blob: 482bf05dde84acc6502d94ce162365be9fa49ef3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../compiler.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../package.dart';
import '../package_graph.dart';
import '../preprocess.dart';
import '../sdk.dart' as sdk;
/// The path to the lib directory of the compiler_unsupported package used by
/// pub.
/// This is used to make sure dart2js is running against its own version of its
/// internal libraries when running from the pub repo. It's `null` if we're
/// running from the Dart repo or from the built SDK.
final Future<String> _compilerUnsupportedLib = (() async {
if (runningFromSdk) return null;
if (runningFromDartRepo) return null;
return p
.fromUri(await PackageResolver.current.urlFor('compiler_unsupported'));
final _zlib = new ZLibCodec();
/// An implementation of barback's [PackageProvider] interface so that barback
/// can find assets within pub packages.
class PubPackageProvider implements StaticPackageProvider {
final PackageGraph _graph;
final List<String> staticPackages;
Iterable<String> get packages =>
PubPackageProvider(PackageGraph graph, Compiler compiler)
: _graph = graph,
staticPackages = [r"$pub", r"$sdk"]..addAll(graph.packages.keys
.where((p) => graph.isPackageStatic(p, compiler)));
Future<Asset> getAsset(AssetId id) async {
// "$pub" is a psuedo-package that allows pub's transformer-loading
// infrastructure to share code with pub proper.
if (id.package == r'$pub') {
var components = p.url.split(id.path);
assert(components.first == 'lib');
components[0] = 'dart';
var file = assetPath(p.joinAll(components));
_assertExists(file, id);
// Barback may not be in the package graph if there are no user-defined
// transformers being used at all. The "$pub" sources are still provided,
// but will never be loaded.
if (!_graph.packages.containsKey("barback")) {
return new Asset.fromPath(id, file);
var versions = mapMap<String, Package, String, Version>(_graph.packages,
value: (_, package) => package.version);
var contents = readTextFile(file);
contents = preprocess(contents, versions, p.toUri(file));
return new Asset.fromString(id, contents);
// "$sdk" is a pseudo-package that provides access to the Dart library
// sources in the SDK. The dart2js transformer uses this to locate the Dart
// sources for "dart:" libraries.
if (id.package == r'$sdk') {
// The asset path contains two "lib" entries. The first represents pub's
// concept that all public assets are in "lib". The second comes from the
// organization of the SDK itself. Strip off the first. Leave the second
// since dart2js adds it and expects it to be there.
var parts = p.split(p.fromUri(id.path));
assert(parts.isNotEmpty && parts[0] == 'lib');
parts = parts.skip(1).toList();
var compilerUnsupportedLib = await _compilerUnsupportedLib;
if (compilerUnsupportedLib == null) {
var file = p.join(sdk.rootDirectory, p.joinAll(parts));
_assertExists(file, id);
return new Asset.fromPath(id, file);
// If we're running from pub's repo, our version of dart2js comes from
// compiler_unsupported and may expect different SDK sources than the
// actual SDK we're using. Handily, compiler_unsupported contains a full
// (ZLib-encoded) copy of the SDK, so we load sources from that instead.
var file =
p.join(compilerUnsupportedLib, 'sdk', p.joinAll(parts.skip(1))) + "_";
_assertExists(file, id);
return new Asset.fromStream(id,
new LazyStream(() => _zlib.decoder.bind(new File(file).openRead())));
var nativePath = p.fromUri(id.path);
var file = _graph.packages[id.package].path(nativePath);
_assertExists(file, id);
return new Asset.fromPath(id, file);
/// Throw an [AssetNotFoundException] for [id] if [path] doesn't exist.
void _assertExists(String path, AssetId id) {
if (!fileExists(path)) throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
Stream<AssetId> getAllAssetIds(String packageName) {
if (packageName == r'$pub') {
// "$pub" is a pseudo-package that allows pub's transformer-loading
// infrastructure to share code with pub proper. We provide it only during
// the initial transformer loading process.
var dartPath = assetPath('dart');
return new Stream.fromIterable(listDir(dartPath, recursive: true)
// Don't include directories.
.where((file) => p.extension(file) == ".dart")
.map((library) {
var idPath = p.join('lib', p.relative(library, from: dartPath));
return new AssetId('\$pub', p.toUri(idPath).toString());
} else if (packageName == r'$sdk') {
return StreamCompleter.fromFuture(() async {
var compilerUnsupportedLib = await _compilerUnsupportedLib;
// "$sdk" is a pseudo-package that allows the dart2js transformer to
// find the Dart core libraries without hitting the file system
// directly. This ensures they work with source maps.
var libPath = compilerUnsupportedLib == null
? p.join(sdk.rootDirectory, "lib")
: p.join(compilerUnsupportedLib, "sdk");
var files = listDir(libPath, recursive: true);
if (compilerUnsupportedLib != null) {
// compiler_unsupported's SDK sources are ZLib-encoded; to indicate
// this, they end in "_". We serve them decoded, though, so we strip
// the underscore to get the asset paths.
var trailingUnderscore = new RegExp(r"_$");
files = => file.replaceAll(trailingUnderscore, ""));
return new Stream.fromIterable(
files.where((file) => p.extension(file) == ".dart").map((file) {
var idPath = p.join("lib", "lib", p.relative(file, from: libPath));
return new AssetId('\$sdk', p.toUri(idPath).toString());
} else {
var package = _graph.packages[packageName];
return new Stream.fromIterable(
package.listFiles(beneath: 'lib').map((file) {
return new AssetId(
packageName, p.toUri(package.relative(file)).toString());