blob: 041e94ed195ad2971884df0ad951b1c5e142f26a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Helpers for dealing with HTTP.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'command.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'sdk.dart';
import 'source/hosted.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Headers and field names that should be censored in the log output.
const _censoredFields = ['refresh_token', 'authorization'];
/// Headers required for API requests.
/// The Accept header tells which version of the API we're
/// expecting, so it can either serve that version or give us a 406 error if
/// it's not supported.
const pubApiHeaders = {'Accept': 'application/'};
/// A unique ID to identify this particular invocation of pub.
final _sessionId = createUuid();
/// An HTTP client that transforms 40* errors and socket exceptions into more
/// user-friendly error messages.
class _PubHttpClient extends http.BaseClient {
final _requestStopwatches = <http.BaseRequest, Stopwatch>{};
http.Client _inner;
_PubHttpClient([http.Client? inner]) : _inner = inner ?? http.Client();
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) async {
_requestStopwatches[request] = Stopwatch()..start();
request.headers[HttpHeaders.userAgentHeader] = 'Dart pub ${sdk.version}';
final streamedResponse = await _inner.send(request);
return streamedResponse;
/// Logs the fact that [request] was sent, and information about it.
void _logRequest(http.BaseRequest request) {
var requestLog = StringBuffer();
requestLog.writeln('HTTP ${request.method} ${request.url}');
.forEach((name, value) => requestLog.writeln(_logField(name, value)));
if (request.method == 'POST') {
var contentTypeString = request.headers[HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader];
var contentType = ContentType.parse(contentTypeString ?? '');
if (request is http.MultipartRequest) {
requestLog.writeln('Body fields:');
(name, value) => requestLog.writeln(_logField(name, value)),
// TODO(nweiz): make MultipartRequest.files readable, and log them?
} else if (request is http.Request) {
if (contentType.value == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
requestLog.writeln('Body fields:');
(name, value) => requestLog.writeln(_logField(name, value)),
} else if (contentType.value == 'text/plain' ||
contentType.value == 'application/json') {
/// Logs the fact that [response] was received, and information about it.
void _logResponse(http.StreamedResponse response) {
// TODO(nweiz): Fork the response stream and log the response body. Be
// careful not to log OAuth2 private data, though.
var responseLog = StringBuffer();
var request = response.request!;
var stopwatch = _requestStopwatches.remove(request)!..stop();
responseLog.writeln('HTTP response ${response.statusCode} '
'${response.reasonPhrase} for ${request.method} ${request.url}');
responseLog.writeln('took ${stopwatch.elapsed}');
.forEach((name, value) => responseLog.writeln(_logField(name, value)));;
/// Returns a log-formatted string for the HTTP field or header with the given
/// [name] and [value].
String _logField(String name, String value) {
if (_censoredFields.contains(name.toLowerCase())) {
return '$name: <censored>';
} else {
return '$name: $value';
void close() => _inner.close();
/// The [_PubHttpClient] wrapped by [globalHttpClient].
final _pubClient = _PubHttpClient();
/// The HTTP client to use for all HTTP requests.
final globalHttpClient = _pubClient;
/// The underlying HTTP client wrapped by [globalHttpClient].
/// This enables the ability to use a mock client in tests.
http.Client get innerHttpClient => _pubClient._inner;
set innerHttpClient(http.Client client) => _pubClient._inner = client;
/// Runs [callback] in a zone where all HTTP requests sent to ``
/// will indicate the [type] of the relationship between the root package and
/// the package being requested.
/// If [type] is [DependencyType.none], no extra metadata is added.
Future<T> withDependencyType<T>(
DependencyType type,
Future<T> Function() callback,
) {
return runZoned(callback, zoneValues: {#_dependencyType: type});
extension AttachHeaders on http.Request {
/// Adds headers required for API requests.
void attachPubApiHeaders() {
/// Adds request metadata headers about the Pub tool's environment and the
/// currently running command if the request URL indicates the destination is
/// a Hosted Pub Repository.
void attachMetadataHeaders() {
if (!HostedSource.shouldSendAdditionalMetadataFor(url)) {
headers['X-Pub-OS'] = Platform.operatingSystem;
headers['X-Pub-Command'] = PubCommand.command;
headers['X-Pub-Session-ID'] = _sessionId;
var environment = Platform.environment['PUB_ENVIRONMENT'];
if (environment != null) {
headers['X-Pub-Environment'] = environment;
var type = Zone.current[#_dependencyType];
if (type != null && type != DependencyType.none) {
headers['X-Pub-Reason'] = type.toString();
/// Handles a successful JSON-formatted response from
/// These responses are expected to be of the form `{"success": {"message":
/// "some message"}}`. If the format is correct, the message will be printed;
/// otherwise an error will be raised.
void handleJsonSuccess(http.Response response) {
final parsed = parseJsonResponse(response);
final success = parsed['success'];
if (success is! Map ||
!(parsed['success'] as Map).containsKey('message') ||
parsed['success']['message'] is! String) {
log.message(['success']['message'] as String));
/// Handles an unsuccessful JSON-formatted response from
/// These responses are expected to be of the form `{"error": {"message": "some
/// message"}}`. If the format is correct, the message will be raised as an
/// error; otherwise an [invalidServerResponse] error will be raised.
void handleJsonError(http.BaseResponse response) {
if (response is! http.Response) {
// Not likely to be a common code path, but necessary.
