blob: 0e0809818247737b0082507c99579f0571ff27b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../source.dart';
import '../system_cache.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
/// A package [Source] that gets packages from a given local file path.
class PathSource extends Source {
final name = 'path';
BoundSource bind(SystemCache systemCache) =>
BoundPathSource(this, systemCache);
/// Given a valid path reference description, returns the file path it
/// describes.
/// This returned path may be relative or absolute and it is up to the caller
/// to know how to interpret a relative path.
String pathFromDescription(description) => description['path'];
/// Returns a reference to a path package named [name] at [path].
PackageRef refFor(String name, String path) {
return PackageRef(
name, this, {'path': path, 'relative': p.isRelative(path)});
/// Returns an ID for a path package with the given [name] and [version] at
/// [path].
PackageId idFor(String name, Version version, String path) {
return PackageId(
name, this, version, {'path': path, 'relative': p.isRelative(path)});
bool descriptionsEqual(description1, description2) {
// Compare real paths after normalizing and resolving symlinks.
var path1 = canonicalize(description1['path']);
var path2 = canonicalize(description2['path']);
return path1 == path2;
int hashDescription(description) =>
/// Parses a path dependency.
/// This takes in a path string and returns a map. The "path" key will be the
/// original path but resolved relative to the containing path. The
/// "relative" key will be `true` if the original path was relative.
PackageRef parseRef(String name, description, {String containingPath}) {
if (description is! String) {
throw FormatException('The description must be a path string.');
// Resolve the path relative to the containing file path, and remember
// whether the original path was relative or absolute.
var isRelative = p.isRelative(description);
if (isRelative) {
// Relative paths coming from pubspecs that are not on the local file
// system aren't allowed. This can happen if a hosted or git dependency
// has a path dependency.
if (containingPath == null) {
throw FormatException('"$description" is a relative path, but this '
'isn\'t a local pubspec.');
description = p.normalize(p.join(p.dirname(containingPath), description));
return PackageRef(
name, this, {'path': description, 'relative': isRelative});
PackageId parseId(String name, Version version, description,
{String containingPath}) {
if (description is! Map) {
throw FormatException('The description must be a map.');
if (description['path'] is! String) {
throw FormatException("The 'path' field of the description must "
'be a string.');
if (description['relative'] is! bool) {
throw FormatException("The 'relative' field of the description "
'must be a boolean.');
// Resolve the path relative to the containing file path.
if (description['relative']) {
// Relative paths coming from lockfiles that are not on the local file
// system aren't allowed.
if (containingPath == null) {
throw FormatException('"$description" is a relative path, but this '
'isn\'t a local pubspec.');
description = Map.from(description);
description['path'] =
p.normalize(p.join(p.dirname(containingPath), description['path']));
return PackageId(name, this, version, description);
/// Serializes path dependency's [description].
/// For the descriptions where `relative` attribute is `true`, tries to make
/// `path` relative to the specified [containingPath].
dynamic serializeDescription(String containingPath, description) {
if (description['relative']) {
return {
'path': relativePathWithPosixSeparators(
p.relative(description['path'], from: containingPath)),
'relative': true
return description;
/// On both Windows and linux we prefer `/` in the pubspec.lock for relative
/// paths.
static String relativePathWithPosixSeparators(String path) {
return p.posix.joinAll(p.split(path));
/// Converts a parsed relative path to its original relative form.
String formatDescription(description) {
var sourcePath = description['path'];
if (description['relative']) sourcePath = p.relative(description['path']);
return sourcePath;
/// The [BoundSource] for [PathSource].
class BoundPathSource extends BoundSource {
final PathSource source;
final SystemCache systemCache;
BoundPathSource(this.source, this.systemCache);
Future<List<PackageId>> doGetVersions(PackageRef ref, Duration maxAge) async {
// There's only one package ID for a given path. We just need to find the
// version.
var pubspec = _loadPubspec(ref);
var id = PackageId(, source, pubspec.version, ref.description);
memoizePubspec(id, pubspec);
return [id];
Future<Pubspec> doDescribe(PackageId id) async => _loadPubspec(id.toRef());
Pubspec _loadPubspec(PackageRef ref) {
var dir = _validatePath(, ref.description);
return Pubspec.load(dir, systemCache.sources, expectedName:;
String getDirectory(PackageId id, {String relativeFrom}) {
return id.description['relative']
? p.relative(id.description['path'], from: relativeFrom)
: id.description['path'];
/// Ensures that [description] is a valid path description and returns a
/// normalized path to the package.
/// It must be a map, with a "path" key containing a path that points to an
/// existing directory. Throws an [ApplicationException] if the path is
/// invalid.
String _validatePath(String name, description) {
var dir = description['path'];
if (dirExists(dir)) return dir;
if (fileExists(dir)) {
fail('Path dependency for package $name must refer to a directory, '
'not a file. Was "$dir".');
throw PackageNotFoundException('could not find package $name at "$dir"',
innerError: FileException('$dir does not exist.', dir));