
/// that this cache represents. It defaults to [globalServer.port].
Descriptor hostedHashesCache(Iterable<Descriptor> contents, {int? port}) {
return dir(cachePath, [
[dir('localhost%58${port ?? globalServer.port}', contents)],
String hostedCachePath({int? port}) =>
p.join(cachePath, 'hosted', 'localhost%58${port ?? globalServer.port}');
/// Describes the file that contains the client's OAuth2
/// credentials. The URL "/token" on [server] will be used as the token
/// endpoint for refreshing the access token.
Descriptor credentialsFile(
PackageServer server,
String accessToken, {
String? refreshToken,
DateTime? expiration,
}) {
return configDir(
refreshToken: refreshToken,
expiration: expiration,
Descriptor legacyCredentialsFile(
PackageServer server,
String accessToken, {
String? refreshToken,
DateTime? expiration,
}) {
return dir(
refreshToken: refreshToken,
expiration: expiration,
String _credentialsFileContent(
PackageServer server,
String accessToken, {
String? refreshToken,
DateTime? expiration,
}) =>
refreshToken: refreshToken,
tokenEndpoint: Uri.parse(server.url).resolve('/token'),
scopes: [
expiration: expiration,
/// Describes the file in the system cache that contains credentials for
/// third party hosted pub servers.
Descriptor tokensFile([Map<String, dynamic> contents = const {}]) {
return configDir([file('pub-tokens.json', jsonEncode(contents))]);
/// Describes the application directory, containing only a pubspec specifying
/// the given [dependencies].
DirectoryDescriptor appDir({Map? dependencies, Map<String, Object>? pubspec}) =>
dir(appPath, [appPubspec(dependencies: dependencies, extras: pubspec)]);
/// Describes a `.dart_tools/package_config.json` file.
/// [dependencies] is a list of packages included in the file.
/// Validation checks that the `.dart_tools/package_config.json` file exists,
/// has the expected entries (one per key in [dependencies]), each with a path
/// that matches the `rootUri` of that package.
Descriptor packageConfigFile(
List<PackageConfigEntry> packages, {
String generatorVersion = '3.1.2+3',
}) =>
PackageConfigFileDescriptor(packages, generatorVersion);
Descriptor appPackageConfigFile(
List<PackageConfigEntry> packages, {
String generatorVersion = '3.1.2+3',
}) =>
packageConfigEntry(name: 'myapp', path: '.'),
generatorVersion: generatorVersion,
/// Create a [PackageConfigEntry] which assumes package with [name] is either
/// a cached package with given [version] or a path dependency at given [path].
PackageConfigEntry packageConfigEntry({
required String name,
String? version,
String? path,
String? languageVersion,
PackageServer? server,
}) {
if (version != null && path != null) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
'Only one of "version" and "path" can be provided',
if (version == null && path == null) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
'Either "version" or "path" must be given',
Uri rootUri;
if (version != null) {
rootUri = p.toUri((server ?? globalServer).pathInCache(name, version));
} else {
rootUri = p.toUri(p.join('..', path));
return PackageConfigEntry(
name: name,
rootUri: rootUri,
packageUri: Uri(path: 'lib/'),
languageVersion != null ? LanguageVersion.parse(languageVersion) : null,