blob: 04c7c3f6ef4d54ecda01364a847c57661cccd7f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import 'incompatibility_cause.dart';
import 'term.dart';
/// A set of mutually-incompatible terms.
/// See
class Incompatibility {
/// The mutually-incompatible terms.
final List<Term> terms;
/// The reason [terms] are incompatible.
final IncompatibilityCause cause;
/// Whether this incompatibility indicates that version solving as a whole has
/// failed.
bool get isFailure =>
terms.isEmpty || (terms.length == 1 && terms.first.package.isRoot);
/// Returns all external incompatibilities in this incompatibility's
/// derivation graph.
Iterable<Incompatibility> get externalIncompatibilities sync* {
if (cause is ConflictCause) {
var cause = this.cause as ConflictCause;
yield* cause.conflict.externalIncompatibilities;
yield* cause.other.externalIncompatibilities;
} else {
yield this;
/// Creates an incompatibility with [terms].
/// This normalizes [terms] so that each package has at most one term
/// referring to it.
factory Incompatibility(List<Term> terms, IncompatibilityCause cause) {
// Remove the root package from generated incompatibilities, since it will
// always be satisfied. This makes error reporting clearer, and may also
// make solving more efficient.
if (terms.length != 1 &&
cause is ConflictCause &&
terms.any((term) => term.isPositive && term.package.isRoot)) {
terms = terms
.where((term) => !term.isPositive || !term.package.isRoot)
if (terms.length == 1 ||
// Short-circuit in the common case of a two-term incompatibility with
// two different packages (for example, a dependency).
(terms.length == 2 && != {
return Incompatibility._(terms, cause);
// Coalesce multiple terms about the same package if possible.
var byName = <String, Map<PackageRef, Term>>{};
for (var term in terms) {
var byRef = byName.putIfAbsent(, () => {});
var ref = term.package.toRef();
if (byRef.containsKey(ref)) {
// If we have two terms that refer to the same package but have a null
// intersection, they're mutually exclusive, making this incompatibility
// irrelevant, since we already know that mutually exclusive version
// ranges are incompatible. We should never derive an irrelevant
// incompatibility.
byRef[ref] = byRef[ref]!.intersect(term)!;
} else {
byRef[ref] = term;
return Incompatibility._(
byName.values.expand((byRef) {
// If there are any positive terms for a given package, we can discard
// any negative terms.
var positiveTerms =
byRef.values.where((term) => term.isPositive).toList();
if (positiveTerms.isNotEmpty) return positiveTerms;
return byRef.values;
Incompatibility._(this.terms, this.cause);
/// Returns a string representation of [this].
/// If [details] is passed, it controls the amount of detail that's written
/// for packages with the given names.
String toString([Map<String, PackageDetail>? details]) {
if (cause == IncompatibilityCause.dependency) {
assert(terms.length == 2);
var depender = terms.first;
var dependee = terms.last;
return '${_terse(depender, details, allowEvery: true)} depends on '
'${_terse(dependee, details)}';
} else if (cause == IncompatibilityCause.useLatest) {
assert(terms.length == 1);
var forbidden = terms.last;
return 'the latest version of ${_terseRef(forbidden, details)} '
'(${VersionConstraint.any.difference(forbidden.constraint)}) '
'is required';
} else if (cause is SdkCause) {
assert(terms.length == 1);
var cause = this.cause as SdkCause;
var buffer = StringBuffer(
'${_terse(terms.first, details, allowEvery: true)} requires ');
if (!cause.sdk.isAvailable) {
buffer.write('the ${} SDK');
} else {
if ( != 'Dart') buffer.write('${} ');
buffer.write('SDK version ${cause.constraint}');
return buffer.toString();
} else if (cause == IncompatibilityCause.noVersions) {
assert(terms.length == 1);
return 'no versions of ${_terseRef(terms.first, details)} '
'match ${terms.first.constraint}';
} else if (cause is PackageNotFoundCause) {
assert(terms.length == 1);
var cause = this.cause as PackageNotFoundCause;
return "${_terseRef(terms.first, details)} doesn't exist "
} else if (cause == IncompatibilityCause.unknownSource) {
assert(terms.length == 1);
return '${} comes from unknown source '
} else if (cause == IncompatibilityCause.root) {
// [IncompatibilityCause.root] is only used when a package depends on the
// entrypoint with an incompatible version, so we want to print the
// entrypoint's actual version to make it clear why this failed.
