blob: 8bd3cc91a80edb68f6044c70645ad687b8b5cc53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.10
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../command_runner.dart';
import '../lock_file.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../source_registry.dart';
import '../system_cache.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'result.dart';
import 'type.dart';
/// Unlike [SolveResult], which is the static data describing a resolution,
/// this class contains the mutable state used while generating the report
/// itself.
/// It's a report builder.
class SolveReport {
final SolveType _type;
final SourceRegistry _sources;
final Package _root;
final LockFile _previousLockFile;
final SolveResult _result;
final SystemCache _cache;
/// The dependencies in [_result], keyed by package name.
final _dependencies = <String, PackageId>{};
final _output = StringBuffer();
SolveReport(this._type, this._sources, this._root, this._previousLockFile,
this._result, this._cache) {
// Fill the map so we can use it later.
for (var id in _result.packages) {
_dependencies[] = id;
/// Displays a report of the results of the version resolution relative to
/// the previous lock file.
Future<void> show() async {
await _reportChanges();
await _reportOverrides();
/// Displays a one-line message summarizing what changes were made (or would
/// be made) to the lockfile.
/// If [dryRun] is true, describes it in terms of what would be done.
void summarize({bool dryRun = false}) {
// Count how many dependencies actually changed.
var dependencies = _dependencies.keys.toSet();
var numChanged = dependencies.where((name) {
var oldId = _previousLockFile.packages[name];
var newId = _dependencies[name];
// Added or removed dependencies count.
if (oldId == null) return true;
if (newId == null) return true;
// The dependency existed before, so see if it was modified.
return oldId != newId;
var suffix = '';
if (_root.dir != null) {
final dir = path.normalize(_root.dir);
if (dir != '.') {
suffix = ' in $dir';
if (dryRun) {
if (numChanged == 0) {
log.message('No dependencies would change$suffix.');
} else if (numChanged == 1) {
log.message('Would change $numChanged dependency$suffix.');
} else {
log.message('Would change $numChanged dependencies$suffix.');
} else {
if (numChanged == 0) {
if (_type == SolveType.GET) {
log.message('Got dependencies$suffix!');
} else {
log.message('No dependencies changed$suffix.');
} else if (numChanged == 1) {
log.message('Changed $numChanged dependency$suffix!');
} else {
log.message('Changed $numChanged dependencies$suffix!');
/// Displays a report of all of the previous and current dependencies and
/// how they have changed.
Future<void> _reportChanges() async {
// Show the new set of dependencies ordered by name.
var names = =>;
for (final name in names) {
await _reportPackage(name);
// Show any removed ones.
var removed = _previousLockFile.packages.keys.toSet();
removed.remove(; // Never consider root.
if (removed.isNotEmpty) {
_output.writeln('These packages are no longer being depended on:');
for (var name in ordered(removed)) {
await _reportPackage(name, alwaysShow: true);
/// Displays a warning about the overrides currently in effect.
Future<void> _reportOverrides() async {
if (_root.dependencyOverrides.isNotEmpty) {
_output.writeln('Warning: You are using these overridden dependencies:');
for (var name in ordered(_root.dependencyOverrides.keys)) {
await _reportPackage(name, alwaysShow: true, highlightOverride: false);
/// Displays a single-line message, number of discontinued packages
/// if discontinued packages are detected.
Future<void> reportDiscontinued() async {
var numDiscontinued = 0;
for (var id in _result.packages) {
if (id.source == null) continue;
final status =
await _cache.source(id.source).status(id, maxAge: Duration(days: 3));
if (status.isDiscontinued) numDiscontinued++;
if (numDiscontinued > 0) {
if (numDiscontinued == 1) {
log.message('1 package is discontinued.');
} else {
log.message('$numDiscontinued packages are discontinued.');
/// Displays a two-line message, number of outdated packages and an
/// instruction to run `pub outdated` if outdated packages are detected.