// See
fail('Invalid server response'));
var errorMap = parseJsonResponse(response);
final error = errorMap['error'];
if (error is! Map ||
!error.containsKey('message') ||
error['message'] is! String) {
fail(['message'] as String));
/// Parses a response body, assuming it's JSON-formatted.
/// Throws a user-friendly error if the response body is invalid JSON, or if
/// it's not a map.
Map parseJsonResponse(http.Response response) {
Object? value;
try {
value = jsonDecode(response.body) as Object?;
} on FormatException {
if (value is! Map) invalidServerResponse(response);
return value;
/// Throws an error describing an invalid response from the server.
Never invalidServerResponse(http.Response response) =>
fail('Invalid server response:\n${response.body}'));
/// Exception thrown when an HTTP operation fails.
class PubHttpException implements Exception {
final String message;
final bool isIntermittent;
PubHttpException(this.message, {this.isIntermittent = false});
String toString() {
return 'PubHttpException: $message';
/// Exception thrown when an HTTP response is not Ok.
class PubHttpResponseException extends PubHttpException {
final http.BaseResponse response;
this.response, {
String message = '',
bool isIntermittent = false,
}) : super(message, isIntermittent: isIntermittent);
String toString() {
var temp = 'PubHttpResponseException: HTTP error ${response.statusCode} '
if (message != '') {
temp += ': $message';
return temp;
/// Whether [e] is one of a few HTTP-related exceptions that subclass
/// [IOException]. Can be used if your try-catch block contains various
/// operations in addition to HTTP calls and so a [IOException] instance check
/// would be too coarse.
bool isHttpIOException(Object e) {
return e is HttpException ||
e is TlsException ||
e is SocketException ||
e is WebSocketException;
/// Program-wide limiter for concurrent network requests.
final _httpPool = Pool(16);
/// Runs the provided function [fn] and returns the response.
/// If there is an HTTP-related exception, an intermittent HTTP error response,
/// or an async timeout, [fn] is run repeatedly until there is a successful
/// response or at most seven total attempts have been made. If all attempts
/// fail, the final exception is re-thrown.
/// Each attempt is run within a [Pool] configured with 16 maximum resources.
Future<T> retryForHttp<T>(String operation, FutureOr<T> Function() fn) async {
return await retry(
() async => await _httpPool.withResource(() async => await fn()),
retryIf: (e) async =>
(e is PubHttpException && e.isIntermittent) ||
e is TimeoutException ||
e is http.ClientException ||
onRetry: (exception, attemptNumber) async =>'Attempt #$attemptNumber for $operation'),
maxAttempts: math.max(
1, // Having less than 1 attempt doesn't make sense.
int.tryParse(Platform.environment['PUB_MAX_HTTP_RETRIES'] ?? '') ?? 7,
extension Throwing on http.BaseResponse {
/// See
static const _redirectStatusCodes = [
/// Throws [PubHttpResponseException], calls [fail], or does nothing depending
/// on the status code.
/// If the code is in the 200 range or if its a 300 range redirect code,
/// nothing is done. If the code is 408, 429, or in the 500 range,
/// [PubHttpResponseException] is thrown with "isIntermittent" set to `true`.
/// Otherwise, [PubHttpResponseException] is thrown with "isIntermittent" set
/// to `false`.
void throwIfNotOk() {
if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= 299) {
} else if (_redirectStatusCodes.contains(statusCode)) {
} else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.notAcceptable &&
request?.headers['Accept'] == pubApiHeaders['Accept']) {
fail('Pub ${sdk.version} is incompatible with the current version of '
'Upgrade pub to the latest version and try again.');
} else if (statusCode >= 500 ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.requestTimeout ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.tooManyRequests) {
// Throw if the response indicates a server error or an intermittent
// client error, but mark it as intermittent so it can be retried.
throw PubHttpResponseException(this, isIntermittent: true);
} else {
// Throw for all other status codes.
throw PubHttpResponseException(this);
extension RequestSending on http.Client {
/// Sends an HTTP request, reads the whole response body, validates the
/// response headers, and if validation is successful, and returns it.
/// The send method on [http.Client], which returns a [http.StreamedResponse],
/// is the only method that accepts a request object. This method can be used
/// when you need to send a request object but want a regular response object.
/// If false is passed for [throwIfNotOk], the response will not be validated.
/// See [http.BaseResponse.throwIfNotOk] extension for validation details.
Future<http.Response> fetch(
http.BaseRequest request, {
bool throwIfNotOk = true,
}) async {
final streamedResponse = await send(request);
final response = await http.Response.fromStream(streamedResponse);
if (throwIfNotOk) {
return response;
/// Sends an HTTP request, validates the response headers, and if validation
/// is successful, returns a [http.StreamedResponse].
/// If false is passed for [throwIfNotOk], the response will not be validated.
/// See [http.BaseResponse.throwIfNotOk] extension for validation details.
Future<http.StreamedResponse> fetchAsStream(
http.BaseRequest request, {
bool throwIfNotOk = true,
}) async {
final streamedResponse = await send(request);
if (throwIfNotOk) {
return streamedResponse;