blob: 3bf5f6444e0b82cbcff1c33dee330523b6ee0a21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub/src/exit_codes.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../descriptor.dart';
import '../test_pub.dart';
void main() {
test('adds correct entries to cache and stores the content-hash', () async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
server.serve('foo', '2.0.0');
await appDir({'foo': '^2.0.0'}).create();
// Do a `pub get` here to create a lock file in order to validate we later can
// `pub get --offline` with packages installed by `preload`.
await pubGet();
await runPub(args: ['cache', 'clean', '-f']);
final archivePath1 = p.join(sandbox, 'foo-1.0.0-archive.tar.gz');
final archivePath2 = p.join(sandbox, 'foo-2.0.0-archive.tar.gz');
File(archivePath1).writeAsBytesSync(await readBytes(
File(archivePath2).writeAsBytesSync(await readBytes(
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath1, archivePath2],
environment: {'_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL': server.url},
output: allOf(
contains('Installed $archivePath1 in cache as foo 1.0.0.'),
contains('Installed $archivePath2 in cache as foo 2.0.0.'),
await d.cacheDir({'foo': '1.0.0'}).validate();
await d.cacheDir({'foo': '2.0.0'}).validate();
await hostedHashesCache([
file('foo-1.0.0.sha256', await server.peekArchiveSha256('foo', '1.0.0')),
await hostedHashesCache([
file('foo-2.0.0.sha256', await server.peekArchiveSha256('foo', '2.0.0')),
await pubGet(args: ['--offline']);
'installs package according to PUB_HOSTED_URL even on non-offical server',
() async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
final archivePath = p.join(sandbox, 'archive');
File(archivePath).writeAsBytesSync(await readBytes(
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath],
// By having be the "official" server the test-server (localhost)
// is considered non-official. Test that the output mentions that we
// are installing to a non-official server.
environment: {'_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL': ''},
output: allOf([
'Installed $archivePath in cache as foo 1.0.0 from ${server.url}.')
await d.cacheDir({'foo': '1.0.0'}).validate();
test('overwrites existing entry in cache', () async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0', contents: [file('old-file.txt')]);
final archivePath = p.join(sandbox, 'archive');
await readBytes(
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath],
environment: {'_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL': server.url},
allOf([contains('Installed $archivePath in cache as foo 1.0.0.')]),
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0', contents: [file('new-file.txt')]);
await readBytes(
await readBytes(
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath],
environment: {'_PUB_TEST_DEFAULT_HOSTED_URL': server.url},
allOf([contains('Installed $archivePath in cache as foo 1.0.0.')]),
await hostedCache([
dir('foo-1.0.0', [file('new-file.txt'), nothing('old-file.txt')])
test('handles missing archive', () async {
final archivePath = p.join(sandbox, 'archive');
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath],
error: contains('Could not find file $archivePath.'),
exitCode: 1,
test('handles broken archives', () async {
final archivePath = p.join(sandbox, 'archive');
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath],
contains('Failed to extract `$archivePath`: Filter error, bad data.'),
exitCode: DATA,
test('handles missing pubspec.yaml in archive', () async {
final archivePath = p.join(sandbox, 'archive');
// Create a tar.gz with a single file (and no pubspec.yaml).
await tarFromDescriptors([d.file('foo.txt')]).expand((x) => x).toList(),
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath],
error: contains(
'Found no `pubspec.yaml` in $archivePath. Is it a valid pub package archive?',
exitCode: 1,
test('handles broken pubspec.yaml in archive', () async {
final archivePath = p.join(sandbox, 'archive');
await tarFromDescriptors([d.file('pubspec.yaml', '{}')])
.expand((x) => x)
await runPub(
args: ['cache', 'preload', archivePath],
error: contains(
'Failed to load `pubspec.yaml` from `$archivePath`: Error on line 1, column 1',
exitCode: 1,