| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # Skip non-test files ending with "_test". |
| packages/*: SkipByDesign |
| */packages/*: SkipByDesign |
| */*/packages/*: SkipByDesign |
| */*/*/packages/*: SkipByDesign |
| */*/*/*packages/*: SkipByDesign |
| */*/*/*/*packages/*: SkipByDesign |
| |
| # Only run tests from the test directory, since we don't care about the |
| # difference between transformed an untransformed code. |
| build/test/*: SkipByDesign |
| build/test/*/*: SkipByDesign |
| build/test/*/*/*: SkipByDesign |
| build/test/*/*/*/*: SkipByDesign |
| |
| # Don't run library files as tests |
| lib/*: SkipByDesign |
| lib/*/*: SkipByDesign |
| lib/*/*/*: SkipByDesign |
| lib/*/*/*/*: SkipByDesign |
| |
| test/dart2js/compiles_generated_file_from_dependency_test: Pass, Slow |
| test/serve/web_socket/url_to_asset_id_test: Pass, Slow |
| test/transformer/loads_a_diamond_transformer_dependency_graph_test: Pass, Slow |
| |
| # Pub only runs on the VM, so just rule out all compilers. |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| *: Skip |
| |
| # Pub only runs on the standalone VM, not the browser. |
| [ $runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium || $runtime == opera ] |
| *: Skip |
| |
| [ $runtime == vm && $system == windows ] |
| test/run/app_can_read_from_stdin_test: Fail # Issue 19448 |
| test/run/forwards_signal_posix_test: SkipByDesign |