assert(terms.length == 1);
return '${} is ${terms.first.constraint}';
} else if (isFailure) {
return 'version solving failed';
if (terms.length == 1) {
var term = terms.single;
if (term.constraint.isAny) {
return '${_terseRef(term, details)} is '
"${term.isPositive ? 'forbidden' : 'required'}";
} else {
return '${_terse(term, details)} is '
"${term.isPositive ? 'forbidden' : 'required'}";
if (terms.length == 2) {
var term1 = terms.first;
var term2 = terms.last;
if (term1.isPositive == term2.isPositive) {
if (term1.isPositive) {
var package1 = term1.constraint.isAny
? _terseRef(term1, details)
: _terse(term1, details);
var package2 = term2.constraint.isAny
? _terseRef(term2, details)
: _terse(term2, details);
return '$package1 is incompatible with $package2';
} else {
return 'either ${_terse(term1, details)} or '
'${_terse(term2, details)}';
var positive = <String>[];
var negative = <String>[];
for (var term in terms) {
(term.isPositive ? positive : negative).add(_terse(term, details));
if (positive.isNotEmpty && negative.isNotEmpty) {
if (positive.length == 1) {
var positiveTerm = terms.firstWhere((term) => term.isPositive);
return '${_terse(positiveTerm, details, allowEvery: true)} requires '
"${negative.join(' or ')}";
} else {
return "if ${positive.join(' and ')} then ${negative.join(' or ')}";
} else if (positive.isNotEmpty) {
return "one of ${positive.join(' or ')} must be false";
} else {
return "one of ${negative.join(' or ')} must be true";
/// Returns the equivalent of `"$this and $other"`, with more intelligent
/// phrasing for specific patterns.
/// If [details] is passed, it controls the amount of detail that's written
/// for packages with the given names.
/// If [thisLine] and/or [otherLine] are passed, they indicate line numbers
/// that should be associated with [this] and [other], respectively.
String andToString(Incompatibility other,
[Map<String, PackageDetail>? details, int? thisLine, int? otherLine]) {
var requiresBoth = _tryRequiresBoth(other, details, thisLine, otherLine);
if (requiresBoth != null) return requiresBoth;
var requiresThrough =
_tryRequiresThrough(other, details, thisLine, otherLine);
if (requiresThrough != null) return requiresThrough;
var requiresForbidden =
_tryRequiresForbidden(other, details, thisLine, otherLine);
if (requiresForbidden != null) return requiresForbidden;
var buffer = StringBuffer(toString(details));
if (thisLine != null) buffer.write(' $thisLine');
buffer.write(' and ${other.toString(details)}');
if (otherLine != null) buffer.write(' $thisLine');
return buffer.toString();
/// If "[this] and [other]" can be expressed as "some package requires both X
/// and Y", this returns that expression.
/// Otherwise, this returns `null`.
String? _tryRequiresBoth(Incompatibility other,
[Map<String, PackageDetail>? details, int? thisLine, int? otherLine]) {
if (terms.length == 1 || other.terms.length == 1) return null;
var thisPositive = _singleTermWhere((term) => term.isPositive);
if (thisPositive == null) return null;
var otherPositive = other._singleTermWhere((term) => term.isPositive);
if (otherPositive == null) return null;
if (thisPositive.package != otherPositive.package) return null;
var thisNegatives = terms
.where((term) => !term.isPositive)
.map((term) => _terse(term, details))
.join(' or ');
var otherNegatives = other.terms
.where((term) => !term.isPositive)
.map((term) => _terse(term, details))
.join(' or ');
var buffer =
StringBuffer('${_terse(thisPositive, details, allowEvery: true)} ');
var isDependency = cause == IncompatibilityCause.dependency &&
other.cause == IncompatibilityCause.dependency;
buffer.write(isDependency ? 'depends on' : 'requires');
buffer.write(' both $thisNegatives');
if (thisLine != null) buffer.write(' ($thisLine)');
buffer.write(' and $otherNegatives');
if (otherLine != null) buffer.write(' ($otherLine)');
return buffer.toString();
/// If "[this] and [other]" can be expressed as "X requires Y which requires
/// Z", this returns that expression.
/// Otherwise, this returns `null`.
