blob: b98bbb902ea8e5ff1135c1344aeb76f952318f6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'authentication/token_store.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'io.dart' as io show createTempDir;
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'package.dart';
import 'package_name.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'source/cached.dart';
import 'source/git.dart';
import 'source/hosted.dart';
import 'source/path.dart';
import 'source/sdk.dart';
import 'source/unknown.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// The system-wide cache of downloaded packages.
/// This cache contains all packages that are downloaded from the internet.
/// Packages that are available locally (e.g. path dependencies) don't use this
/// cache.
class SystemCache {
/// The root directory where this package cache is located.
String get rootDir => _rootDir ??= defaultDir;
String? _rootDir;
String rootDirForSource(CachedSource source) => p.join(rootDir,;
String get tempDir => p.join(rootDir, '_temp');
static String defaultDir = (() {
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('PUB_CACHE')) {
return p.absolute(Platform.environment['PUB_CACHE']!);
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
// %LOCALAPPDATA% is used as the cache location over %APPDATA%, because
// the latter is synchronised between devices when the user roams between
// them, whereas the former is not.
final localAppData = Platform.environment['LOCALAPPDATA'];
if (localAppData == null) {
Could not find the pub cache. No `LOCALAPPDATA` environment variable exists.
Consider setting the `PUB_CACHE` variable manually.
return p.join(localAppData, 'Pub', 'Cache');
} else {
final home = Platform.environment['HOME'];
if (home == null) {
Could not find the pub cache. No `HOME` environment variable exists.
Consider setting the `PUB_CACHE` variable manually.
return p.join(home, '.pub-cache');
/// The available sources.
late final _sources = Map<String, Source>.fromIterable(
[hosted, git, path, sdk],
key: (source) => (source as Source).name,
Source sources(String? name) {
return name == null
? defaultSource
: (_sources[name] ?? UnknownSource(name));
Source get defaultSource => hosted;
/// The built-in Git source.
GitSource get git => GitSource.instance;
/// The built-in hosted source.
HostedSource get hosted => HostedSource.instance;
/// The built-in path source bound to this cache.
PathSource get path => PathSource.instance;
/// The built-in SDK source bound to this cache.
SdkSource get sdk => SdkSource.instance;
/// The default credential store.
/// TODO(sigurdm): this does not really belong in the cache.
final TokenStore tokenStore;
/// If true, cached sources will attempt to use the cached packages for
/// resolution.
final bool isOffline;
/// Creates a system cache and registers all sources in [sources].
/// If [isOffline] is `true`, then the offline hosted source will be used.
/// Defaults to `false`.
SystemCache({String? rootDir, this.isOffline = false})
: _rootDir = rootDir,
tokenStore = TokenStore(dartConfigDir);
/// Loads the package identified by [id].
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if [id] has an invalid source.
Package load(PackageId id) {
return Package.load(
loadPubspec: Pubspec.loadRootWithSources(sources),
/// Create a new temporary directory within the system cache.
/// The system cache maintains its own temporary directory that it uses to
/// stage packages into while downloading. It uses this instead of the OS's
/// system temp directory to ensure that it's on the same volume as the pub
/// system cache so that it can move the directory from it.
String createTempDir() {
var temp = ensureDir(tempDir);
return io.createTempDir(temp, 'dir');
/// Deletes the system cache's internal temp directory.
void deleteTempDir() {
log.fine('Clean up system cache temp directory $tempDir.');
if (dirExists(tempDir)) deleteEntry(tempDir);
/// An in-memory cache of pubspecs described by [describe].
final cachedPubspecs = <PackageId, Pubspec>{};
/// Loads the (possibly remote) pubspec for the package version identified by
/// [id].
/// This may be called for packages that have not yet been downloaded during
/// the version resolution process. Its results are automatically memoized.
/// Throws a [DataException] if the pubspec's version doesn't match [id]'s
/// version.
Future<Pubspec> describe(PackageId id) async {
var pubspec = cachedPubspecs[id] ??= await id.source.doDescribe(id, this);
if (pubspec.version != id.version) {
throw PackageNotFoundException(
'the pubspec for $id has version ${pubspec.version}',
return pubspec;
/// Get the IDs of all versions that match [ref].
/// Note that this does *not* require the packages to be downloaded locally,
/// which is the point. This is used during version resolution to determine
/// which package versions are available to be downloaded (or already
/// downloaded).
/// By default, this assumes that each description has a single version and
/// uses [describe] to get that version.
/// If [maxAge] is given answers can be taken from cache - up to that age old.
/// If given, the [allowedRetractedVersion] is the only version which can be
/// selected even if it is marked as retracted. Otherwise, all the returned
/// IDs correspond to non-retracted versions.
Future<List<PackageId>> getVersions(
PackageRef ref, {
Duration? maxAge,
Version? allowedRetractedVersion,
}) async {
var versions = await ref.source.doGetVersions(ref, maxAge, this);
versions = (await Future.wait( async {
final packageStatus = await ref.source.status(
maxAge: maxAge,
if (!packageStatus.isRetracted ||
id.version == allowedRetractedVersion) {
return id;
return null;
return versions;
/// Returns the directory where this package can (or could) be found locally.
/// If the source is cached, this will be a path in the system cache.
/// If id is a relative path id, the directory will be relative from
/// [relativeFrom]. Returns an absolute path if [relativeFrom] is not passed.
String getDirectory(PackageId id, {String? relativeFrom}) {
return id.source.doGetDirectory(id, this, relativeFrom: relativeFrom);
/// Downloads a cached package identified by [id] to the cache.