void reportOutdated() {
final outdatedPackagesCount = _result.packages.where((id) {
final versions = _result.availableVersions[];
// A version is counted:
// - if there is a newer version which is not a pre-release and current
// version is also not a pre-release or,
// - if the current version is pre-release then any upgraded version is
// considered.
return versions.any((v) =>
v > id.version && (id.version.isPreRelease || !v.isPreRelease));
if (outdatedPackagesCount > 0) {
String packageCountString;
if (outdatedPackagesCount == 1) {
packageCountString = '1 package has';
} else {
packageCountString = '$outdatedPackagesCount packages have';
log.message('$packageCountString newer versions incompatible with '
'dependency constraints.\nTry `$topLevelProgram pub outdated` for more information.');
/// Reports the results of the upgrade on the package named [name].
/// If [alwaysShow] is true, the package is reported even if it didn't change,
/// regardless of [_type]. If [highlightOverride] is true (or absent), writes
/// "(override)" next to overridden packages.
Future<void> _reportPackage(String name,
{bool alwaysShow = false, bool highlightOverride = true}) async {
var newId = _dependencies[name];
var oldId = _previousLockFile.packages[name];
var id = newId ?? oldId;
var isOverridden = _root.dependencyOverrides.containsKey(;
// If the package was previously a dependency but the dependency has
// changed in some way.
var changed = false;
// If the dependency was added or removed.
var addedOrRemoved = false;
// Show a one-character "icon" describing the change. They are:
// ! The package is being overridden.
// - The package was removed.
// + The package was added.
// > The package was upgraded from a lower version.
// < The package was downgraded from a higher version.
// * Any other change between the old and new package.
String icon;
if (isOverridden) {
icon = log.magenta('! ');
} else if (newId == null) {
icon ='- ');
addedOrRemoved = true;
} else if (oldId == null) {
icon ='+ ');
addedOrRemoved = true;
} else if (!oldId.samePackage(newId)) {
icon = log.cyan('* ');
changed = true;
} else if (oldId.version < newId.version) {
icon ='> ');
changed = true;
} else if (oldId.version > newId.version) {
icon = log.cyan('< ');
changed = true;
} else {
// Unchanged.
icon = ' ';
String message;
// See if there are any newer versions of the package that we were
// unable to upgrade to.
if (newId != null && _type != SolveType.DOWNGRADE) {
var versions = _result.availableVersions[];
var newerStable = false;
var newerUnstable = false;
for (var version in versions) {
if (version > newId.version) {
if (version.isPreRelease) {
newerUnstable = true;
} else {
newerStable = true;
final status =
await _cache.source(id.source).status(id, maxAge: Duration(days: 3));
if (status.isRetracted) {
if (newerStable) {
message =
'(retracted, ${maxAll(versions, Version.prioritize)} available)';
} else if (newId.version.isPreRelease && newerUnstable) {
message = '(retracted, ${maxAll(versions)} available)';
} else {
message = '(retracted)';
} else if (status.isDiscontinued) {
if (status.discontinuedReplacedBy == null) {
message = '(discontinued)';
} else {
message =
'(discontinued replaced by ${status.discontinuedReplacedBy})';
} else if (newerStable) {
// If there are newer stable versions, only show those.
message = '(${maxAll(versions, Version.prioritize)} available)';
} else if (
// Only show newer prereleases for versions where a prerelease is
// already chosen.
newId.version.isPreRelease && newerUnstable) {
message = '(${maxAll(versions,} available)';
if (_type == SolveType.GET &&
!(alwaysShow || changed || addedOrRemoved || message != null)) {
_output.write(' ');
// If the package was upgraded, show what it was upgraded from.
if (changed) {
_output.write(' (was ');
// Highlight overridden packages.
if (isOverridden && highlightOverride) {
_output.write(" ${log.magenta('(overridden)')}");
if (message != null) _output.write(' ${log.cyan(message)}');
/// Writes a terse description of [id] (not including its name) to the output.
void _writeId(PackageId id) {
if (id.source != _sources.defaultSource) {
var description = id.source.formatDescription(id.description);
_output.write(' from ${id.source} $description');