String? _tryRequiresThrough(Incompatibility other,
[Map<String, PackageDetail>? details, int? thisLine, int? otherLine]) {
if (terms.length == 1 || other.terms.length == 1) return null;
var thisNegative = _singleTermWhere((term) => !term.isPositive);
var otherNegative = other._singleTermWhere((term) => !term.isPositive);
if (thisNegative == null && otherNegative == null) return null;
var thisPositive = _singleTermWhere((term) => term.isPositive);
var otherPositive = other._singleTermWhere((term) => term.isPositive);
Incompatibility prior;
Term priorNegative;
int? priorLine;
Incompatibility latter;
int? latterLine;
if (thisNegative != null &&
otherPositive != null && == &&
thisNegative.inverse.satisfies(otherPositive)) {
prior = this;
priorNegative = thisNegative;
priorLine = thisLine;
latter = other;
latterLine = otherLine;
} else if (otherNegative != null &&
thisPositive != null && == &&
otherNegative.inverse.satisfies(thisPositive)) {
prior = other;
priorNegative = otherNegative;
priorLine = otherLine;
latter = this;
latterLine = thisLine;
} else {
return null;
var priorPositives = prior.terms.where((term) => term.isPositive);
var buffer = StringBuffer();
if (priorPositives.length > 1) {
var priorString = => _terse(term, details)).join(' or ');
buffer.write('if $priorString then ');
} else {
var verb = prior.cause == IncompatibilityCause.dependency
? 'depends on'
: 'requires';
buffer.write('${_terse(priorPositives.first, details, allowEvery: true)} '
'$verb ');
buffer.write(_terse(priorNegative, details));
if (priorLine != null) buffer.write(' ($priorLine)');
buffer.write(' which ');
if (latter.cause == IncompatibilityCause.dependency) {
buffer.write('depends on ');
} else {
buffer.write('requires ');
.where((term) => !term.isPositive)
.map((term) => _terse(term, details))
.join(' or '));
if (latterLine != null) buffer.write(' ($latterLine)');
return buffer.toString();
/// If "[this] and [other]" can be expressed as "X requires Y which is
/// forbidden", this returns that expression.
/// Otherwise, this returns `null`.
String? _tryRequiresForbidden(Incompatibility other,
[Map<String, PackageDetail>? details, int? thisLine, int? otherLine]) {
if (terms.length != 1 && other.terms.length != 1) return null;
Incompatibility prior;
Incompatibility latter;
int? priorLine;
int? latterLine;
if (terms.length == 1) {
prior = other;
latter = this;
priorLine = otherLine;
latterLine = thisLine;
} else {
prior = this;
latter = other;
priorLine = thisLine;
latterLine = otherLine;
var negative = prior._singleTermWhere((term) => !term.isPositive);
if (negative == null) return null;
if (!negative.inverse.satisfies(latter.terms.first)) return null;
var positives = prior.terms.where((term) => term.isPositive);
var buffer = StringBuffer();
if (positives.length > 1) {
var priorString = => _terse(term, details)).join(' or ');
buffer.write('if $priorString then ');
} else {
buffer.write(_terse(positives.first, details, allowEvery: true));
buffer.write(prior.cause == IncompatibilityCause.dependency
? ' depends on '
: ' requires ');
if (latter.cause == IncompatibilityCause.unknownSource) {
var package = latter.terms.first.package;
buffer.write('${} ');
if (priorLine != null) buffer.write('($priorLine) ');
buffer.write('from unknown source "${package.source}"');
if (latterLine != null) buffer.write(' ($latterLine)');
return buffer.toString();
buffer.write('${_terse(latter.terms.first, details)} ');
if (priorLine != null) buffer.write('($priorLine) ');
if (latter.cause == IncompatibilityCause.useLatest) {
var latest =
buffer.write('but the latest version ($latest) is required');
} else if (latter.cause is SdkCause) {
var cause = latter.cause as SdkCause;
buffer.write('which requires ');
if (!cause.sdk.isAvailable) {
buffer.write('the ${} SDK');
} else {
if ( != 'Dart') buffer.write('${} ');
buffer.write('SDK version ${cause.constraint}');
} else if (latter.cause == IncompatibilityCause.noVersions) {
buffer.write("which doesn't match any versions");
} else if (cause is PackageNotFoundCause) {
buffer.write("which doesn't exist "
'(${(cause as PackageNotFoundCause).exception.message})');
} else {
buffer.write('which is forbidden');
if (latterLine != null) buffer.write(' ($latterLine)');
return buffer.toString();
/// If exactly one term in this incompatibility matches [filter], returns that
/// term.
/// Otherwise, returns `null`.
Term? _singleTermWhere(bool Function(Term) filter) {
Term? found;
for (var term in terms) {
if (!filter(term)) continue;
if (found != null) return null;
found = term;
return found;
/// Returns a terse representation of [term]'s package ref.
String _terseRef(Term term, Map<String, PackageDetail>? details) =>
.toString(details == null ? null : details[]);
/// Returns a terse representation of [term]'s package.
/// If [allowEvery] is `true`, this will return "every version of foo" instead
/// of "foo any".
String _terse(Term? term, Map<String, PackageDetail>? details,
{bool allowEvery = false}) {
if (allowEvery && term!.constraint.isAny) {
return 'every version of ${_terseRef(term, details)}';
} else {
return term!.package
.toString(details == null ? null : details[]);