/// [id] must refer to a cached package.
/// If [allowOutdatedHashChecks] is `true` we use a cached version listing
/// response if present instead of probing the server. Not probing allows for
/// `pub get` with a filled cache to be a fast case that doesn't require any
/// new version-listings.
/// Returns [id] with an updated [ResolvedDescription], this can be different
/// if the content-hash changed while downloading.
Future<DownloadPackageResult> downloadPackage(PackageId id) async {
final source = id.source;
assert(source is CachedSource);
final result = await (source as CachedSource).downloadToSystemCache(
// We only update the in the cache when a change to the cache has
// happened. This is:
// * to avoid failing if used with a read-only cache, and
// * because the cost of writing a single file is negligible compared to
// downloading a package, but might be significant in the fast-case where
// a the cache is already valid.
if (result.didUpdate) {
return result;
/// Get the latest version of [package].
/// Will consider _prereleases_ if:
/// * [allowPrereleases] is true, or,
/// * If [version] is non-null and is a prerelease version and there are no
/// later stable version we return a prerelease version if it exists.
/// Returns `null`, if unable to find the package or if [package] is `null`.
Future<PackageId?> getLatest(
PackageRef? package, {
Version? version,
bool allowPrereleases = false,
}) async {
if (package == null) {
return null;
final List<PackageId> available;
try {
// TODO: Pass some maxAge to getVersions
available = await getVersions(package);
} on PackageNotFoundException {
return null;
if (available.isEmpty) {
return null;
? (x, y) => x.version.compareTo(y.version)
: (x, y) => Version.prioritize(x.version, y.version),
var latest = available.last;
if (version != null && version.isPreRelease && version > latest.version) {
available.sort((x, y) => x.version.compareTo(y.version));
latest = available.last;
// There should be exactly one entry in [available] matching [latest]
assert(available.where((id) => id.version == latest.version).length == 1);
return latest;
/// Removes all contents of the system cache.
/// Rewrites the
void clean() {
/// Tasks that ensures the cache is in a good condition.
/// Should be called whenever an operation updates the cache.
void maintainCache() {
/// We only want to do this once per run.
if (_hasMaintainedCache) return;
_hasMaintainedCache = true;
/// Check for the presence of a cache at the legacy location
/// `%APPDATA$\Pub\Cache`.
/// If it is present, give a warning and write a in that cache.
/// If is less than 7 days old, we don't repeat the warning.
void _checkOldCacheLocation() {
// Background:
// Prior to Dart 2.8 the default location for the PUB_CACHE on Windows was:
// %APPDATA%\Pub\Cache
// Start Dart 2.8 pub started migrating the default PUB_CACHE location to:
// That is:
// * If a pub-cache existed in `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache` then it
// would be used.
// * If a pub-cache existed in `%APPDATA%\Pub\Cache` then it would be
// used, unless a pub-cache in `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache` had been found.
// * If no pub-cache was found, a new empty pub-cache was created in
// `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache`.
// Starting in Dart 3.0 pub will no-longer look for a pub-cache in
// `%APPDATA%\Pub\Cache`. Instead it will always use the new location,
// `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache`, as default PUB_CACHE location.
// Using `%APPDATA%` caused the pub-cache to be copied with the user-profile,
// when using a networked Windows setup where users can login on multiple
// machines. This is undesirable because you are moving a lot of bytes over
// the network and onto whatever servers are storing the user profiles.
// Thus, we migrated to storing the pub-cache in `%LOCALAPPDATA%`.
// And finished the migration in Dart 3 to keep things simple.
if (!Platform.isWindows) return;
final appData = Platform.environment['APPDATA'];
if (appData == null) return;
final legacyCacheLocation = p.join(appData, 'Pub', 'Cache');
final legacyCacheDeprecatedFile =
p.join(legacyCacheLocation, '');
final stat = tryStatFile(legacyCacheDeprecatedFile);
if ((stat == null || > Duration(days: 7)) &&
dirExists(legacyCacheLocation)) {
Found a legacy Pub cache at $legacyCacheLocation. Pub is using $defaultDir.
Consider deleting the legacy cache.
See for details.
try {
writeTextFile(legacyCacheDeprecatedFile, '''
As of Dart 3 this pub cache is no longer used by Dart/Flutter.
Consider deleting it, if you are not using Dart versions earlier than 2.8.0.
See for details.
} on Exception catch (e) {
// Failing to write the file should not disrupt other
// operations.
log.fine('Failed to write $legacyCacheDeprecatedFile: $e');
/// Write a file in the root of the cache directory to document the
/// contents of the folder.
/// This should only be called when we are doing another operation that is
/// modifying the `PUB_CACHE`. This ensures that users won't experience
/// permission errors because we writing a `` file, in a flow that
/// the user expected wouldn't have issues with a read-only `PUB_CACHE`.
void _ensureReadme() {
final readmePath = p.join(rootDir, '');
try {
writeTextFile(readmePath, '''
Pub Package Cache
This folder is used by Pub to store cached packages used in Dart / Flutter
The contents of this folder should only be modified using the `dart pub` and
`flutter pub` commands.
Modifying this folder manually can lead to inconsistent behavior.
For details on how manage the `PUB_CACHE`, see:
} on Exception catch (e) {
// Failing to write the should not disrupt other operations.
log.fine('Failed to write in PUB_CACHE: $e');
bool _hasMaintainedCache = false;
typedef SourceRegistry = Source Function(String? name);